
Wraped up in you

*Katie smiles and lets out a small giggle as Jason picks her up in his arms. Wraping her arms around his neck as they walk. Katie had been close to people before and had boyfriends, But Jason was differnt. Katie felt differnt around him, her feeling ran deeper. She felt safe, and tingaly inside, being around him anything could happen and she new Jason would be there for her.

As Katie leans aganst Jason's chest She lets out a content sigh. Leaning her head aganst his arm, she takes his hand that is laying on her check and slips her own into it locking fingers. Turning her head she plants a small kiss on Jason's for arm than leans her head back to be laying on his chest. The moon was so big and bright tonight the lit reflecting radently off the water cast its light on Katie and Jason as if wraping them in a blanket. In a small soft voice Katie replys.*

"I guess in a way I did to huh? I think it was worth it though. I wouldent trade tonight for anything in the world."

*Katie gives Jason's hand alittle squeeze.*

*Jamie toss and turns as she sleeps in bed. Memories of what happend haunt her mind. No one new but she saw Sam fall. Shot in the chest. Those memories, images rome free haunting her dreams. Pain fills Jamies as she shoots up from bed. Tears roll down her face. What a horrable feeling to have relive.*

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