

*Aerith answers her phone a smile crossing her face as she hears Wyatt talk. After he is done Aerith is about to talk when yelling in the background can be hurd.*

"Girl, you cooked my soup wrong again and you burned the bread."

"I'm sorry grandmother I did it how you told me to."

"No you dident if you did it wouldent be like this. Now come throw this out and make it again. THE RIGHT WAY or I am sending you home so fast your head will spin."

*Aerith lets out a heavy sigh knowing Wyatt probley hurd everything and felt alittle embarssed.*

"Yes Grandmother. I'll be right there."

*Bring the phone back up to her ear Aerith stuff tghe tears that want to come away not leting her emotions get the best of her.*

"I'd love that Wyatt. Give me 5 or 10 min to get there."

*About 15 min later Aerith enters Mom and Pop's and sits down next to Wyatt. Eyeing his arm in a sligh Aerith gets alittle but if laugh in her voice.*

"Just a scratch huh?"

*Katie throws Domino's toy and without saying much gets up. Making her way into the kitchen Katie looks through the cubords finally finding a can of soup. Warming it up Katie puts it in a bowl adn grabs a straw she found in one of the draws. Coming back into the living room Katie sits down next to Scott holding the bowl and the straw out for Scott.*

"Here your hungry you cant move your mouth much so just eat from the straw. Thats what they do when people have broken jaws."

*Katie gives half a smile and lets out a sigh.*

"After I am done here helping you eat I'll probley leave. I might hang out down by the lake for alittle bit or something.I guess I just dont want to face anyone from work right now. I'm sure storys are flying all over the place on what happend and I just dont want to deal with it. Oh well so life moves on."

*Katie holds the straw again close to Scotts mouth for him trying to revert her mind to other things as the knot in her tummy returns.*

*Jamie sits in Con's car waiting for him to come out. She new this was hard on him and she felt bad. So far nothing was going as anyone plained. Jason's homecoming had been happy for a day and than turns to crap so fast. Jamie herself wondered what plain God had for this, but new it must be something even though she dident know what.Bowing her head Jamie says alittle prayer for Katie, Jason and anyone alse affected by this.*

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