

Hearing the voice from the other side of the office Ryan zones in thats its not Leo. Starting forward she stops for a moment as she listens closer and catches a few things here and there.

That voice there was something about it, she had heard it before. As Axel's hand catches her attachen Ryan looks down before it even has time to process she already had though about the back door, and was starting there.

Looking through the small window on the door Ryan peeking to the room slowly not making suddin movement to catch attachen.

Seeing the back of Alec Ryan is saprised for a moment. Why was Alec here and what was he doing. Was he really in that much trouble? Did he have those many problems? Ryan almost felt bad for him untill she caught a glimps of Leo and the letter opener to his throat.

The reality of the situation braught Ryan back down to what was happening and what she had to do.

Slowly opening the door making sure not to make any noise Ryan steps in for a moment she catches Alex's eye giving him a small nod convaying an unsaid plan. She was going to take him down and than he would act.

In a few swift moments Ryan lunged for Alec aiming for his knees Ryan hits him and grabs his hand as well yanking his arm from Leo's throat.

"Leo, move."

Ryan new he would and moved twords the direction he would go knowing Axel would act quickly as well.

Listing to Ryder words tears spring into Thirteen's eyes but this time they are for a much differnt reason. She'd never had someone care about her before and it braught a whole new set of emotions she never felt before.

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen's smile widens as her eyes give a twinkle. Alec had been wrong about Ryder, she new it.

Right now Ryder had made her feel like more than a speck of dirt. She felt like a princess in one of her books who had found there knight. He didnt have a white horse, but he did a good job.

"Thank you, I care about you too and I hope you dont get into to much trouble. Your the only friend I ever had Ryder. Thank you!"

Silent warning

Axel snickers at Ryan teasing Leo and waits for Leo's yelled response back. But nothing came.

Leo wants to shout back to Ryan, but knows better. At the moment, he feared for his life.

Alec blinks. Was that Ryan's voice? He hadn't seen her, and now he wasn't sure if she was here or not. But he couldn't stop to care about it. He was here to do a quick job of this.

Leo swallows hard, feeling the blade against his skin. It wasn't as sharp as a knife, but it would do just fine, especially with the pressure whoever it was, was applying. "What... what do you want-"

"Shut up," Alec hisses. "Where's the key to the money drawer?"

"I...I don't... I mean-"

"Where?!" Alec's whispers are hoarse and he tightens his grip. "Tell me now."

"In... in the bottom..." Leo lamely points to another set of desk drawers. He winces as Alec moves and the letter opener digs into his flesh. Cringing, he can feel a bit of blood ooze down his neck. He wasn't a religious man, but a prayer for help was definitely thought of.

Alec shoves Leo towards the drawer, keeping a firm hand on him the whole while.

Axel quirks an eyebrow at the silence, and turns his attention from the car and his hand. "Hey, Leo!" he calls out. "You smash those remaining brain cells or what?"


Axel looks at Ryan and frowns. Maybe Leo really had hurt himself this time. Axel sets down his wrench, still cradling his one hand, and he wanders towards the office. "Leo..." He swings open the door. "What are you..." The phrase trails off, and he stops dead, the half-open door still in his hand.

Alec's head jerks up and he shifts Leo around, the letter opening still held against the vulnerable skin. "Back off," he snarls.

"Whoa, whoa..." Axel's heart beats faster as he tries to figure out what was going on. Evidently this was someone out to rob him. But something was uncannily familiar about him, and Axel immediately recognized the resemblance he saw. "What's going-"

"Get in here," Alec snaps, hoping to maintain an eye on the newcomer so he didn't call the cops. "Do as I say, or your friend dies."

Hesitating a moment, all Axel can do is motion with his hand behind his back, waving towards the back entrance. He hoped Ryan would see him. If she went around back, she could come in through the other door and take this guy by surprise. Or, she could see in the window and call the cops. Either way, he couldn't let her come through this way.

Hoping she'd seen him, he slips inside, obeying the thief for fear of Leo being harmed.

Leo cringes as Alec's weight shifts and the blade increases pressure. His one free hand gripped Alec's wrist, but it didn't do any good. This guy was very strong and knew what he was doing.

