

*Jamie returns Con's kiss and smiles. She was glad today went how it did. Jamie was happy this was not the end.

Misty leans into Carson and smiles. The fire burning brighter. The court hearing being over lifted many weaghts from her should. Knowing her and Carson's requerds were clean was a nice feeling.*

"I guess I'll have to remember that for later."

*Lockheart turns and smiles at Reese.*

"Chaos, this is hardly Chaos. This is a breath of freash air to the norm I am sarrounded with all day. I think I am going to rather miss this, than be happy to let it go. Its good to see they still have fun dispide what they have been through. Its a good quolity. You have a might fine staff."

*Lockhearts eyes portray a small bit of sadness as she scans the room. She was going to miss these people.*

*As Aerith enters the room from the other door that joined the room she couldent help containing her laugh from the joke Herb had just shaired.*

"I dont believe you Herb....I..gu...."

*Aerith's words are cut off as her eyes go to the door and Frankie is leaning aganst it. Backing up Aerith gets a look on her face not seen before by the group, but after the other night she had a new fear and out look on Frankie. Finally reaching Wyatt she takes his hand.

Out of the courner of her eyes Misty can see Jason and Wyatt stand abruptly. Braking her graze from Carson Misty follows the boys eyes to the door. Seeing Franking standing in the door way Misty stands.

Truning his gaze back to Misty a smile grows in his face as his eyes are soft. Much differnt from a few days before. They seemed normal, and clam. The crazy look had disapeared. He was normal.*

"Miss me?"

*Misty's grin grows even more looking apong Frankie. Moving around the table quickly Misty goes up to Frankie and throws her arms around him in a strong embrace.*

"Frank....oh Frank...when did you get out? Ohhh...its so good to see you."

*Frankie returns Misty's embrace leaning his head onto hers.*

"I've been out for sometime now. This is just the first chanse I have goten to come and see you."

*Misty draws away from Frankie and smiles.*

"Well I am glad you did."

*Turning Misty looks at the other smiling.*

"Everyone this is my brother Frank. Frankie, this is everyone!"

*Aerith's eyes widen. in disbeliefe. This that was Misty Miller. She had grown since the last time she saw her. And now she was here again. Many thoughts ran through Aerith's mind.*


Con’s eyes widen and he lets out a holler as the ice goes down his shirt. Scott is suddenly free, staggering away and laughing.

Con dances around for several minutes, untucking his shirt to let the icecubes fall to the floor. “Jamie, you turkey!” Once the frozen water is gone, he turns to his girlfriend, his eyes narrowing, though humor written on his face. Reaching out, he grabs her and picks her up. “You are not playing fair, young lady!” Planting a quick but passionate kiss on her lips, his eyes dance. “But that’s ok.”

Scott, still laughing, comes back around to plop down in his chair next to Katie again, his face red from the actions. “Are we having fun yet?”

Reese’s face reddens slightly, realizing he’d broken out of his normal actions. He gives Lockheart a sheepish grin. “I guess it’s hard to keep this rowdy bunch subdued once they get going.” Despite the din, he cocks his head. “I bet you’ll be glad to get away from this chaos.”

“Me? Sorry?” Carson gives Misty a look. “Last I knew, your punishment wasn’t something I could ever be sorry for.”

As a figure appears in the doorway, suddenly Wyatt sees the shadow and turns. Spotting Frankie, he’s automatically on his feet.
Jason sees Wyatt stand and follows his gaze. Immediately he stands, ready for anything.

Camryn looks up at him with concern. “Jason, what’s wrong?”

“Just some street scum,” he growls.

Wyatt’s fists ball up tightly as he stares at Frankie. What was he doing here…what did he want?


*As the papers, straws, and napkins start more laughter rings out. Filling the room with more joy, the new guest going un-noticed.

