

As Misty turns her car off she lets out a long sigh stretching. The morning had come all too soon and Misty just wanted to go back to bed.

Grabbing her phone from the seat next to her along with her wallet she flips it open and thumbs through the text messages. Finding the last one Kyle sent her Misty reads it again and smiles. It was nice to have someone who did cute little things like that.

Walking into TJY things are fairly dark still being so early in the morning only a few cubicle lights were on. Continuing her root to the infirmary Misty notices the door to the extra bedroom was open. That was odd it was always kept closed. Walking closer some of the lights from one of the cubicles shines enough that the room is slightly illuminated. Opening the door a little bit more Misty peeks in. Seeing the form in the bed she can make out the cuts and burses on her face as she is curled up into a tight ball. Though her face was battered Misty new she saw the woman before but couldn’t put her finger on it. Than a figure on the floor catches Misty’s eye as her eyes meet Carson’s sleeping form. What? Why was he here? What had happened yesterday, than now caused Carson to be at TJY. Looking up at the woman in the bed again Misty realizes where she had seen her. That had been one of the women from Mom and Pop’s that one day.

Letting out a sigh Misty goes to the leave the room but stops glancing back down at Carson as he was fast asleep. Leaning her head against the door frame she just watches him for a long moment. Memories flow through Misty’s mind as she stands there. Some bringing a bit of pain but most bring a smile. How her time with Carson had been an enjoyable one that ended all too soon. Letting out another soft sigh Misty turns and closes the door softly before her mind is aloud to wonder any farther down the path that ended in pain.

Finishing her rout to the infirmary Misty turns the lights on and starts preparing stuff for the day before finally sitting down to concentrate on some paper work.

Katie opens her eyes slowly as she hears the sound of voices. For a moment her mind plays tricks on her and as she smiles hearing her mom and dad talking. But as she becomes aware of her surrounding and wakes more the realization sinks in it was only a dream and she was at Jen’s house.

Sitting up form the small couch in the living room Katie does a quick once over checking to make sure everything was in order before heading into the kitchen where the voices were coming from. Entering Katie gives a smile and a soft wave.

“Good Morning!”

Taking a seat next to Jen Katie holds her smile though she is not ready for a new day. The night had passed to quickly and did not offer nearly enough sleep.

“It looks like everything is in order this morning. Nothing seems to be out of place or strange. I will probly be leaving for work shortly. If you need anything you know the number to call Jen, than I will be back later tonight.”

Katie offers another smile as reassurance and gives Jen’s arm a gentil pat.

A loud bang comes to Bret’s front door as Charlotte’s voice rings from the porch.

“HEY, Hey you better not be wallowing up there. We had a date remember? Yes…A date this early in the morning, remember? We were going to go to the mountains.”

Charlotte can’t help but shake her head and laugh to herself as she stands at the door. Pulling a coin from her pocket she gives a grin.

“If I flip this coin and your not out here Bret, heads is I leave, tails I break your door down. Here I go…1….2….3….”

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