

*As the papers, straws, and napkins start more laughter rings out. Filling the room with more joy, the new guest going un-noticed.

Jamie grins geting an evil idea in her head as she see Con put Scott in a head lock. Grabing a handful of ice from the ice bucket Jamie quickly makes her way around to the back of Con. In one quick movement Jamie hops onto a chair close to Con and leans forward taking hold of his shirt and droping the ice down the back.*

"Chill out dude."

*Jamie cant help but let more laughter ring out as she giggles uncontrollably.

Katie cant help but laugh more as Jamie drops the ice down Con's shirt. Wading up more paper and spiting it throgh the straw at Scott, and than Con.*

"AHAH...Big Brother you just got owned by your girl friend."

*Nate sits with Laura as the war starts. Slowly he takes his napkin and balls it up. Tossing it at Laura a grin across his face.*

"If you cant beat them, join them."

*Lockheart sits and watching as the papers start to fly. Stunned for a moment that Reese joined in, but a small smile crossed her face. Breaking the cold perfeshinol look. Her eyes twinkled as she looked around the room.*

"I dont think any cell could of held you all anyways. You would of broken right out."

*Misty also joins in, pelting Carson with straws and wrapers, but taking it easy as well trying not to over dew it. Her laughter is one of the loudest following after Jamies. Her eyes fire burning, and her grin in place. As Carson throws a napkin at her.*

"Your going to be sorry Mr."

*Misty cant help but stick her toung out at Carson.

As the yelling, laughing continues in the other room, the bell on the restront rings again as Frankie enters Mom and Pop's. Hearing the laughter and screaming from the other room His ears pick up Misty's instintly. Slowly walking twords the door he stops and watches the group for a long while. His eyes watching his sister and than dart from one person to the next.*

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