

*As Katie enters the kitchen and see the broken pitcher and lemonaid on the ground her hurrys over to Scott making sure he is ok.*

"Scotty sit let me clean this up and make some mor for you. Than see if I can find us something to eat."

*Before Scott even says anything Katie can see the look in his eyes that he hated being waited on.*

"Please Scott let me do this for you. I want to do this."

*Grabing the paper towles Katie bends down to clean up the mess. She really did want to help Scott right now. If helped her feel better for what happend to him not to mention it kept her mind off stuff as she tryed to block out Jason's anger that was still raging. Katie had alot of thinking she needed to do. The furture was going to change on way or the other and is scaired her.

Within minutes Katie has the mess cleaned up and a new pitcher of lemonaid made with help from Scott filling her in where everything is. Katie pours a glass for herself than Scott. Next moving to fix some sandwitches.*

"I know your probley not hungry and its gonna hurt to eat. But just try to eat alittle bit. You need your strength."

*Katie also fixes some food For Domino who was waiting at her feet.*

*Harb looks up from the kitchen and comes out and over to Wyatt. The look alone on his face told the story and than seeing the blood Herb nods not having to say much of anything.*

"Let me grab my keys and let Mable know."

*Herb disapears into the backroom as Aerith comes out seeing Wyatt a smile comes to her face. Walking over to Wyatt she leans on the counter.*

"I was starting to think you wernt going to come after all. I'm glad you did."

*Aerith leans her hand in to giv Wyatt's arm a pat than withdraw it seeing blood on her fingertip. Aerith sences highten as she now sees the look of pain in Wyatts eyes.*

"Wyatt, your hurt. What happend? Whats wrong?"

*Jamie lets out a sigh and nods even though no one can see her.*

"Ya thats fine as long as I get to see you. I'll head on over now. See ya soon Con."

*Within moment Jamie it out of TJY and at Con's entering and calling to see if he was there.*


Scott braces himself for the painful walk inside, and is grateful for Katie, even though he feels helpless.

His rented house isn't big, with two small bedrooms, living room, tiny bathroom and kitchen, but it's sufficient for one or two people. A bay window at the back of the living room looks out to a small backyard, and other windows help create a light atmosphere. The interior wasn't messy, though some clutter resided in corners with stacks of magazines, computers that were being fixed or built, and various cameras. Several vivid photographs of nature hang on the wall - examples of some of Scott's handiwork. A few dog toys were scattered about, signaling what kept Domino occupied while her master was away.

Getting settled on the couch, Scott leans his head back and closes his eyes for a moment or two, just trying to relax. He couldn't remember a time he'd been in this much pain before.

He was glad Katie was here, though not ever having her over to his house before did create a little bit of awkwardness. It didn't seem that bad though...he'd never been uncomfortable around her.

Domino gives a few short barks, putting her front paws up on Scott's knee. Scott opens his eyes and looks at her, then glances to Katie. "Would you mind taking her out? Her leash is by the door."

Once alone, Scott pulls himself up off the couch and gingerly makes it to the small kitchen. Glancing in the fridge, he sees he has enough stuff for sandwiches. He's not hungry, but maybe Katie is. Spying his pitcher of lemonade, he realizes just how thirsty he is, and reaches for it. Not even thinking, he reaches in with his fractured wrist. As soon as he lifts, the pain shoots up his arm and he lets go.

The pitcher falls. Lemonade goes everywhere.

Letting the door fall shut, Scott just leans back against the counter in defeat, staring at the mess on the tiled floor.

He hears the front door open and shut again and Domino appears on the scene. She sniffs at the floor for a moment, then demonstrates that she's more than happy to help clean up as she tastes the sweet mess. Scott rolls her eyes and tries to shoo her away. "Domino, no..." He turns around to grab for some paper towels. What else could go wrong today? Everything was turning out to be a disaster.

Wyatt makes his way back through the alley towards his jeep, trying to go unseen by the authorities on the other side of the block. He'd prevented an assassination all right - but he'd taken a bullet to the shoulder in the meantime.

Pressing his hand to the wound, he manages to get into his jeep and start out of town. The assassin was in custody already and his job was done.

The ride back to TJY never seemed longer - all Wyatt wants to do is get in to see Rick.

As he's getting into town, his jeep suddenly backfires. "Oh, no..come on, baby..." Wyatt tries is best to get his jeep through town, but it peters out on him just as he's turned a block in town. Steering to the side of the street, he stops. Now what? He had no phone. No one knew where he was. It was early afternoon....

Glancing down the street, it's fairly quiet. He grabs his jacket from the backseat even though it's a warm day, and slings it over his shoulder to hide the blood. There were only two people he could trust.

Making his way as quickly as he can, despite his dwindling energy, Wyatt gets himself on foot to Mom and Pops. Entering quietly, he sees they're not very busy, and is glad of it. He's quick to go to the counter and get Herb's attention. "I need your help, Herb." He lifts his jacket to reveal the wound. "I gotta get to TJY but my jeep quit on me."

