

*Katie takes in Jason's emotions once again as he holds her. Stairing deep into his eyes. Its hurts Katie everything he was going though. Katie gasps and sucks in a beath taking it in. As She feels Jason's lips to her Katie's hands go to his back as she kiss him back with passion, with love.

As Jason leaves the office Katie eyes follow him. A tear escaping her eye. The end was near and Katie new it and it hurt like nothing before. She turly loved Jason and leting go was hard. Sinking down in the chair again Katie trys as she closes her eyes and replays memories in her mind. Jason...her heart acked and was breaking. Katie dident want to let go. It hurt so much, a new kind of hurt, her heart felt like it was being ripped from her chest. All Katie could do right now was sit in the darker office and cry as the smell of Jason lingered in her nose and his sweet kiss on her lips.*

*Misty pops her head out of the infermary and is half way to the elavator spying Carson a grin forms on her face as she yells.*

"Lunch train is leaving the building, all abord who is coming abored. Your loss if you miss it."

*Misty grins at Carson and steps on the elavator.*

*Finally Katie tears stop even though her heart is still heavy. Finally exiting Katie's office she looks back onmore time another tear escaping. As her memories remind. It felt like she would be looking at that office in a whole new light now.

Slowly Katie walks over to Scotts cubicle. Her eyes bloodshot and tired she just looks at the ground. Katie dosent say much but says enough.*

"The motions are started. Now I just need to try and speak the words. The hardest part."


Scott works at his computer, his mind not on his work. He can't help but wonder at the exchange going on down the hall...he can't help but wonder if it's going poorly, or if it's going well.

A strange inner conflict confuses his own heart. He wants Katie to be happy...he knows that the strain between her and Jason causes her pain. Yet he also knows that if that strain were mended, he himself would again be out of the picture.

"Lord...please, just let Your will be done, and may I understand and have peace, whatever it may be..."

Katie's presence alone drives Jason's resistance against emotions to the limit. Her eyes, her voice...she was like a powerful magnet. She didn't have to try to draw out his emotions - the connection was there without the effort. And Jason resisted for all he was worth.

As Katie speaks, Jason's mind gets tossed a million and one directions. He could hear the hurt in her voice. He could feel the pain in her tone. His heart ached as she expressed how she'd felt when he'd been gone.

He looks down and away but remains quiet, respecting what she had come to say.

Hearing how she'd come to this office and broke down was like a direct stab to his heart. Hearing how she'd felt as he'd started to lock her out was like a slap to the face.

The truth about her and Scott wasn't that much different than what Jason had heard...but even though Katie explained it and defined the innocence involved, the pain of betrayal still lingered inside of Jason. The mention of Scott in general drove him down a rocky emotional path, not only because of this, but because of what had happened yesterday. There was more than pain and anger now...there was guilt that he was trying to resist.

The more Katie talks, the harder it is for Jason to hold up his barriers. The harder it is for him to hold on to his anger. The harder it is for him not to stand, go to her, take her in his arms and tell her how sorry he was.

But something held him back. A force he couldn't even understand. A bitterness that had enchained him.

Katie had begun to look elsewhere for love because Jason had changed. ...And he knew that he hadn't changed back into the man she'd fallen in love with. So if that were true...she would want to stick with him now, no more than she had when he'd been behind bars. That truth hurt...but Jason knew it was not a lie. Yesterday had proven that he wasn't who he used to be.

He'd had his reasons for not having wanted to open himself up to Katie during the last months away. He'd become someone even he hated, in order to survive....and he hadn't wanted Katie to see just who he'd become. He was hard...cold...angry. And he'd wanted to spare Katie the full knowledge of just what had happened to him. So he had closed himself off. She said now that it had caused her even more pain when he had done that...but Jason wasn't sure he would have changed his choice. He wasn't who he used to be...he wasn't her J anymore. And what hurt the most was that despite knowing this, he didn't know how to be that man again. It was so far removed from him now, that it wasn't even in sight. He had all but given up on trying to return to who he had been.

Katie was presenting him with a choice right now, and he knew not which path to take. His love for her remained...but it was buried under multiple thick layers of negative emotions that had eaten away at and replaced compassion...warmth...hope. The holes where those feelings should have been were instead filled with forces that drove Jason to the bitter point he was at now.

Despite the longing to return to the past, Jason had forgotten how to be who he really was. He had forgotten how to live.

...And he knew it.

