

Jason squeezes Katie’s hand back and just sits, too comfortable to move. This was different…this was new…but there was no fear. “Me either,” he finally replies softly.

The sound of the water is a soothing symphony, lulling the shore into evening slumber. Start begin to dot the sky and crickets chirp nearby.

Jason has no idea how much time has passed, and though not caring, he knows that this too must end. He eventually withdraws his hand from Katie’s grasp to glance at his watch. Running his hand through her hair and giving her head another kiss, he wishes he didn’t have to break the silence. “It’s getting late…we better get back. Mom and Pop’s will be closed by now, but if you want, we can stop by that ice cream shop on the way back into town…” He grins. “As long as you don’t tell Rick I binged.”

Con has been sleeping lightly in the chair by Jamie’s bed, getting a crick in his neck. Hearing Jamie move about, he opens his eyes, seeing her suddenly sit up. He straightens quickly and leans closer, taking her hand. “Hey…shh, it’s okay… what’s wrong?”

Wraped up in you

*Katie smiles and lets out a small giggle as Jason picks her up in his arms. Wraping her arms around his neck as they walk. Katie had been close to people before and had boyfriends, But Jason was differnt. Katie felt differnt around him, her feeling ran deeper. She felt safe, and tingaly inside, being around him anything could happen and she new Jason would be there for her.

As Katie leans aganst Jason's chest She lets out a content sigh. Leaning her head aganst his arm, she takes his hand that is laying on her check and slips her own into it locking fingers. Turning her head she plants a small kiss on Jason's for arm than leans her head back to be laying on his chest. The moon was so big and bright tonight the lit reflecting radently off the water cast its light on Katie and Jason as if wraping them in a blanket. In a small soft voice Katie replys.*

"I guess in a way I did to huh? I think it was worth it though. I wouldent trade tonight for anything in the world."

*Katie gives Jason's hand alittle squeeze.*

*Jamie toss and turns as she sleeps in bed. Memories of what happend haunt her mind. No one new but she saw Sam fall. Shot in the chest. Those memories, images rome free haunting her dreams. Pain fills Jamies as she shoots up from bed. Tears roll down her face. What a horrable feeling to have relive.*


Carson catches the pack of cigarettes with one hand, a look of surprise crossing his face. He follows back towards the cell, flipping his lighter on the way to relieve his craving, despite Nate’s fair warning.

Back in the cell, he gives a slight nod of acknowledgement and sinks back down on the cot, surrendering to the fact that it would be a long and lonely night.

Jason’s grin spreads just a little as Katie brushes his hair from his forehead. He reaches out to run a thumb along her cheek. Not long ago he would have guessed that a moment such as this would have changed too much…it would have created an awkwardness…it would have severed some part of the friendship that he and Katie already shared. But it hadn’t… Instead, it was almost a relief…as if he’d finally been let free and no longer needed to hide. There was no one he’d ever known with whom he felt as comfortable. Katie knew his heart…something he shared with no one else.

Saying nothing, Jason straightens to get to his feet. Reaching down, he easily scoops Katie up in his arms, his leather jacket creaking just as little with the movement.

His eyes seem to smile as he carries her to a sheltered spot on the beach right before the large rocks begin. He eases down to sit on the sand with his back leaning up against the rock, facing the moonlit lake. Positioning Katie in front of him between his legs to face the lake as well, he provides himself as her back rest, letting his arms fall over her shoulders to draw her back against his chest.

Taking a deep breath of the crisp evening air, he plants a light kiss on the back of her head. “You realize I just broke my own pact,” he says quietly.


*Nate smiles and reachs into his pocket pulling out a pack of smokes tossing them to Carson.*

"I always keep a few on me, for some reson it helps me NOT WANT to smoke when I have them with me. You can have them if you want. But its your lungs your killing."

*Nate walks with Carson down the hall the same way they came, finally geting back to the small cell. After following Carson in to make sure eveything is ok Nate turns to leave calling over his shoulder.*

"I'll be around doing paper work for a few more hours. If you need anything just give a yell. Night."