Con answers his cell phone just as he's ready to get in his car. "Hey, Jamie... Um... yeah... we can still do lunch... listen, um..." He thinks for a moment. He'd just gotten off the phone with Carson. Things weren't good. "I gotta pack up Jason's things for him and need to do it right away...instead of going out, you want to come over to my place? That way I can get that taken care of before I have to go back to work and we can still spend time together. I know it's not what you were hoping for..."

Jason leans his elbows on his knees, resting his forehead on his hands. By the time Carson had gotten him to his apartment and up two flights of stairs, the sugar had brought him back to reality. But he almost wished it hadn't.

Carson crosses his arms and looks at Jason, having just received the story. "You're being stupid, Jason."

"Thanks - I really needed to hear that." Jason lifts his head to look at him. "I think I'd already figured that one out when I realized I'd trusted Katie."

"That's not what I mean and you know it," Carson snaps back. "Beating up the guy who stole your girlfriend isn't going to get her back."

"So I just lost it."

"You did that alright." Carson nods. "You lost your temper, lost your head, and probably lost a couple friends in the process, not to mention you might have lost your job, though knowing Reese, he'll let you back in."

Jason scoffs. "Like you should talk."

"I've been there, Hotshot." Carson moves closer. "That gives me the right to point out that you're going in the wrong direction. You think I don't know what it feels like to be angry? You think I don't know what it feels like to be betrayed? To feel like a fool? Yeah, I've made mistakes and I've made a lot of 'em - there's not one I don't regret. But there comes a point when picking yourself up and being a man about it is better than acting like a five-year-old with a temper tantrum."

Carson's stern look bores into Jason's eyes as two steel stares meet. "I know you're hurting like mad, but beating somebody up solves nothing. You need to cool off. If it takes staying away from your friends for a while, so be it. I'll let you stay here - I got a spare room and I could use someone to help with rent."

"Well you already called Con."

"I didn't want to see you two getting into it," Carson states flatly. "And with the shape you're in, I wouldn't put it past you to start a fight with that tank, but I dare say if he fought back you'd be on the losing end." He shakes his head and starts for the door. "I have to go back to work. I know this isn't easy for you trying to get back into your old life, but stop trying to adjust all in one hour. So things have changed. Move on before you hurt somebody else."

Jason is left in silence. Carson made it all seem so easy, when in reality this was harder than almost anything Jason had faced yet. He was at war with himself, and it was the most dangerous of battles. His thoughts wander to and fro without anything to hold them back. His mind keeps bringing back Katie... He was so angry...so hurt... but there was nothing he could do. He knew his actions had been stupid. He might have even had another chance with Katie if he hadn't gone and beat up Scott. But now...Jason could feel the end coming, and he didn't want to face it. Maybe this whole thing was his fault anyway, but that didn't take away the pain. He wasn't used to being on the losing team.

Dont be

*Katie takes her eyes off the road for a moment to look at Scott before returning them. Reaching out Katie gives Scott good hand a gentil pat.*

"Dont go blaming yourself Scott. I'm glad you did get involved with me. I needed a friend, and someone who cared. Thats what I got. I needed to know someone cared before I went crazy in my own mind, and for you being there I wont be sorry Scotty. Neather should you."

*Katie lets out a long sigh tear escape from Katie's eyes not many but a few.*

"If anyone should be sorry its me Scott that Jason did this to you. I just cant believe it. I should of talked to him sooner. I just wanted him to steal in before I said anything cuz I new he had been through so much. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle."

*Katie keeps driving makeing the turns to get to Scott place. Pulling into the driveway Katie can see Scott hates to ask her for help. Not making him ask again Katie shuts the call off and gets out going over to Scott's side. Throwing his arm over her shoulder once again and her other arm around his back trying to be as gental as she can she lifts Scott and helps him up the step and opens the door to be greeted by a bouncing Domino. Puting out her foot Katie shoos Domino out of the way.*

"Go on baby get inside."

*Once inside Katie shuts the door and heads into the living room helping Scott sit down on the coutch. Siting down next to him but not to close to make him feel uncomfortable Katie tummy still does flip flops till she feels like she is going to be sick herself. Holding it down though Katie gives alittle smile at Scott.*

"Need me to get or do anything for you? Tea, ice, or anything. I'm here now might as well ask so I can do what I can to make ya comfortable."

*Aerith's day pass and befor she knows it, its noon. Exspecting Wyatt to stop by like he said lunch pass and nothing. Felling alittle disapointed Aerith keeps working hoping maybe later he would stop by. Aerith dident know why she was to disapointed she hardly new Wyatt but there was something about him she liked. Just thinking about seeing him again braught a smile to Aerith's face.*

*As Jamie leaves TJY and heads for her car on lunch break. She had see Scott leave earlyer with Katie. Seeing how messed up he was Jamie could tell that everything was not well. Picking up her phone she dial Con to see if he is going to still meet her for lunch.*


Jason says no more, combatting Katie's words with nothing but a wall. He felt like a total fool, and that was never a good feeling.

