

*As Jason's hand goes to the glass one last time so does Katie's as she mouths "I love you." As Jason is pulled to the door Katie's eyes stay locked with his as she stands. Trying to keep her shoulders up and her head high giving him the strangth he needed knowing she was trying to stay strong. After Jason is gone Katie's shoulder slump alittle but she still trys to remani strong for Jason. Closing her eyes Katie can still feel Jason in the room and smell his unoticed by many sent. Finally Katie opens her eyes and turns for the door sucking in her tears she exits.*

*As the door opens Lockheart stands and goes to Katie.*

"Are you ok? how did it go?"

*Katie turns to Lockheart and smiles geting a tiny bit of life back in her eyes but still weary.*

"Everything is going to be ok Lockheart. Can you take me home please?"

*Lockheart smiles down at Katie and puts her arm around her shoulder. They had to work hear to get Jason out. For Katie and for him.*

"Ok Hun. Lets go."

~*~A few hours later~*~

*Nate stands and streaches it was six and time to get Laura. Standing he walks over to Laura cubicle only to find it empty and her computer shut down. Nate lets out a sigh she had left. Walking slowly back to his desk he slumps down. Who was he kidding even when he tryed to force Laura to go out with him she wouldent. As he sits at his desk Laura's words enter his head and a sence of curage thought his vains. No...He wasent going to give in that easly. Standing Nate grabs his jacket and his keys making his way to his car. Within minutes Nate is pulling into Laura's driveway. Jumping out of the Car Nate makes it to the door and knocks.*

*Katie yells from her room to Laura.*

"Laura I think the door is for you."

*Misty looks up from her desk and smiles at Wyatt noding.*

"Ya he said he needed to do laundry and a few other things. He should have his cell on him. If you want on my way home I can take a deture and stop by his place fast leting him know you need him to call you if you want."

*Misty smiles at Wyatt happy for any excute to see Carson.*


Laura bites her lip as she grins a little, watching Nate walk away. His antics made her smile...it was so hard for him to push her, and as such, she knew his intentions were honorable.

Katie's stare takes Jason's breath away, and he struggles to hold her gaze. Like a warm breeze is suddenly washed over him, he can sense the comfort she offers, and he absorbs it like a sponge longing for that refreshing water. He can almost feel her, could swear that for but one instant, the glass barrier between them does not exist.

As the exchange disperses into dialogue, Jason keeps his hand on the glass. This bond with Katie...it had started out so small...almost unbelievable and perhaps considered insignificant. But the more they worked at it, the stronger it grew. Nothing could explain it, and nothing could take it away. They were connected, and together, they had a gift. She needed him, and he needed her. There could be no denial.

"I'll hang on," he promises softly. "As long as I know you're okay, the stay is bearable." His eyes plead with her to stay strong too. "I can't stand knowing you're miserable. Focus on the future and don't let this get you down either, okay?" Though he has lacked hope, he forces strength for Katie. "I won't be stuck here...I know they'll get me out."

The allowed time passes more quickly than Jason wants, and too soon the hour is up. But it was more than he could have asked for. He got to see Katie...got to talk with her...got to see her smile as she showed him pictures and filled him in on his forgotten life back home. His arms ached to embrace her, leaving him feeling so full and yet so empty at the same time.

"Come on, Stevenson."

Jason doesn't take his eyes off Katie, but slowly forces himself to stand from his chair. "I'll write," he assures. "Tell Reese I'm okay, and if you can get a hold of my mom somehow, let her know too."

He hesitates, despite the guard's hand on his arm. "I'll see you soon," he promises, despite the unknowns. He reaches out one more time to put his fingers to the glass before blowing her a kiss.

As he's guided to the door, he walks backward, never looking away from Katie until he's out of sight.

Five forty-five. Laura looks at her watch. Her eyes drift across the floor to where Nate was still working. How badly did he want to go out to a movie tonight? She was learning to trust him...but just what was he made of?

Laura switches off her computer and grabs her purse. Stealing away quietly, she slips to the exit unnoticed and heads for her car. How this would play out would be interesting...and she wasn't sure which results she would bet on...but the outcome would help her know which direction to take from here on out.

Before she knew it, she was pulling into her drive, and turning off her cell phone. "You know where I live, Mr. Driers," she says aloud. Getting out of the car, she heads inside, changing into a comfy pair of jeans and t-shirt, running around in bare feet.

