

Standing outside, Reese’s eyes roam back and forth wildly, the shock causing him to shut down. Katie’s emotional state cause him to almost panic as he squints ahead at the house and he shifts uncomfortably, trying to think straight.

Jason’s pulse races, his emotions going everywhere all at once. He felt them going haywire, and could suddenly feel a lurch to his system as Katie reacts to the explosion.

Sucking in his breath for a moment, he tries to overcome the inner battle. But too fast, he whirls around in time to see Katie out of the van and start to run.

“Katie! No!” But like Nate, his words go ignored.

Leaving Reese, Jason sprints into a run. “Katie!” Shifting gears from the gut wrenching thoughts of Scott, to fear for his friend, he pursues her. His long strides catch up to her down the block, the heat from the flames reaching them. Dang it, stop before you get killed too!

Jason reaches out and grabs Katie’s shoulder, whipping her around. “Stop, Katie! Just stop!” Pulling her in close, he wraps his arms around her firmly to bring her to his chest, providing a physical and emotional blanket. He’s gone…you can’t save him…let it go.

Jason shakes with the emotional strain, both his own and as he battles against the flux Katie was causing. Calm down…it’s okay…

Tears fill his eyes. He didn’t know if it was from his emotions or the flames. Either way, they stung. Just calm down…

Smoke was everywhere. The stench from the burning building filled the air. Ash and debris continued to float to the ground. Sirens can suddenly be heard. Police cars. Fire trucks. People. Chaos.

Reese’s horror makes his stomach church and he looks to Nate for support. How could this have happened? It wasn’t supposed to happen this way? This was supposed to be a simple task. He’d been assured that nothing could go wrong.

Police cruisers speed to the scene, parking nearby as the fire trucks race by. Several more cars arrive on the scene and Reese can immediately feel his anger start to rise. He looks to Nate, the focuses on the man getting out of the black car. Lyle Tipman.

Marching quickly to the other man, Reese confronts him, his eyes blazing. “What in the name of sam hill happened?!”

Tipman’s eyes widen. “I could ask you the same thing!”

Jason lifts his head and looks toward the scene as bits and pieces of shouting could be heard.

“You said it was empty! …You call that safe?! ….men don’t know squat! …Because of you, one of my officers just died! …will not! You…responsible!”


*A feeling of panic races over Katie as she listens to all that is going on.*

"Scott listen to us...leave now. We can get another chanse when its safer. Your life isnt worth is come on."

*Katie continues to listen as Scott does not. Her emotions, her feelings everything racing. Untill Hal's voice breaks through about the bomb Katie becomes even more in a state of panic. No this couldnt be happening.*


*Hearing the static, and Scott's voice than the static again Katie moves to the van door and swings it open jumping out and looking twords where the house was at. Her heart raced.*

"We need to get him out, we need to get there NOW."

*As Katie moves forward to try to get to Scott the sound of the blast and the push of the force sends her backwards a few steps and all goes quiet. The sound of the boom almost making her def or maybe the fact of her own emotions causing her to go def. Everything alse around her was lost, and silent, as the tears in one large burst form in her eyes, and a scream she could not hear but she was sure everyone alse could emerges from her voice.*


*He couldnt be...they could still save him, he was ok, he needed them, he need her, He was was ok, they need to get to him.

In a quick berst Kaite breaks out into a run making her way down the street her feet pound the ground with a pourpis she had to get to Scott...her emotions, her feelings flying one way and the other..nothing alse matter, nothing alse was cared about except for getting to the one person not even she could save now.*

*Nate stands stunded for a moment after the loud burst is hurd from the bomb and the windows in the van shake. Not sure what was even going on for a moment. A suddin panic, fear, rising emotions and hate form as he breaks out into a sweat. Looking to Katie fast he can see the emotion eched on her face and knows his emotions are running but everything alse he felt must be from her. As Katie moves and the door to the van flys over Nate reaches out to grab her before she breaks into the run but like a shield that was around her he can seem to reach as the doubles over in his own agany from all he felt yelling after Katie.*

"Katie NO!"