Jamie grins geting an evil idea in her head as she see Con put Scott in a head lock. Grabing a handful of ice from the ice bucket Jamie quickly makes her way around to the back of Con. In one quick movement Jamie hops onto a chair close to Con and leans forward taking hold of his shirt and droping the ice down the back.*

"Chill out dude."

*Jamie cant help but let more laughter ring out as she giggles uncontrollably.

Katie cant help but laugh more as Jamie drops the ice down Con's shirt. Wading up more paper and spiting it throgh the straw at Scott, and than Con.*

"AHAH...Big Brother you just got owned by your girl friend."

*Nate sits with Laura as the war starts. Slowly he takes his napkin and balls it up. Tossing it at Laura a grin across his face.*

"If you cant beat them, join them."

*Lockheart sits and watching as the papers start to fly. Stunned for a moment that Reese joined in, but a small smile crossed her face. Breaking the cold perfeshinol look. Her eyes twinkled as she looked around the room.*

"I dont think any cell could of held you all anyways. You would of broken right out."

*Misty also joins in, pelting Carson with straws and wrapers, but taking it easy as well trying not to over dew it. Her laughter is one of the loudest following after Jamies. Her eyes fire burning, and her grin in place. As Carson throws a napkin at her.*

"Your going to be sorry Mr."

*Misty cant help but stick her toung out at Carson.

As the yelling, laughing continues in the other room, the bell on the restront rings again as Frankie enters Mom and Pop's. Hearing the laughter and screaming from the other room His ears pick up Misty's instintly. Slowly walking twords the door he stops and watches the group for a long while. His eyes watching his sister and than dart from one person to the next.*


Everyone around is talking across the tables, laughing, swapping stories and having fun.

“Shhh.” Con covers Jamie’s mouth. “Quit telling all those stories about me!” he teases. “Or I’m gonna start in on the ones about you.”

“Oooh,” Carson laughs. “Heavy artillery, huh?”

Con smirks and removes his hand. “Just protecting myself.”

Wyatt grins and lets Aerith go. “Alright, but don’t be gone too long – I might have to send a rescue party after you to drag you out of the kitchen.”

Jason looks up as Katie comes over, his facial expression one of slight apathy, covering up what he might be feeling. He musters up a slight smile though. “Yeah, I guess I’m feeling better.” He twirls his pop glass in his hand. “Glad everyone’s happy…things’ll be different now, but considering the alternative, I don’t think anyone is going to complain.”

“Hey, Katie!” Scott calls down to her. “Con needs your help – he’s dug himself another hole!”

Jason glances down, the corner of his mouth curling. “Your fans are beckoning,” he teases lightly. Not wanting Katie to feel bad or neglected, he nods. “We’ll talk more once this gang has settled down.”

No sooner had Jason been left alone again with that statement lingering, when Con opts for a little more silliness and balls up his straw wrapper to toss it in Scott’s direction.

Scott looks up as the wrapper lands in his lap, but Con is feigning innocence. Scott smirks and picks up the wrapper, stuffing it into the end of his straw, and blowing through the other end to send the paper torpedo back, hitting Con squarely in the chest.

Before Con can react, Scott gets hit from another direction and whips his head around, but doesn’t see the culprit. Picking another target, he grabs another wrapper, sending this one hurling towards Hal, who looks up in bewilderment. Someone shoots another wrapper from down the table. And like an avalanche, suddenly a war breaks out.

Laura’s eyes widen and she scoots back to avoid getting hit. She’d seen who had started this whole thing. “Conrad!”

But her reprimand goes unheard ad Con ducks onto the floor from his chair to stair under the table to the other side where Scott is already on all fours to get away from the barrage.

Scott spots Con and he freezes for a moment before standing and making a mad dash to the end of the table. But his speed is no match for Con’s, and he gets caught by the larger man down at the other end.

Papers are still flying in all directions as Con puts Scott in a choke hold from behind.

“Help!” Scott laughs.