"Get the key," Alec barks to Axel this time.

Axel obeys, but moves slowly. His mind raced. There had to be a way out of this. "Look, if you need-"

Alec wasn't going to take the time for games. In one quick movement, he lowers the blade, only to reach across and slash the top of Leo's hand, letting the blood run.

Leo cries out in pain, but can't struggle as the letter opener is again pressed to his throat. He presses his free hand against his side to ease the bleeding, but since it was the top of his hand, it was difficult.

"Now move!" Alec directs Axel again. "Or next time it won't just be his hand."

Ryder shrugs lamely at Thirteen's question. "I guess... because I think you're worth it. You deserve more than you've been dished out in your life and... I like being your friend. Everybody needs somebody they can trust."

He cocks his head. "Why wouldn't I help you? Besides, what everybody else does is their own choice. Reese will hit the roof when he knows I've got you here, but... I did it because I care about you, Thirteen. And you're worth every minute."


Going over quickly to Axel as he grabs his hands in pain Ryan looks to him with sympathy. She wished there was something that could be done for Axel. She'd kept his secret from Derril but she wondered how long it would be before he noticed.

"You know if you ever need help Axel I can stay late sometime too. It's getting worse isnt it?"

Gently reaching down Ryan helps Axel up. Though concern was in her eyes her humor was still held behind them. Axel didnt want peoples pitty and she wouldnt give it to him. She would only be there to help if he needed it.

Going around to the other side of the car Ryan leans against it and watches as Leo runs into the office. Turning her head back to Axel for a moment Ryan leans a little to look around the hood.

"That guy is something else you know that?!"

Shaking her head she is about to say more when she hears the noise in the office. Snapping her head up her eyes just squint for a moment as she listens to hear anything more. Turning back to Axel at his comment she cant help but grin and shake her head.

Calling out so Leo could hear.

"Don't hit your head to hard Leo, you only have a cretin amount of braincells and I think you are down to your last ten. We don't want to lose you now."

Getting into the car with Ryder and Trooper Thirteen sits in the front seat. Everyonce and a while she reaches back and gives the dogs fer a ruffle.

Sitting quietly Thirteen just looks out the window as she watches everything they went by. Even once and a while hitting a bump in the road made her jump making her think back to other times but bringing herself back she does her best to stay calm.

Once getting to the house and entering Thirteen was very cerous as her eyes roamed everything. Following Ryder through the house her eyes take note to some pictures that lined the walls and differnt things that where laying around here and there.

Entering the living room where Ryder pointed everything out Thirteen looks around and steps forward. For a moment though her eyes stop on the gutair that layed over in the courner for a moment her mind was peeked with this new item.

But she is braught back down to earth when Ryder spoke again. Looking at him for a moment she didnt understand why he was telling her where everything was than finally it dawned on her. It was almost hard to believe.

Looking at Ryder she walks over to him and looks up into his eyes for a moment. Why...that was the only question she had to ask as Alec's words about who these people were came back to her.

"Ryder, why....why are you helping me when non of your other friends will?"


Axel and Leo both smile as Ryan joins them in the shop.

"I have plenty to do other than hang around here," Leo responds. "Now him..." He thumbs to Axel. "He doesn't have a life. I've been trying to pull him out of his shell but he just aagghhh!" Leo teeters backward as he's pulled into a choke hold. "Axel!"

Axel keeps a firm, but friendly grip around Leo's throat with his arm, and looks over to Ryan, his eyes twinkling. "What Leo is trying to say is that yes, we both have plenty we do besides work, but we have such a great work ethic that we have to make sure our jobs are completed to the fullest, even if it means staying late." He releases Leo, giving him a little shove.

Leo stumbles forward, then whirls around, whipping out a rag to swat Axel with. Axel was still quicker though, and catches the flying rag, giving it a swift tug to yank Leo closer, then hooks his ankle.

Leo goes down onto the concrete floor with a thud and a groan. "Ohhh," he moans. "When am I gonna learn not to go up against you?"

"Learn how to dance," Axel advises, tossing the rag aside. "Now... where's my wrench?"

