
No Sorry

Looking up at Bret's voice a grin cross Charlotte's lips as she brings a hand to her eyes to shield the sun. Her hair done up nicley in a ponytail her sunglass sat on the top of her head as well. Fashioned in a babyblue tank and a par of cacky capres. Giving a laugh at how he looked Charlotte finally composes herself the best she can as she gets a look of puzzlement.

"Ohhh..yeah I forgot I had a key. I know you said seven. It's seven thiry-five now. YOUR the one who is late."

Charlotte shakes her head as she fishes in her purse for her key and than enters the house. Closing the door behind her she stands at the steps and yells up them.

"Well hurry up already?"

Though Bret can't see her Charlotte's grin is big. After moving here Charlotte got a job at the recently redone caves as a ture guild. She liked the work it was fun and she liked telling the history and what not of the makings on the walls. In between she helped Angelica with her case work but most times her sister was good at doing it all without getting behind.

Today was her day off though the first in many and she couldent wait to spend the day with Bret liked planed. She always looked forward to the fun they always had.

*Misty looks up from her desk and with a jump and see Carson standing in the doorway. For a long moment Misty just looks at him not saying anything. Misty wasn’t sure what to say to him. A part of her wanted to throw her arms around him and give him a hug though she new better. Nothing said Carson changed, nothing said he was different. But though he might not be, Misty had and her heart had found someone who helped it heal even if she still did love Carson it was tucked away now that lived as only a memories. Misty couldent run to him, she couldent let herself get hurt again not to mention she liked someone alse. Her eyes narrow, and than go normal again before she finally reply.*

"Whatever it is Carson, I dont want to hear it. I'm tired of the I'm sorrys. You over used them and they lost there meaning. So dont even bother. If you want to say something other than I am sorry you may."

*Though Misty's eyes show she means what she said but behind the meaning her eyes also show a softness that goes unsead as she studdys Carson's face.*

*Katie takes the OJ and drinks it with a smile thankful for Jen's greatfulness. After a little bit more small talk with Jen and her family Katie bids them good day and starts to head for work.

Once arriving at TJY Katie heads right to her desk to start the day.*

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