

Clint laughs and turns back around. “Thanks, Angel.”
Heading to the shop he finds Wendy, amused that they’d crossed paths. “Alright, Beautiful, I’m ready.”

The evening is fun, peaceful…enjoyable. Clint treats Wendy to dinner and then a movie, going out late for ice cream before finally returning back to the ranch. By that time, most everyone is already in bed, so they part, Clint simply giving Wendy a kiss on the cheek, and promising to see her tomorrow.

Laura gives Nate a sidelong glance every once in a while as he nudges or teases her, showing amusement, but not returning the actions, only giving in to the smiles he prompts from her.

As Con receives the ice cream to his face, he stops, his jaw dropping in mock shock. Throwing an arm around Jamie, he brings her head close and gives her a kiss, rubbing his face on hers as he pulls back, smearing the ice cream on her as well.

Carson grins a little at Misty. “Yeah, well, the wheels will suffice.” Hearing the laughter, he looks to the nearby table, seeing the others apparently still having a very good time. Swallowing his unexplainable nervousness, he nods to Misty. “Alright, Sassy, lead the way.”

Though welcomed, Carson still is a bit awkward, though tries his best to join in the fun of the group. When they part ways, he takes Misty in his new ride back to TJY for her to get her own car and go home for the evening. Parting with a kiss, Carson winds up back at his apartment, tired, but having a strange feeling of peace somewhere deep down.

Time has a way of evading even the most avid of trackers, who are bent on saving it, preserving it, using it or trying to slow it down. But no matter what, it passes, paying no heed to human efforts to manipulate it. Hours morph into days, days into weeks, and weeks soon become a month, providing but a window in the mind to look back and realize what has passed without so much as slowing down…

JetStream: Contacting Katie soon after Con’s return to town, it’s explained that they didn’t realize the severity of the situation, and were afraid to try contacting Katie, for fear of doing something wrong with TJY information. Kyle had to sheepishly admit that he’d misplaced Katie’s cell phone number, not to mention his truck had been in the shop, preventing him from driving anywhere. Schedules for the band to play are light, without a strong effort to promote until they know the future better.

Carson: Though still struggling to fit in at TJY, settling into his job does come eventually, providing him with opportunities to mingle a little bit more and interact outside of work. Though keeping to himself most hours away from the office, in and around, he spends most free time with Misty. Getting into trouble with Reese is a given, however getting fired just doesn’t ever happen.

Con: Removed from TJY, he keeps tabs on Jason through Laura or Katie. Despite no longer working at the office, he comes for frequent visits, joining his friends and sister for lunch, or just hanging out over break times in order to keep up the relationships he has. His efforts to help Katie remain, though he worries about her. Spending time with Jamie is a given, and most evenings are spent together out to eat and afterward. Now working at the local lumberyard, he is growing a bit weary with the physical work, though has built a relationship with Phil, proving to be a benefit to both. Enough trust is built that Phil offers to take Jason’s motorcycle out to Mike’s for safe keeping, and Con agrees.

Laura: Work remains her priority as the days go by. Her fears of Bryce are not realized as she does not see him around town, and eventually her peace of mind returns. Most interaction with Nate occurs at the office, rarely venturing out for evening excursions, but most of the time heading home for early bedtimes as tiredness wears on her.

Jason: As a month passes, he resolves that he most likely will not be getting out any time soon. Getting picked on by some of the other inmates is a daily routine that he continually tries to ignore. Secretive meds at night are what keep him asleep…usually an emotionless, dreamless sleep that place him in a void through the night. Weary from day-in and day-out routines, each day mixes with the last and the next, and time doesn’t seem to matter very much anymore.

…And so it is that the present has become the past…a mere reflection of what has occurred, reminding us that ironically everything changes, yet some things never change…

“Psst….Katie…” Laura opens the bedroom door a crack. “I’m off to work…” She smiles big. “You get to go see Jason today, hun. You might want to get up for that…don’t forget Lockheart’s coming at nine.”

Carson trudges into TJY, late for the third day in a row, a bit disheveled and downing a cup of coffee.

Wyatt passes him on the main floor and gives him a humorous smirk. “Late night?”

“Mmm.” Carson mumbles as he swallows the last bit of coffee, throwing the styrofoam cup in a nearby trash can. “Alarm didn’t go off. I got ready in five minutes this morning.”

Wyatt chuckles and shakes his head. “That’s what they make new ones for.”

Carson gives him a rueful grin and slides into his cubicle, sitting down and flipping on the computer. The necklace Misty gave him is tucked under his shirt as usual, though today he’s unkempt enough to consider going back home at lunch to take a nap.

While his computer starts up, he stands back up again and heads down the hall, sticking his head around the corner of the infirmary door to spot Misty, giving a wolf whistle. “Hey, early bird.”

Con slaps his alarm clock and groans, rolling out of bed. His shoulder was still sore from the beams he’d carried the day before, and today wasn’t going to be much better. He was glad for the exercise his job provided, but it was rough on the body, and the lumberyard took advantage of his height and size, putting him to work on most of the physical tasks.

On his way out the door a while later, he makes a mental note to call Jamie to see if she wants to get together for lunch today.

Cindy sits on the porch of Wes’ place near the shop, a coffee cup cradled in her hands. Though the days were warm now, this morning was a bit brisk, and the hot drink felt good. She leans her head against the railing, sighing with content. She could hardly believe she’d been Mrs. Henson for a month now. It was a feeling she couldn’t get over, nor did she want to. She was living a fairytale, and as far as she was concerned, it could stay that way. In a few weeks the house would be finished, and her new life would simply get even better, though it was hard to imagine how. Smiling to herself, she waits for the sun to rise, knowing that Wes would probably come out soon, wondering where she’d gone to.

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