"Hey, Misty?" Wyatt sticks his head through the infirmary door. "I guess Carson already left for the day, but I had a question for him that we need an answer on right quick about something happening up in Montana. I tried calling his cell but he's not picking up, and I got the answering machine at his apartment. Do you know if he was going somewhere tonight?"

Cheesy :-p

*As Nate hears Laura's refusel something inside of him gives alittle causing him to once again Coming up behind Laura he spins her chair around and puts on hand on each arm.*

"Laura Gibbs, your coming to a movie with me tonight weather I have to drag you away from this computer or not is up to you. I'll be back around six. If your not ready you go looking however."

*Nate cant help the playful smile on his face as he backs away and heads to his own desk.*

*As Katie looks back into Jason's eyes she can feel him. Feel his emotions, his pain his anger. The emotions inside Jason were great and they made Katie's heart ake. She wanted to turn away, to get rid of these feelings that hurt so much but she kept her eyes on Jason. He needed her and she wouldent turn her back on him. Jason needed her strangth and she was there to offer it to him. As Jason keeps his emotions going Katie's eyes stay locked with his for a moment Katie's vision become blurry, as if the glass in Katie's mind suddanly disapeared she clasps her fingers around Jasons. Her other hand finding his face and running her fingers along it. Bring him the comfort he needs leting him feel the warmth from her skin. Leaning Katie gives him a kiss than draws away. Katie vision become clear again as Jason's emotions start to calm. As her vision is clean again is shows the cold truth that the glass was still there infront of them. Slowly Katie looks as Jason's hand pressed aganst hers on the glass. Katie again looks up at Jason and gives alittle nod. Softly she speaks again.*

"Hang in there alittle bit longer J. I'm here still waiting. I wont leave you. "

*Katie takes her other hand and points to the glass to Jason's chest where his heart is.*

"When you need or you feel like giving up. Look there J and I will know and I will be thinking of you to. Hang in there for me and I will hang in there for you. We will give eachother strength. I love you Jason. Dont forget that."

*Katie's eyes dont waver from Jason's. As they stair deep into his soul bringing as much comfort as they can for Jason.*

Open door

Carson chuckles and agrees to Misty, sidling out of the infirmary to head back to his desk. Heaving a sigh, he starts in on his work for the day, rolling his eyes at something Reese had returned to him...he'd done it wrong again.

Laura quirks an eyebrow at Nate as he orders her to the movie, then turns around and asks please. She can't help her grin, but calls to him as he comes back by. "Sorry, but I've got too much work to do today...I'll be working late, and then I'll be beat, I doubt I'd be much company at a movie." She keeps her eyes towards her computer, talking over her shoulder.

No words seem right...nothing Jason can think of wants to come out of his mouth. Seeing the tears in Katie's eyes cut him to the quick, seeing how she's suffered through all of this too.

Looking at her hand on the glass, he slowly puts his hand up to hers, his broader palm and longer fingers hiding hers from his view. The warmth of their skin warms the glass, giving a false sense of touch.

Jason just studies Katie's eyes. "I've missed you too," he says quietly. But he can see her suffering...she needed to feel him to reassure her of his presence...she had felt his pain, but he'd desperately tried to mask it for her this last month. ...But he couldn't hide from her. He couldn't keep her in the dark. She needed him to let her see inside.

Sending his piercing gaze into Katie's eyes, he consciously lowers his walls. Like a movie playing, he purposely cycles through the emotions that have plagued his heart this last month. The scenes brought to mind bring forth the driving feelings...his sheer pain at being apart from the ones he loved...the frustration at being behind bars...the fear of the other inmates...the desperation to get out...the anger towards the Agency...the hate of the system...the depression of nights filled with nightmares.

Jason's pulse quickens and his breath grows shallow as he forces himself to relive the emotions, his eyes still locked on Katie's. Words could not express what he had gone through, but Katie would know.

Slowly Jason calms his heartrate, beginning to feel the longing to hold Katie again...the hope that kept him alive in here...the peace of now knowing that she was okay...the confidence that his friends would get him out of here...the love that sustained his heart...

Exhausted from running the gamut of emotions, Jason blinks, breaking the moment. His new stare holds, begging Katie to be assured he is okay.

