
Next Day

Wyatt can hear Aerith's grandmother's voice in the background, and cringes inwardly. He didn't hardly know Aerith at all, but something told him she wasn't really at fault, and he felt a bit badly for her. Respecting her privacy though, he says nothing.

As Aerith joins him a short while later, he's just getting his pizza, and gestures to her. "Order what you want. It's on me for skunking you earlier."

At her comment, he gives her a weary grin. "Yeah, well, I guess a bullet causes more than a scratch, doesn't it?" He looks her in the eye. "But stories like that wait until safer times to be talked about."

He takes a sip of his pop and changes the subject. "So...how are you liking it out here now that you've been here a few days?"

Scott can't help a grin as Katie returns with the soup. "You know...after I left home, the last time someone took care of me like this was when I went down with a bad case of the flu a few years ago and Sapphire came over." He catches Katie's eye. "But I guess a guy's got to accept it every once in a while, huh?"

Letting Katie help him, he's able to get down half the soup before he refuses any more. "Thanks, Katie...this'll get me through 'til morning." After a while, Scott attempts getting up from the couch just to move around, and it takes him a while, but he's able to see Katie to the door at least. "Try not to worry, eh?" He gives her a little nod. "It'll all be fine one way or the other. I'll call in to work tomorrow so I'll talk to you then."


Scott rolls out of bed, barely managing to straighten up as he makes his way slowly to the bathroom. He felt worse than he had the night before, stiff from head to toe and hurting everywhere. Looking in the mirror, he didn't appear that great either - the bruises on his face had turned some nice colors, and his mouth was still swollen.

Studying his own eyes, a strange determination begins to surface. He wasn't a fighter...never had been. He'd always walked away from a fight, backed up for other people, and backed off when told to. But this morning...he didn't want to stay at home. He didn't want to give in that easily.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Scott gets ready for the day, forcing himself to eat some softened toast and downing some pain killers.

Walking the length of one block from being dropped off by a cab, Scott makes it to TJY late, but he was just glad he'd made it. With every step he felt worse, but was bound and determined to stick it out. Entering the floor he receives looks of surprise from others who not only weren't expecting to see him, but who were surprised at how bad he looked. Ignoring them, he goes to Katie to check on her first.

Jason isn't far behind Carson, and walks to work. He didn't know why he was even going. He didn't want to see anyone...didn't want to talk to anyone...but he didn't want to be cooped up with his own thoughts today either.

Making his way across the main floor, he looks at no one, heading straight to his office. He only stops once, glancing down to Katie's cubicle. But seeing Scott there, all he can do is glare, then turn down the hall, shutting his office door with just a little too much force.

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