
Speeding through time

The ringing phone makes Bret groan. He doesn’t want to answer it. He doesn’t want to move yet. But he knew it would be better to take the call than risk a message on the machine that he might not appreciate Charlotte hearing.

Reaching over his head, he fumbles for the receiver, knocking it to the floor before finally getting a hold on it. “Yeah, hello….Lee, what…” His tone is annoyed. “Look, I thought that…well no, but…” He sighs with exasperation. “Alright…fine…. What’s that? Oh, really? …why? …I see…yeah…no…how long? That long? …of course I got it, I’m not stupid. …Yeah, just tell him I’ll be waiting then.”

Hanging up, he gives a deep sigh, and reaches down to squeeze Charlotte’s shoulder, knowing she’s awake by now. “Well, babe, looks like you got me today too. Change in plans.” In reality, they’d been delayed. Someone had gotten too close sniffing around, and word had almost leaked out. It was time to lay low for just a while longer.

Scott eventually wakes and seeing Katie awake too, moves a little bit as his leg has fallen asleep.

Feeling the movement, Domino’s head snaps up as she squints in the light. Standing up, she yawns and stretches, crawling up over Katie to sprawl between her friend and master.

Scott grins and reaches over to scratch her head. He turns to Katie then, offering her a weary smile. "Hey you. How about some breakfast? Then I better get you home and to work or Reese will be after me."

Carson stands up too, and takes a hand to ruffle Jess' hair. "Don't apologize. I was just as tired as you. And yeah - stop by any time. I'll have a break this afternoon."

Waiting until she leaves, he finally turns and heads to the back, waving at Herb on his way. "Be right in," he calls into the kitchen. Cleaning up for the day, he realizes the bandage that is still on his arm, and peels it off, revealing his permanent reminder. The eagle now clutched a blowing ribbon with Misty on it. No matter who Carson was with, or where his future led, this would remind him... of what he had lost...of what he had to lose...of what choices can really do to a person...

Shaking his head, Carson finishes up and heads to the kitchen for the day. His step was just a little lighter this morning...perhaps there were rays of hope after all.

And so it was. Individuals and pairs had no choice but to move forward as time ticked away.

While Carson and Jess spent more time together, usually at Mom and Pop's during the evenings after hours, across town, Bret and Charlotte also continued their relationship.

Scott and Katie began to do less together, the inevitable going unspoken for now. Their times together were still happy...whether just at work, or with Domino in the park... even though both sensed a future apart.

Jason avoided the subject with Katie, keeping the feelings around it tucked away, but remaining willing to hang out around work.

Misty and Kyle kept up their time together, Kyle's voice improving every day, and his hand showing a remarkably fast recovery under Rick's watchful eye.

Jason and Katie's trip to Texas was postponed for just a short while, both wanting to stay for Con and Jamie's wedding. It was a small and sweet wedding at the church, filled with immediate family and those from TJY. The newlyweds left for their four-day honeymoon, returning to live in Jamie's house indefinitely. Happiness reigned... never had two smiles been bigger, or two hearts more filled with love.

And so it came to be. Life shifts. Life moves on. Some things stay the same. Others change drastically. But time does not give up - it only marches on...

“Alright, guys…” Reese stands in front of the room downstairs, looking at Nate, Jason, Katie, Scott and Hal who were sitting down. “You’ve all been given the rundown. Becker’s a drug dealer that the cops can’t get. The FBI has handed us this case in a last ditch effort. We could be offended by that, but we’ll take it as an opportunity to prove we know our stuff. Becker has eluded authorities and can’t seem to get caught in the act of anything. Sources say that at his place outside of town, he has a computer with all the information of contacts, past drug deals and future setups. What the FBI wants are those files.”

Reese pauses to look over the notepad in his hand. “What we need to do is get someone inside the house, get to the computer, transfer the files, then get out again. We want to do it without being seen and without a fight. I have a layout of the house and the location of the room we know the computer is in. Jason, Katie and Nate, I want you in the van with me where we’ll be parked about two blocks away for surveillance. And Scott, I’ve talked to you about going in.”

Hal raises his hand. “All due respect…but Scott’s never been out on the field. He’s our communicator.”

“I know. But we need the best for this so that we can hack into Becker’s system and get the information we need. That’s why I want you back here instead, keeping tabs on things.”

After a few more brief instructions, Reese closes the meeting. “We have one hour. We’ll meet in the garage. Go to it.”

The others make their way out of the room to prepare. Jason heads up to his office to grab a few things, while Scott goes to his own office as well. Sinking down in his chair, he heaves a sigh. Reese had talked to him about this several weeks ago, but he still wasn’t so sure about it. He was used to staying behind or at least in a vehicle – not to be one in on the action. But…if they needed him, what could he say? Not to mention, he was more than glad to help take this Becker down. There were too many kids' lives being ruined by the drugs he was putting out. It was high time it stopped.

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