He had forgotten how to love.

...And he knew it.

He had shut out the world and built barriers so strong that it took all his effort just to crack them...just to let who used to be his best friend in the world, see inside of him.

...And he knew it...and he couldn't loosen his grip enough on his anger in order to change. That anger had enveloped him and though able to push it aside for moments at a time, it was what drove him now, and it was what separated him from himself.

Jason finally rises to his feet. He goes to Katie and pulls her up out of her chair. Staring her in the eye, he takes her face in his hands, searching...seeking... She loved him...and he was no longer capable of returning that love. There was too much bitterness...too much pain...too much in the way that it choked out the love that was deep down inside.

As if knowing this might be the last, Jason takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, opening up once more, allowing Katie a glimpse of what was happening inside his heart. The hurt, frustration, anger, hate, longing, loneliness...the struggle in the midst of turmoil, churned by the desire to feel hope, love, warmth, but lacking them, and therefore lacking the triumph over himself.

Leaning in, he presses his lips to hers for but a passionate moment before drawing away. And as he draws away, the feelings are sealed off, signaling that the barrier was in place and was not to be lowered again until he willed it so.

Before anything more can be said, Jason turns and leaves his office. He had to get out. He had to get away. What would happen now, he didn't know. If Katie would stay or go, he didn't know. But right now...he couldn't give any more. He couldn't face that challenge. He couldn't face that pain.

He'd barely been at work half an hour, but he was ready to leave. Stalking back down the hall, he aims for the main floor, the exit his destination.

Scott walks slowly down the aisle of cubicles, taking some papers to Carson. Turning the corner, he sees Jason coming towards him, the look on his face none too happy.

Scott backs up a step, catching his elbow on the corner of a cubicle wall and tripping himself. His papers fall from his hand as he catches himself, wincing as he moves too quickly.

Jason sees Scott and grits his teeth as he passes. Like a bloodhound, he senses Scott's fear, creating an ire inside of him for all that had happened. Most of all, an ire towards himself.

Not even stopping, Jason turns the other direction, his fast pace carrying him outside before anyone can stop him.

Scott crouches down to try and retrieve his papers, having a bit of difficulty maneuvering. Worry coursed through his veins...what had happened? Where was Katie? Had they fought? Was Jason as mad as he looked?

Standing back up, Scott waits, looking down towards the hall. Did he go to check on Katie? Did he go back to his desk?

A hand on his shoulder makes him jump. It's Carson. He looks at Carson with question, unsure what he knows, or why the understanding look on his face.

Carson can read the questions in Scott's eye, and shakes his head. "Jason wouldn't hurt her," he states with quiet confidence.

Scott swallows hard. "What do I do?"

"Just be there."

Scott hands over the papers to Carson without saying more, and returns to his desk. He would give Katie her space. If she didn't show up in a while, he'd go to her.

The truth

*As Katie enters Jason's office her heart races. Fear maybe is what drove it, being upset, the want for things to be normal. But things would never be normal again would they.*

"Jason, I wanted to talk. Have you hear my side of things insted of just whatever one alse told you. See the thing is when you hear something from other people, the story gets twisted along the way and somewhere the truth gets lost."

*Katie stops for a moment steping into Jason's office farther walking over to where the pictures like the walls and looking at them. Than slowly turns around remembering when she was in here and broke down crying.*

"It wasent long after the first time I saw you I broke down in that stop there...."

*Katie nods to the chair and than to the floor.*

"..I cryed and cryed. This was where I was closest to you Jason. Your smell lingered in this room and all I wanted was you to be home. It was heck having you gone. I do still love you Jason, and I did wait for you. Everything I said wasent a lie."

*Katie lets out a long sigh walking to the other side of the room. Trying to keep her emotions underweagh and keep Jason's anger at bay from her heart.*

"...than slowly you started locking me out. Hiding yourself from me, changing, I dident know who you were anymore. You were turning into the old Jason. I was left empty and alone, But I still loved you. That car I have outside Scott dident buy it, he got it as a favor someone owed him and he new I needed a car. It was his birthday gift to me. It wasent a bribe or a means to steal me away. Scott would never do that to you."

*Katie movies away from the other wall and paces in small circles.*

"By closing yourself off to me, you hurt me more than you know. Many days I was so sick from it I could hardly leave the house. I missed so much work I'm saprised I still have a job at all. At one point Con even thought I was dieing. Scott and I wernt dating, I wasent dating someone alse while you were in Jail. Scott asked me if I'd like to go to the movies with him as friends. Did we kiss ya we did, wasent anything major no. It was just a kiss and than we talked. He said he was wrong and I said I was wrong. Scott new I loved you..."

