

Bret lifts his eyebrows as Charlotte nears, a small grin forming. As she leans against him to kiss his lips, he cocks his head, his eyes closed as he sets his coffee mug down on the counter behind himself. Both hands free, he wraps his arms around Charlotte, gently rubbing her back as he returns the kiss with equal passion.

Finally drawing back, Bret sighs deeply and rests his forehead against hers, looking her in the eye. "You're better than coffee, you know that?"

Grinning, he pulls her into a hug, squeezing her tight. "Mm....okay...shower." Letting Charlotte go, he grabs his coffee mug to down the rest of the contents before putting it in the sink, and heads out of the kitchen, calling over his shoulder. "Give me five minutes!"

It's actually ten minutes, but Bret is quick, and soon he's grabbing his jacket and his keys. "My turn to drive." He tosses her a quarter. "Your turn to flip."

Distraction = my middle name. Checkup first. Rick. Then lunch. C U then.

It's eleven o'clock when Kyle parks his truck in the TJY parking lot. For all that had happened, he was feeling pretty good, and with a few pain killers, his hand wasn't giving him too much trouble either.

Bounding down the hallway he skids past the infirmary door, only to look back and see Misty, putting on the breaks and backing up, throwing her a silly salute.

Rick looks up from where he's working and raises an eyebrow. "Someone must feel good today."

Kyle shrugs and hops up on the table.

Rick chuckles and shakes his head. "Alright. Let's see how that throat of yours is doing. Have you been doing what I told you?"

Kyle bites his lip, looks to Misty, then back at Rick, giving an unsure nod.

Rick smirks at him. "Kyle..."

"Mostly?" he whispers.

"That's what I thought. And by the sounds of things, it hasn't gotten much better, has it?"

Kyle shakes his head.

Rick sighs and brings a light, starting to examine Kyle's throat. The more he sees, the more he wants to examine, and he winds up taking a whole lot longer than planned. But looking at a couple charts, he believes it was worth it.

Kyle feels as though his throat is on fire after all is said and done, and he doesn't understand Rick's growing enthusiasm.

Rick stares at his notes, and is quick to go to Misty. "Hey...remember when Kyle was poisoned, we thought something was a little different about it?" He nods. "There was. I believe...that they added something to that lethal mixture. Something that they knew the antidote wouldn't get. And it's not enough to kill, but enough to cause trouble." Rick shows her a few of his notes. "Kyle's still got some of that poison in his system. Something about the mixture attacked his weakest spot - his vocal cords. Only problem is, that it's not going away. It's just slowly making things worse."

He glances over to Kyle. "We have to get it completely out of his system somehow, or it's not gonna take long and he'll never be able to talk again. Hard part is finding the cure. Good thing is, once we find it, I believe he'll have a full recovery. We just have to find that cure before there's permanent damage."

Kyle swings his legs as he sits on the table, trying to overcome his worry. He couldn't understand what Rick was saying to Misty, but he had a bad feeling about it. What was going on? Was the news bad?

Carson wipes off the front counter for Mabel, his mind everywhere but his work today. He hadn’t gotten into trouble for being late, since Herb had known he’d been helping with Jess…but his tardiness had affected his work throughout the morning, just seeming to encourage everything to go wrong.

He couldn’t get his mind off of what had happened earlier. He should have known better. He shouldn’t have approached Misty. Though her forgiveness, he felt was genuine did ease some guilty feelings, what remained was still an open wound.

“Oh, Carson!”

He whips back to attention and looks over the counter to a middle-aged woman who had just come in. It was his former landlord. He raises his eyebrows. “Mrs. Flowers.”

She chuckles, obviously loving the accent. “I’m glad I caught you here…” She reaches into her purse and rummages around. “I had some new tenants move into your old apartment…that was quite a while ago, you know. But they kept most of the stuff where it was I guess…that is, the furniture you left.”