Thick Glass

*Musty smiles at Carson and nods. Stoping to think for a moment. Carson never talked about any of his friends outside of The Agency. She addmits to hersefl that she is a bit saprised but lets the feeling pass trusting Carson to do whats right.*

"Well doing laundry is imporant so I guess."

*Misty gets a saucy smile on her face and thinks for a moment.*

"Like could be good if you dont mind. Till than I know I got alot of studing to do. That test I was telling you about is coming up. So...let up from not till lunch Rick dosent have alot for me to do. So untill that lunch stay out of trouble will ya."

*Misty smiles and gives another kiss before turning and heading back to her desk.*

*Katie sits behind the glass waiting for Jason to come. She was nervouse and excited to see him. It had been alittle mover a month since the last time she saw him And how she missed him.

As Jason appears Katie's heart jumps at seeing him. Most would think he looks so differnt, skinny noew, a differnt hair cut, but in Katie's eyes she still looked like Jason. The Jason she loved. For a moment Katie cant speak ver voice lost as her eyes scan over Jason. Now seeing him she relized just how much more she had missed him. Katie wanted to touch him, cress his face, touch his lips be able to give him a hug. But she new she couldent. Finally finger her voice Katie spreaks softly knowing her voice comes out in quivers as her tears well in her eyes. Everything she planed of saying and talking about flew out the window the moment she layed eyes on Jason. Katie gives the best smile she can for Jason's sake.*

"Hey J. Its good to get to see you again. I've missed you so much."

*Katie studys Jason for a long moment trying to find the words to say.*

"I'd ask you how your doing but I think I already know the answer to that....Oh J...I dont know what to say but I'm just happy I got to see you. I've been so lonly and I can imagen its been 10x worse for you. I cant wait till this is all over."

*Slowly Katie slips her hand up and press it aganst the glass. She knows its not the same as it would be for Jason but that closeness she yerned for it. Even if there was a thick peace of glass behind her hand to Katie it dident matter.*

*Lockheart waits outside the desanated room for when Katie is done. She new Katie wanted as much alone time with Jason as she could get and Lockheart understood that.She was happy that even if glass proved a barrer between the two they would still feel close to one another and to see the little spark Katie had in her eye this morning was good.*

*Nate fiddles around his office signing papers, going over files, sifting though old case files. Reaching for a marker his hand finds non. Looking up he relizes he is out. Lets a sigh out Nate stands and heads for the sapply closet. As he pass Laura's desk he stops and smile. Before he speaks he thinks what to say. Order dont ask Order.*

"Laura, your gonna come out to a movie with me today."

*Nate starts to walk away and for some reson ordering her dident seem right. Stoping he turns back around to her once again.*


*Again he makes his way to the sapply closet feeling better now. No matter how Nate tryed he was still having a hard time ordering Laura to do stuff wth him. Every time he did he felt bad, but its what she wanted so Nate tryed anyways.*


A grin spreads on Carson's face as Misty approaches him. He puts his arms around her, returning the kiss. "Mm, rough night." He rests his head against hers, looking her in the eye as he holds her. "Had an old buddy of mine over last night," he admits. "He kept me up later than planned."

He straightens up a little. "Not part of the Agency," he assures quickly before any assumptions are made. "Then my alarm didn't go off so it was mad dash just to get here when I did." He rolls his eyes. "I'm sure I'll get yet another warning from Reese about it."

After sealing another quick kiss, Carson lets Misty go, to head back to his own desk. He stops in the doorway though, turning back around. "Oh, hey, can I take a raincheck on dinner tonight? I know we were gonna go out, but I realized this morning I gotta go to the laundromat sometime, along with running a couple other boring errands. Or, we can do lunch today instead if you want."

"Hey, Con!" No answer... "Con! ...Conrad!"

Con finally turns his head from the mess of two-by-fours he was stacking. "Huh?"

Leonard puts his hands on his hips. "I've been yelling at you for the last three minutes."

"Sorry." Con turns completely around, feeling bad every time he hadn't heard someone.

Leonard sighs a little. "Anyway, I need you at the other end today, Jake called in sick."



Con's shoulders drop a little. It had started out as an easy day...but Jake was the one that was going unload the lumber from the truck today, and half of it hadn't been secured during transit which meant it was a mess and the forklift wouldn't be much help. It was going to have to be done by hand...and they always came to him first. "Alright," he relents. He didn't have much choice. "Soon as I'm done here, I'll get on it."