*Katie lets out a sigh finally siting down in one of the chairs.*

"...than we were working on geting you out together. Reese new we worked well together. We both could hack. One thing lead to another and did we kiss again...ya we did. The emptyness you left was filled and Scott still new I loved you. He new that when you came home there would be a chanse I never talked to him again. Cuz he new my feelings for you."

*Katie lets out another long tired sigh.*

"..But than Jason something happend....You came home. And I saw what I would be giving up. Something, someone so dear to me. I dident want to let you go anymore. How could I when your someone I loved so much. I was going to talk to you about the whole Scott thing. I just dident want to pile it on you right after you got out. So I waited. Is it to late now, I dont know. I guess thats up to you, or something that just needs to be though about. I just wanted you to know the truth. I did and do love you that would never change.

As for Con, dont be to hard on him. I asked him not to tell you. Cuz I wanted you to hear from me. Take what I said or leave it. I cant be in much more pain than I am now. I just wanted you to know the truth."


Scott shrugs a little at Katie. "I didn't want to stay home. I guess I'd feel more defeated if I did, and...maybe I'm not willing to back down quite as far on this one." He looks in her eyes, seeing how weary she is, and feeling badly. He just wanted this whole thing to be over. If he hadn't started spending time with her in the first place, this never would have happened.

Seeing Jason as well, Scott immediately tenses, then looks at Katie as she stands. "Be careful..."

Carson looks up to Misty and grins. "Well, good morning. Sorry you didn't have any disturbing Aussies banging on your window this morning - this one slept through his alarm."

He sighs a little, growing more serious. "Things aren't great...but I think I got Jason to stay with me for a while instead of bailing completely. He brushed off Con good last night though - I think Con feels like crap right about now.

Carson pauses, then resumes his sly glance. "So are you going to go out with me for lunch today, or what?"

Jason has just turned on his computer when he hears the knock at the door. Thinking it's probably Reese, he answers. "Yeah, come in."

It takes him a moment to look up, and he stops, honestly surprised to see Katie. He hadn't thought she'd have the guts to approach him today. He lets his eyes do the talking for him instead of letting his emotions out. He was still angry. There was shame and guilt buried there somewhere for what had happened, but dwelling on that made him feel bad, and he wasn't willing to face them. This whole thing was ridiculous, and he'd been stupid to trust her. He felt like a fool. He'd loved Katie...he'd trusted her...he'd thought she'd wait for him. And he was angry.

He looks at her for several moments, any joy and smile gone from his face. "Yes?"

Another new day

*Aerith smiles and nods of understand mint at Wyatt and his comment of things at a safer time. She wanted to know why he was shot but if he wasent willing to shire now she wouldent push him. Aerith dident know him well enough yet to keep bothering him about it. Ordering her food Aerith waits and leans on the counter.*

"So far I like it. The people are nice that I have met. Well most of them. And I love working here so far. Mable and Herb are great. I just have to do alittle bit of exploring to find out where some cool stuff is to do. Have any sujestions?"

*The evening moves on and Aerith enjoys herself siting with Wyatt and chating for a long time. It was nice geting to know him and having someone to chat with. But like all good things they come to and end. Mom and Pop's was going to be closing soon and Aerith new she should get home before any questions were asked about her return.*

"Well have a great night Wyatt and I am sure I will see you again."

*Aerith smiles and than makes her way for home.*

*For some sleep comes easy and the morning comes fast. Offering a bright new day. But for others the night drags on with endless nightmares and the morning wont come soon enough only to be hated when it finally does. *

*Katie rubs her eyes as dark circles play underneath them showing she hardly slept the night before. A cup of coffee is at her desk along with tylanol. Her head felt like it was spliting open today. She dident want to come into work but new in the last few months she had taken enough time off and it was time to crack down and help Jamie out.

As Scott makes his way over to her cubicle Katie looks up a bit of saprise on her face. She dident exspect Scott to be here.*

"Scotty you should be home in bed, resting. What are you doing here?"