She pauses, squinting into her handbag and rolling her eyes. “I know it’s here somewhere,” she mutters. “Anyway, so they were moving the entertainment center last week – you know, where your television set was. And they found something…” Her face is still buried in her purse and finally she pulls the object out. “Ah hah!”

She holds it up so it glints in the light. “I knew it had to be yours because before you were there that place was stark clean.”

Carson looks at the object, stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Flowers’ face drops a little. “It is yours…isn’t it?”

“Y…yes…I mean…yes…it is.” Carson numbly reaches out to take the gold chain and locket from her hand.

“I took the liberty of cleaning it up,” Mrs. Flowers informs. “It had gotten a bit dusty behind that big ol’ thing.” She gives Carson a sly grin. “That picture in there…old love of yours?”

Carson barely hears her as he flips the locket open with his thumbnail. A young Misty stares back at him. Breaking his gaze away from it, he looks up again at Mrs. Flowers, and forces a grateful smile to let her know she’d done a good thing. “You could say that,” he finally replies. “Thanks. I thought I’d lost this for good.”

Clutching the small treasure, Carson retreats to the kitchen where he finds the corner chair. Though supposed to be working, his mind wanders for a few minutes. He rests his elbows on his knees and flips the locket open again.

A slight smile quirks the very corner of his mouth as he replays the memories in his mind. He’d refused the necklace more than once, but Misty had found a way to get him to not only keep it, but wear it. The only other keepsake he’d ever had, had been his own ID bracelet, and he’d given that to her. He wonders now if she had discarded that as he had this necklace on such a night he didn’t want to remember.

Carson finally shuts the locket and collects the chain in his palm to place it in his jeans pocket. Misty was gone now…wearing her close to his heart would just create a new wound. But he wouldn’t be throwing it away again.

You look

*Giving a jump as her phone beeps loudly Misty grabs it from her pocket. Looking down at the message a small smiles forms on her face as the shadows and clouds start to slowly clear. There was something about Kyle. He always had good timing. Flipping open the phone Misty jots a quick text back. Lunch. You, Me. 12, you pick the place. Need the distraction.

Standing up Misty brushes herself off and goes over to the sink and splashing water on her face to finish washing off the rest of her tears. Letting out a sigh Misty heads back to her desk to continue her day till Lunch.*

*Charlotte cocks hear head for moment as if thinking before a grin spreads across her lips.*

"I think it was your idea to get up at seven. We were going to flip but you said you wanted to do it early and get a whole day in."

*Heading into the kitchen Charlotte grabs her own glass down from the shelf and gets some coffee. Taking a sip she finally puts the cup into the sink her eyes twinkling.

Walking over to Bret she places both her hands on the counter around and behind him pinning him up against it and leaning closer to him.*

"I think you look good either way, but a shower might be a good idea. I guess I can wait a little longer or I am gonna go alone."

*Not giving Bret a chance to answer Charlotte press her lips against his in a passionate kiss that lingers for a moment.*


For a fleeting instant, Carson could almost feel the tiny flame of hope. But just as quickly, it’s vanished.

There is relief there. Misty’s forgiveness was something he’d longed for, and it did ease some pain. But still, forgiveness without the love made him feel just as empty.

He reaches out a hand, ready to say more, but she’s already turned her back and gone into the infirmary. And like the shifting wind, his last chance was gone.

Gritting his teeth, Carson aims back for the little guest room. Ignoring a greeting by Hal, he desperately fights the unwanted tears that have filled his eyes. Confused. Lost. Alone.

Blinking back the emotions, he slips into the dim room and finds his socks and tennis shoes. He had to get out of here.

Scribbling a quick note to Jess that he was at work and Rick would take care of her, he leaves it on the bedside table.

And without another stop, he heads back down the hall at a quick pace, the exit his only destination. Just passing the infirmary makes his heart scream in pain, but he keeps walking. He had to. It was all he had now.

Unaware of events unseen from across the town, a text message is typed out and sent to reach its destination. Perhaps the sender can feel the tears across the miles. Or perhaps it's Someone else's timing that creates the moment's time.
"Dreamed of singing last night. Dreamed you were the cure. Didn't need a nightlight. 'Cause I thought of you."