"Um..." Leo looks up from the floor. "Somewhere?"

Axel rolls his eyes and find his wrench, leaning back over the engine again. Not a moment later though, the tool is clanging back to the floor. Axel spins around the other side of the car and doubles over as he holds his hand, the pain shooting through it like persistent knives. He grits his teeth to hold back what he really wanted to say.

Leo's eyes widen and he stands up, the teasing gone. "Hey, man, you alright?"

Axel nods, breathing through the pain.

Leo isn't convinced, and looks to Ryan, then back to his friend. "You've been working late because you've been having more trouble with your hand, haven't you?"

Axel rubs his hand, trying to stop the pain and tingling. The numbness would be here soon then he wouldn't be able to work for at least another half an hour. He hadn't even told Jess how bad the spells had gotten. "Don't tell Darrell." He looks over to plead with Leo. "I can't lose this job."

"But your hand... you're not gonna be able to keep up with the work if you keep having trouble with it and-"

"Shut it, Leo," Axel snaps.

Leo immediately retreats, his eyes flickering with surprise. Axel never snapped at him. "You want help on the car?"

"No..." Axel manages to straighten back up as the numbness began. "Maybe. I don't know. You got things to do."

"Well but-"

"I'm fine." Axel's voice was back on an even keel, and he retrieves the fallen wrench. Leaning back into the engine, he fumbles, trying to get the job done with one hand until the spasm wore off.

Alec skids to a stop on a street corner and looks both ways. Breathing heavily, he bends to catch his breath. He was glad this end of town was so quiet this evening. Fewer eyes. Fewer risks of being caught.

The further he went, the clearer his head got. The clearer his head got, the more determination he had to survive. The more determination he got, the less fear bothered him.

He'd been stupid to go out and get drunk. He should have been making plans, but instead, he'd been out for hours, then hit his typical mellow stage after being drunk. Unfortunately, it had been with someone else, and he'd let his guard down like a lost dog looking for shelter. He'd been just as stupid to let someone help him. Back to his senses though, the world looked different. Now all he needed was to find the one contact he had in order to lay low then figure out how to get out of this mess and back into the Agency's good graces. What had he been thinking with Ryan anyway? He didn't have a clue. But he should have taken advantage of the situation earlier. Instead, he'd been too out of it to think straight. Now it might be too late.

Continuing on his blind route, he's very surprised when he sees an auto shop up ahead. And the familiar car. What luck. He could have been wandering all over this city for three days without finding Ryan and here it hadn't taken him long at all. They'd been close to the shop. Maybe his luck was finally turning around.

It takes him just a few more minutes to make it down to the shop, steering clear of some passerbys and a vehicle with a loud muffler. Coming up on the shop, he automatically sticks close to the building. It was quiet. Most likely they were closed for the day.

Slipping around the side, he carefully peers into one of the windows. He sees two men, but not Ryan. Maybe she'd just dropped her car off. For a moment, he wonders if this was really his way out or not. Then he spies a door inside that reads "office." Now that could have some possibilities, whether his target was here or not.

Ducking back down, Alec slinks around back and around the other side. He was in luck again as he tries the door. It was open. Slithering inside, he looks around quickly. He could hear one of the men's voices in the adjoining shop, but he felt safely alone, here in the office and waiting area.

Going behind the counter, he spies a drawer with a keyhole. Bingo. He knew it would hold cash. Grabbing a letter opener, he starts to work.

Leo backs off from Axel and shrugs at Ryan with a look that said 'whatever.' Fooling with some tools a moment, he snaps his fingers. "I forgot my time card. Be back in a jif!"

Axel watches him trot over to the office, and shakes his head. Sometimes the energy was just too much. He doesn't look over to Ryan... she'd been the only one who had witnessed him having a worse bout than this with his hand, but he never brought it up. Why should the inevitable be discussed?

Leo swings open the office door, whistling to himself. Going around the counter he's not paying any attention and is suddenly in another hold. But this time it wasn't Axel, and his arm being twisted behind his back hurt. And it wasn't an arm under his throat - it was a sharp letter opener. In an instant of panic, he flails his arm sending items flying off the counter and onto the floor.

