

Trying to give the best smile she can back to Jen Katie just nods before turning to head into the kitchen.

"I'm fine."

Her answer was short but she really didnt want to talk about the day or what had happend. Her mind wasnt taunting her at the moment and she wanted to keep it that way.

Continuing to walk into the kitchen Katie motions for Jen to follow.

"I put out some cookies, and I have some tea around here that I dont think Laura is taking with her let me take a look."

Opening the far cubord Katie looks in to see what tea was there. Moving things around she called over her shoulder.

"We have Lemon Zinner, Mint, Raspberry, and....umm..normal."

Taking in a deep breath Hope looks across the table at Reese. She was nervous though she new really there was no reason to be. She'd always been careful in what she did and how she handled her patients. Even with Scott she was careful, thought she wouldnt change what happend how it did she didnt understand and losing her license would defiantly sting.

Taking the court summons from her bag Hope places them on Reese desk and pushed them twords him.

"I am being investigated for indecent relationship with a pacent. They are talking about Scott. I can defend myself, but I really have no proof that Scott and I didn't get close until after he was released from my care."

Hope lets out a sigh as she continues to look at Reese. She had great confidence in herself but at the same time she was a little worryed. Though God would do what he saw fit, there were many what ifs.

"If they find me guilty I could lose my license, and that would look bad for you guys. I just wanted to know what you would all be getting yourself into."

Giving a soft knock on Jason's door Misty pokes her head in.

"Hey Hotshot got a moment?"

Misty had been needing a break all day and she wanted to give Rick and Jeff some room. She new what had happend this morning with Jason and Katie and new how hard it must be on both of them. Though she was worryed about Katie too she was closer to Jason. Maybe just stoping in to talk to him a little bit would do them both good.

One of those days

"Thanks, Angel. I'll let you know when I receive the package."

Ending the call, Rick hangs up and turns around to see Jeff finally resting quietly. He goes to him to check him over once more. "Still in pain?"

Jeff shakes his head a little numbly. "No... now I'm just... really quite happy..." His gaze swings in Rick's direction. "You gave me something a bit, uh, loaded, there doc?"

Rick grins a little. "You could say that. Just try to rest some more."

"How about playing some basketball?"

"No. Rest."


"In the middle of summer?"

Jeff stops and squints one eye. "Er... right. Summer." He shakes his head groggily. "Poker?"

Rick chuckles and shakes his head. "I can't take the time. Rest... that means rest."

"Pushy." Jeff waves him off, but closes his eyes. "I'll sleep then. But wake me up if there's an earthquake."

Rick's eyebrows rise and he almost asks why, but realizes that Jeff had no clue what he was saying. "Right... I'll do that."

Half an hour later, Jen has arrived, giving Katie a smile as she enters the house. "Hey, you." She gives Katie's shoulder a loving scratch. "I hope I'm not being too much of a pain."

She sets down her purse and gives a little sigh. "Just one of those days, I guess." She cocks her head, studying Katie's face. "Looks like its been one of those days for you too."

Reese settles back in his seat after Hope takes a chair across from him. "Alright, I've given you the brief explanation of what my request is about... now I'd like to hear your side of things. Why do you think TJY would suffer if you were to help us?"


Continuing to hold the phone Katie lets out a small sigh. She really didnt want to be alone, but she didnt really want to be around anyone eather. But it was Jen, maybe she would just let her say for a little bit. Couldnt hurt more than she already was.

"Yeah ok, that should be fine. I'll make us some tea or something. I'll see you in a bit."

Hanging up the phone Kaite pushs off the wall. The pills forgotten on the small table by the door for now. Aiming for the bathroom Katie wanted to at least splash some water on her face before Jen got there. She had to at least look like she was ok.

"Hey Rick its Angel from Texas. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My daughter had both her babys yesterday and the one is pretty sick. So I have had a lot on my plate."

There was a pause for a moment as Angel gathers her paper work up. After checking on Wendy and Clint this morning along with her grandkids Angel set to work on looking into Jeff's condition. She even went to the lengths of taking a look at the chip that was taken from Jeff.

"I was able to take the chip that we took from Jeff and take a look at it. I remembered that we thought Jeff was having a reaction to the metal it was mad of. As I took a closer look there seemed to be a casing connected to the chip. I ran some test and I did come up with some intresting things but nothing I can be one hundred percent about."