*Listing to Carson Misty's own heart aches. Its being torn in two all over again. Stand to the mornal of thing or give into her heart Misty was standing again...*

"I forgive you Carson."

*Taking a step back Misty can no longer controll herself and as the tears fall more she enters back into the infermary and closes the door behind her. The memories had flooded back ten fold, the memories had been to much to bare the pain she felt again from what had happend had been tomuch and made her break down.

Leaning aganst the door Misty slids to the floor, her head spinning, but than a soft voice enters her mind and brings a small smile to her face through the pain. Kyle had been there, Kyle was there now even though he wasent in the flesh, his memorie was there trying to cheer her up. Kyle...Misty new where her heart truly layed, and though she had forgiven Carson, thats where it stoped.*

entire world

Carson just stares back at Misty for several seconds, his eyes not wandering from hers. His heart felt as though it were being ripped in two all over again. "Because I'm a fool. Because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't know what he's got until it's gone. Because I played with fire. Because I couldn't say no to a good time."

He shakes his head slowly. "Take your pick."

His own emotions pool behind his eyes but he doesn't care. "And if I could go back and change one thing in my entire life, that would be it. Because the day I made that stupid mistake, I lost my entire world."


*Misty blinks and flicks some tears away from her eyes. Her heart hated seeing Carson like this, her heart hated seeing her like this.*

"Than why, why did you do this? Why did you let this happen again Carson?"

*Misty's eyes plead for the answer to the question she had been asking for so long.*


Carson spins around in surprise, the agony written all over his face at seeing Misty's tears. A sorry shadow of a smile toys with the very edges of his mouth. "They always have, Misty...and they always will."


*As Carson exits Misty's office her heart once again screams, and kicking. The love was burryed but it told her not to let it end like this. No, not to let him walk away like this. Getting up from her desk fast Misty's desk chair falls backwards as she rushes to the door. Steping out and standing in the hall Misty keeps her eyes focused on Carson back.*


*Misty takes a step forward her eyes fill with tear she could not controll now.*

"Do they?"


Carson’s eyes flicker with a hint of surprise, mixed with the hurt he’d been afraid of. He’d been prepared for rejection, but it still hurt. He knew he deserved it…he deserved Misty’s harshness, and a whole lot more on top of that. But…it still hurt.

Swallowing hard, he finally drops his gaze – not something he’d done much around her. A part of him wanted to get upset and defend himself. What right had she to keep him from apologizing if he wanted to? Yet he was too tired for that kind of defiance. It wasn’t worth the breath. Despite the softness Carson saw in Misty’s eyes, he knew she’d made up her mind. He truly had lost her this time.

Finally he looks back up, still leaning on the doorframe, and letting out a weak, dry laugh. “I bet it’s nice seeing me on the other end of things for a change…getting what I deserve.” He shakes his head, feeling like a fool. “I guess…I guess I just wanted…to see you again…to see how you were…to see if your eyes could still make my heart stop.”

He straightens up and takes a deep breath, preparing to turn around and leave. Hooking his thumbs in his pockets, he cocks his head, looking at Misty one more time. His voice comes out slowly and quietly. “And then…when the warrior has defeated himself at his own game and the conqueror has called his bluff, he must bow to the enemy. For to accept the defeat and command a retreat is more honorable than losing his life in battle. And so he does, bringing the war to an end.”

Giving a little nod, Carson’s eyes linger on Misty’s face, filled with the utter dismay he felt for his actions that had caused this circumstance. Finally turning around, he aims back down the hall. He should go…go to work and get away from this place.

Bret mumbles something that can’t be understood, and turns around to look at the clock. Sure enough, Charlotte was right. “Aw, crap.”

Fumbling around his bedroom, he grabs a pair of jeans to put on, and staggers out into the hall, reaching the top of the stairs just as Charlotte yells up at him. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” he retorts.