*Nate's words go unanswered, not even hurd by the one they were ment for.*

*Back at TJY Sapphire walks the halls with paper in her hands. Today was a pretty slow day but even on a slow day it seemed for her to be hecktice. There was always more research to do. Passing her brothers office a strage feeling hits her. More gut renching than anything she had ever felt. The suddin emotion causes her to drop the papers she was carrying and for a moment just hold her stomach. Finally bending down to retreave the papers that had fallen a suddin feeling of lost enters her heart. Something wasnt right, she felt like something great was lost.*

Battle won, life lost

Jason glances in the rearview mirror, a little surprised at the communication. It’s fine, he reassures. This is a simple task. It’s supposed to be easy. He masks his own worry, emitting only confidence. Just relax.

Scott pauses as Katie stops him and turns, smiling at the kiss to his cheek. “I know,” he whispers back. Putting a hand to the side of her face, he cradles it for just a moment before finally stepping out. “No worries.”

He reaches back inside to hit a button on his computer to take down the security system. “Be back in two shakes.” Keeping low, he jogs down the street, across, and to the property. Climbing up over the fence, he scans the area, then dodges to the side of the house where the room was. Finding the window, he peeks inside. No one was there. It doesn’t take him long to get inside, and he makes it before the security is back on.

The van watches him, keeping a close eye on the surroundings. “Good. He’s in.” Reese nods. “Scott, you with us, buddy?”

“Yeah.” His voice comes over low and whispered. “The computer’s not here.”


“I’m gonna have to look for it.”

“Tipman,” Reese growls. “Alright, Scott. But watch yourself.”

“Right.” It’s several more tense minutes until Scott is finally heard again. “Okay. I found it. It’s at the other corner.”

Reese rolls his eyes. “Score one for the FBI. Are you secure?”

“Yeah, no problem... here we go....let me work my magic."

Jason grins and shakes his head, listening to Scott talk as they can hear the clicking of keys in the background.

"Wow... do we got dirt on these guys..."

"Good." Reese taps a hand on the steering wheel. "Find what we need, get them transferred and get out of there. Two more people just arrived... some source Tipman has."

"Okay, okay...here we go... rats...password..."

The tension in the van rises. Though not taking much time, it seems to be hours.

Suddenly the typing sounds stop and Scott's voice is a whisper. "They're close...I hear them outside the door."

"Just stay where you are and be quiet," Reese directs.

There is some sound of shuffling and clicking, then muffled voices. Jason exchanges a glance with Katie. Every fiber in him wanted to storm the door and get Scott out of there before something happened.

Finally Scott is back. "Alright, they're gone. Thank goodness for closets. Now I gotta start all over again though."

Reese wipes the sweat from his brow. "Take it easy...don't rush, but don't dawdle."

Suddenly a new car comes around the corner, parking in front of the building. Jason is on edge. "Whoa whoa, who's this? Those aren't Becker's men."

Reese straightens and gets on the radio. "Hal, you watching?"

"Sure am."

"Who we got here? Any idea?"

"Mmm...give me a sec....yeah...yeah, that's Rhinards...he's Becker's number one competition on the streets. They've been at war for years."

"Well why on earth would he be here?"

"I don't know, but you better watch it."

Reese's jaw tightens. "Scott...how you coming?"

"Just got past the first security level. Once I'm into the second I can start the transfer. I gotta have a few more minutes."

Reese glances at his watch, then looks as the newcomer and his thug get out of their car and go to the front door. There is a brief confrontation with the flashing of guns, then the visitors go inside.

Jason looks to Reese, then Kate, and Nate, then back at the house. What was going on? He takes a deep breath. All they needed was to get those files transferred. No battle...just in and out. Come on, Scott, come on.

"We're in business, folks." Scott's voice is even, despite the breakthrough. "Level two down and..."

There's suddenly more background noise, thumping and banging, then loud voices.

"What the..."

"Scott, get out of there," Reese directs. "We got two drug lords in there and they're not happy."

"They're down the hall. I got a minute. This is our only chance and the transfer is starting. It's gotta go through all the way or we got nothing."

"Not worth it. Get out."

"Not worth it?" The clicking of keys can still be heard. "Kids' lives who these drugs are going to? Kids on the streets manipulated by these scumbags? How many more will die unless we stop them?"

The shouting grows louder and suddenly a shot is fired.