Angel takes in a breath as she places a small casing into a bag.

"I dont have the tools here to dig deeper into what was in this casing or why it was there, but I am going to send it over to you next day mailing along with some of the other information I did find on it. I can almost garinty this is why Jeff was sick to start with."

I promise

"Oh." Disappointment echoed in Jen's response. "Well... I was really hoping for some company... would you mind if I just came over? I don't even care if you sleep the whole time. It's just one of those days where I don't really like being alone at the house and well... I don't want to intrude or anything if you're not feeling well, but would it be okay? I promise you won't even know I'm there."


Picking herself up from the floor the tears are still streaked down Katie's face. Though the images and feelings were gone for now she new they would be back. She just wanted everything to go away, nothing felt right and the absence of the emotions left her empty.

Feeling her phone go off Katie forgot she had turned the ringer off. Flipping it open an listing to the voice mail is was nice to hear Jen's voice to know someone out there still cared. Wanting to call back and say yes Katie hesitates. She didn't know when the past would creep on her again and she didnt want to be out when it happened but she didnt want to blow off Jen eather.

Dialing Jen's number Katie waits as she makes her way through the quiet house. It almost scared her how quiet it was. If something happened no one would know, if something went wrong no one would know. Katie hated feeling like this but she didn't know how to stop it.

"Hey Jen, I...got your message. I'm not feeling to good right now so I don't think it would be a good idea to go anywhere. but I wanted to thank you for your offer."

Katie was thankful for Jen's offer it made her fell good. She just wanted her to know that even if her voice was a little shakey it would prove she really wasn't doing to good.

"Maybe later if I am feeling better or something we can get together."


"How are you feeling?"

Jason looks up quickly from his desk, seeing Rick. "Physically?"


"Fine. Little headache, but fine."

"And... emotionally?"

Jason thinks a moment. "Normal."

Rick just nods. "Okay. It had been a while so I just wanted to check."

Jason watches him start to leave, but stops him. "Have you checked Katie?"

"She left. I didn't get a chance to talk to her."

"Oh." Jason sighs. "Thanks." Left alone, he just sits quietly for a few moments. Trooper comes over to him, but he doesn't even feel like paying attention to his dog. He was happy, he was sad. He was relieved, he was tense. It didn't make any sense, yet it made a world of sense. He just wished Katie would be on board with him. He knew their connection was important, but... couldn't they survive without it? Couldn't they have a relationship without it? They'd both lived before... they were both human beings. Yes, they had shared something unique and special... something intimate. But if they were really meant to be, couldn't they survive without it? Why couldn't Katie understand what his points were? Couldn't she see that it tore him up inside every time something went wrong? Couldn't she understand that he was doing this for the both of them? Why was she being so stubborn about not being happy with it? He just didn't understand.

And now she'd left work. Jason knew it was because she was upset. Maybe his emotions weren't feeling it, but his gut told him. He wanted to go find her... go to her and try to talk through this and work it out... but he didn't even know where she was, and probably she wouldn't want to talk to him anyway.

Getting Katie's voice mail, Jen sighs a little, but she tries her best to be cheery anyway. "Hey, Katie, it's Jen. I just wondered if you wanted to get out and have some fun or just sit and talk or something. I called TJY and they said you'd left, so I don't know if you're home or not, but I'll just leave you this message. Mike's working and my folks are gone all day so I didn't have anything to do... thought maybe we both could use a friend today. Let me know, I'll be home."

Reese lifts his eyebrows a little, wondering what kind of trouble Hope could possibly be in. "I'd love to sit and talk. I don't know when you're free, but I'm open all day if you'd like to come in, or I can meet you somewhere."

You should know

Going back to her desk Katie sits down with a huf leaning her head down on her desk before siting up again and pulling some papers to her. She was going to try and keep her mind busy. Maybe if she did when the drug kicked in she would be ok.

The time ticks by and Katie works as the drug slowly takes its affects. Katie's eyes start to go fuzzy as she closes them trying to focus again her head starting to throb. Knowing what was coming Katie wanted to stand but couldnt. She new she was at TJY but her head spun, smells, sounds it all came crashing back.