Coming down the stairs as he leans against the wall, his eyes are barely open. “Who was the idiot who said he’d be ready at this time of the morning anyway?”

Reaching the kitchen he goes straight for the coffee pot that had already filled half an hour earlier. Grabbing a mug, he pours himself a cup and takes several long swallows. Leaning back against the counter he scrunches shut his eyes before opening them wide, trying to wake up. “Do I at least have time for a shower? I don’t think you really want me along without having had one this morning.”

No Sorry

Looking up at Bret's voice a grin cross Charlotte's lips as she brings a hand to her eyes to shield the sun. Her hair done up nicley in a ponytail her sunglass sat on the top of her head as well. Fashioned in a babyblue tank and a par of cacky capres. Giving a laugh at how he looked Charlotte finally composes herself the best she can as she gets a look of puzzlement.

"Ohhh..yeah I forgot I had a key. I know you said seven. It's seven thiry-five now. YOUR the one who is late."

Charlotte shakes her head as she fishes in her purse for her key and than enters the house. Closing the door behind her she stands at the steps and yells up them.

"Well hurry up already?"

Though Bret can't see her Charlotte's grin is big. After moving here Charlotte got a job at the recently redone caves as a ture guild. She liked the work it was fun and she liked telling the history and what not of the makings on the walls. In between she helped Angelica with her case work but most times her sister was good at doing it all without getting behind.

Today was her day off though the first in many and she couldent wait to spend the day with Bret liked planed. She always looked forward to the fun they always had.

*Misty looks up from her desk and with a jump and see Carson standing in the doorway. For a long moment Misty just looks at him not saying anything. Misty wasn’t sure what to say to him. A part of her wanted to throw her arms around him and give him a hug though she new better. Nothing said Carson changed, nothing said he was different. But though he might not be, Misty had and her heart had found someone who helped it heal even if she still did love Carson it was tucked away now that lived as only a memories. Misty couldent run to him, she couldent let herself get hurt again not to mention she liked someone alse. Her eyes narrow, and than go normal again before she finally reply.*

"Whatever it is Carson, I dont want to hear it. I'm tired of the I'm sorrys. You over used them and they lost there meaning. So dont even bother. If you want to say something other than I am sorry you may."

*Though Misty's eyes show she means what she said but behind the meaning her eyes also show a softness that goes unsead as she studdys Carson's face.*

*Katie takes the OJ and drinks it with a smile thankful for Jen's greatfulness. After a little bit more small talk with Jen and her family Katie bids them good day and starts to head for work.

Once arriving at TJY Katie heads right to her desk to start the day.*

seven o'clock

Though having been sleeping soundly, the soft click of the door shutting is enough to jolt Carson from his dream. His eyes open wide and he scans the dim room from his position on the floor. It takes him a second or two to remember where he is, and he rolls onto his back, his shoulder sore from sleeping on such a hard surface.

Suddenly he's totally alert and sits up straight. The door had been ajar the last he knew and it was closed now. A sweet scent hits his nostrils and he blinks. He recognized that smell. He'd always loved it and for a moment it hits him hard with a wave of memories.

Getting to his feet, Carson looks down on Jess, seeing that she's still asleep. Putting a hand on the doorknob, he hesitates. He didn't even know why he wanted this. Maybe because he still felt as though he'd left things unfinished. And now trying to sort things out and turn things around, he just...wanted... He shakes his head. He wasn't even sure.

Exiting the small room, he squints in the hall lights. He knew he must look a mess in the clothes he'd slept in, he hadn't shaved since two nights ago, and his hair was matted.

Carson shuts the door softly and pads in his bare feet down to the infirmary. Looking inside, he sees that Rick's office light is on, but he's out of sight. The only person in sight is Misty. His eyes growing dim, he just watches her, remembering so many times that he'd just walked in uninvited to give and receive a kiss...to tease and flirt...to make plans for a date.

The reality seems so dark and cold compared to the memories.