The candy bar at his feet goes ignored as Katie walks away, and Jason makes no move. As far as he was concerned, he could just sit there and rot. Prison had been better than this.

Rick raises his eyebrows at Katie, and nods. "I'll take care of him. Thanks for taking Scott home - I didn't think he should go alone."

After Katie leaves, Carson is still in the infirmary, and looks to Rick without needing to be asked. "Yeah, I'm right behind you."

Reaching downstairs, both men find Jason starting to lose a sense of reality. Rick is quick to force sugar down him, and sighs with disgust. "You're an idiot, Jason, do you know that?"

"Oh yeah." Jason forces a sarcastic laugh. "I've been an idiot since I was born and I've paid for it ever since."

Carson shakes his head and reaches down to pull Jason to his feet. "You're coming with me."

"Just let me go."

Carson is relieved that most of Jason's strength is gone, and it's easy to manhandle him. "Nope. You're going home."

"I don't want to go home," Jason growls, putting his weight on Carson just so he can stand. "Con can keep his apartment to himself."

"Well what are you going to do then?"

"I don't know!"

Carson rolls his eyes. "Then you're coming to my place."

Scott shakes his head, not wanting to talk much because it hurt, but managing a few words. "I'm sorry, Katie...I shouldn't have gotten involved with you...this is all my fault." He wanted to ask if she knew what the future was...he wanted to know if he still had a chance...but he doesn't...not now...it wasn't the time.

He shakes his head at her question. "Just take me home..." He keeps his gaze out the window. "It's the little gray house on 17th street."

Once there, Scott starts to get out himself, but winces. "I'm gonna need just as little help." By the look on his face, it's obvious that he hates asking, but he's not so sure he can make it up the porch steps on his own at this point.

Wyatt glances at his watch as he drives down the road. He needed to call Aerith. Fishing for his phone, he lets out a groan at himself. He'd left his phone at work. Well...he'd just have to apologize later.


*Jason's words along with his anger stab Katie in the heart and twist her own tummy in knots. Jason's anger was like none Katie had ever seen before. Katie was sad, hurt in pain.*

"I dident leave you in the dust Jason and I ment everything I promised. You started to push me away, lock my out and I felt alone. Scott was there just being a friend. Ya we did kiss Jason, and for that I am sorry. But I am not sorry that I made a new friendship with someone."

*Katie's own hurt and anger mix into one not knowing what is what anymore.*

"I wanted for you Jason, and when you got back home I was happy. I was going to tell Scott you were the one I wanted to be with because I still saw the hope of the J i new and than I was going to come and talk to you. but I'm not sure anymore. After yesterday and now today, I just dont know anymore."

*Katie's head feels like it is going to explode. She needed to get out of there, pain, sorrow, anger she had to go before she snaped. Throwing the candy bar at Jason's feet Katie turns.*

"Dont be stupid again. Shut up and eat that."

*Katie makes her way out of the recroom and head up the steps. Before making her way to Scott cubicle Katie stops by the infermary and pokes her head in.*

"Rick if you dair tango with the monster down stairs make sure he eats something his sugar is geting dangerusly low. Make sure you bring Carson or someone with you. I'm taking Scott home if anyone asks."

*Katie exits and heads over to Scott.*

"Come on Scotty lets get you home."

*Katie trys to mask her own emotions for Scott's sake her eyes are the only thing that cant lie. Still feeling Jason's anger Katie trys to block it out as she slings Scott's arm over her shoulder. Using her strength she helps him out the door and to her car taking it slowly. Finally in a situated Katie heads out of the driveway and to Scott's house.*

"Do you need anything for the pain Scott before we get to your place?"


Scott lets Katie help him to his desk, and lamely obeys, staying put. He knew he could probably make it home alright, but he'd just as soon not even move right now.

Jason hears Katie's voice and glances up from his position on the floor. Anger continues to flash in his eyes....he was so full of anger. The past months had proven to amplify his negative emotions, building them up gradually until they had overtaken him before he'd had time to stop them.

The only emotion he allows to seep out into Katie's view is that sheer anger. While the hurt and frustration remain inside where it can't cause so much pain to himself.

"I guess I am out of my mind," he growls. "The only excuse I got is that I got a double back-stabbing. Not only does my girlfriend leave me in the dust after all her promises, but my own friends don't even tell me what's going on."

He looks her in the eye for several moments, ignoring his body's weakness. "Thanks, Katie. You've made my homecoming a grand one."


