
Thick Glass

*Musty smiles at Carson and nods. Stoping to think for a moment. Carson never talked about any of his friends outside of The Agency. She addmits to hersefl that she is a bit saprised but lets the feeling pass trusting Carson to do whats right.*

"Well doing laundry is imporant so I guess."

*Misty gets a saucy smile on her face and thinks for a moment.*

"Like could be good if you dont mind. Till than I know I got alot of studing to do. That test I was telling you about is coming up. So...let up from not till lunch Rick dosent have alot for me to do. So untill that lunch stay out of trouble will ya."

*Misty smiles and gives another kiss before turning and heading back to her desk.*

*Katie sits behind the glass waiting for Jason to come. She was nervouse and excited to see him. It had been alittle mover a month since the last time she saw him And how she missed him.

As Jason appears Katie's heart jumps at seeing him. Most would think he looks so differnt, skinny noew, a differnt hair cut, but in Katie's eyes she still looked like Jason. The Jason she loved. For a moment Katie cant speak ver voice lost as her eyes scan over Jason. Now seeing him she relized just how much more she had missed him. Katie wanted to touch him, cress his face, touch his lips be able to give him a hug. But she new she couldent. Finally finger her voice Katie spreaks softly knowing her voice comes out in quivers as her tears well in her eyes. Everything she planed of saying and talking about flew out the window the moment she layed eyes on Jason. Katie gives the best smile she can for Jason's sake.*

"Hey J. Its good to get to see you again. I've missed you so much."

*Katie studys Jason for a long moment trying to find the words to say.*

"I'd ask you how your doing but I think I already know the answer to that....Oh J...I dont know what to say but I'm just happy I got to see you. I've been so lonly and I can imagen its been 10x worse for you. I cant wait till this is all over."

*Slowly Katie slips her hand up and press it aganst the glass. She knows its not the same as it would be for Jason but that closeness she yerned for it. Even if there was a thick peace of glass behind her hand to Katie it dident matter.*

*Lockheart waits outside the desanated room for when Katie is done. She new Katie wanted as much alone time with Jason as she could get and Lockheart understood that.She was happy that even if glass proved a barrer between the two they would still feel close to one another and to see the little spark Katie had in her eye this morning was good.*

*Nate fiddles around his office signing papers, going over files, sifting though old case files. Reaching for a marker his hand finds non. Looking up he relizes he is out. Lets a sigh out Nate stands and heads for the sapply closet. As he pass Laura's desk he stops and smile. Before he speaks he thinks what to say. Order dont ask Order.*

"Laura, your gonna come out to a movie with me today."

*Nate starts to walk away and for some reson ordering her dident seem right. Stoping he turns back around to her once again.*


*Again he makes his way to the sapply closet feeling better now. No matter how Nate tryed he was still having a hard time ordering Laura to do stuff wth him. Every time he did he felt bad, but its what she wanted so Nate tryed anyways.*

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