Lockheart and Katie are accepted without problems, and a guard escorts them down a short hall into a secure room. There are several small 'stations' with half walls for a minimum amount of privacy between visitors. Each narrow section is divided from the other side by a counter-like table to sit at, with a glass partition, allowing for speech but no physical contact with inmates, for security sake.

The guard gestures to a chair that Katie can sit at and wait until they bring Jason in...


Jason looks up from the corner of the outside basketball court where he'd been sitting by himself for the last hour. "What?"

"Visitor," the guard barks. "Come on."

Jason gets up slowly, not quite sure what was going on. He knew sometime around here he might get to see somebody...it was probably Lockheart. He didn't dare hope for good news on the case.

Trudging in front of the guard, he knows which way to go, taking turns without having to be told. The compound had become familiar enough that he could make his way around with his eyes closed if he wanted to.

Heading for the visitor's room, he tries to walk a little straighter, attempting to look better than he felt. Still sporting a short haircut, he knew that wasn't the only thing that made him look different than a month ago... He'd lost a lot of weight, forcing him to wear a belt, and his face had grown thin. Though keeping in fair shape by way of the weight room, his broad shoulders were now a contrast to his wiry frame.

Nevertheless, he takes a deep breath before entering the room, pulling out one of his masks to prove he was just fine.

Led inside, he's pointed to the corner and left alone, the security cameras the only eye kept on him. Ambling across the floor, he finally makes out the face behind the glass pane. Suddenly his heart stops, and all masks crumble.


Stopped in his tracks, he simply stares. He hadn't expected her...he hadn't prepared to see her. Emotions build up rapidly, threatening to erupt. His legs yearn to run to her...his arms long to hold her...his heart screams at him in anger for being caged in without the ability to do so.

Jason swallows hard and moves forward again, his eyes still on Katie. A rush of joy, relief and sadness hit him all at once, confusing his heart and mind in a torrent of conflicting feelings. Easing down into the chair, he finally manages the best crooked grin he can offer, his voice quiet and hoarse. "Hey, Hero."


{Time slips away the grains of sand through ones fingers. Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keepit, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. So one must move on and hope for the best...and so the time in Navada and Texas did just that. It moved on waiting for no one and before anyone new it a months time was gone.}

*Katie's eyes flutter before they open. For along moment after Laura leaves Katie just looks around her room as the sun beams in. Finally the words Laura spoke before she left sand in. Today she was going to get to see Jason. Her heart raced with excitment. A month was ages in Katie's mind. Jumping out of bed she rushs around taking a shower, geting dresses, geting something to eat. Finally she was ready. Placing her sunglass on and placing her keys in her hand Bag Katie remembers some pictures from her room to show Jason. Ones of Carson and Misty, Laura and Nate, Con and Jame. Katie though Jason would like to see them. She even had some of Jetstream with Jen holding up a we miss you sign. Puting them in her purse as well. Looking at the clock Katie notes it 8:40. Lockheart would be there soon and they would be on there way.*

*Lockheart drives down the road a certin excitment of her own running thought her. Today was the long awaited day for Katie to see Jason. She new they both missed eachother very much and it would do them good. Lockheart herself was excited to see him and see how he was doing.

As Lockheart pulls into Katie's driveway it takes not time for Katie to exit the house and get into the car. Pulling out again they are on there way to the jail. Lockheart fills in Katie how things will go. She also informs Katie she is not sure how long they will let they stay and talk, but she dosent exspect it to be over an hour.

After about three hours the jail finally comes into view. Katie's heart starts to beat faster and her tummy does flip flops. She was excited to see Jason but a bit scaired too. After Lockheart parks the car Katie steps out and waits for her to exit as well.

Making sure she has everything she needs Lockheart steps out of the car as well and steps alongside Katie leting out a long sigh of her own. Both ladys make there way to the door. Once inside Lockheart stops at the desk and informs them they are here to see Jason.*

*Misty looks up from her desk as Carson peeks in. Smiling up at him. Lifting her hand she points a playful finger at him leting Carson's barlet jinggle on her wrist as she points.*

"I am early and you are late again."