Giving a little shake Katie can feel the tears that formed in her eyes again. She wanted to cry she wanted to scream again...she just wanted to get away. Closing her eyes Katie clears the memories thought she knows they are still knocking on the door. She had to get out of here, go home, yes...home.

Gathering her things together Katie dosnt let anyone know she is going. No one could see her like this. She was upset and hurting for more than one reason and her mind was being tourchered as the silence took over. Katie didnt want to have to explain she just wanted to get away. Jason wouldnt understand so what would be the point of telling him.

Exiting TJY Katie takes in a deep breath of air seeing if it would help and it did just a little. Maybe at least it would help so she could get home in one peace.

Finally making it home Katie enters the house and just leans aganst the door. Figuring Thirteen and Ryder were probley on there way to TJY she didnt worry about it. Seeing her wallet and the bottle of pills on the little table Katie just leans her head back. Her mind was her own, yet at the same time it wasnt. Katie didnt know what to do.

Answering the phone and hearing Reese request Hope thinks for a long moment as the papers in front of her she read. They were from a lawyer and summoned her to court. She hadent exspected this to happen but it did and though she didnt know how or what was going to happen she still wanted to help Reese. Though it takes a moment to reply to Reese when Hope finally does her voice was a little differnt this time around.

"Yes of course I would love to do that for the Elite. Though I should come in and talk to you. Some problems I guess you could say have come up and before I do anything for you I think you should know. If things go badly for me, I dont want it to bring you guys down too. So if we could set up a time to talk before the end of next week that would be great."

Letting out a tiny sigh and holding the letter still Hope cant help but read the same line over and over again. She was being investigated and put before the court for an indecent relationship with a pashent. Only one person came to mind though she still was a big confused. She never started getting closer to Scott untill after he wasn't a pashent anymore. Who and why would someone do this? It confused her but it was happening...and she could now lose everything.


Watching Katie leave, Jason sighs a little. He left her question unanswered. He just really didn't understand.

Jeff folds his arms, looking at Jason with calmness. "Happy now?"

Jason snaps his head up, wondering at Jeff's tone, but he couldn't find sarcasm in it. "It's not about being happy... it's about what's best."

"And you think this is the right way?"

"If I didn't, would I be here?" Jason shakes his head and aims for the door. "I got work to do."

Jeff watches him leave, shaking his head. Turning to the bed, he takes a couple steps, then doubles over as a sudden and severe pain shoots through his gut.

Rick is immediately by his side. "Whoa, you okay?"

"Mm-hmm...." Jeff mumble, staggering to the bed. "I'd be even better if you took the knife out of my stomach."

Rick sighs and pats his shoulder. "Let me give you something for that." He only hoped Angel would find something.... he had found nothing, and Jeff was simply left to suffer.

It only takes half an hour. Rick had done a good job at perfecting the right formula, and even Jason is surprised. Thirty minutes and it was as if a soundproof veil had descended. It wasn't a torment like before, filled with pain and worry, but it was just a stillness... a deafening quiet.

Leaning back in his desk chair, he takes a moment to reorganize his thoughts. He had a bit of a headache, but otherwise, so far there were no side effects.

Ryder returns Thirteen's kiss, giving her a smile. "Alright. Showers than breakfast. First one to the bathroom gets the shower first." Springing over the couch, he dashes towards the hallway.

"Yes, hi, Hope, this is Reese over at TJY..." He twirls the phone cord around his finger as he talks. "I've been meaning to call you but have just been so swamped. I actually was wondering if you'd be willing to do something for the Elite. See... we have several men who have been in the Agency." He thinks of Alec, Gage and Phinox. "We're having the same trouble figuring out what to do with him as we are with Scott. It's quite a dilemma. I just spoke with Chief Brown this morning, and we've decided to have the men professionally evaluated. In other words... we want someone's advice as to their mental state, and whether or not they would be considered a threat. So many times, Agency people have been pulled in without knowing any better, that we hate to just throw them behind bars. But we need some way of figuring this out and deciding what is the right choice for them."

He takes a deep breath at the end of his spiel. "So, what I'm asking, is if you'd be willing to come by TJY sometime and speak with these men. Just study them and write up an evaluation for them that will help us decide what to do next."