Axel's head snaps back up and he looks to the office as he hears a strange noise. "Think he ran into the wall?" he asks Ryan teasingly.

"First thing's first, hmm?" Ryder gives Thirteen's hand a gentle squeeze as they go to Jason's office to retrieve the big dog. Getting a leash, they're soon headed for the main floor. Ryder remains silent until they're outside in the parking lot.

"I don't know when Reese will know you're not dangerous," he finally answers. "Don't blame him though. The Agency has hurt many people he cares deeply for. He's just trying to protect them."

Reaching the car, he lets Trooper into the back seat. The dog seems more subdued than normal, seeming to know that he'd done something wrong, and as a result, things weren't the same anymore.

The ride seemed to be a little dimmer than normal. Ryder still tried to concentrate on keeping Thirteen comfortable, but he knew he was pushing his limits with her. She'd had quite the day as it was.

Reaching Jason's house, Ryder parks and gets out, letting Trooper out with him. He waves at Thirteen to come too. It was a quiet part of town so there weren't many people going by, and not much noise. It was just starting to get dark.

After getting to the door, Ryder finds the spare key and Trooper bounds in front of him, heading straight to the kitchen where his dog dishes still were, having been there for ages it seemed. He waits fairly impatiently as Ryder finds some food to give him.

Finishing up with the dog, Ryder ambles back to the entryway, Thirteen still in his shadow. "There's a tv there.... and a couch... and the bathroom is down the hall. Jason's bedroom's there too, but I told him I wouldn't invade his own space there." He gives a little nod. "Um..." He fidgets with his keys. "Trooper is going to be in here the whole time, and... I'll be right outside in my car. You can even see me through that window there."

Six Brother

Coming to a stop at the auto shop Ryan can tell Leo and Axel were still. They often pulled late nights, sometimes she did too but leave to Leo to always be on top of things and sometimes know when a race was before she new. He never failed to remind her about them.

Entering the shop she makes her way through the waiting room and to the back docking bays. Seeing Axel and Leo Ryan smiles and gives half a wave coming over to them.

"Don't you guy ever not work? I think the only time I have even seen eather of you has been here."

Humor danced in her eyes as she talked with the guys. She might not have many friends, and her rough and tough shell had made her test people before she actully let them in but Axel and yes even Leo were differnt.

It wasnt long after Axel was highered that Ryan came along. Street racing had been fun, she liked it and the money was good but She needed a real job to occupy her down time.

Spending alot of time around her six brothers and her father she had picked up so much about working on cars not to mention the same thick shell they had only making it grow once she started racing.

When Ryan had saw the wanted add in autoshop window she had to try. Not months and months later Ryan hadnt regreted a day of working here. Leo and Axel were like her brothers and they always got her to smile.

Racing, and being at the auto shope made her feel like she was home and that was a feeling that could not be replaced.

Thirteen looks up at Ryder her lip trembles a little thinking about Reese and how creul he had been to her. It was his job to keep people safe but still it was hard to be hurt like this.

"Why will he know I am not dangerous? What do I have to do Ryder?"

Stepping forward again Thirteen does her best to hold back her tears. being left a long for a moment she just stands holding herself.

Once Ryder comes back Thirteen looks at his hand for a moment and than takes it in hers. Instintly she felt better. Ryder was almost like a saft haven in himself. Thirteen didnt know why or understand her comfort with her she only new she liked it.

"What....whats going to happen after we take Trooper home Ryder?"

Changing mind... sort of

Alec stares after the car as Ryan drives away, and he can't help but shake his head. His annoyance was almost mixed with amusement. Almost.

Kid. He'd grown up a long time ago, but that was the second time she'd insulted him with that. What kind of arrogance did it take to tell him he had a lot to learn, when she didn't even know him? He could tell she was spunky and independent, and if she was a street racer, she was probably rough and tough and knew a lot about the hard side of town. But why would she think he didn't? What gave her the right to think he was less than she? Did he look like a naive idiot? Apparently he did.