*Nate makes his exit heading back to his desk.*

*Katie knows this moment must come to a close, and time must go on again. As Jason draws away from Katie she pulls him close again. Pressing her lips to his one last time. As they draw away again leaning there forheads together, Katie stairs into Jason's eyes a smile lighting up her face even more. No words needed to be exchanges, the silence was to great and told its own story for the moment to be runed with words. Katie braings her hand to Jason's face and sofly brush's his hair from his forhead beaming.*


Carson waits a moment, but finally stands up and shakes his head. "You're a strange one, Nate, I'll give you that. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were gonna kill me off in my sleep." He shrugs lamely. "I know better than to ask for a smoke, so no...I guess that's it."

The feel of Katie in Jason's arms drives everything else out of his mind. Her embrace...the touch of her lips...her hand running through his hair. Nothing had felt the same...nothing had evoked his emotions as much.

The sun sinking beneath the horizon places them in a moonlit expanse. Jason's heart races as he takes his time, unwilling to end this moment too quickly, lest the magic be broken. He holds Katie close with an unleashed passion, too strong for words.

But though time seems to stand still, it waits for no one, and the exchange must eventually close.

Jason slowly straightens, finding it hard to pull away. His lips meet Katie's one more time, as if wanting a simple reminder of what they'd just shared.

Finally opening his eyes, he rests his forehead against hers, leaving his arms around her. An ever-so-slight grin quirks the very corner of his mouth, and he studies each of her eyes, memorizing their enchanting gaze.


*Nate nods and grins.*

"Trust me your on the right side now. How about we get you back before Reese thinks I kidnaped you."

*Nate cant help but laugh as he stands streaching.*

"If you want later when I have some time I can bring you back here. I know being held up in a room with no windows or light is not fun."

*Nate stand and heads for the door turning to wait for Carson.*

"DId you need anythng before we go back Carson?"

*As Jason's hand brushes aganst Katie's skin she looks deep into his eyes tilting her head slightly into his hand. Katie is lost in Jason's eyes. Nothing alse matter, nor can she feel anythinh but pure happyniss. As Jason moves closer to her Katie's heart starts to beat alittle faster. Listing to Jason's words in her hear sends a sock through her body as she quivers gently in his arm. A smile spreads across her face, the famus Pent smile. Katie trys to speak but her words get caught in her throt. As time slips by Katie loses focus of all that is around her except for Jason. Jason's touch, him being close to her it sent chills up her spin. As Jason's lips meets hers Katie starts to stand alittle making it easyer to reach Jason. Wraping her arms around him she kiss him back softly, but fermly. Katie arm moves from Jason back to his head slowly running her hand through his hair. Butterfly flutter through Katie tummy, and her heart beats even faster and louder. Time is lost, as Katie eyes are closed enjoying the moment, kissing Jason back emotions, memories, feeling run through Katie's mind. She has never felt like this before. Those words were not spoken She new what Jason was telling her. The warmth of his breath on hers, the sweet tast of his kiss. Like candy to her lips, she only wants more not ready to let this moment to end. The sun now setting, the moon comes out to play casting its bright light on Jason and Katie.*


Carson concentrates on spot on the floor as Nate speaks. It was ridiculous how he was trusting these people...how he was telling his own story and listening to one similar. He'd been hired to kill...not make acquaintances. Yet for an unexplainable reason, he wanted to stay.

Distrust in people causes Carson to doubt Nate's logic... He'd fed off the past for so long, he wasn't sure it was possible to escape it. And the mention of God just seemed so...unbelievable. He'd heard people talk about that stuff before, but had never put much stock in it. ...So why did it stir questions within him now? Why was he suddenly feeling as though everything he knew had been turned upside down?

Sighing, he shakes his head, bouncing his leg nervously as he chews his piece of gum. "I don't know, Nate. I haven't ever seen much purpose for my life, and it doesn't seem to be getting any clearer. I just hope I've finally chosen the right side, even if my fate is to die in the process."