*As Katie talks with Scott for alittle bit movement catches Katies eye as she see its Jason. As he slams his office door Katie crings. Her breaks in a million differnt places. Knowing Jason hated her right now hurt in so many differnt ways. Slowly yet tired and not wanting to move Katie stands.*

"I have to talk to him. This cant go on forever. Him being mad at you. I have to talk to him."

*Katie slowly exits the cubicle and makes her way to Jason's office. Stoping at the door she knock and waits not entering without promisstion like she normaly would.*

*Misty enters the main floor and scans looking to see if Carson is in yet. Spoting him at his desk Misty makes her way over and smiles down at him.*

"Morning you. How did everything go last night?"

*Misty turly hoped things would work themself out. Jason was back and this should of been a happy time forever one. But insted it turned into something far worse than just a bad day. Misty hoped today would go smooth and she wouldent have to mend any broken bones.*

Next Day

Wyatt can hear Aerith's grandmother's voice in the background, and cringes inwardly. He didn't hardly know Aerith at all, but something told him she wasn't really at fault, and he felt a bit badly for her. Respecting her privacy though, he says nothing.

As Aerith joins him a short while later, he's just getting his pizza, and gestures to her. "Order what you want. It's on me for skunking you earlier."

At her comment, he gives her a weary grin. "Yeah, well, I guess a bullet causes more than a scratch, doesn't it?" He looks her in the eye. "But stories like that wait until safer times to be talked about."

He takes a sip of his pop and changes the subject. "So...how are you liking it out here now that you've been here a few days?"

Scott can't help a grin as Katie returns with the soup. "You know...after I left home, the last time someone took care of me like this was when I went down with a bad case of the flu a few years ago and Sapphire came over." He catches Katie's eye. "But I guess a guy's got to accept it every once in a while, huh?"

Letting Katie help him, he's able to get down half the soup before he refuses any more. "Thanks, Katie...this'll get me through 'til morning." After a while, Scott attempts getting up from the couch just to move around, and it takes him a while, but he's able to see Katie to the door at least. "Try not to worry, eh?" He gives her a little nod. "It'll all be fine one way or the other. I'll call in to work tomorrow so I'll talk to you then."


Scott rolls out of bed, barely managing to straighten up as he makes his way slowly to the bathroom. He felt worse than he had the night before, stiff from head to toe and hurting everywhere. Looking in the mirror, he didn't appear that great either - the bruises on his face had turned some nice colors, and his mouth was still swollen.

Studying his own eyes, a strange determination begins to surface. He wasn't a fighter...never had been. He'd always walked away from a fight, backed up for other people, and backed off when told to. But this morning...he didn't want to stay at home. He didn't want to give in that easily.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Scott gets ready for the day, forcing himself to eat some softened toast and downing some pain killers.

Walking the length of one block from being dropped off by a cab, Scott makes it to TJY late, but he was just glad he'd made it. With every step he felt worse, but was bound and determined to stick it out. Entering the floor he receives looks of surprise from others who not only weren't expecting to see him, but who were surprised at how bad he looked. Ignoring them, he goes to Katie to check on her first.

Jason isn't far behind Carson, and walks to work. He didn't know why he was even going. He didn't want to see anyone...didn't want to talk to anyone...but he didn't want to be cooped up with his own thoughts today either.

Making his way across the main floor, he looks at no one, heading straight to his office. He only stops once, glancing down to Katie's cubicle. But seeing Scott there, all he can do is glare, then turn down the hall, shutting his office door with just a little too much force.


*Aerith answers her phone a smile crossing her face as she hears Wyatt talk. After he is done Aerith is about to talk when yelling in the background can be hurd.*

"Girl, you cooked my soup wrong again and you burned the bread."

"I'm sorry grandmother I did it how you told me to."

"No you dident if you did it wouldent be like this. Now come throw this out and make it again. THE RIGHT WAY or I am sending you home so fast your head will spin."

*Aerith lets out a heavy sigh knowing Wyatt probley hurd everything and felt alittle embarssed.*

"Yes Grandmother. I'll be right there."

*Bring the phone back up to her ear Aerith stuff tghe tears that want to come away not leting her emotions get the best of her.*

"I'd love that Wyatt. Give me 5 or 10 min to get there."

*About 15 min later Aerith enters Mom and Pop's and sits down next to Wyatt. Eyeing his arm in a sligh Aerith gets alittle but if laugh in her voice.*

"Just a scratch huh?"

