

*As the meeting breaks up and everyone goes there own way Katie stays behind for a moment. Going to the gun cabnit she scans the fire arms and grabs some more amo just in case. Though hesatating for a moment something just didn't feel right. She had a feeling, and she didnt like it. Maybe it was just nerves. It had been a little bit since anyone had been in the field it could just be butterflys all over. Shruging it off Katie heads back up to the main floor and to her desk putting some things into her bag to take along and making sure her firearm was sacure.

Having everything she needed Katie starts to make her way to the front but stops backtracking to Scott's office. Giving a soft tap on the door she enters seeing Scott sitting at her desk. Giving him a small smile Katie walks over to him and leans down to give him a hug.

Though the last few weeks had been differnt with them both trying to push off the inavatable Katie still cared and loved Scott. That would never change. Still imbracing Scott Katie finally speaks.*

"Are you sure you wan't to do this Scotty? I can always go in, instead. I just want you to be 100% sure about going in there hun."

*The small bell to Mom and Pop's rings as Jess enters. Looking up at the clock on the wall she smiles and shakes her head. It was 12:30 sharp. This had been one of her normal times showing up here to see Carson.

With Peter behind bars now, Angelica making sure of it Jess felt even safer walking around. Though not back to 100% she felt much better than she had from prevouse weeks. Being back home in her own apartment was nice though Jess was looking to move. Once and a while being there she ran into Velvet or Shawn and no longer felt comfortable even talking with them not to mentin being hooked up with Carson she wouldnt want to ask him over and have him run into them bring up bad memories.

Jess was doing her best saving up money at the new job she had. She was working as an organizer for a local phatogrpher. It wasnt much, and the pay wasnt great, Jess wished she herself was the one taking the pictures but money was money and it would good till something better came along.

Sitting down at the small counter Jess gives a wave to Aerith.*

*Aerith smiles as she see Jess. It was normal now, and it was nice to see her giving somewhat of a real smile now.*

"Hey Jess, your a little later today. Was starting to get worryed."

"Yeah, I had to finish up some filing before I could get out for the day it took me longer than I exspected."

*Aerith gives a nod as she heads over to the window to the kitchen.*

"Hey Carson, Jess finally made it."

*Jess can't help the smile that became a little bigger as streches her neck a little to see into the kitchen giving a wave and blowing a kiss to Carson.*

"Don't work to hard or I will have to complain to you boss."

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