Reese's voice grows more stern. "Scott get out - that's a direct order."

"Forty-three seconds."

"Come on."

All of a sudden there is chaos at the building. Men burst out the front door, stumbling over one another, racing for their cars. Both sides weren't arguing, but fleeing.

Jason's hand goes to the door handle. "What happened? Scott, what happened?"

"Don't know. Twenty seconds."

Reese heart races. "I don't like this. Something isn't right." The vehicles speed away. "Why did they leave...what's going on...?"

"Get him out of there!" Hal's desperate voice comes over the radio. "There's a bomb!"

Reese wastes no time. "Scott, move! Leave it!"

"Come on, come on." Shuffling sounds.

The computer screen in the van suddenly comes to life with all of the transferred files popping up, feeding them all the information and more.

"Alright we got it. I'm outta here. Hit the security, Katie. Just don't..."

Reese's eyes scan the area, looking for Scott to appear from the same side as where he'd gone in. "Where are you, Scott?"

"I'm...." Static, silence, static. "Security..." Static. "...locked windows... have to..." Static.

"What?!" Reese's door flies open as he steps out, not willing to wait any longer. "Hal, they must have locked up the place. Scott can't get out. Where's the power supply?"

"Around back, around back. They wired the place. Bars on the windows. His only chance is the front door! Get to the power supply!"

Scott's voice comes across again. "No, don't! Get out of here! Get the files to the FBI. Reese - the disc is in my safe, I..."

What happens next could only be a nightmare.

The explosion engulfs the building in a burst of heat, sending a brilliant flash followed by smoke and debris.

The ground shakes.

The sound is deafening.

Reese staggers backward, hitting the van.

"No!" Jason's scream is followed by the glass shattering in the van window from an unintentional burst of emotions. He's outside in an instant, but Reese grabs Jason's arms, still shouting into his mic. "Scott? Scott! Come on...dang it! Scott!"


Eyes waited. But no form emerged. No voice answered. Time suddenly seemed lethargic, and sounds muddled together. This couldn't be real.

...while inside the van, the computer displays a triumph...a task executed...a case won...

To easy

*Katie watches over Scott's shoulder as her types and talks about the security system before sitting back down. The feeling still lingering in her stomach. Looking to Jason she wonders if he can feel the emotional pull that was surging in her at the moment. Putting all the feelings together for a moment Katie sends a message on its way.

I don't like the feeling I am getting about this J. It all seems to easy.

Sitting back for a moment Katie lets out a long sigh before looking out the window and servaying the area again.

As the minutes pass and Scott gets ready to leave Katie sits up and stops him. Turning her arms around him and giving him a small kiss on the cheek Katie whispers.*

"I love you Scotty! Be safe and make it back to us ok."

*Jess finishs off her pop and pushes the glass to the side.*

"Mmmm....I think if you keep me warm it will be just fine."

*Jess stands and leans over the counter giving Carson another small kiss before steping away from the counter and throwing another smile at Carson.*

"Just give me a call when you get out. I'll be ready and waiting."


Carson's eyes twinkle. "A hot Aussie, huh? I wonder where you could dig one of those up at."

He wipes the counter with his towel automatically, habit taking over. "I'd suggest a movie, but I just spent my paycheck on an insurance bill. So it looks like I've got enough for a quick burger and a chilly stroll to the park. Or is that not hot enough for you?"

Scott looks to Katie as she taps his foot, and gives her a grin and a wink. He reaches over to tap his knuckles on her chin in a teasing punch.

The van starts forward, and he remains silent, trying to hide his nervousness.

It doesn’t take long before they’re at their destination, about a block and a half away, parking on the street.

Reese looks through the binoculars to the large house within the well-kept property. At the edge of town away from other buildings, it looked even larger than it was. An iron fence surrounded the yard, security cameras and wiring everywhere. Two vehicles were in the driveway.

“Dang it.” Reese scowls. “Tipman said there would be no one here.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Looks like they were wrong.”

Reese shakes his head. “We’re going to have to be more careful about shutting down the security system. Scott, can you handle it?”

Scott flips open his laptop. “Right-oh.” It doesn’t take him long as he types away, finally nodding. “Okay. When I hit it, the security will go down. Anyone watching monitors will think it’s a glitch. It will give me three minutes to get inside, then it’s back on so no one suspects anything.”