*Katie throws Domino's toy and without saying much gets up. Making her way into the kitchen Katie looks through the cubords finally finding a can of soup. Warming it up Katie puts it in a bowl adn grabs a straw she found in one of the draws. Coming back into the living room Katie sits down next to Scott holding the bowl and the straw out for Scott.*

"Here your hungry you cant move your mouth much so just eat from the straw. Thats what they do when people have broken jaws."

*Katie gives half a smile and lets out a sigh.*

"After I am done here helping you eat I'll probley leave. I might hang out down by the lake for alittle bit or something.I guess I just dont want to face anyone from work right now. I'm sure storys are flying all over the place on what happend and I just dont want to deal with it. Oh well so life moves on."

*Katie holds the straw again close to Scotts mouth for him trying to revert her mind to other things as the knot in her tummy returns.*

*Jamie sits in Con's car waiting for him to come out. She new this was hard on him and she felt bad. So far nothing was going as anyone plained. Jason's homecoming had been happy for a day and than turns to crap so fast. Jamie herself wondered what plain God had for this, but new it must be something even though she dident know what.Bowing her head Jamie says alittle prayer for Katie, Jason and anyone alse affected by this.*


Wyatt grins and shakes his head as Mabel walks away. He wasn't exactly on the lookout for a girlfriend right now, but Aerith did seem nice. He couldn't help but think it might be fun to hang out with her apart from happenstance.

Alone to wait, Wyatt sits on a stool at the counter, takes his cell phone and digs around in his wallet for Aerith's number. Finally finding it, he dials and waits for an answer, not even identifying himself. "So I come back and you'd already left. Does that make us even for standing each other up?" He gives a little chuckle. "I'm hanging out down at Mom and Pop's for supper if you feel so inclined, otherwise I'll have to take another raincheck."

Scott knows it was more than another movie that had kept Katie there, but he doesn't mind. Having used her as a pillow by accident, and knowing he needed to let her move, Scott finally manages to sit up straight, annoying Domino who was trying to sleep on his lap. He leans back and closes his eyes for a moment, trying to decide if he should get up to move his muscles or just stay put.

In mention of food, he gives Katie a sidelong glance, gingerly opening his mouth to talk. "I'm starving, but I don't think I can eat anything. You're welcome to whatever I've got though. I'm a little low on a few things."

Cringing, Scott moves his feet off the coffee table to relieve the tension in his legs. Domino starts to slide off his lap and struggles for a moment, finally opting to jump onto the floor. Shaking herself all over, she bounces around for a moment, then scurries to the other side of the living room, grabs a squeaky toy and comes bounding back, leaping up onto the couch to crawl over Katie in order to get to Scott again, dropping the toy in his lap and staring at it, anticipating that it will fly through the air at any moment.

A chuckle finally surfaces from Scott and he picks up the toy, carefully tossing it across the room. Domino flies off the couch, scurrying to attack it before proudly bringing her trophy back for more, this time bouncing a bit roughly into Scott's lap.

He winces and lays a hand on her to calm her energy. "Ooh, baby settle down," he chides gently.

Domino heaves a sigh and thinks for a moment. Picking up her toy again, she deposits it with a bit of slobber into Katie's lap instead, as if reasoning that if her daddy wasn't going to play, she'd just have to find someone else.

Scott grins and rolls his eyes. After a few minutes, he turns his head to look at Katie, sensing that she didn't want to leave. "Katie...the night's not half as scary as it seems when you've got people praying for you." He offers a slight smile. "And I know Laura would be more than happy to be your company tonight. You need to get some rest too, and I'll be fine."

Con carries the large box on his shoulder, with the duffel bag in his other hand, up the two flights of stairs. Reaching Carson's door, he sets everything down and rings the doorbell. It's Jason that answers. Both men lock eyes for several moments. The stare Jason gives Con is cold and empty as if the life has been completely sucked out of him.

Con frowns out of sadness. "Jason, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide anything from you. I was just..."

Jason ignores the apology and moves to pick up his bag and shove the box inside. Without a word, he shuts the door again.

Con stares at the closed door, trying not to become angry himself. Jason had been broken before, and this time was fighting it for all it was worth. Unfortunately, he was fighting it with anger. Con turns to go.

Carson sees Jason bring his stuff in and shut the door, but catches a glimpse of Con in the hallway. Paying no heed to Jason's moodiness, he goes to the hall, seeing Con walking away. "Con!" Not heard, Carson gives a shrill whistle instead.

