
You look

*Giving a jump as her phone beeps loudly Misty grabs it from her pocket. Looking down at the message a small smiles forms on her face as the shadows and clouds start to slowly clear. There was something about Kyle. He always had good timing. Flipping open the phone Misty jots a quick text back. Lunch. You, Me. 12, you pick the place. Need the distraction.

Standing up Misty brushes herself off and goes over to the sink and splashing water on her face to finish washing off the rest of her tears. Letting out a sigh Misty heads back to her desk to continue her day till Lunch.*

*Charlotte cocks hear head for moment as if thinking before a grin spreads across her lips.*

"I think it was your idea to get up at seven. We were going to flip but you said you wanted to do it early and get a whole day in."

*Heading into the kitchen Charlotte grabs her own glass down from the shelf and gets some coffee. Taking a sip she finally puts the cup into the sink her eyes twinkling.

Walking over to Bret she places both her hands on the counter around and behind him pinning him up against it and leaning closer to him.*

"I think you look good either way, but a shower might be a good idea. I guess I can wait a little longer or I am gonna go alone."

*Not giving Bret a chance to answer Charlotte press her lips against his in a passionate kiss that lingers for a moment.*

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