*Katie lets out a sigh as Scott talks but shock is still there. Katie had known Jason would have been upset but to beat Scott within an inch of his life was pushing it too far. Katie helps Scott slowly to his desk and set him down. Bending down Katie trys to looks Scott in the eye,*

“Stay here please Scotty. I’ll be right back to show you the kindness you showed me yesterday when you helped me home. I’ll be right back.”

*Katie wastes no time in moving across the main floor again. How could Jason so this and to Scott. He new Scott couldn’t fight couldn’t protect himself. Moving down to the recroom Katie’s own sadness turns to anger. Entering the room Katie scans the area and see nothing but can hear the reaching in the bathroom and feel the pain in her tummy. Grabbing a candy bar that conveniently was lying on the table Katie makes her way to the bathroom. Opening the door for a moment she stands there.*

“Are you out of your mind Jason?”

*Katie asks in a stern upset voice.*

“Are we going to talk or are you going to beat me to death too? Scott didn’t deserve what you did to him. I don’t believe you would go and do that to someone. I understand that’s how things work in prison but this isn’t prison Jason. Scott is your friend. First you throw you emotions at me to cause me pain and than you almost kill Scott. What’s your excuse for this one?”

*Katie stands leaning against the door frame looking down at Jason. Who was this boy sitting in front of her? The look on his face, in his eyes. It wasn’t Jason. It was someone she didn’t even know. A tear falls from her eye. She wanted to hold Jason, she wanted to comfort him. Tell him once again it was going to be alright, but this time she couldent. Jason had pushed to far.*


Scott sees Katie and stops his route to the main floor. He looks down, unwilling to look her in the eye. He didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how to act. He'd never been beaten up before this, and that it had been at the hands of someone he'd once called a friend was a gut-wrenching sensation. He knew that Jason was going to be upset that he and Katie had started seeing each other, but Scott hadn't thought Jason would go this far.

He swallows hard, trying to talk around the cotton and swelling in his mouth. "Jason found out," he replies quietly.

Jason just lies on the bathroom floor, total exhaustion taking over. He didn't understand what was happening around him...he didn't understand what was happening inside of him.
Though his stomach was now empty, he still felt sick. A wave of dizziness hits him, warning him that he needed sugar, but he ignores it. He just plain didn't care.


*Lets out a sigh as she twords the infermary to go to the sapply room. Looking up at the sound moment and Rick's voice Katie see Scott leaving the infermary. He looked like he had just been hit by a train. Katie drops the papers she was holding and runs up to Scott. Not touching him for fear of where he hurt and where he dident Katie just stands in front of him.*

"Scott...what in heavens name happend to you."

*Scott dident need to say anything the art if the bunch, Katie and the feeling in her tummy she new it was Jason. But every inch of her hoped she was something alse.*

Jekyll and Hyde

"...but I had plans to..."

Reese looks at his son with a raised eyebrow. "More important than work? Until we've heard from Sheriff Brown about the pardons, I'm going to function on the more severe cases as we were. I don't want to let this one by - that man over in Jackson is going to be assassinated if someone doesn't go an intervene, and you're it."

Wyatt sighs. He'd be out of town all day. "Alright. Give me directions. I'll go to the authorities first, and if they don't act, I will. I'll stick to protocol so no attention is attracted in our direction."

"He's out?!" Phil's eyes widen. "Well praise the Lord! How's he doing?"

Con shakes his head as he stacks another board onto the pile out back of the building. "Not great...it's been a shock to his system I think." The hurt still lingered from Jason's words to him the night before...and he wouldn't even speak to Con this morning. They'd fought before, but it never hurt less, and Con knew that Jason was hurting the most. He also knew that things weren't going to get better between Jason and Katie, but he didn't want to be a gossip, so he refrained from telling Phil.

"I bet." Phil nods, his excitement toning down. "The guys and I should come on down and see him."

"He'll be up to Mike's to pick up his bike here sometime, I'm assuming," Con muses. "You might just call him and have him come there or something...I'm sure he's been dying to get back to the band."

"And boy have we been dying to get him back!" Phil's mind starts to reel with ideas. "We should have a real get-together. I'll talk a few things over with Jen."

Jason makes his way down the hall of TJY. He’d gotten in late that morning after refusing a ride from Con and instead, walking across town. He had avoided eye contact with everyone, speaking to no one. He hadn’t seen Katie, though wasn't sure he wanted to right now. He’d barely slept last night, the turmoil locked inside beginning to eat away at him.

All he wanted this morning was to blow off some steam, and the shooting range was all he could think of. He felt so out of place it was driving him mad, and he had no where to turn, no one to talk to. Anyone he thought to call he hadn't had contact with since he'd been in prison, and it felt too awkward to approach any of them. And besides that, he wasn't so sure he wanted to tell anyone yet what had happened. So instead, he kept his barrier firmly in place, supported by his anger.