Con spins around and seeing Carson, he returns. "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'd try to keep him here." Carson keeps his voice quiet. "I figure if he'd come here he wouldn't skip town or something stupid."

"Well I appreciate it. Has he said anything?"

"Nothing worth repeating. He's shutting down big time though. I can't tell if he's more angry or depressed at the moment. I've seen guys get out of prison who've slipped right back into everyday life no problem. Then I've seen guys like this who come back to find things different and just can't handle it."

Con sighs deeply. "You think he'll hurt anybody else?"

"Not if he can keep his temper." Carson shrugs. "From what I saw earlier today, he didn't have a clue what he did to Scott until it was over."

"Yeah, well...I guess I'm not going to try to talk with him, but if you need anything, call me."

Night fall

*Katie gives a gentil pat to Domino's head with her free hand and scritchs behind her ears before laying her hand in her lap once again. Gently holding Scott's hand just leting him sink into her arms as he falls asleep. *

*Jamie cuddles close to Con being wraped in his arms felt good. It was starng not seeing him as much as before, but Jamie understood and dident mind an awfel alot. It made the time they did have more meaningful. Leting out a long sigh Jamie thinks about everything Con had said. Jamie wraps her own arms around Con just holding him.*

"All we can really do Con is pray for Jason, and for Katie too. They are still so young and life has been very un normal for kids there age. Tey grew up fast and faces the cold world, only to still be kids on the inside. God knows what is right and what is best.

The most we can do for Jason right now is just be there. So when he needs a friend, or when he falls we can catch him. Things will work out and be ok. As for Katie, I am sure she is hurting alot right about not too. She dident mean for any of this to happen. She dident mean to hurt Jason. Katie cared for Jason alot, and loved him. There is no denying that you could tell by the look in her eye. Everyone is hurt lost and scaired. Its gonna work out Con no matter what, and in the end Jason will still be your friend and You will still be Katie's big brother."

*Herb gives alittle grin and nods at Wyatt.*

"Your welcome Wyatt."

*As Mable hears the bell on the door ring she looks up seeing Wyatt and his arm brace. Shaking her head she cant help but laugh.*

"Cant help but get into trouble can you."

*Mable turns grabing Wyatt his drink as Herb makes his way into the back to warm up Wyatt some pizza. As Mable places the cub in front of Wyatt she lets out a sigh.*

"Aerith left for the day already. She told me to let you know though if you felt up to doing something tonight to stop by or give her a call."

*Mable grabs a fork and knife for Wyatt than goes to the grill window to get him his food.*

"From what I have seen so far Wyatt she is a nice girl who has taken a liking to you. Its not every day someone falls out of the sky that could be everything you ask for and more."

*Mable smiles at Wyatt and turns disapreaing into the backroom to talk to Herb.*

*Katie snaps back to reality as she heads Scott's voice."


*Katie had been lost in though for a few hours now. Going through everything in her mind that happend. About Jason, about Scott. Her mind just wondered from on the to the next never resting on one though for to long for fear of her emotions spilling over. Katie hoped Jason was ok now. Everything inside her wanted to call and make sure but Katie new right now she couldent nor would he probley even pick up. That alone caused Katie pain.*

"Oh, I was comfortable here on the coutch I dident want to move. Not to mention another old movie came on I wanted to see."

*Katie pointed to the TV trying to sound convincing even though she had no idea what the movie was. Truth be told she was scaired to go home alone. This had been the first time since she was little that she was scaired to go to where her own bed was. Being home alone would give Katie time to think about to many thingd and many emotions would come with that. At least siting here with Scott Katie had alittle of controll over what her emotions did.*

"Are you hungry at all? I could make us something to eat if you are. Its about an hour past dinner time."

*Katie trys her best to smile and not move to much for fear of hurting Scott.*

Passing Day

Though unsure about the wisdom of having Katie stay, Scott doesn’t protest. Settling on the couch again, he slips his sneakers off to gingerly set his feet up on the coffee table as Katie flips on the tv. The noise of the movie provided the sound to drown out the silence, helping avoid the need for words to be spoken.

As Katie draws Scott closer, he doesn’t resist. Right about now he was feeling hurt, foolish, and maybe even a little worthless for not being able to defend himself. But Katie was a comfort…and he could only admit that he enjoyed having her arm around him.

Slowly moving his good arm, he reaches over to take Katie’s hand in his, keeping his eyes on tv.

