

A grin spreads on Carson's face as Misty approaches him. He puts his arms around her, returning the kiss. "Mm, rough night." He rests his head against hers, looking her in the eye as he holds her. "Had an old buddy of mine over last night," he admits. "He kept me up later than planned."

He straightens up a little. "Not part of the Agency," he assures quickly before any assumptions are made. "Then my alarm didn't go off so it was mad dash just to get here when I did." He rolls his eyes. "I'm sure I'll get yet another warning from Reese about it."

After sealing another quick kiss, Carson lets Misty go, to head back to his own desk. He stops in the doorway though, turning back around. "Oh, hey, can I take a raincheck on dinner tonight? I know we were gonna go out, but I realized this morning I gotta go to the laundromat sometime, along with running a couple other boring errands. Or, we can do lunch today instead if you want."

"Hey, Con!" No answer... "Con! ...Conrad!"

Con finally turns his head from the mess of two-by-fours he was stacking. "Huh?"

Leonard puts his hands on his hips. "I've been yelling at you for the last three minutes."

"Sorry." Con turns completely around, feeling bad every time he hadn't heard someone.

Leonard sighs a little. "Anyway, I need you at the other end today, Jake called in sick."



Con's shoulders drop a little. It had started out as an easy day...but Jake was the one that was going unload the lumber from the truck today, and half of it hadn't been secured during transit which meant it was a mess and the forklift wouldn't be much help. It was going to have to be done by hand...and they always came to him first. "Alright," he relents. He didn't have much choice. "Soon as I'm done here, I'll get on it."

Lockheart and Katie are accepted without problems, and a guard escorts them down a short hall into a secure room. There are several small 'stations' with half walls for a minimum amount of privacy between visitors. Each narrow section is divided from the other side by a counter-like table to sit at, with a glass partition, allowing for speech but no physical contact with inmates, for security sake.

The guard gestures to a chair that Katie can sit at and wait until they bring Jason in...


Jason looks up from the corner of the outside basketball court where he'd been sitting by himself for the last hour. "What?"

"Visitor," the guard barks. "Come on."

Jason gets up slowly, not quite sure what was going on. He knew sometime around here he might get to see somebody...it was probably Lockheart. He didn't dare hope for good news on the case.

Trudging in front of the guard, he knows which way to go, taking turns without having to be told. The compound had become familiar enough that he could make his way around with his eyes closed if he wanted to.

Heading for the visitor's room, he tries to walk a little straighter, attempting to look better than he felt. Still sporting a short haircut, he knew that wasn't the only thing that made him look different than a month ago... He'd lost a lot of weight, forcing him to wear a belt, and his face had grown thin. Though keeping in fair shape by way of the weight room, his broad shoulders were now a contrast to his wiry frame.

Nevertheless, he takes a deep breath before entering the room, pulling out one of his masks to prove he was just fine.

Led inside, he's pointed to the corner and left alone, the security cameras the only eye kept on him. Ambling across the floor, he finally makes out the face behind the glass pane. Suddenly his heart stops, and all masks crumble.


Stopped in his tracks, he simply stares. He hadn't expected her...he hadn't prepared to see her. Emotions build up rapidly, threatening to erupt. His legs yearn to run to her...his arms long to hold her...his heart screams at him in anger for being caged in without the ability to do so.

Jason swallows hard and moves forward again, his eyes still on Katie. A rush of joy, relief and sadness hit him all at once, confusing his heart and mind in a torrent of conflicting feelings. Easing down into the chair, he finally manages the best crooked grin he can offer, his voice quiet and hoarse. "Hey, Hero."

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