*Standing she smiles and goes over to Carson puting her arms around his neck and stealing a quick kiss from him.*

"What am I going to do with you Carson Banks? How come you were late again today?"

*Misty cant help but hold her smile as she keeps her arms around his neck. The last month had passed so fast and Misty had enjoyed every moment of it with Carson. Soon her test would be coming up that ment the end of her internship and she would be staying in Navada to finish out school. She had everything she wanted here now. There was no way Misty could leave it all behind now.*

*Jamie makes her way acorss the TJY floor giving a small wave to Nate as she pass. Heading to her desk she lets out a long sigh. There was another pile of paper work on her desk. Its seemed in the last month the paper work was coming in more and more. The bases for TJY that were scattered about seemed to be much busyer than normal. Seeing as the Navada base was headqourters there paper work came there and that ment more work for Jamie. She was happy she had Katie to work with her though or she would never get anything done.

Siting down at her desk she starts to sort through the pile. Opening envilopes and sorting papers in todo piles so she could get everything done at one time. Quickly Jamie jots down on a post it to call Con around noon and see what he was doing for lunch. Over the last month is Jamie wasent at work she was with Con. It just seemed a normal rutean now to be with him and Jamie loved it. Her best friend had become so much more and it felt so good.*

*Wes lets out a yawn and rolls over in bed streching an arm out to wrap around his sleeping wife. Only to be greeted by the empty space where he new she had layed the night before. Siting up in bed Wes throws on a t-shirt and makes his way to the kitchen smelling the new brewed coffee knowing Cindy was there somewhere. As Wes pours his coffee his mind goes back over the last month. Shortly after Cindy and he were married Rosetta had cleaned up the unused bunk that was more of a min hour for Cindy and Wes to use till the own home was complete. It was tiny but it fit for right now and Wes was happy. His simple life had seemed to have gotten so much better. Taking his coffee mug in his hand he makes his way to the open door and looks out. A smile crossing his face as he see Cindy siting on the step. Opening the door it squeeks alittle than shuts. As Wes sits down on the step he slids his free arm around Cindy giving her a quick kiss.*

"Good Morning. I was thinking if you havent eaten already I could make us some breakfest."

*Wes keeps his arm around Cindy as he leans his head aganst her and looks out over the ranch where people were starting to wake and move about ready to start the new day. Leting out a content sigh Wes couldent picture a place he would rather be. Soon they would be in there new home, they would start collecting fernature, they already had a few pictures painted by Wendy to hand around there place, and some other items given to they for there wedding. Everytime Wes though about another thing he could do with Cindy, and the moments they would get to shair together his heart raced like they did the first moment he layed eyes on her. It seemed so long ago, yet like it was just yesterday and the feeling was still there never changing and Wes new it never would. Cindy was the woman he would spend the rest of his life with and he couldent ask nor did he want anything but that.*


Clint laughs and turns back around. “Thanks, Angel.”
Heading to the shop he finds Wendy, amused that they’d crossed paths. “Alright, Beautiful, I’m ready.”

The evening is fun, peaceful…enjoyable. Clint treats Wendy to dinner and then a movie, going out late for ice cream before finally returning back to the ranch. By that time, most everyone is already in bed, so they part, Clint simply giving Wendy a kiss on the cheek, and promising to see her tomorrow.

Laura gives Nate a sidelong glance every once in a while as he nudges or teases her, showing amusement, but not returning the actions, only giving in to the smiles he prompts from her.

As Con receives the ice cream to his face, he stops, his jaw dropping in mock shock. Throwing an arm around Jamie, he brings her head close and gives her a kiss, rubbing his face on hers as he pulls back, smearing the ice cream on her as well.

Carson grins a little at Misty. “Yeah, well, the wheels will suffice.” Hearing the laughter, he looks to the nearby table, seeing the others apparently still having a very good time. Swallowing his unexplainable nervousness, he nods to Misty. “Alright, Sassy, lead the way.”

Though welcomed, Carson still is a bit awkward, though tries his best to join in the fun of the group. When they part ways, he takes Misty in his new ride back to TJY for her to get her own car and go home for the evening. Parting with a kiss, Carson winds up back at his apartment, tired, but having a strange feeling of peace somewhere deep down.