Reese is mid-sentence with Lockheart when he gets hit in the head with a paper projectile. His eyes widen. “Hey!” Looking around, there are too many people involved to find the specific culprit. In a moment of rare humor, Reese picks up his own napkin, balls it up and tosses it in Rick’s direction, beaning him in the head.

Jason sits watching at his end of the table, putting up a hand every once in a while to block paper bullets, and sometimes, to toss one back, but mostly staying out of the battle.

His ears suddenly pick up on the sound of the bell above the front door and he turns to see through to the front room. In her tight black jeans and hot pink tee, Camryn is hard to miss.

Hearing the ruckus in the back room, Camryn automatically looks in that direction and spots Jason. Cocking her head, a grin plays at her lips.

Jason leans back in his chair and gestures to her. She needed to know that Trooper didn’t need a new home if she hadn’t figured it out already.

Camryn comes in slowly, gazing for a moment at the war that had now become one of wrappers, straws and napkins. She can’t help but start to laugh though, at the antics of these adults.

As she approaches, Jason scoots his chair away from the table and grabs another one, pulling it around so they’re still amidst the chaos, but not part of it. “Hey.”

Camryn smiles and sits. “Hey. No dog in the park. Good things, I presume.”

Jason nods. “Why do you think this rowdy bunch is celebrating?”

Camryn giggles. “They look like they’re having fun.”

“I’d say.”

“But what about you?” Camryn looks at his eyes. “How come you’re not shooting straws across the room?”

Jason shrugs, forcing half a grin. “I’ve had enough wars.”

“Coworkers of yours?”


“I see.”

“So yeah…Trooper can stay with me. Thanks though, for being willing to help me out.”

Camryn shakes her head. “It was nothing. I’m curious as to what went on, but I have a feeling you’re just going to say that you’ll tell me some other time.”

“You’re good.”

“I try.”

“How about trying to accept someone’s quietness for once?”

“Ooh, but there’s no fun in that.” Camryn kicks his shin lightly out of playfulness.

Jason rolls his eyes. “Right.” Despite Camryn’s forwardness, he couldn’t be upset with her. She obviously had a good heart, as she’d shown her willingness to help out, even when Jason’s request had been so bizarre. “Hungry?”

Camryn quirks an eyebrow. “Is that an offer to stay?”


“Mr. Cold Attitude asking me to stay and eat?” Camryn reaches out to place a hand on his forehead for a moment. “You don’t feel sick. What happened?”

Jason keeps himself from letting his smile slip. “I’m feeling generous after a huge win at the courthouse.”

“So in other words, if I don’t take you up on this now, I may never have another chance.”

“Could be.”

Camryn smirks at him, but can’t hold in her sly grin. “Alright. I’ll take what I can get.” Turning her chair around to be at the end of the table with Jason, she looks at the rambunctious group. “So…you going to introduce me?”

“Now?” Jason raises his eyebrows. “I’d be too frightened of getting bombarded with wrappers at the moment. It would be best to remain silent and motionless unless you want to be apart of this war.”

Camryn giggles. “You really are a party pooper aren’t you?”

“That’s a very strong possibility.”

“Well, we’ll just have to remedy that.”

“Oh, really?”

Camryn shoots him a sly glance. “Really.”

Jason leans forward on his elbows. “And how do you think you’re going to do that?”

“That’s my secret.” Camryn picks up an unused straw to unwrap and shoots the paper at Jason. “But Camryn Lane doesn’t give up easily.”

“I’m beginning to figure that out.”

“Sore at me again?”

Jason tilts his head and studies Camryn’s face. At the moment, he could honestly say he wasn’t. Camryn was quite a character, but for some reason her presumptuousness didn’t get under his skin anymore, but rather gave his thoughts somewhere different to wander – somewhere that maybe enjoyed the banter. “Nah.”