Feeling left out, Domino cocks her head and looks at the two on the couch. Jumping up, she crawls into Scott’s lap, gives a little lick to their hands, then heaves a sigh. Looking around for a minute and perking an ear at the tv, she settles down as if making a statement that she would share her master, but only if she could be included.

Scott leans back, trying to ignore the soreness that was settling in. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. The movie’s sounds begin to all drift together, and Scott’s eyes grow heavier and heavier. His grip on Katie’s hand grows loose, and his head slowly leans until it’s resting against Katie’s shoulder under the arm she still has around him.

Con pauses his packing to look at Jamie. He settles down to lean his back against the couch, and pulls Jamie close to him. “Ya know…Jason and I have always gotten along pretty well. When he came here, he was so good and learned so fast, I thought he’d pass me by for sure… Over the years, I saw how he was kinda drawn into himself…Hotshot was a good name for him though, since he was a might cocky…though I dare say he could actually put his money where his mouth was in most things. He was the best…”

He sighs and shakes his head. “He and Laura and I got pretty close, even though he never did really open himself up. Then we went to Texas and everything changed… He started having those flashbacks…he met Katie… He started to turn around and really pick himself up. Things went haywire again…” Con stops and shaks his head again. “You know all that…I guess by now I just….I don’t know…he’s my friend and I care, and there’s nothing I can do to help him. Part of his problems are his own fault, and part of them aren’t. I just don’t know what to do. And now…he’s pulling away completely. I’m just….I’m afraid I’m losing one of my best friends.”

Wyatt nods to Herb as he comes out, and though seeing Aerith’s concern, can offer no more than a nod that he’ll be okay. Yes, it was worse than a scratch, but he just couldn’t tell her what had really happened.

Accepting Herb’s support, Wyatt goes with him out of the restaurant…

“…For pete’s sake!” Rick throws up his arms. “First Scott and now you. Sit down,” he orders Wyatt, pointing to the bed. He gives a nod to Herb. “Afternoon, Herb. I see you got chosen for duty today. Wyatt, what happened?”

“It was that case I was on.” Wyatt winces as he removes his jacket and unbuttons his shirt so Rick can get to the wound. “It went down earlier than we thought, so I had to make a couple quick moves and I got in the line of fire. Then my jeep petered out on me here in town, so I had Herb bring me.” He cringes as Rick begins to poke around. “Hey, take it easy!”

Rick doesn’t have much mercy, and continues as he is. “Quit whining. You’ve had worse.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Thanks. Now what’s this about Scott? What happened to him?”

…It takes Rick longer to get the bullet out than planned, and he ends up putting Wyatt halfway out to get at it. Several hours later though, the task is complete and Wyatt is cleaned up, sewed up and bandaged, donning a clean shirt while trying to shake off the anesthetic. What he’d heard about Jason was more disturbing than his own wound, and he could only hope that the worst of that storm was over. He couldn’t imagine how Katie must be feeling.

Wyatt gives a quick report to Reese about the case, then finding Herb again, heads back out. “Thanks for all your help.” Wyatt looks out the window as they drive back downtown. “I really appreciate it. Once we get to the restaurant I’ll call a tow truck for my jeep.”

Back to Mom and Pop’s, Wyatt enters behind Herb, much more alert than earlier, cleaned up, but with his arm in a sling. He wanders up to the counter, giving a wave to Mabel. “Hey, what’s a guy gotta do to get some supper around here?” He knew that Rick would be shaking his head at him…he should be home resting…but if there was one thing that never changed about Wyatt, it was the fact that he was a fighter.

Scott’s ears pick up on noise, bringing him out of his foggy dream. He hurts all over, and doesn’t even want to move. He can still feel a warm bundle of fur on his lap, and he was leaning against something…someone….Katie.

Furrowing his brow, he manages to open one eye, trying to get his bearings. He starts to lift his head, then opts against it as his muscles retaliate. The room was dimmer than before. His eyes drift to the clock. Early evening. Katie shouldn’t have had to stay all day…not that he minded…but he felt bad that she’d feel obligated.

Scott opens his mouth to say something, but stops and winces. It takes him several moments just to be able to speak. “Katie…what are you still doing here?”


*Katie stands taking her plate and than Scott's scraping the rest of the sandwatch into the trash. Placing the plates in the sink Katie lets it fill alittle as she runs her hand through the bubbles that were forming watching them pop. It was funny how Katie stood there and compaired life to the bubbles. One minute its there and the next it pope. Shutting off the water Katie goes back over to Scott helping him up again and taking him back into the livingroom.*

"I wont be going back to work today...and you owe me nothing."