Jason's hand feels Katie's, and he doesn't pull away. Instead, he returns the light grasp, saying nothing. The sun sinks lower and lower, seeming to melt into the water as the orange and pink seep across the reflective horizon.

After a few minutes of silence, Jason shifts his gaze from the shimmering water meeting Katie’s eyes again. For a long moment, the only sound is the wind and the waves rolling onto the shore.

A strange ache overtakes Jason’s heart as it yearns to be let free of the chains he has held it in. His logic fights his emotions…an intense battle waged between the two worlds. He had made a decision once…but the walls had fallen. He could no longer deny himself what he longed for.

He stares deeply into Katie’s never-ending gaze that lures him away from reality and into a place where time doesn’t exist. Everything else is forgotten. His veins run cold with an unexplainable chill, and his breath catches in his throat. He knew the look in Katie’s eye…the feel of her hand...he knew she would not refuse him.

He finds himself drawing nearer to her, his hand slowly making its way to her face, caressing her gentle features as each curve is tenderly traced. His rough palm becomes almost soft on her skin, transformed by the power of this instant.

Jason’s heart beats within him, a thousand thoughts and feelings colliding in a single moment. The wind combs Katie’s hair, the picture forever burned in his mind. Just friends was simply no longer good enough.

As if pulled by an invisible force, he leans down and tilts his head ever so slightly. His eyes close, and he feels the warmth of Kate’s face on his. His lips brush lightly against hers, sending his adrenaline racing. He swallows hard as logic tears at him, pulling him away, denying the strength of his heart. But it’s a strength too great.

Like a war silenced by a warrior’s death, the battle within comes to a sudden end. Logic will not win this time. His voice comes as a whisper in her ear. "There's more than sunsets to be held on to forever."

Jason’s hand shifts to cradle the back of Katie’s head, his fingers interlaced in her soft hair. His lips envelope hers in a passionate motion as he pulls her close, wrapping her in a strong hold.

The taste is sweet…the feeling is warm. Desire to end the moment has no existence as the intimate exchange lingers, the disappearing sun their only witness.

Words do no Justice

*Nate listens to Carson intently. It dident seem like he was telling a tall tail. The look in his eye was almots sadness and maybe really was regret. Nate's heart went out to him. How long ago was it he was lost and felt so alone. Nate himself at one time felt traped in a life he dident understand. Differnt situations but still the same feeling before he had come to TJY.*

"Never give up hope enough you wish for death on yourself. Ya you may have done some horrable things in your life, but its never to late to change and have people there to help you. Yes The Agency is rough and would come after you, but if you had people, friend who would stand behind you to protect you, you also could make it out. You took the first step this morning when you showed compation for Jamie and dident kill her. Ya you were going to leave her there, but you still had good intentions. Its never to late and God can wash you past clean for you, so you can stay a new."

*Nate goes silent for a long moment. Just thinking about the past and remembering his own pain he felt.*

"I'm sorry about your parents and your sister Carson. I am sure it was not easy seeing them die and it probley could even make a person alittle crazed. In a sence I know how you feel. At a young age right after my parents found out my little sister had downsyndrom for sure they disapeared. Who knows where they went or if there were even still alive. The police tryed to look for them, put out flyers, put stuff on the news but nothing ever came of it. Its hard losing people close to you. It really is. You just have to remember, life moves on, tomarrow is another day and you just have to deal as it comes at you. Dont dwell in the past or it will eat you alive."

