

Laura bites her lip as she grins a little, watching Nate walk away. His antics made her smile...it was so hard for him to push her, and as such, she knew his intentions were honorable.

Katie's stare takes Jason's breath away, and he struggles to hold her gaze. Like a warm breeze is suddenly washed over him, he can sense the comfort she offers, and he absorbs it like a sponge longing for that refreshing water. He can almost feel her, could swear that for but one instant, the glass barrier between them does not exist.

As the exchange disperses into dialogue, Jason keeps his hand on the glass. This bond with Katie...it had started out so small...almost unbelievable and perhaps considered insignificant. But the more they worked at it, the stronger it grew. Nothing could explain it, and nothing could take it away. They were connected, and together, they had a gift. She needed him, and he needed her. There could be no denial.

"I'll hang on," he promises softly. "As long as I know you're okay, the stay is bearable." His eyes plead with her to stay strong too. "I can't stand knowing you're miserable. Focus on the future and don't let this get you down either, okay?" Though he has lacked hope, he forces strength for Katie. "I won't be stuck here...I know they'll get me out."

The allowed time passes more quickly than Jason wants, and too soon the hour is up. But it was more than he could have asked for. He got to see Katie...got to talk with her...got to see her smile as she showed him pictures and filled him in on his forgotten life back home. His arms ached to embrace her, leaving him feeling so full and yet so empty at the same time.

"Come on, Stevenson."

Jason doesn't take his eyes off Katie, but slowly forces himself to stand from his chair. "I'll write," he assures. "Tell Reese I'm okay, and if you can get a hold of my mom somehow, let her know too."

He hesitates, despite the guard's hand on his arm. "I'll see you soon," he promises, despite the unknowns. He reaches out one more time to put his fingers to the glass before blowing her a kiss.

As he's guided to the door, he walks backward, never looking away from Katie until he's out of sight.

Five forty-five. Laura looks at her watch. Her eyes drift across the floor to where Nate was still working. How badly did he want to go out to a movie tonight? She was learning to trust him...but just what was he made of?

Laura switches off her computer and grabs her purse. Stealing away quietly, she slips to the exit unnoticed and heads for her car. How this would play out would be interesting...and she wasn't sure which results she would bet on...but the outcome would help her know which direction to take from here on out.

Before she knew it, she was pulling into her drive, and turning off her cell phone. "You know where I live, Mr. Driers," she says aloud. Getting out of the car, she heads inside, changing into a comfy pair of jeans and t-shirt, running around in bare feet.

"Hey, Misty?" Wyatt sticks his head through the infirmary door. "I guess Carson already left for the day, but I had a question for him that we need an answer on right quick about something happening up in Montana. I tried calling his cell but he's not picking up, and I got the answering machine at his apartment. Do you know if he was going somewhere tonight?"

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