Entering the end of the room downstairs, Jason stops. This was ridiculous. He wanted to be alone…and not only did someone have to be down here already, but why did it have to be Scott? Was someone purposely trying to torture him?!

Scott’s eye catches movement to the side, and he lowers his now-empty handgun. He pulls off his protective earmuffs, wondering at the ticked-off look on Jason’s face. Warily, he decides to exit, leaving the downstairs room to Jason. He rarely came down here, but this morning after checking on Katie then doing a bit of work, he'd decided to get away from computer troubles for just a few minutes and have a little bit of target practice. He puts everything away and aims for the door, but Jason intentionally moves in front of it, his arms crossed, forming a challenging barrier.

Scott stops and looks up at him. “Excuse me…”

Jason grits his teeth. “Why don’t you stay and we talk?”


Jason knew where all this had originated, and wasn’t afraid to use it. He’d heard everything. “About how you buy cars to steal other people’s girlfriends.”

Scott bristles at the blatant accusation, though fear slowly seeps in. Somehow, Jason had already found out about him and Katie. “I’m sorry, but…I never have, nor will I ever purchase anything with the intent of stealing anyone’s girlfriend.”

“Sure.” Jason’s voice drips with disbelief. “So what was it…a token of good friendship? A bribe so someone would hang out with you? A last ditch effort to get some attention?”

Heat rises to Scott’s face. All he’d done was give a gift to someone he saw needed a pick-me-up. He hadn’t spent a dime…just cashed in on a favor. Katie had been in need of a vehicle, he’d seen the need and helped out. Period. What had happened after that had nothing to do with the car. But trying to explain that to Jason would be pointless. “Let it go, Jase,” Scott advises. “This isn’t worth arguing over.”

Jason’s eyes narrow. “Maybe not to you. But I’m the one who was told by Katie that she’d wait for me…stick around…she couldn’t stand being without me. I get back and not only has that apparently changed, but I find out she’s been dating the office geek – now how would you feel?”

Scott was used to the name-calling, though this time it stung just a little. “If someone like Katie chose someone else over me,” he returns boldly, “then I’d seriously consider how big of a jerk I’d been to push her away.”

Anger flashes in Jason’s eyes. “You’ve gotten pretty brave, you know that?”

In reality, Scott was shaking in his boots. His irritation and desire to stand up for what was between him and Katie was the only thing that was helping him hold his ground. “I’m just stating a fact. Now come on, and let me pass.”

Jason doesn’t move. “You went too far, Scott,” he warns. “I’m not going to take this lying down.”

“What do you want to do?” Scott holds out his arms to the sides, starting to get fed up. “Slug me? Go ahead, if it’ll make you feel better. I have done nothing other than have a heart, which apparently you are incapable of.”

Jason has spent too long being taught to react in the moment…too long being taught that to fight is the only way to win…too long being taught to take a challenge with force…too long learning to enjoy the adrenaline rush of a fight and letting his tempter take over. Ignoring all sense of right and wrong, and blinding himself to what he was about to do, he takes Scott’s offer and swings.

Scott doesn’t even have time to react before Jason’s hard knuckles meet his mouth with the force of a sledgehammer. His head whips to the side, knocking him off balance. He falls to the floor, barely catching himself with his hands. His left wrist buckles, pain shooting through his hand and up his arm. The taste of blood enters his mouth and he spits, realizing he’s just lost a side tooth. A sharp throbbing spreads through his jaw.

Before he can even right himself, Jason is on top of him. He’s rolled over onto his back as Jason delivers more blows to his face, then his ribs. Scott holds up his arms, trying to block the punches, wincing as his wrist is hit, and as most of his blocks do no good. The Jason he had known might have slugged him, though that probably would have been it. But this new Jason was unpredictable and Scott feared he wouldn’t stop.

Somehow, he’s finally able to wriggle free of Jason’s weight, and tries to crawl away despite his weakened wrist, but Jason pulls him back by an ankle. Scott twists around to look up at him, pleading with him. “Don’t do this…” Blood runs from several cuts on his cheek and from his mouth and nose. He was no match for Jason's strength and skill, and he couldn’t take much more.

But Jason no longer sees a friend, but an enemy created by an anger that blinds him to what he is doing. He doesn’t want to listen, and drags him closer, aiming a kick to Scott’s gut. Scott doubles over as the boot lands hard on his stomach. Jason was angry and there was no stopping him.

Carson skips down the stairs, aiming for the shooting range. On break, it was a good time to do some practice. He hadn’t fired a shot in quite a while, and didn’t want to grow rusty at this point.

Reaching the door he swings it open, but stops dead in his tracks at the scene before him. Jason is on top of Scott, relentlessly beating on him. Carson didn’t know all that had happened, but his instincts told him that Scott needed his help – he wasn’t the type of person who would have started this fight.

Stepping in quickly, Carson grabs Jason from behind. “Whoa, whoa, stop, Jason.”

