

Scott shrugs a little at Katie. "I didn't want to stay home. I guess I'd feel more defeated if I did, and...maybe I'm not willing to back down quite as far on this one." He looks in her eyes, seeing how weary she is, and feeling badly. He just wanted this whole thing to be over. If he hadn't started spending time with her in the first place, this never would have happened.

Seeing Jason as well, Scott immediately tenses, then looks at Katie as she stands. "Be careful..."

Carson looks up to Misty and grins. "Well, good morning. Sorry you didn't have any disturbing Aussies banging on your window this morning - this one slept through his alarm."

He sighs a little, growing more serious. "Things aren't great...but I think I got Jason to stay with me for a while instead of bailing completely. He brushed off Con good last night though - I think Con feels like crap right about now.

Carson pauses, then resumes his sly glance. "So are you going to go out with me for lunch today, or what?"

Jason has just turned on his computer when he hears the knock at the door. Thinking it's probably Reese, he answers. "Yeah, come in."

It takes him a moment to look up, and he stops, honestly surprised to see Katie. He hadn't thought she'd have the guts to approach him today. He lets his eyes do the talking for him instead of letting his emotions out. He was still angry. There was shame and guilt buried there somewhere for what had happened, but dwelling on that made him feel bad, and he wasn't willing to face them. This whole thing was ridiculous, and he'd been stupid to trust her. He felt like a fool. He'd loved Katie...he'd trusted her...he'd thought she'd wait for him. And he was angry.

He looks at her for several moments, any joy and smile gone from his face. "Yes?"

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