“What about on your way back?”

“Hit it again.” Scott gestures to Katie, showing her. “Where are those blueprints?”

“Here.” Reese hands them back to Scott. “Tipman’s sources say the computer is in the room in the south corner. It’s marked.”

Scott nods as he looks at it. “There’s a window there. If no one’s in the room, I should be alright.”

Jason gives a little sigh at Reese. “You sure you want him in there alone?”

Scott answers him instead. “One of us is less likely to be seen. There’s only two guys in there. Get in, get out, remember?” He grins. “Don’t trust the new guy?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Get out of here.”

Scott chuckles. “Alright.” He puts on his headpiece with mic and slides open the van door. “Geronimo.”


*Katie leaves Scott's office her backpack slung over her shoulder. She did not like how she felt about this mission. Something felt wrong, something was out of place. It all seemed to easy. Katie made a mentil note and would stay on guard even more.

Exiting TJY she gets into the back of the van followed by Nate who sat next to her. Receving Reese check Katie gives a nod that she could hear and was ready. Leaning her head aganst the van she sits and waits giving one last check to her gun to make sure it was working just in case. Taking her foot it finds Scott's as it tape it for a moment. A smile spreads across her face as she smiles up at him.*

*Jess smiles across the counter at Carson and returns the kiss.*

"Well, I'm done with work now so I though I'd come and see you than maybe some more apartment hunting. Than hang out at home for a little while awaiting the phone call of a hot aussie who would be getting out of work and see if maybe we could spend some time together."

*Jess sits back in her chair and sips the soda that Aerith had braught her.*

"Nothing to exciting except for the hang out part."


Scott is a little surprised by Katie's worry, but he rises to his feet, returning her hug. "Well seeing as though Reese has never put me in the field before, I guess I'm not a hundred percent, but I don't see I have much of a choice. And I'm not talking about a direct order."

He steps back so he can see Katie's face, his hands resting on her shoulders. "Too many lives are being ruined by this guy. I've been given a prime opportunity to help take him and his men down - I can't pass that up. Reese chose me for a reason - it's gonna take some hefty hacking and he trusts me. He wants you outside watching my back."

He grins and cocks his head. "Quit worrying. We pull up, I sneak through the window, get on the computer, work my magic and get out again. Sources even says there shouldn't be anyone around, so the house will be all mine."

A chuckle escapes. "And how could I not want to take the opportunity to dress in black?"

Giving Katie another quick but firm hug, he lets her go. "Get going. I'll be with you guys in a few minutes."

After she leaves his office, Scott sinks down in his chair and looks at his computer screen. He'd been more confident with her than he really was... It wasn't that the whole idea bothered him...he'd gone through some basic training when he'd taken this job. It was just something...didn't feel right.

Glancing to the small safe beside his desk, Scott thinks for a moment. It had just been a week before that he'd come up with the notion of adding something to the disc that was inside. Coincidence?

Shaking off his weird feelings, he gets back up from his desk to get ready.

On schedule, everyone is out back in the garage, loading into the van. Reese is behind the steering wheel, checking off supplies and making sure all the mics work. "Katie, you read me? Nate? Jase? Scott?"

Receiving nods, he switches to the radio. "Hal, you alive?"

"Alive and ready. Got you in my sites. Give me more on the camera."

Reese leans to the camera on the dashboard and makes a few adjustments.


Reese looks to his side where Jason was riding shotgun, then to the back with the others. "Alright guys. You know the drill. Keep it cool, keep it low."

A chuckle can be heard from the kitchen as Carson finishes up the food he was preparing, before he comes out to the counter. Leaning his hands on it, he gives Jess a wry grin. "You can complain to Herb all you want..." His tone gets a little louder on purpose, knowing Herb will hear him from beyond the wall. "...won't do any good though, the slave driver."

Still grinning, Carson leans forward to give Jess a quick kiss. "So what's up today, babe? Anything exciting?"

"This is great man, thanks for the help. We shouldn't have to stay too long."

Mike looks across the living room to Rocky and shakes his head. "You guys can stay as long as you want. I just hated seeing you spend your money on that hotel for so long. Not that you'll want to stay on couches and floors for too long, but you're more than welcome."