Time has a way of evading even the most avid of trackers, who are bent on saving it, preserving it, using it or trying to slow it down. But no matter what, it passes, paying no heed to human efforts to manipulate it. Hours morph into days, days into weeks, and weeks soon become a month, providing but a window in the mind to look back and realize what has passed without so much as slowing down…

JetStream: Contacting Katie soon after Con’s return to town, it’s explained that they didn’t realize the severity of the situation, and were afraid to try contacting Katie, for fear of doing something wrong with TJY information. Kyle had to sheepishly admit that he’d misplaced Katie’s cell phone number, not to mention his truck had been in the shop, preventing him from driving anywhere. Schedules for the band to play are light, without a strong effort to promote until they know the future better.

Carson: Though still struggling to fit in at TJY, settling into his job does come eventually, providing him with opportunities to mingle a little bit more and interact outside of work. Though keeping to himself most hours away from the office, in and around, he spends most free time with Misty. Getting into trouble with Reese is a given, however getting fired just doesn’t ever happen.

Con: Removed from TJY, he keeps tabs on Jason through Laura or Katie. Despite no longer working at the office, he comes for frequent visits, joining his friends and sister for lunch, or just hanging out over break times in order to keep up the relationships he has. His efforts to help Katie remain, though he worries about her. Spending time with Jamie is a given, and most evenings are spent together out to eat and afterward. Now working at the local lumberyard, he is growing a bit weary with the physical work, though has built a relationship with Phil, proving to be a benefit to both. Enough trust is built that Phil offers to take Jason’s motorcycle out to Mike’s for safe keeping, and Con agrees.

Laura: Work remains her priority as the days go by. Her fears of Bryce are not realized as she does not see him around town, and eventually her peace of mind returns. Most interaction with Nate occurs at the office, rarely venturing out for evening excursions, but most of the time heading home for early bedtimes as tiredness wears on her.

Jason: As a month passes, he resolves that he most likely will not be getting out any time soon. Getting picked on by some of the other inmates is a daily routine that he continually tries to ignore. Secretive meds at night are what keep him asleep…usually an emotionless, dreamless sleep that place him in a void through the night. Weary from day-in and day-out routines, each day mixes with the last and the next, and time doesn’t seem to matter very much anymore.

…And so it is that the present has become the past…a mere reflection of what has occurred, reminding us that ironically everything changes, yet some things never change…

“Psst….Katie…” Laura opens the bedroom door a crack. “I’m off to work…” She smiles big. “You get to go see Jason today, hun. You might want to get up for that…don’t forget Lockheart’s coming at nine.”

Carson trudges into TJY, late for the third day in a row, a bit disheveled and downing a cup of coffee.

Wyatt passes him on the main floor and gives him a humorous smirk. “Late night?”

“Mmm.” Carson mumbles as he swallows the last bit of coffee, throwing the styrofoam cup in a nearby trash can. “Alarm didn’t go off. I got ready in five minutes this morning.”

Wyatt chuckles and shakes his head. “That’s what they make new ones for.”

Carson gives him a rueful grin and slides into his cubicle, sitting down and flipping on the computer. The necklace Misty gave him is tucked under his shirt as usual, though today he’s unkempt enough to consider going back home at lunch to take a nap.

While his computer starts up, he stands back up again and heads down the hall, sticking his head around the corner of the infirmary door to spot Misty, giving a wolf whistle. “Hey, early bird.”

Con slaps his alarm clock and groans, rolling out of bed. His shoulder was still sore from the beams he’d carried the day before, and today wasn’t going to be much better. He was glad for the exercise his job provided, but it was rough on the body, and the lumberyard took advantage of his height and size, putting him to work on most of the physical tasks.

On his way out the door a while later, he makes a mental note to call Jamie to see if she wants to get together for lunch today.

Cindy sits on the porch of Wes’ place near the shop, a coffee cup cradled in her hands. Though the days were warm now, this morning was a bit brisk, and the hot drink felt good. She leans her head against the railing, sighing with content. She could hardly believe she’d been Mrs. Henson for a month now. It was a feeling she couldn’t get over, nor did she want to. She was living a fairytale, and as far as she was concerned, it could stay that way. In a few weeks the house would be finished, and her new life would simply get even better, though it was hard to imagine how. Smiling to herself, she waits for the sun to rise, knowing that Wes would probably come out soon, wondering where she’d gone to.