

*As Jason turns around and head back around to his bike Katie turns and watches him.*

"Jason wait..."

*Joging up along side him Katie gives alittle smile.*

"Thank you."

*Katie gives Jason's arm a small pat.*

"I'll see you at work tomarrow."

*Katie turns again and starts back to her car. Jumping inside and heads to Scotts. Katie's mind felt a suddin peace.The bridge still was being built but the first bored and nail had been set and only forward is what was left.*

*Aerith cant help but feel some color comes to her cheeks as she relizes Wyatt embaressed himself as well. Giving alittle chuckle Aerith opens the door to jeep. Going to get out Aerith gives Wyatt a sly smiles.*

"Well Robin Hood, I hope to see you again soon. Its time I retire for the night."

*Geting out Aerith look at her grandmothgers house and lets out a sigh. Than turning back leaning in the window alittle bit.*

"Thank you again. This ment alot to me."

*Aerith heads twords the house entering and shuting the door as her grandmothers shrill voice is sounds. As the door latches shut Aerith's happyness of this night is l;eft on the door step to return to once she went to bed.*

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