
A little help

*Continuing to look up at Carson Jess takes in his warmth and comfort. Carson's words giving her a hope. This was the start of the healing. Maybe nothing grand would come of it but for now Jess new they both needed this. For now, this was right.*

"For a little while I did, but than with some help I remembered."

*As the night draws on Jess and Carson talk, nothing to deep on this night but getting to know each other a little more...the soft voice echoing through Mom and Pop's as the emptyness welcoming the two new people who had found each other. The laughter every once and a while being obsorbed till finally in the wee hours of the morning the voices die, and the eyes close without warning offering good dreams for tonight.*

Night comes, and than goes morning coming at last. The colors shooting through the sky waking those for the day.

*Katie eyes slowly open as the rays of light enter through the curtins. Blinking it takes her only a moment to remember where she is. Feeling a lump behind her Katie lifts her head and turns it giving a smile at the snoring Domino next to her. Than turning her head the other way Katie just watches Scott sleep for a long moment. Leting out a sigh her mind movies as she shifts through her thoughts and feelings in no hurry to wake Scott. He looked so at peace and for some reason Katie felt a wave of lonlyness and a cold chill. Like a hard change was in the wind.*

*Jess lets out a little noise signaling she was waking as she felt Carson's hand to her face and the sound of his voice tighting her squeeze around him for a moment. Releasing her grip and sitting up Jess moves her neck side to side trying to get the kink out.*

"Sorry I feel alseep on you. I guess I was just to comfortable to move."

*Leaning over Jess gives Carson a quick kiss and than slids out of the booth giving a streach.*

" I guess I better let you go so you can work and not get into trouble. A shower is sounding pretty good right about now too. I'll stop by a little but later though if you want."

*For a moment Herb stands at the swing doors that lead out in the dinning room looknig out. Startled at first to see Carson out there with his friend but than a smile forms on his face as he can see the small spark in Carson's eyes and the smile that had been absent from the girls face for a while. Not even one thought of something inmoral cross Herb's mind. Decieding to leave them be for now he heads into the kitchena dn turns the fryers and grill on to warm up as he starts his prep knowing Mable would be on her way in shortly.*

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