Jason whirls around and takes a swing at Carson.

Carson ducks and jabs at Jason’s shoulder to spin him back around, then reaches up to put him in a choke hold, having just a bit of difficulty with Jason’s height. Jason had to bend backward not to be choked by his shorter adversary, and grabs at Carson’s arm. “Let me go,” he hisses.

“Calm down,” Carson orders sternly, grabbing one of Jason’s arms to twist it behind his back.

Jason fights him, but in this position there’s not much he can do, and as far as brute strength was concerned, Carson was probably an equal opponent. “Get off of me!” he growls.

“Not until you cool it!” Carson struggles to hold Jason back, and glances down to the floor. “Scott….Scott, are you alright?”

Scott winces and rolls over on his side to curl up, just trying to breathe without it hurting.

Carson grits his teeth and pulls Jason over to the side of the room, slamming an elbow into the intercom button. “Rick, get down to the lower level on the double.”

What is it?

“Just come on,” Carson replies with exasperation. He moves back closer to Scott, still keeping Jason under control. “Scott, can you get up? Rick’s on his way down.”

Scott is pretty sure that he’s receiving help but the dazed fog blurs everything. He manages to get to his knees, still holding his stomach and ribs, the blood still flowing from his nose and mouth while he cradles his wrist. He swallows hard and winces, lifting his head to see where his help had come from. “Carson…”

“You’re alright,” Carson nods. “Just sit tight a minute.”

“Good land, what is going on?!” Rick quickly crosses the distance to Scott, crouching down next to him.

Jason glares at Rick. “Don’t ask. Just get him out of my sight.”

Carson tightens his grip around Jason’s throat and puts more pressure on his twisted arm. “Now, now, I said to cool it.”

Rick looks up with an angry concern. “Jason, you did this?”

Carson intervenes. “Just get Scott out of here, Doc.”

Rick frowns, but turns back to his task. “Come on, Scott…can you get up?”

Scott lamely reaches up for the support of Rick’s shoulders, finally getting to his feet, though remaining hunched over.

The two make their way slowly back up to the main level and to the infirmary where Rick makes Scott sit on the edges of the bed, tilting his head back to try and stop the nosebleed. “What happened?”

Scott doesn’t answer. He didn’t know what to think, and was hurting too much to care.

Rick purses his lips and looks over to Misty grimly, gesturing for her to come and help. “Alright, at least your nose isn’t broken. What’s wrong with your mouth?”

Scott gingerly opens his mouth to show the bloody pool where his tooth belonged.

“Ooh, nice.” Rick cringes. He prepares a solution to treat it, and makes Scott hold in his mouth a cotton swab to get the bleeding to stop. “Misty, clean up those cuts on his cheek, will you, please?”

He pulls up Scott’s shirt and makes him straighten, feeling of his ribs. “Hurt?”

“Mm.” Scott nods as he winces at Rick’s prodding.

“Well, you might have a couple cracks, but nothing too major. We’ll tape you up good to keep everything as still as possible, but that’ll just have to heal on its own.” Rick sighs and puts his hands on his hips, giving Scott another once-over. He notices the bent wrist and shakes his head. “What about that?”

Scott’s answer is slurred as he speaks without moving his mouth much. “I dn’t knw…I thnk I sprned it.”

Rick lifts up Scott's hand, his face showing his concern as his fingers feel it gently. “I think you’ve got a fracture here, bud. I’m going to have to x-ray it. Come on. Misty, help me out here, will ya?”

A while later, Scott is back sitting on the bed, a small bandage on his cheek, cotton still in his mouth, his ribs taped and his wrist in a splint. His black and blue eyes stay glued to the floor.

Rick stands back and folds his hands across his chest. To him, Scott looked like a little boy who had been beaten by a bully on the way home from school. But he still hadn’t said what happened. “Well, I don’t want you using that wrist of yours unless absolutely necessary for three weeks so that fracture heals. I also want you to see a dentist. There’s part of your tooth left in there and I’m not going to dig around and make it worse.” He sighs deeply. “Can you make it home alright?”

Scott nods numbly.

“Are you going to tell me what happened now?”

Scott lifts his head, his eyes pleading with Rick. “Don’t tell Katie,” he manages.

“What? Why?”

Scott’s eyes go back to the floor.

Rick shakes his head. “Fine. Don’t tell me. But what are you going to do? Leave town for three weeks so when you get back there’s no evidence left? I don’t know why you don’t want Katie to know, but that’s about as impossible a task as you’re going to get.”

Scott knows Rick is right…and somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembers his promise to Katie never to lie or hide. He just didn’t want her feeling any guilt for this… “You’re right,” he mumbles.

Sliding off the edge of the bed, he stands to slowly make his way to the door, holding his side as he goes, taking his time. Looking both ways down the hall before exiting, he makes sure Jason isn’t around, then heads out to the main floor. He needed to get his keys from his desk before he could leave.