*As Katie holds on tight to Jason she notices that now they are heading away from town and the Restront. Wonder dwells in Katies mind but no words are said. Katie new, Jason must have a plane for something. He always had a reson for everything. As they drive out onto the country road and the bike moves faster, Katie s heart starts to race more with excitment. How wonder ful this way. Katie felt so carfree. As they near the lake Katie cant help but smile under her helmet. The Lake had become one of the hangout spots Katie seemed to be at the most and rather enjoyed it. Once the moter on the bike is turns off Katie swings her other leg around and just sits on the bike her legs dangling not being able to touch the ground. Katie gazes out at the harizon listing to the soft splash of water hits the rocks it was more than breath taking. Turning her head to Jason Katie's smile is still held, the last rays of the colorful sunset being reflected off her eyes as they dance around looking into Jason's"

"Its sure is. For some reson though that word dosent seem to quite cover it. I can think of so many words, and yet non of them will do it justice. What a great view. Away from the city lights and noise."

*Katie looks into Jason's eyes for a while longer, not being able to drop her gaze. Finally catching her breath again, she loses it ask her feeling stir inside of her. Looking back out at the sky, without even caring what would be said or how Jason would react, Katie slips her hand into his ever so lightly, but stong enough to still know its there.*

"It is very pretty. One of a kind. We wont even see another one like it. So we better lock it in our memorie bank and hold on to it forever."

Side Trip

Jason can feel Katie wrap her arms around him, and though knowing she’s simply hanging on to stay on the bike, he can’t help his enjoyment. As she leans her head on his shoulder, he almost wishes he could turn around, but both hands remain on the handle bars.

As they’re headed downtown, Jason catches sight of the sunset. It’s breathtaking even to him, but it’s quickly covered by the buildings in town. Throwing all sense into the wind for once, Jason hangs a right instead of going to Mom and Pop’s. Shifting gears, the bike jumps forward as he accelerates down the side street that winds out of town. “Hang on,” he calls over his shoulder, simply allowing there to be question of where they were going.

The sunset becomes more brilliant with each passing minute as it nears the horizon. Jason takes them out onto a country road with a perfect view of the gorgeous sight. Instead of stopping though, he heads clear out of town, finding several more side roads until they’re approaching the lake.

Slowing down, he’s careful to find the best route down close to the shore where there is enough solid ground for the bike. He parks perpendicular to the water’s edge for a perfect view out across the lake to the display of light.

Cutting the engine, he takes off his helmet and runs a hand through his hair. He puts the kickstand down and shifts his weight, swinging his leg around so he’s almost sitting sideways on the bike for a better view. Knowing he need not explain why he skipped the restaurant, he just stares at the sunset for several minutes.

He finally turns with a slight grin to Katie and reaches over to take off her helmet, setting it to the side. “Pretty, isn’t it.”

Yet again, Carson is surprised. What was with these people? He’d tortured one of their own, yet they were showing him mercy. Jason hadn’t killed him. Rick had bandaged him up and fed him. Nate was here now offering him interaction. It all seemed so bizarre.

Carson doesn’t say anything for several minutes, but does take a piece of gum. Finally sitting down across from Nate, he shrugs. “What’s there to tell? I’ve been a hitman and the top choice when it came to interrogation through the Agency. Over the last ten years I’ve killed under orders, I’ve tortured under orders, and during the last five years, I did it without blinking.”

His eyes shift around the room, not willing to land on Nate’s. “Started out as something I was forced to do, and now I got enough blood on my hands that I don’t think the stains can be removed.”

Carson shakes his head, pausing, feeling an odd sense of vulnerability that he didn’t normally feel. “Something hit me this morning…I don’t know…I guess Jamie reminded me of my sister. My family was involved with the Agency at one point, but they wanted out. My parents and sister were killed because they refused to conform. I was the coward of the family, and broke under the pressure. The Agency forced me to work for them if I wanted to stay alive.” Carson’s face shows no emotion, his voice flat and drained of life.

“So I did. I guess I got too good at it and pretty soon I didn’t care anymore. Until this morning…I saw all you out there fighting with your lives, and you were actually succeeding. I guess maybe I was stupid enough to take another chance and see if you guys really could take down the Agency.” He pauses for a moment. “I don’t care if I live or die anymore…working for the Agency has been a living hell, and I wish I would have died with the rest of my family. So if I go down for this, I’m better off. The Agency would catch on so fast if I went back to them that I’d be dead within twenty-four hours. I stay here, and they’ll have that sniper after me instead of Con. Either way, I get what I deserve.”


