

*Dr. Fuller looks at Jason for a moment and than gives a nod.*

" I hope she can go home in a day or two. Just someone has to keep a close eye on her. Since she is confused she might try to do something she thins she cant when she really cant. She does I told her that much because Con has said that alot of time had passed. She was pretty shocked but she took it well. Right now she just needs her friends and family. We can only hope in time she will remember."

*Dr. Fuller gives a nod and stands.*

"She is resting now if you want to go in to see her you can."

*Herb watches as the officers take Carson out. He wanted to protest to what happend because he has seen some of what went on but that could make it just harder on Carson after he put up a fight. Letting them go Herb takes his place behind the grill.

As the hours pass Herb becomes impashent and hates to think he'd left Carson there this long. Exiting the kitchen he lets Mable know she is in charge of the grill and he will be back. Leaving the restront Herb jumps into his car and makes his way acorss town.

Finally geting to the police station he enters and goes over to the counter.*

"Excuse me, I saw what happend with Carson Banks and the other men at my restront. I'd like to clear Carson's name please and pay his bail if I have to."


Jason looks down a the table as Dr. Fuller speaks, hearing her words, processing them, and trying to keep his emotions at bay at the same time.

Finally he looks up at her in time to catch her eye as she concludes, and he grits his teeth, swallowing hard. As much as he wanted to explain everything to Katie, he knew he couldn’t. As much as he wanted her to remember everything right now, she wasn’t, and he couldn’t push her, no matter how awkward the present was.

“So…when will she be able to go home? Does she know what the date is yet?”

The three thugs pause their attack on Carson as Herb steps between them, and Waylon glares at him for a moment. “Hey, he’s the one who started throwing that mop of his around.”

“Yeah,” Reagan nods his agreement. “You got a dangerous man working for you, ya know that?”

Before anyone can say anything more, suddenly the sound of sirens can be heard.

Waylon and his two goons turn quickly to see the door open, and tense, ready to run, but they have no where to go.

Two policemen hurry to the scene, hands on weapons, but remaining calm. “What’s going on here?”

“This guy started attacking us!” Waylon points to Carson.

Carson is finally picking himself up off the floor and wipes a bloody lip, eyeing the officers. “Look, it wasn’t me, alright? I was just working and these goons walked in and…”

“Hey, we didn’t do nothing!” Cash defends.

“…and they started harassing me,” Carson continues, throwing them a glare.

“We did not.” Waylon gestures to the policemen. “We were just minding our own business, and this guy here has a chip on his shoulder about the past, so he started in on us.”

“I did not!” Carson’s voice raises, his face growing red.

“He did!”

“Look, I don’t know what…”

An officer steps in between them, holding up his hands. “I think all you fellows better just come down to the station with us where we can straighten this out.”

“I don’t need to go to the station!” Carson argues. “It’s them, not me!”

The second officer squints at Carson. “Hey…aren’t you Carson Banks?”

“What of it?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of you. You better just cooperate if you know what’s good for you.”

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“I don’t care who did what, you’re involved in this, and you’re coming with us.” The officer takes Carson’s arm.

Carson jerks away, still glaring at them. “Get off. How’d you two end up in law enforcement anyway? You can’t even tell a good guy from a pile of dirt. What did you do? Buy your way into the department?”

“Alright, that’s it.” The first officer grabs Carson’s shoulder, shoving him around, and twisting an arm behind his back to cuff him. The cuffs click shut before Carson can even react. “Now you’re coming with us whether you like it or not!”

Waylon gets a smirk on his face. “Yeah, you better keep those cuffs on. He’s a mean one when he’s riled.”

“You guys are coming too,” the officer orders.”

“By all means!” Waylon gestures for his friends to follow. “We don’t have no problem with that, do we boys?”

Reagan and Cash shake their heads.

Carson resists being pushed towards the door, his face showing his anger at the situation. “I didn’t start this dang thing!” He protests.


He’s shoved forward and stumbles, almost falling before slamming into the door, his hands still cuffed behind his back. “Push me one more time and you’ll pay.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Take it how you like.”

The officers both corral all four men outside towards the two waiting cruisers, ready to take them downtown.


*The minutes pass as the door to Katie's room stay closed. Time almost seeming endless like a minute lasted an hour.

Finally the door opens and Dr. Fuller steps out closing Katie's door behind her. A grim look on her face. It was so hard to look at these people in front of her that obviously loved Katie very much and tell them she might not even be the same again.

Giving a soft sigh Dr. Fuller motions them to a small room across the hall that has a table and asks them to sit, siting down herself at the front. Silence rules for a moment as she looks down at her papers but finally looks up.*

"It's always hard to find a place to start when dealing with a case like this. There are so many questions unanswered and some there just is not an answer to give. I think that's the hard part sometimes for many people."

*Dr. Fuller is silent again for a moment collecting her thoughts and finding a place to start herself.*

"Katie is a very strong person. Having her in my care I had to look at her past medical records for varies reasons. She's been though a lot and made it out of it all to tell the tail. Not many people can do that. But I have to ask myself how much can one person take before they just shut down. We move in and out of life, day by day. On the outside we are happy and we are doing fine but inside what is wondering around in our minds and in our hearts. We feel one thing but does the other organ such as the heart and brain comply. Do they agree on that the other has decided or are the both going there own way believe one thing, and the other there own. Till finally something happens and that's the final straw and they work together to whip away the pain."

*Nate looks to Laura and than Con till his eyes find Dr. Fuller again. His own confustion was great and he did not understand a word she was saying.*

"Not to be rude or anything Dr. Fuller but non of us here know to much about this medicle stuff and I for one know your causing me to go in circles. It would help a great deal if you talked englash."

*Dr. Fuller can't help but smile and give alittle laugh and than nod.*

"Sorry. What I was trying to say was Katie has been through alot in the past few years. Her body and mind has delt with it fine but somewhere tucked in the back things wernt fine and the pain was growing. She herself might not have even known it was there. For some people it end up going away geting lost in the dark but I believe Katie's dident. Before she was hit I think something alse happend that caused her great pain as well and being hit by the car was a great way for her mind to decied it was going to whipe the pain away taking her back to a time when she was happy."

*Dr. Fuller stops for a moment and lets out a small sigh scaning the faces looking back at her.*

"I'm not trying to saw she was unhappy, in fact she probley was VERY happy, but her mind and body probly just said enough was enough. So that brings us to her condition. There is no telling when she will get her memorie back or if she will at all. Its going to be hard on her, a year has gone but if not more and she cant remember any of it. I think its best if slowly you remind her, or tell her about things she dosent remember. It might trigger something help her remember it might not but like I said before you have to be very carfel not to feed her to much information to fast..."

*Dr. Fuller glances at Jason and than away again before scaning the room.*

"...or her mind will just shut down again and it could be permanint."

*By this time Herb had hurd the panic from Aerith and Mable, and the fight that persisted out in the dinning hall. Making his way from the back and to the group where Carson layed on the ground the other men around him. Not even thinking twice and because of his own big frame He steps in front of Carson eyes the three men.*

"I would sujest you three men lean now before you are arrested."

*Herb's voice is strong not the normal soft tone showing he means business.*