Jason starts to weaken against Carson’s hold, though he still fights.

“Would you just stop?!” Carson doesn’t give up, and gives Jason a hefty jolt. “Cut it out before you hurt yourself!”

As Carson increases his pressure, something suddenly clicks, and like a light being turned on, Jason begins to realize just how out of control he was. It’s almost as if what had just happened hadn’t been him, but his sheer frustration and anger…something that all of a sudden had taken over just as it had so many times in the last months...something that allowed him to use force without feeling it.

Jason starts to see what he’d just done, and the images of Scott flash in his mind. The shame was back and in full force to join with his frustration and anger.

Carson can feel him starting to relax, and loosens his grip, gradually letting him go. “What’s going on, Jason?” he asks calmly but sternly. “Why did you do this?”

Jason stares numbly at the floor. Because something was being taken from him…because he had no control over anything anymore…because his livelihood was slipping from his grasp… because for an instant, he had hated Scott.

He doesn’t even answer Carson as he aims for the door, his head down as he trudges forward, almost in a daze. Once in the hall, his body finally begins to retaliate against the emotional stress he’s put himself through.

Barely making it into the bathroom, Jason sinks to the floor by the toilet to throw up, his muscles beginning to shake. What had he done…?

Carson heads back upstairs, stopping by the infirmary on his way to the main floor. The shooting range was forgotten. He enters and glances around. "Is Scott alright?"

Rick purses his lips grimly. "He will be - it wasn't pretty though. Where's Jason?"

"Downstairs puking his guts out."

"Do you know what's going on?"

"Nope." Carson glances to Misty, then back to Rick. "Many a similar fight has started over a girl though."


*The ride home is quiet as Katie leans her head aganst the car window. Silence is what she needed. Her mind was tired and almost blank. Except for the dull feeling something was wrong with Jason. He was upset about something but Katie couldent tell to what exstent or about what as there is a wall blocking the path. Katie figured it was about what happend at work and though maybe it was good he did have one up or who knows what would happen. Pulling up to the house Katie lifts her head and grabs her bag opening the passanger side door.*

"I think I'm ok to make it inside."

*Katie reaches out and gives Scott's hand a gental pat.*

"Thanks again Scotty. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Slowly Katie gets out of the car and enters the house a greeting Henry at her feet. Reaching down Katie gives him a soft pat and heads for her room. Forgeting about her tea Katie lays down on her bed and closes her eyes. Feeling Henry's cold noise on her cheek she reaches out to give him a pet than brings her arm down around him falling fast asleep.*

*A bit of disapointment show on Aerith's face at the note of not going out tonight buts its soon chased away about tomarrow. Smiling she gives a nod.*

"Ok, that sounds good to me. Well I better help clean up before I have to go home. Thank again Wyatt."

*As the night pushes on Aerith soon heads home thing time not having much trouble at all. After trying to convince and alittle bit of arguing with her grandmother Aerith is done with her chorse and ran her grandmothers bath Aerith was whooped. Crawling under her covers Aerith is fast asleep in minutes.*

*Katie sleeps sound through the night Henry never leaving her side as if knowing something was wrong.*

*The Night is long and rain rolls in, thunder crashes, and lighting flashes. The sky is angry, than all is quiet as the morning sun peaks. The calm before the storm, the clouds in the sky saying the sun would only stay for so long, and so another day starts with a fear of whats to come.*

*Katie slowly makes her way into TJY. Giving a nod of thanks to Laura for bring her in today Katie makes her way for her desk. She was still a bit tired this morning from the events of yesterday and the cloudy day dident help much. Giving a sigh Katie turns on her computer and thumbs though some paper work left for her. Keeping her mind busy right now so it, itself dident shut down was probley the best thing.*

*Aerith hurrys out of the house. She awas unable to get out of the house this morning without her grandmothering seeing her and asking where she was going. Apone telling her they got into a fight and now Aerith was going to be late for work. As she pulls out of her drive way she called Mable apolizing for being late on her second day and she was on her way. Finally a while Later Aerith arrived and enters. After puting some of her stuff in the back she starts her opening work for the day than is ready to go. A bit of excitment builds in her as the time pass slowly and she awaits to see Wyatt again in the afternoon.*

*Jamie makes her way to her desk giving a yawn. She was pretty tired this morning. She spend most of her night on the phone with Con, and was now paying for it. But the lak of sleep was worth it, Something had been upseting Con last night and just needed someone to talk too. Jamie felt bad for him, he explained alittle of what was going on and how he was caught between two friends.

Jamie writes herself a little note reminding her to bring lunch to Con today and sticks it to her computer screen.*

Afternoon to Night

Scott doesn’t even hesitate. “Sure. Come on, I’ll take you home.” He throws a few looks at people who are watching, warning them not to get involved.

