

*Jamie returns Con's kiss and smiles. She was glad today went how it did. Jamie was happy this was not the end.

Misty leans into Carson and smiles. The fire burning brighter. The court hearing being over lifted many weaghts from her should. Knowing her and Carson's requerds were clean was a nice feeling.*

"I guess I'll have to remember that for later."

*Lockheart turns and smiles at Reese.*

"Chaos, this is hardly Chaos. This is a breath of freash air to the norm I am sarrounded with all day. I think I am going to rather miss this, than be happy to let it go. Its good to see they still have fun dispide what they have been through. Its a good quolity. You have a might fine staff."

*Lockhearts eyes portray a small bit of sadness as she scans the room. She was going to miss these people.*

*As Aerith enters the room from the other door that joined the room she couldent help containing her laugh from the joke Herb had just shaired.*

"I dont believe you Herb....I..gu...."

*Aerith's words are cut off as her eyes go to the door and Frankie is leaning aganst it. Backing up Aerith gets a look on her face not seen before by the group, but after the other night she had a new fear and out look on Frankie. Finally reaching Wyatt she takes his hand.

Out of the courner of her eyes Misty can see Jason and Wyatt stand abruptly. Braking her graze from Carson Misty follows the boys eyes to the door. Seeing Franking standing in the door way Misty stands.

Truning his gaze back to Misty a smile grows in his face as his eyes are soft. Much differnt from a few days before. They seemed normal, and clam. The crazy look had disapeared. He was normal.*

"Miss me?"

*Misty's grin grows even more looking apong Frankie. Moving around the table quickly Misty goes up to Frankie and throws her arms around him in a strong embrace.*

"Frank....oh Frank...when did you get out? Ohhh...its so good to see you."

*Frankie returns Misty's embrace leaning his head onto hers.*

"I've been out for sometime now. This is just the first chanse I have goten to come and see you."

*Misty draws away from Frankie and smiles.*

"Well I am glad you did."

*Turning Misty looks at the other smiling.*

"Everyone this is my brother Frank. Frankie, this is everyone!"

*Aerith's eyes widen. in disbeliefe. This that was Misty Miller. She had grown since the last time she saw her. And now she was here again. Many thoughts ran through Aerith's mind.*

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