He starts to turn and leave. This was stupid. She wouldn't want to talk to him, and it would only cause his wound to hurt more.

But something stops him again. He knew his conscience's prodding...so many times before he'd ignored it. Would he again, and be left with even more questions?

Swallowing the hated fear, he turns back around and before he can back out again, he knocks his knuckles softly on the door. "Morning..."

Jen, her mom and stepfather all smile their good morning to Katie, welcoming her as they would anyone else in their home. Even though Phil had explained to him the dangers that were happening, they had given their worries to God, and had decided to proceed with caution, but not fear. Katie was welcomed both as a friend and as a protector.

Jen grins and offers Katie some orange juice. "Thanks for everything, Katie. We really appreciate it. And I know Kyle probably slept better last night, knowing you were here." She nods. "I'll definitely call you if anything strange at all happens, or we run into trouble.

Brent's eyes fly open as he hears the pounding on his door. Straining to hear, he realizes that the pounding was followed by Charlotte's voice.

Literally rolling out of bed with a thud, he scrambles on all fours to the window, throwing it open and looking down to the first story to see Charlotte on the porch. His hair was askew, his tee wrinkled and crooked. "Woman!"

He squints in the sunlight, the brightness giving him an instant headache. His words are mumbled as he still tries to wake up. "Leave and you spend the day alone. But for pete's sake, don't break down the door. That's why I gave you a key."

Bret leans on the open window sill, crossing his arms to form a place to rest his head, still mumbling. He didn't even realize what late time it was. "Besides, I said seven o'clock..."


As Misty turns her car off she lets out a long sigh stretching. The morning had come all too soon and Misty just wanted to go back to bed.

Grabbing her phone from the seat next to her along with her wallet she flips it open and thumbs through the text messages. Finding the last one Kyle sent her Misty reads it again and smiles. It was nice to have someone who did cute little things like that.

Walking into TJY things are fairly dark still being so early in the morning only a few cubicle lights were on. Continuing her root to the infirmary Misty notices the door to the extra bedroom was open. That was odd it was always kept closed. Walking closer some of the lights from one of the cubicles shines enough that the room is slightly illuminated. Opening the door a little bit more Misty peeks in. Seeing the form in the bed she can make out the cuts and burses on her face as she is curled up into a tight ball. Though her face was battered Misty new she saw the woman before but couldn’t put her finger on it. Than a figure on the floor catches Misty’s eye as her eyes meet Carson’s sleeping form. What? Why was he here? What had happened yesterday, than now caused Carson to be at TJY. Looking up at the woman in the bed again Misty realizes where she had seen her. That had been one of the women from Mom and Pop’s that one day.

Letting out a sigh Misty goes to the leave the room but stops glancing back down at Carson as he was fast asleep. Leaning her head against the door frame she just watches him for a long moment. Memories flow through Misty’s mind as she stands there. Some bringing a bit of pain but most bring a smile. How her time with Carson had been an enjoyable one that ended all too soon. Letting out another soft sigh Misty turns and closes the door softly before her mind is aloud to wonder any farther down the path that ended in pain.

Finishing her rout to the infirmary Misty turns the lights on and starts preparing stuff for the day before finally sitting down to concentrate on some paper work.

Katie opens her eyes slowly as she hears the sound of voices. For a moment her mind plays tricks on her and as she smiles hearing her mom and dad talking. But as she becomes aware of her surrounding and wakes more the realization sinks in it was only a dream and she was at Jen’s house.

Sitting up form the small couch in the living room Katie does a quick once over checking to make sure everything was in order before heading into the kitchen where the voices were coming from. Entering Katie gives a smile and a soft wave.

“Good Morning!”

Taking a seat next to Jen Katie holds her smile though she is not ready for a new day. The night had passed to quickly and did not offer nearly enough sleep.

“It looks like everything is in order this morning. Nothing seems to be out of place or strange. I will probly be leaving for work shortly. If you need anything you know the number to call Jen, than I will be back later tonight.”

