

*A feeling of panic races over Katie as she listens to all that is going on.*

"Scott listen to us...leave now. We can get another chanse when its safer. Your life isnt worth is come on."

*Katie continues to listen as Scott does not. Her emotions, her feelings everything racing. Untill Hal's voice breaks through about the bomb Katie becomes even more in a state of panic. No this couldnt be happening.*


*Hearing the static, and Scott's voice than the static again Katie moves to the van door and swings it open jumping out and looking twords where the house was at. Her heart raced.*

"We need to get him out, we need to get there NOW."

*As Katie moves forward to try to get to Scott the sound of the blast and the push of the force sends her backwards a few steps and all goes quiet. The sound of the boom almost making her def or maybe the fact of her own emotions causing her to go def. Everything alse around her was lost, and silent, as the tears in one large burst form in her eyes, and a scream she could not hear but she was sure everyone alse could emerges from her voice.*


*He couldnt be...they could still save him, he was ok, he needed them, he need her, He was was ok, they need to get to him.

In a quick berst Kaite breaks out into a run making her way down the street her feet pound the ground with a pourpis she had to get to Scott...her emotions, her feelings flying one way and the other..nothing alse matter, nothing alse was cared about except for getting to the one person not even she could save now.*

*Nate stands stunded for a moment after the loud burst is hurd from the bomb and the windows in the van shake. Not sure what was even going on for a moment. A suddin panic, fear, rising emotions and hate form as he breaks out into a sweat. Looking to Katie fast he can see the emotion eched on her face and knows his emotions are running but everything alse he felt must be from her. As Katie moves and the door to the van flys over Nate reaches out to grab her before she breaks into the run but like a shield that was around her he can seem to reach as the doubles over in his own agany from all he felt yelling after Katie.*

"Katie NO!"

*Nate's words go unanswered, not even hurd by the one they were ment for.*

*Back at TJY Sapphire walks the halls with paper in her hands. Today was a pretty slow day but even on a slow day it seemed for her to be hecktice. There was always more research to do. Passing her brothers office a strage feeling hits her. More gut renching than anything she had ever felt. The suddin emotion causes her to drop the papers she was carrying and for a moment just hold her stomach. Finally bending down to retreave the papers that had fallen a suddin feeling of lost enters her heart. Something wasnt right, she felt like something great was lost.*

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