
Changing mind... sort of

Alec stares after the car as Ryan drives away, and he can't help but shake his head. His annoyance was almost mixed with amusement. Almost.

Kid. He'd grown up a long time ago, but that was the second time she'd insulted him with that. What kind of arrogance did it take to tell him he had a lot to learn, when she didn't even know him? He could tell she was spunky and independent, and if she was a street racer, she was probably rough and tough and knew a lot about the hard side of town. But why would she think he didn't? What gave her the right to think he was less than she? Did he look like a naive idiot? Apparently he did.

Sighing, Alec finally moves forward in the opposite direction, his feet feeling extra heavy. He'd thought Ryan was nice... of course, he'd been drunk at the time, so he really couldn't be sure, but now he just wasn't sure at all about what she'd wanted from him. She'd said she wanted company. Didn't she have any other friends? Or did she just want someone to boss around? He didn't know. And he didn't care. Well... not much any way.

He inwardly kicks himself for caring at all. If he'd done anything stupid, that was it. He didn't normally care what people said to him. But... there was something in Ryan's eyes. He hadn't missed the enticing spark that dared him to come closer.

His feet stop on the sidewalk. Right now, he had nobody. All he had was the Agency on one side and the law on the other, and both wanted him subdued or dead. Ironic as it was, Ryan was the only one who didn't care what he'd done to get in this position. He couldn't even trust Dani now... by the time she figured out what was going on, she'd want to kill him herself.

Alec looks back over his shoulder, but Ryan's car was out of sight. He probably could have said a few things differently to her if he'd wanted a way to get out of here. But he hadn't liked being called a kid, a know-it-all, or even accused of acting macho.

He tries to remember how the sharp words had started. Had it been his remark about danger? Sure, he knew Ryan was obviously in danger a lot. Street racing wasn't exactly a safe sport. Not to mention, there were probably a few rough characters hanging around there. While not quite illegal outside of town, it was common sense to know that the cops probably just waited for their chance to pounce on something too. Most likely, Ryan risked her neck every time she got out there with those other drivers. Dangerous? Of course!

But Alec had been referring to a different kind of danger. Danger of being put behind bars for life. Danger of being murdered by either side. Danger of the death penalty. Right about now, he'd take the danger of a car race over the danger of being shot in the back. That was the only point he'd been trying to make, and if it offended Ryan then... well... so be it. She should have known better than to try and take on a total stranger on the run. What kind of person just ignored that he was wanted by the law? If she would have been smart, she would have called the cops on him - he was a murderer, a thief and more.

But she was different... very different. And whether or not Alec wanted to, he couldn't help it that his curiosity had been piqued. There was a mystery about Ryan. She might have insulted him and she might have thought he was a whole lot more naive than he really was... but spunk like that was irresistible.

Oh well. It was a short little episode that was over. Without mutual respect, they wouldn't get along anyway. Not that it mattered... Alec couldn't stick around.

His feet start moving again. But as his eyes roam the street, a police cruiser comes into view.

"Crap." Alec ducks in between two buildings, watching as the car passes. His heart pounded in his chest. Great. Until he found a place to crash, he'd be doing this all night.

His eyes automatically go back the way he'd seen Ryan go. This was a big town and he had no idea where she'd been headed or where she lived. He didn't even know her last name to look her up in the phone book.

Wait... What was he thinking?! He couldn't go asking for her help anyway. She thought he was just some cocky kid without brains.

Well... who cared? If she thought that, then she was sadly mistaken, so... what did Alec care, if he at least got somewhere to hide out until morning?

Groaning at himself, he turns around and starts jogging down the sidewalk. It was stupid to think he could find her now but it was the only thing he had to look for. As silly as it was, it was all he had at the moment.

Ryder looks down into Thirteen's eyes, his own flooding with compassion. What was he supposed to say? She was still in custody of the Elite, and she was still considered a threat by those in charge. What was he supposed to do with her? There was no where else, unless it was an interrogation room or a holding cell, and neither of those would do for obvious reasons.

Reaching out, he brushes Thirteen's cheek with the back of his hand. "It's not up to me," he responds gently. "Reese isn't trying to be mean, he's just doing what he thinks is best and..."

Seeing her eyes, his heart breaks. He couldn't just tell her she was on her own again. They'd come so far, and today had been a disaster. She'd done well this afternoon and evening, but this morning's episode had set them back so very far. And without Trooper, it just made things worse.

Swallowing hard, his hand drops to reach in his pocket and pull out his phone. "Sit tight."

Walking just a few feet away, it only takes him a few minutes on the phone before he returns to Thirteen's side. "Come on." He holds out his hand once again so she could feel secure. "We're gonna take Trooper home and get him settled at his own house."

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