Katie offers another smile as reassurance and gives Jen’s arm a gentil pat.

A loud bang comes to Bret’s front door as Charlotte’s voice rings from the porch.

“HEY, Hey you better not be wallowing up there. We had a date remember? Yes…A date this early in the morning, remember? We were going to go to the mountains.”

Charlotte can’t help but shake her head and laugh to herself as she stands at the door. Pulling a coin from her pocket she gives a grin.

“If I flip this coin and your not out here Bret, heads is I leave, tails I break your door down. Here I go…1….2….3….”

Dawn greeting lives

Heading back inside with Mike, Jason pauses, looking toward the quiet road. A faint smile surfaces. It was strange... It wasn't an audible sound in his mind...it wasn't even words. It was a new language that somehow was simply understood. One that could never be explained or described...only felt.

Feeling a little less alone, Jason climbs the porch steps and enters the house again to stay for a while longer.

Scott chuckles and nods. "The last time I left Domino out, she didn't talk to me for two days." Grinning, they slow for a stop sign and turn, heading towards town.

Kyle gives a little smirk at Misty, but nods to assure her that if he needed anything, he would call her. He remains quiet most of the ride back. He knew he shouldn't be talking at all, and it was too dark to sign or write anything down.

Once they reach the apartment, he pauses before getting out of the car, studying Misty for just a moment. He was grateful for her support today at Mike's...and though they both knew that their relationship had caused this chain of events, he wasn't going to be sorry about it.

Working at it for a moment without his voice, he gets across, "Have a good day tomorrow at work. I'll be in sometime to see Rick so I'll see you then."

Reaching down, he gives her hand a squeeze, then slips out of the car, shutting the door and tapping the roof with his palm as if telling her "go." Walking backward, he watches her leave and gives a wave before turning to go inside. Once in bed, it takes him no more than thirty seconds to be sound asleep.

Before sleep though, one task is done, and a text message is sent to Misty's phone. "I need...oh, no, false alarm. Nevermind. The night light is working fine and I just found my teddy bear. I can sleep now. Goodnight."

Carson can feel how much Jess is trying to be strong, and though respecting her for it, knows that it's healthier just to let it all out.

He stays close, just letting her talk. Not saying much, but listening. Just listening as the time slips away. Her stories bring a sense of melancholy - both a sympathy for her, and memories from Carson's own past that he had never shared with anyone.

By the time the stories are through, both are further back on the bed, leaned against the wall, so awake but so tired at the same time.

Jess' comment about feeling safe makes Carson feel good...as though maybe he's finally done something right again. He'd messed up so many things lately that to actually be of help to someone was almost like a new sensation.

"You deserve to feel safe more often," he comments quietly.

Letting out a long slow sigh, Carson gives her shoulders a little squeeze and pats her arm before straightening and finally moving to stand up. Stretching, he yawns, trying to figure out where to go from here. It was late. He didn't want to walk back to Mom and Pop's at this hour. Maybe he'd just stay right here and slip out early before others got in to work.

"You should get some sleep," he prompts Jess gently. Pulling the covers down on the bed for her, he directs her under the sheets. Moving just a short ways away, Carson lowers himself to the floor, grabbing an extra blanket for a pillow. "If you need anything in the night, Jess, I'm right here."

As the stars make their way across the sky and the moon shines its light on the night, dreams filter on the air, and sleep takes over weary souls. Exhaustion rules some dreamless sleep, while stress and heartache give battles to others whose eyes remain open.

And when the morning comes, a new day is presented with feelings of change in the wind. There were things people could not predict. Chain reactions that had been put into play long before, now to affect the lives of those so closely intertwined.

Outside of town, the sun rises on the little country house, waking one who looks forward to the day, now that love has found him once again.

An apartment lies quiet as one has already left to work for the day, the other sound asleep in bed with no intentions of rising until he wakes.

A house is roused gently with the rustle of a large friend nuzzling his master awake. The recipient of the cold, wet nose rolls over to block out the sunlight, but knows the inevitable truth, that the day had come.