*Nate walks along side Carson, insted of infront or behind him. To Nate when someone did that they were saying we are equil. I am not better than you and you are no better than me. As Nate walks down the long hallway they pass pictures of differnt people in TJY, and of differnt avents Finally making it to the room Nate opens the door and lets Carson in. There is a window that is cracked slightly, and and a small table. There is also a sink and a little microwave. Nate sits down at the small table that is lined with books. Reaching into his pocket her pulls out a pack of gum and sets it on the table.*

"That might help you with your shakes. I know it did me. So Carson, tell me about youself."

*Nate trys to let his face expresstion soften. He had seen something in Carson face in the woods. He had shown compation for Jamie, and even killed one of his own to protect them. Nate was intreged and wanted to know more about Carson.*

*As Jamie makes her way slowly down the hall she smiles. It was nice to be WALKING with Jason again and not rolling. Even though she had to use the cane she was thankful to be walking at all. Finally making it to Jason's bike she beams as he helps her with the helmit, postions and geting on. As Jason starts the engin Katies heart starts to race and her adrenilin runs faster than before. Slowly and gently Katie puts her arms around Jason waist and holds on tight. As Jason starts off Katie becomes more excited than before. She cant help but let out a laugh as they are heading down the road. How free it felt to be on the back of the bike. As Katie looks around to take in the sceans flying by. Everything seemed differnt more fun looking at it from the back of a motercicle. As She looks to her right Katie sees the sun seting. It looks amazing. The sky was soft pink, and reads, a bit of purple and orange mixed in too. Leaning her head on Jason's shoulder Katie take in the sunset and Jason being so close to her. Something was differnt. Maybe it was the excitment from riding the bike, but it felt differnt but good. Katie sighs in contentmint.*

*Jamie smiles at Con still holding his hand, her eyes slowly closeing.*


Carson jumps as Nate enters the room, not having expected to see anyone until morning. The offer is surprising…distrust surfaces. But this guy seemed okay… The comment about running strikes a nerve, and Carson almost retorts, but thinks better of it. He knew he was crazy for having given himself up in the first place, but he was here now, and needed to cooperate, lest someone really would take out their frustration on him or worse.

There was something about Nate…something about these people here…Carson wasn’t sure he could quite put a finger on it, but it was the same thing he’d felt when Jamie had looked him in the eye and spoke of her forgiveness. It had taken him aback, no doubt.

“A window without a view seems to be appropriate. Lead the way, mate.”

Con knows Jamie understands, and is grateful. Lifting her hand, he plants a gentle kiss on it. “I’ll talk to Laura tomorrow. As for now…” He withdraws, settling into the chair. “You need sleep, and I’ll keep you company.” It was funny…it wasn’t all that long ago that Con had questioned Jason’s time spent at the hospital with Katie…but now he understood.

Jason grabs a jacket of Katie’s too. “And this. I’m not planning on taking any dives, but road rash is nasty.” He winks at her, and goes to get her cane for her. “Alright…we’ll take it slow. If the nurse asks, we’re on a secret mission.”

They make their way down the hall, though it seems longer than usual at their pace. Jason doesn’t mind though, and sticks close for support should Katie need it.

Finally they’re out to the parking lot and to the bike. Jason sets the helmet over Katie’s head and straps it under her chin, adjusting the length. Once he’s got his own helmet on, he helps Katie get onto the back, making sure her legs are in the right places, with her feet on the foot rests. Strapping her cane to the back as well, he adjust a couple things, then swings his long leg over, settling down in front of Katie. Turning the key, the engine starts up with a roar. Jason turns his head to speak loudly to Katie. “I’m not in the habit of losing passengers, so hang on. You need to stop, just yell in my ear.”

The bike starts forward with a little lurch as the gear is engaged, and Jason steers it carefully out onto the street, driving just a little more cautiously than normal, and heading downtown to Mom and Pop’s.