
Passing Day

Though unsure about the wisdom of having Katie stay, Scott doesn’t protest. Settling on the couch again, he slips his sneakers off to gingerly set his feet up on the coffee table as Katie flips on the tv. The noise of the movie provided the sound to drown out the silence, helping avoid the need for words to be spoken.

As Katie draws Scott closer, he doesn’t resist. Right about now he was feeling hurt, foolish, and maybe even a little worthless for not being able to defend himself. But Katie was a comfort…and he could only admit that he enjoyed having her arm around him.

Slowly moving his good arm, he reaches over to take Katie’s hand in his, keeping his eyes on tv.

Feeling left out, Domino cocks her head and looks at the two on the couch. Jumping up, she crawls into Scott’s lap, gives a little lick to their hands, then heaves a sigh. Looking around for a minute and perking an ear at the tv, she settles down as if making a statement that she would share her master, but only if she could be included.

Scott leans back, trying to ignore the soreness that was settling in. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. The movie’s sounds begin to all drift together, and Scott’s eyes grow heavier and heavier. His grip on Katie’s hand grows loose, and his head slowly leans until it’s resting against Katie’s shoulder under the arm she still has around him.

Con pauses his packing to look at Jamie. He settles down to lean his back against the couch, and pulls Jamie close to him. “Ya know…Jason and I have always gotten along pretty well. When he came here, he was so good and learned so fast, I thought he’d pass me by for sure… Over the years, I saw how he was kinda drawn into himself…Hotshot was a good name for him though, since he was a might cocky…though I dare say he could actually put his money where his mouth was in most things. He was the best…”

He sighs and shakes his head. “He and Laura and I got pretty close, even though he never did really open himself up. Then we went to Texas and everything changed… He started having those flashbacks…he met Katie… He started to turn around and really pick himself up. Things went haywire again…” Con stops and shaks his head again. “You know all that…I guess by now I just….I don’t know…he’s my friend and I care, and there’s nothing I can do to help him. Part of his problems are his own fault, and part of them aren’t. I just don’t know what to do. And now…he’s pulling away completely. I’m just….I’m afraid I’m losing one of my best friends.”

Wyatt nods to Herb as he comes out, and though seeing Aerith’s concern, can offer no more than a nod that he’ll be okay. Yes, it was worse than a scratch, but he just couldn’t tell her what had really happened.

Accepting Herb’s support, Wyatt goes with him out of the restaurant…

“…For pete’s sake!” Rick throws up his arms. “First Scott and now you. Sit down,” he orders Wyatt, pointing to the bed. He gives a nod to Herb. “Afternoon, Herb. I see you got chosen for duty today. Wyatt, what happened?”

“It was that case I was on.” Wyatt winces as he removes his jacket and unbuttons his shirt so Rick can get to the wound. “It went down earlier than we thought, so I had to make a couple quick moves and I got in the line of fire. Then my jeep petered out on me here in town, so I had Herb bring me.” He cringes as Rick begins to poke around. “Hey, take it easy!”

Rick doesn’t have much mercy, and continues as he is. “Quit whining. You’ve had worse.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Thanks. Now what’s this about Scott? What happened to him?”

…It takes Rick longer to get the bullet out than planned, and he ends up putting Wyatt halfway out to get at it. Several hours later though, the task is complete and Wyatt is cleaned up, sewed up and bandaged, donning a clean shirt while trying to shake off the anesthetic. What he’d heard about Jason was more disturbing than his own wound, and he could only hope that the worst of that storm was over. He couldn’t imagine how Katie must be feeling.

Wyatt gives a quick report to Reese about the case, then finding Herb again, heads back out. “Thanks for all your help.” Wyatt looks out the window as they drive back downtown. “I really appreciate it. Once we get to the restaurant I’ll call a tow truck for my jeep.”

Back to Mom and Pop’s, Wyatt enters behind Herb, much more alert than earlier, cleaned up, but with his arm in a sling. He wanders up to the counter, giving a wave to Mabel. “Hey, what’s a guy gotta do to get some supper around here?” He knew that Rick would be shaking his head at him…he should be home resting…but if there was one thing that never changed about Wyatt, it was the fact that he was a fighter.

Scott’s ears pick up on noise, bringing him out of his foggy dream. He hurts all over, and doesn’t even want to move. He can still feel a warm bundle of fur on his lap, and he was leaning against something…someone….Katie.

Furrowing his brow, he manages to open one eye, trying to get his bearings. He starts to lift his head, then opts against it as his muscles retaliate. The room was dimmer than before. His eyes drift to the clock. Early evening. Katie shouldn’t have had to stay all day…not that he minded…but he felt bad that she’d feel obligated.

Scott opens his mouth to say something, but stops and winces. It takes him several moments just to be able to speak. “Katie…what are you still doing here?”

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