Across town, another house is alive with lights, plans for the day already starting as the figure gets ready for work, helped by the little black and white pup.

One whose life has changed so much, rises to greet the dawn. Without work to greet him back, his goals have changed to the hunt of things to keep busy.

Another with the same goal to find work lies sleeping, waiting for the sun to rise just a little further before rolling out of bed. Heads, he'd sleep late. Tails, he'd get up in half an hour.

Gentle voices are heard in the spacious house across the way as parents speak to their daughter. It's a house of peace, despite the threats, and the presence of a friend to keep watch has helped sleep come easier in the night.

One house is awakened by one rising, while another returns from the night. The riser prepares for the day, while the one coming slips into bed. Lives so different...one settled and confident, following his father's footsteps. The other unsure and unsteady, frustrated with things unable to be conquered.

A cat's meow bids his mistress farewell as the house is opened and shut for the day, an early day starting. Paperwork was waiting.

TJY's quietness slowly is overtaken by voices and the whirring of computers started for the day. While in a little room, one has forgotten to rise before the faces have shown up

Lives were connected in a tangled web only the Maker could see. But in His eyes, it was a web of hearts and lives that would someday see their purpose and their connections as His plans were revealed.


*Katie smiles as she leans on Scott as they walk to his car. Ice cream did sound good. Soon all to soon it would be to cold, and the ice cream would be missed. Katie dident mind getting as much as she could now before than.*

"Ice cream sounds perfect and you better bring some home for the kid to or she will never let you live it down."

*Katie can't help but laugh as she gets into Scott's car and pull out heading down the road. As Katie looks out the window she receves Jason's message. It felt strange to communicate through there emotions and it seemed easyer than it use to be. Was this another stage of there powers evolving? Closing her eyes for a moment she consintrates putting together emotions to send a message back. Good Night J. Sleep well and if you need anything at all you know how to get a hold of me. -smile-. Opening her eyes again Katie smiles and turns to Scott to continues some small talk as they headed to the ice cream shop.*

*Misty can't help but shake her head a little bit and laugh though seeing the tired look in Kyle's eyes she new he needed to get home to bed though she would like the night to last forever she new it could not. *

"I want you to get lots of sleep tonight and if you need anything promise to call me ok? Or if anything feels wrong call me. It does not matter the time. Take it easy for goodness sake while I am at work as well would you."

*Misty can't help the cheesy grin as she continues to head down the road aiming for Kyle's apartment.*

*As Carson puts his arm around Jess she gives a little jump but not because she was scaired but more so because she wasent exspecting it. It was strange to her now to see Carson like this. It was so much differnt from the man she met only weeks ago. Carson had never answered her question about if this was the real him, but some where inside Jess where a little bit of emotion romed layed the feeling that this was the person Carson was when he wasent lost.

Relaxing Jess leans her head onto Carson's chest. The tear welled behind her eyes but she refused to let them come out. Crying was something she dident do, no matter how much she wanted too. Though unexspectly Jess found comfort in Carson's arms. Her body gives a little shake as Jess trys to recover from the trama of everything still. Its own defence meckanisum. The more her mind windered as the shelter was offered to her though and finally a single tear rolls down her cheek. Nothing more, nothing less it was enough to show that Jess was almost filled to the top with emotions that were ready to break free sooner or later. The only thing unknown would be where or when.

As Jess feels the shelter of Carson and she grows tired, Jess starts to babble about things she never talked about with anymore. Maybe she was not even awair of what she is saying herself. She talks about her life, and how things where always hard. She talked about how though she new Peter wasent the greatest he was all she though she ever deserved. Going from her childhood growing up in an orphanage back to her older years of how she messed her life up, to skipping back to her years now. Her midn proving that what had happend recently had dug up and split open many wounds.*

"Having someone sit and listen to me is strange. Having someones arms around me and feeling safe is strange. I've never had that before right now. It kind of feels good."