
Night fall

*Katie gives a gentil pat to Domino's head with her free hand and scritchs behind her ears before laying her hand in her lap once again. Gently holding Scott's hand just leting him sink into her arms as he falls asleep. *

*Jamie cuddles close to Con being wraped in his arms felt good. It was starng not seeing him as much as before, but Jamie understood and dident mind an awfel alot. It made the time they did have more meaningful. Leting out a long sigh Jamie thinks about everything Con had said. Jamie wraps her own arms around Con just holding him.*

"All we can really do Con is pray for Jason, and for Katie too. They are still so young and life has been very un normal for kids there age. Tey grew up fast and faces the cold world, only to still be kids on the inside. God knows what is right and what is best.

The most we can do for Jason right now is just be there. So when he needs a friend, or when he falls we can catch him. Things will work out and be ok. As for Katie, I am sure she is hurting alot right about not too. She dident mean for any of this to happen. She dident mean to hurt Jason. Katie cared for Jason alot, and loved him. There is no denying that you could tell by the look in her eye. Everyone is hurt lost and scaired. Its gonna work out Con no matter what, and in the end Jason will still be your friend and You will still be Katie's big brother."

*Herb gives alittle grin and nods at Wyatt.*

"Your welcome Wyatt."

*As Mable hears the bell on the door ring she looks up seeing Wyatt and his arm brace. Shaking her head she cant help but laugh.*

"Cant help but get into trouble can you."

*Mable turns grabing Wyatt his drink as Herb makes his way into the back to warm up Wyatt some pizza. As Mable places the cub in front of Wyatt she lets out a sigh.*

"Aerith left for the day already. She told me to let you know though if you felt up to doing something tonight to stop by or give her a call."

*Mable grabs a fork and knife for Wyatt than goes to the grill window to get him his food.*

"From what I have seen so far Wyatt she is a nice girl who has taken a liking to you. Its not every day someone falls out of the sky that could be everything you ask for and more."

*Mable smiles at Wyatt and turns disapreaing into the backroom to talk to Herb.*

*Katie snaps back to reality as she heads Scott's voice."


*Katie had been lost in though for a few hours now. Going through everything in her mind that happend. About Jason, about Scott. Her mind just wondered from on the to the next never resting on one though for to long for fear of her emotions spilling over. Katie hoped Jason was ok now. Everything inside her wanted to call and make sure but Katie new right now she couldent nor would he probley even pick up. That alone caused Katie pain.*

"Oh, I was comfortable here on the coutch I dident want to move. Not to mention another old movie came on I wanted to see."

*Katie pointed to the TV trying to sound convincing even though she had no idea what the movie was. Truth be told she was scaired to go home alone. This had been the first time since she was little that she was scaired to go to where her own bed was. Being home alone would give Katie time to think about to many thingd and many emotions would come with that. At least siting here with Scott Katie had alittle of controll over what her emotions did.*

"Are you hungry at all? I could make us something to eat if you are. Its about an hour past dinner time."

*Katie trys her best to smile and not move to much for fear of hurting Scott.*

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