

*Katie stands taking her plate and than Scott's scraping the rest of the sandwatch into the trash. Placing the plates in the sink Katie lets it fill alittle as she runs her hand through the bubbles that were forming watching them pop. It was funny how Katie stood there and compaired life to the bubbles. One minute its there and the next it pope. Shutting off the water Katie goes back over to Scott helping him up again and taking him back into the livingroom.*

"I wont be going back to work today...and you owe me nothing."

*Leading him over to the coutch again Katie sits down having him sit next to her. Flipping on Scott's tv finding an old black and white movie. Puting her arm gently around Scott she draws him closer to her. She had offered her shelter when she needed it now she wanted to return it.*

"Anyways I dont want to go home and be alone right now. If you fall sleep I dont mind. As long as you sleep peacefuly."

*Aerith eyes Wyatt for a long moment. Before looking back at his arm. Consern flashing in her eyes.*

"Thats more than just a scratch Wyatt, alot worse."

*Herb comes back out from the back and nods at Wyatt.*

"Ready? Aerith help Mable all you can while I am gone. I will try not to be long."

*Herb offers his shoulder for Wyatt seeing he is growing weak. Herb turns back to Aerith seeing her worry.*

"Dont worry this one here is a fighter. He'll be back later for the dinner."

*Herb cant help but give a chuckle helping Wyatt out and to the car heading to TJ. Aerith turn her attachen back to some people who just walked in to see what she could get them but she couldent shakes the what she saw with Wyatt, and the blood. She prayed he would be ok.*

*As Jamie enters the room with Con she lays a hand on his shoulder sliding down next to him grabing a pare of Jason jeans and folding them herself.*

"I saw Scott leave today and Katie was going to drive him home. I saw Jason leave alittle bit later with Carson. I can only imagen why happend."

*Jamie takes some shirts and folds them with care.*

" Dont worry Con. Jason will cool down and come back I am sure. Everything has been a shock to his system and than this on top of it. Once Jason calms down he will understand and see. Your his best friend something small like this wont change that I am sure."

*Katie picks up a photo album that had Jason's name on it. Opening it and fliping through the pictures fast seeing pics of Con, Laura and Jason with smiles. Closing it Jamie slowly slids it in the bag.*

"If you wanna talk about it Hun I'm here for you."

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