
Battle won, life lost

Jason glances in the rearview mirror, a little surprised at the communication. It’s fine, he reassures. This is a simple task. It’s supposed to be easy. He masks his own worry, emitting only confidence. Just relax.

Scott pauses as Katie stops him and turns, smiling at the kiss to his cheek. “I know,” he whispers back. Putting a hand to the side of her face, he cradles it for just a moment before finally stepping out. “No worries.”

He reaches back inside to hit a button on his computer to take down the security system. “Be back in two shakes.” Keeping low, he jogs down the street, across, and to the property. Climbing up over the fence, he scans the area, then dodges to the side of the house where the room was. Finding the window, he peeks inside. No one was there. It doesn’t take him long to get inside, and he makes it before the security is back on.

The van watches him, keeping a close eye on the surroundings. “Good. He’s in.” Reese nods. “Scott, you with us, buddy?”

“Yeah.” His voice comes over low and whispered. “The computer’s not here.”


“I’m gonna have to look for it.”

“Tipman,” Reese growls. “Alright, Scott. But watch yourself.”

“Right.” It’s several more tense minutes until Scott is finally heard again. “Okay. I found it. It’s at the other corner.”

Reese rolls his eyes. “Score one for the FBI. Are you secure?”

“Yeah, no problem... here we go....let me work my magic."

Jason grins and shakes his head, listening to Scott talk as they can hear the clicking of keys in the background.

"Wow... do we got dirt on these guys..."

"Good." Reese taps a hand on the steering wheel. "Find what we need, get them transferred and get out of there. Two more people just arrived... some source Tipman has."

"Okay, okay...here we go... rats...password..."

The tension in the van rises. Though not taking much time, it seems to be hours.

Suddenly the typing sounds stop and Scott's voice is a whisper. "They're close...I hear them outside the door."

"Just stay where you are and be quiet," Reese directs.

There is some sound of shuffling and clicking, then muffled voices. Jason exchanges a glance with Katie. Every fiber in him wanted to storm the door and get Scott out of there before something happened.

Finally Scott is back. "Alright, they're gone. Thank goodness for closets. Now I gotta start all over again though."

Reese wipes the sweat from his brow. "Take it easy...don't rush, but don't dawdle."

Suddenly a new car comes around the corner, parking in front of the building. Jason is on edge. "Whoa whoa, who's this? Those aren't Becker's men."

Reese straightens and gets on the radio. "Hal, you watching?"

"Sure am."

"Who we got here? Any idea?"

"Mmm...give me a sec....yeah...yeah, that's Rhinards...he's Becker's number one competition on the streets. They've been at war for years."

"Well why on earth would he be here?"

"I don't know, but you better watch it."

Reese's jaw tightens. "Scott...how you coming?"

"Just got past the first security level. Once I'm into the second I can start the transfer. I gotta have a few more minutes."

Reese glances at his watch, then looks as the newcomer and his thug get out of their car and go to the front door. There is a brief confrontation with the flashing of guns, then the visitors go inside.

Jason looks to Reese, then Kate, and Nate, then back at the house. What was going on? He takes a deep breath. All they needed was to get those files transferred. No battle...just in and out. Come on, Scott, come on.

"We're in business, folks." Scott's voice is even, despite the breakthrough. "Level two down and..."

There's suddenly more background noise, thumping and banging, then loud voices.

"What the..."

"Scott, get out of there," Reese directs. "We got two drug lords in there and they're not happy."

"They're down the hall. I got a minute. This is our only chance and the transfer is starting. It's gotta go through all the way or we got nothing."

"Not worth it. Get out."

"Not worth it?" The clicking of keys can still be heard. "Kids' lives who these drugs are going to? Kids on the streets manipulated by these scumbags? How many more will die unless we stop them?"

The shouting grows louder and suddenly a shot is fired.

Reese's voice grows more stern. "Scott get out - that's a direct order."

"Forty-three seconds."

"Come on."

All of a sudden there is chaos at the building. Men burst out the front door, stumbling over one another, racing for their cars. Both sides weren't arguing, but fleeing.

Jason's hand goes to the door handle. "What happened? Scott, what happened?"

"Don't know. Twenty seconds."

Reese heart races. "I don't like this. Something isn't right." The vehicles speed away. "Why did they leave...what's going on...?"

"Get him out of there!" Hal's desperate voice comes over the radio. "There's a bomb!"

Reese wastes no time. "Scott, move! Leave it!"

"Come on, come on." Shuffling sounds.

The computer screen in the van suddenly comes to life with all of the transferred files popping up, feeding them all the information and more.

"Alright we got it. I'm outta here. Hit the security, Katie. Just don't..."

Reese's eyes scan the area, looking for Scott to appear from the same side as where he'd gone in. "Where are you, Scott?"

"I'm...." Static, silence, static. "Security..." Static. "...locked windows... have to..." Static.

"What?!" Reese's door flies open as he steps out, not willing to wait any longer. "Hal, they must have locked up the place. Scott can't get out. Where's the power supply?"

"Around back, around back. They wired the place. Bars on the windows. His only chance is the front door! Get to the power supply!"

Scott's voice comes across again. "No, don't! Get out of here! Get the files to the FBI. Reese - the disc is in my safe, I..."

What happens next could only be a nightmare.

The explosion engulfs the building in a burst of heat, sending a brilliant flash followed by smoke and debris.

The ground shakes.

The sound is deafening.

Reese staggers backward, hitting the van.

"No!" Jason's scream is followed by the glass shattering in the van window from an unintentional burst of emotions. He's outside in an instant, but Reese grabs Jason's arms, still shouting into his mic. "Scott? Scott! Come on...dang it! Scott!"


Eyes waited. But no form emerged. No voice answered. Time suddenly seemed lethargic, and sounds muddled together. This couldn't be real.

...while inside the van, the computer displays a triumph...a task executed...a case won...

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