*Leading him over to the coutch again Katie sits down having him sit next to her. Flipping on Scott's tv finding an old black and white movie. Puting her arm gently around Scott she draws him closer to her. She had offered her shelter when she needed it now she wanted to return it.*

"Anyways I dont want to go home and be alone right now. If you fall sleep I dont mind. As long as you sleep peacefuly."

*Aerith eyes Wyatt for a long moment. Before looking back at his arm. Consern flashing in her eyes.*

"Thats more than just a scratch Wyatt, alot worse."

*Herb comes back out from the back and nods at Wyatt.*

"Ready? Aerith help Mable all you can while I am gone. I will try not to be long."

*Herb offers his shoulder for Wyatt seeing he is growing weak. Herb turns back to Aerith seeing her worry.*

"Dont worry this one here is a fighter. He'll be back later for the dinner."

*Herb cant help but give a chuckle helping Wyatt out and to the car heading to TJ. Aerith turn her attachen back to some people who just walked in to see what she could get them but she couldent shakes the what she saw with Wyatt, and the blood. She prayed he would be ok.*

*As Jamie enters the room with Con she lays a hand on his shoulder sliding down next to him grabing a pare of Jason jeans and folding them herself.*

"I saw Scott leave today and Katie was going to drive him home. I saw Jason leave alittle bit later with Carson. I can only imagen why happend."

*Jamie takes some shirts and folds them with care.*

" Dont worry Con. Jason will cool down and come back I am sure. Everything has been a shock to his system and than this on top of it. Once Jason calms down he will understand and see. Your his best friend something small like this wont change that I am sure."

*Katie picks up a photo album that had Jason's name on it. Opening it and fliping through the pictures fast seeing pics of Con, Laura and Jason with smiles. Closing it Jamie slowly slids it in the bag.*

"If you wanna talk about it Hun I'm here for you."


Seeing it’s useless to argue with Katie, Scott relents and lets her help clean up his mess. Sitting down at the small kitchen table, he directs her around to find what she needs, and lets her fix something to eat without complaining.

Domino seems to sense that her master isn’t up to moving around, so she follows Katie instead, wiggling with excitement as she’s finally fed.

Waiting for Katie to join him at the table, Scott gives a short, simple prayer for the food. He’s got an awful lot to talk to God about, but right now, a meal’s prayer is all he can offer.

Hurting to even open his mouth, Scott takes little bites, chewing slowly on one side, and drinking small sips of lemonade. Making it through half a sandwich, he gives up on any more.

Pushing his plate aside, he’s slouched in his chair, and looks across at Katie, his eyes showing the defeat. “Thanks, Katie…I owe ya.” He glances at the wall clock above the sink. “You should probably get back to work before you get into trouble…most likely I’ll end up conking out here anyway, and a sleeping man is never great company.” He almost smiles, but his mouth reminds him he can’t quite handle it.

Wyatt is glad to see Aerith, but right now, going out with her was the farthest thing from his mind. Staying conscious was his focus at this point. He hadn’t wanted to see anyone but Herb and Mabel, but it was a risk he’d taken.

Looking Aerith in the eye, he can see the questions in her mind, and feels bad that he can’t explain. If it were any other time than this, he might risk letting her in on the secret, but they were going public, and anyone involved could wind up in legal trouble. If they were all pardoned, it would be one thing, but if not, Wyatt couldn’t have Aerith involved now on any level, lest she get pulled down with the others.

Putting a bloody hand back to his shoulder under the jacket, Wyatt’s face is grim and tight, though he tries to convince Aerith everything is alright. “I’m okay,” he assures. “Herb’s helping me out. I just got in a little scrape is all. It’s just a scratch.”

Con looks up from his seat on the living room floor. He wasn’t sure he’d heard someone or not. “Jamie? If that’s you, I’m in here,” he calls.

Looking back down, he takes the small stack of books and puts them in the cardboard box. Folding another pair of jeans, he stuffs them into Jason’s duffel bag. Half the task was done…and with each item Con packed, the worse he felt. He didn’t want to be doing this…he felt like he was turning his back. But Carson had said that Jason had been dead serious about not coming back…and if that was true, then Con wasn’t going to fight it. It pained him to think Jason was that angry with him…but what could he do…