Sighing, Alec finally moves forward in the opposite direction, his feet feeling extra heavy. He'd thought Ryan was nice... of course, he'd been drunk at the time, so he really couldn't be sure, but now he just wasn't sure at all about what she'd wanted from him. She'd said she wanted company. Didn't she have any other friends? Or did she just want someone to boss around? He didn't know. And he didn't care. Well... not much any way.

He inwardly kicks himself for caring at all. If he'd done anything stupid, that was it. He didn't normally care what people said to him. But... there was something in Ryan's eyes. He hadn't missed the enticing spark that dared him to come closer.

His feet stop on the sidewalk. Right now, he had nobody. All he had was the Agency on one side and the law on the other, and both wanted him subdued or dead. Ironic as it was, Ryan was the only one who didn't care what he'd done to get in this position. He couldn't even trust Dani now... by the time she figured out what was going on, she'd want to kill him herself.

Alec looks back over his shoulder, but Ryan's car was out of sight. He probably could have said a few things differently to her if he'd wanted a way to get out of here. But he hadn't liked being called a kid, a know-it-all, or even accused of acting macho.

He tries to remember how the sharp words had started. Had it been his remark about danger? Sure, he knew Ryan was obviously in danger a lot. Street racing wasn't exactly a safe sport. Not to mention, there were probably a few rough characters hanging around there. While not quite illegal outside of town, it was common sense to know that the cops probably just waited for their chance to pounce on something too. Most likely, Ryan risked her neck every time she got out there with those other drivers. Dangerous? Of course!

But Alec had been referring to a different kind of danger. Danger of being put behind bars for life. Danger of being murdered by either side. Danger of the death penalty. Right about now, he'd take the danger of a car race over the danger of being shot in the back. That was the only point he'd been trying to make, and if it offended Ryan then... well... so be it. She should have known better than to try and take on a total stranger on the run. What kind of person just ignored that he was wanted by the law? If she would have been smart, she would have called the cops on him - he was a murderer, a thief and more.

But she was different... very different. And whether or not Alec wanted to, he couldn't help it that his curiosity had been piqued. There was a mystery about Ryan. She might have insulted him and she might have thought he was a whole lot more naive than he really was... but spunk like that was irresistible.

Oh well. It was a short little episode that was over. Without mutual respect, they wouldn't get along anyway. Not that it mattered... Alec couldn't stick around.

His feet start moving again. But as his eyes roam the street, a police cruiser comes into view.

"Crap." Alec ducks in between two buildings, watching as the car passes. His heart pounded in his chest. Great. Until he found a place to crash, he'd be doing this all night.

His eyes automatically go back the way he'd seen Ryan go. This was a big town and he had no idea where she'd been headed or where she lived. He didn't even know her last name to look her up in the phone book.

Wait... What was he thinking?! He couldn't go asking for her help anyway. She thought he was just some cocky kid without brains.

Well... who cared? If she thought that, then she was sadly mistaken, so... what did Alec care, if he at least got somewhere to hide out until morning?

Groaning at himself, he turns around and starts jogging down the sidewalk. It was stupid to think he could find her now but it was the only thing he had to look for. As silly as it was, it was all he had at the moment.

Ryder looks down into Thirteen's eyes, his own flooding with compassion. What was he supposed to say? She was still in custody of the Elite, and she was still considered a threat by those in charge. What was he supposed to do with her? There was no where else, unless it was an interrogation room or a holding cell, and neither of those would do for obvious reasons.

Reaching out, he brushes Thirteen's cheek with the back of his hand. "It's not up to me," he responds gently. "Reese isn't trying to be mean, he's just doing what he thinks is best and..."

Seeing her eyes, his heart breaks. He couldn't just tell her she was on her own again. They'd come so far, and today had been a disaster. She'd done well this afternoon and evening, but this morning's episode had set them back so very far. And without Trooper, it just made things worse.

Swallowing hard, his hand drops to reach in his pocket and pull out his phone. "Sit tight."

Walking just a few feet away, it only takes him a few minutes on the phone before he returns to Thirteen's side. "Come on." He holds out his hand once again so she could feel secure. "We're gonna take Trooper home and get him settled at his own house."