"Who's on floors?" Taylor grins from her seat in one of the overstuffed chairs. "Oh, that's right," she teases. "I'm the one who got the spare bed."

Axel throws a paper airplane at her from his position on the floor in front of the couch. "Don't rub it in."

Taylor sticks her tongue out at him. "Woman's privilege."

Axel grins a little, then looks to Mike. "Who's bike in the garage?"

"Oh, that's Jason's."


"Yeah. He wrecked it a while back, but his knee was bad enough that he shouldn't have been riding anyway, so he's just storing it here until he can get around to getting it fixed when he can ride again. I'm actually surprised he hasn't been on the road with it yet, though it's been a little chilly and I'm not sure he's got the money right now for the repairs."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "I see." He thinks for a moment. "How far is it to town?"

Mike shrugs. "We're about five miles out. Why?"

"Thinking about taking a walk."

Max's eyes widen. "To town? Are you nuts?"

"I like walking."

Max rolls his eyes. "I forgot. Oh, hey, I saw you got a package from Derek yesterday. Music?"

Axel nods. "Yep."


*As the meeting breaks up and everyone goes there own way Katie stays behind for a moment. Going to the gun cabnit she scans the fire arms and grabs some more amo just in case. Though hesatating for a moment something just didn't feel right. She had a feeling, and she didnt like it. Maybe it was just nerves. It had been a little bit since anyone had been in the field it could just be butterflys all over. Shruging it off Katie heads back up to the main floor and to her desk putting some things into her bag to take along and making sure her firearm was sacure.

Having everything she needed Katie starts to make her way to the front but stops backtracking to Scott's office. Giving a soft tap on the door she enters seeing Scott sitting at her desk. Giving him a small smile Katie walks over to him and leans down to give him a hug.

Though the last few weeks had been differnt with them both trying to push off the inavatable Katie still cared and loved Scott. That would never change. Still imbracing Scott Katie finally speaks.*

"Are you sure you wan't to do this Scotty? I can always go in, instead. I just want you to be 100% sure about going in there hun."

*The small bell to Mom and Pop's rings as Jess enters. Looking up at the clock on the wall she smiles and shakes her head. It was 12:30 sharp. This had been one of her normal times showing up here to see Carson.

With Peter behind bars now, Angelica making sure of it Jess felt even safer walking around. Though not back to 100% she felt much better than she had from prevouse weeks. Being back home in her own apartment was nice though Jess was looking to move. Once and a while being there she ran into Velvet or Shawn and no longer felt comfortable even talking with them not to mentin being hooked up with Carson she wouldnt want to ask him over and have him run into them bring up bad memories.

Jess was doing her best saving up money at the new job she had. She was working as an organizer for a local phatogrpher. It wasnt much, and the pay wasnt great, Jess wished she herself was the one taking the pictures but money was money and it would good till something better came along.

Sitting down at the small counter Jess gives a wave to Aerith.*

*Aerith smiles as she see Jess. It was normal now, and it was nice to see her giving somewhat of a real smile now.*

"Hey Jess, your a little later today. Was starting to get worryed."

"Yeah, I had to finish up some filing before I could get out for the day it took me longer than I exspected."

*Aerith gives a nod as she heads over to the window to the kitchen.*

"Hey Carson, Jess finally made it."

*Jess can't help the smile that became a little bigger as streches her neck a little to see into the kitchen giving a wave and blowing a kiss to Carson.*

"Don't work to hard or I will have to complain to you boss."

Speeding through time

The ringing phone makes Bret groan. He doesn’t want to answer it. He doesn’t want to move yet. But he knew it would be better to take the call than risk a message on the machine that he might not appreciate Charlotte hearing.

Reaching over his head, he fumbles for the receiver, knocking it to the floor before finally getting a hold on it. “Yeah, hello….Lee, what…” His tone is annoyed. “Look, I thought that…well no, but…” He sighs with exasperation. “Alright…fine…. What’s that? Oh, really? …why? …I see…yeah…no…how long? That long? …of course I got it, I’m not stupid. …Yeah, just tell him I’ll be waiting then.”

