

*Listing to Carson Misty's own heart aches. Its being torn in two all over again. Stand to the mornal of thing or give into her heart Misty was standing again...*

"I forgive you Carson."

*Taking a step back Misty can no longer controll herself and as the tears fall more she enters back into the infermary and closes the door behind her. The memories had flooded back ten fold, the memories had been to much to bare the pain she felt again from what had happend had been tomuch and made her break down.

Leaning aganst the door Misty slids to the floor, her head spinning, but than a soft voice enters her mind and brings a small smile to her face through the pain. Kyle had been there, Kyle was there now even though he wasent in the flesh, his memorie was there trying to cheer her up. Kyle...Misty new where her heart truly layed, and though she had forgiven Carson, thats where it stoped.*

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