*Aerith smile as her and Wyatt pull into Mom and Pop's. Forgeting everything but the joy she felt. How good it was to know Wyatt could start his life now, He could be happy and not hide in the shadows anymore. God was amazing and had granted this group there request. Everything was layed in his hands and he had known what to do. Aerith smiles as she gets out of the Jeep and heads inside with Wyatt.*

"Its funny I think I spend more time here when I am not working than when I actully am."

*Lockheart smiles at Reese and gives alittle nod with her head.*

"I think I could go for some pizze myself. I probley wont be leaving to head back to Cali for a few days anyways."

*Lockheart smiles at she walks out the door and to the van she was braught in.Her head held high, forherself, for the other. Lockheart was over joyed that they won. So many people were given there life back and she was happy to have been a part of it. Leaving for Cali was going to be hard. She had built friendships here, and leaving them was going to be hard. But Lockheart had to go home. After the court hearing she had no need to stay anymore. THough she would stick around at least 2 more days to rest before heading out.*

* As everyone enters the room excitment and joy breaks out. Everyone chating, remembering old times and times to come.

Katie sits with Scott her hand in his. Chattering away the excitment in the air the emotions in her eyes. Stoping for a moment and scaning the room Katie's eyes meet Jason. Smiling she nods at Scott telling him she will be right back. Standing Katie makes her way over to Jason a smile on her face. Siting down she lets out a small sigh.*

"Hey you. Feeling better now that we are in the clear? I know I am."

*Jamie sits with Con unable to hold her laughter in anymore. It rings through the small room. Her arms waving in the air explaining something Con did one time or another.*

"You know how silly you looked, you even said you though you were too you Crazy man."

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt and even laughs at Jamie's story. It was nice to spend time with people who accepted her, and liked having her around Aerith did enjoy it. *

"Well I think I am going to see is Mable needs anyhelp and Herb to. I guess I just cant stay awya from work huh."

*Aerith leans over and gives Wyatt a kiss in the cheek.*

"I'll be right back. Dont miss me to much ok."

*Aerith stands and disapears through the door.*

*Lockheart sits next to Reese, having light conversation with him. Most of it was about work.*


Carson laughs as he grabs Misty, hanging on so she can't slide back off. "Well I certainly don't mind." He searches her eyes for a moment, but decides not to be mean this time. Giving in, he leans in and presses his lips to hers.

Wyatt returns Aerith's hug with a tight one of his own. Smiling at her he nods. "So am I....so am I." He gives her a light kiss and reaches for her hand. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

Scott draws away, bringing a hand up to Katie's face. A smile curls his mouth. "Now we really do have forever."

Con grins as Jamie shouts the invitation for a celebration. Bringing her into a bear hug, he whispers in her ear. "I love you, Jamie." As she pulls him to the door, he slings an arm around her shoulder.

Jason is just outside the doors when he hears Jamie, and a small grin appears. Genuine fun was what everyone needed at this point. He continues his route outside, taking a breath of fresh air and aiming for the vans.

As Reese hears Jamie's invitation and the enthusiastic shouts afterward, he smiles at Lockheart. "I guess this is once celebration I shouldn't miss. Sheriff Brown is giving us several days to settle down anyway." He cocks his head. "It would be an honor for you to join us, if you want to. I've never had anyone turn down pizza from Mom and Pop's before."

Three black vans and a jeep roll back into town, it's cargo so much different than on the way out earlier. Weights had been lifted. There was joy there now.

Wyatt and Aerith head straight to Mom and Pop's to warn Herb and Mable of the upcoming group.

The others are dropped off one by one either at their homes, or taken to TJY so everyone can have their own vehicles, and not all were going to get pizza. Some would go home to be with their families.

It doesn't take long for people to start showing up at the restaurant, the chatter and laughter following everyone. The back of the room becomes quite crowded, but no one cares. They're here to celebrate, and nothing can upset them.

As everyone gets to their seats, most are with those they love, or close friends from work. Grouped off in pairs or trios, they all have someone to be with and to share their excitement.

Jason sits on the far end, not involving himself too much. His eyes roam the room, the faces, the emotions.