Hanging up, he gives a deep sigh, and reaches down to squeeze Charlotte’s shoulder, knowing she’s awake by now. “Well, babe, looks like you got me today too. Change in plans.” In reality, they’d been delayed. Someone had gotten too close sniffing around, and word had almost leaked out. It was time to lay low for just a while longer.

Scott eventually wakes and seeing Katie awake too, moves a little bit as his leg has fallen asleep.

Feeling the movement, Domino’s head snaps up as she squints in the light. Standing up, she yawns and stretches, crawling up over Katie to sprawl between her friend and master.

Scott grins and reaches over to scratch her head. He turns to Katie then, offering her a weary smile. "Hey you. How about some breakfast? Then I better get you home and to work or Reese will be after me."

Carson stands up too, and takes a hand to ruffle Jess' hair. "Don't apologize. I was just as tired as you. And yeah - stop by any time. I'll have a break this afternoon."

Waiting until she leaves, he finally turns and heads to the back, waving at Herb on his way. "Be right in," he calls into the kitchen. Cleaning up for the day, he realizes the bandage that is still on his arm, and peels it off, revealing his permanent reminder. The eagle now clutched a blowing ribbon with Misty on it. No matter who Carson was with, or where his future led, this would remind him... of what he had lost...of what he had to lose...of what choices can really do to a person...

Shaking his head, Carson finishes up and heads to the kitchen for the day. His step was just a little lighter this morning...perhaps there were rays of hope after all.

And so it was. Individuals and pairs had no choice but to move forward as time ticked away.

While Carson and Jess spent more time together, usually at Mom and Pop's during the evenings after hours, across town, Bret and Charlotte also continued their relationship.

Scott and Katie began to do less together, the inevitable going unspoken for now. Their times together were still happy...whether just at work, or with Domino in the park... even though both sensed a future apart.

Jason avoided the subject with Katie, keeping the feelings around it tucked away, but remaining willing to hang out around work.

Misty and Kyle kept up their time together, Kyle's voice improving every day, and his hand showing a remarkably fast recovery under Rick's watchful eye.

Jason and Katie's trip to Texas was postponed for just a short while, both wanting to stay for Con and Jamie's wedding. It was a small and sweet wedding at the church, filled with immediate family and those from TJY. The newlyweds left for their four-day honeymoon, returning to live in Jamie's house indefinitely. Happiness reigned... never had two smiles been bigger, or two hearts more filled with love.

And so it came to be. Life shifts. Life moves on. Some things stay the same. Others change drastically. But time does not give up - it only marches on...

“Alright, guys…” Reese stands in front of the room downstairs, looking at Nate, Jason, Katie, Scott and Hal who were sitting down. “You’ve all been given the rundown. Becker’s a drug dealer that the cops can’t get. The FBI has handed us this case in a last ditch effort. We could be offended by that, but we’ll take it as an opportunity to prove we know our stuff. Becker has eluded authorities and can’t seem to get caught in the act of anything. Sources say that at his place outside of town, he has a computer with all the information of contacts, past drug deals and future setups. What the FBI wants are those files.”

Reese pauses to look over the notepad in his hand. “What we need to do is get someone inside the house, get to the computer, transfer the files, then get out again. We want to do it without being seen and without a fight. I have a layout of the house and the location of the room we know the computer is in. Jason, Katie and Nate, I want you in the van with me where we’ll be parked about two blocks away for surveillance. And Scott, I’ve talked to you about going in.”

Hal raises his hand. “All due respect…but Scott’s never been out on the field. He’s our communicator.”

“I know. But we need the best for this so that we can hack into Becker’s system and get the information we need. That’s why I want you back here instead, keeping tabs on things.”

After a few more brief instructions, Reese closes the meeting. “We have one hour. We’ll meet in the garage. Go to it.”

The others make their way out of the room to prepare. Jason heads up to his office to grab a few things, while Scott goes to his own office as well. Sinking down in his chair, he heaves a sigh. Reese had talked to him about this several weeks ago, but he still wasn’t so sure about it. He was used to staying behind or at least in a vehicle – not to be one in on the action. But…if they needed him, what could he say? Not to mention, he was more than glad to help take this Becker down. There were too many kids' lives being ruined by the drugs he was putting out. It was high time it stopped.