After grabbing his keys, Scott doesn’t even bother telling Susanne or Reese he’s leaving, and helps Katie outside and to his car. He remains quiet on the way to Katie’s, respecting the silence. He wasn’t sure what would happen now…this triangle with him, Katie and Jason was getting tight, and soon, he feared something would give way.

Reaching the house, Scott pulls to a stop. “You need help inside, or are you alright?”

Wyatt smirks at Mabel and shakes his head a little, resuming his conversation with Aerith. “Can’t tonight…I gotta work late.” A thought strikes him that if things don’t work out as planned at TJY, he might suddenly be taken by the law at any given time…promises at this point shouldn’t be made.

“I’ll probably be back in here tomorrow though to check on things and make sure those goons don’t come back. If by then I have enough nerve to ask you out, I will.” He can’t help the sly grin that quirks the corner of his mouth.

…Con looks up from the kitchen table where he was sorting through mail. It was late…he hadn’t worried about Jason, but seeing him enter now, told him that something was wrong. “Hey, Jase…”

Jason throws him a look. “How about you? Did you know?”

Con is taken aback? “What are you talking about?”

Jason glares at him. “Scott.”

Con’s face pales a little. How had Jason found out? Had Katie talked to him already? Surely not.

His silence is all the answer Jason needed, and he scoffs, turning to go to the living room. “I’ve got a load of friends left, you know that? Real friends. Thanks a lot, Conrad.”

Just ask

*As Katie stands she wraps her arms around herself. Her body in shock and pain. Looking around the office floor she see many more eyes looking at her as her head starts to spin.*

"Maybe I should go home. Get some tea and crawl into bed."

*Katie still puts most her weaght on Scott as she trys to stand and gain her stregnth again. What had happend drained her like never before. It was something Katie never wanted to feel again.*

"Umm..Scott...I know this is alot to ask, But can we leave my car here and can you drive me home? I dont have enough strength to even try and drive at the moment. Than in the morning eather you or Laura and bring me back into work?"

*Katie trys her best to smile at Scott not wanting him to worry to much.*

*Aerith cant help but grin at Wyatt.*

"Ya well if you need me to battle next time I'll just grab my purse and wack them over the head a few times."

*As Wyatt comment about him asking her to dinner Aerith's grin widens as her cheeks get a hint of red in them.*

"Well I am free tonight after I help my grandmother if you want to ask."

*As Mable pass she throws an elbow into Wyatt's arm and whispers.*

"For goodness sake ask the girl on a date already."

*Herb pokes his head out from the back room.*

"Mable, get over here would you."

*Mable cant help but throw a grin and wink at Aerith than hurrys along behind the counter.*

"Coming dear."

*Aerith shakes her head and laughs.*

"Those two crack me up."

You're welcome

Scott puts his arms around Katie as she leans against him, trying to form a shelter, though he knew it was probably inadequate for the storm she was facing.

At her request, he lets her go and stands, helping her up with him and holding her steady. He instinctively reaches out to wipe away the tears from her cheeks. “You sure you want to stay? Would you rather go home?”

Though it hurts, Wyatt gives Aerith a little grin. “You don’t have to thank me, but for what it’s worth, you’re welcome. I think Herb deserves most of the thanks in this one though.”

Receiving the kiss to the cheek, Wyatt’s eyebrow rises slightly. Giving a little chuckle, he shakes his head. “If it’s three against one again, I’ll let you help. But as far as going out is concerned, isn’t that my job to ask you, not the other way around?”

A knock to Jason’s door brings him out of his stare. “Yeah.”

Ty opens the door and throws Jason a grin. “Well, if it isn’t Hotshot. Good to see ya.”

“Hey, Ty.” Jason’s own smile forms, despite the unhappy feelings inside. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I start early some evenings now,” Ty admits. “Hal’s got the night off, so I figured I’d get a jumpstart.” He gestures to his trash bin in the hall, then to Jason’s waste basket. “Didn’t happen to accumulate anything today, did you?”

“Nope.” Jason shakes his head. “I haven’t done any work at all worth talking about.”

Ty is quiet for a moment, then leans on the doorframe in thought. “Rough?”

“A bit.”

“Gonna stick around?”

Jason raises an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“I dunno…just with things changing around here. TJY at risk, maybe going public, risking everyone ending up where you were…people changing.”

“People?” Reese had told Jason about the deal with Sheriff Brown, and though none too happy that TJY had been risked over getting him out of prison, it was done and over with and now all he could do was sit tight like everyone else. But what was Ty implying about people?

“Oh…well…” Ty searches Jason’s face for a moment. “Nevermind.”

“No, what did you mean?”

“Nothing,” Ty insists, his face starting to grow red. He turns to go, but Jason stops him.

“Ty!” Jason throws up his hands, bewildered. “What’s wrong? What aren’t you telling me?”

Ty bites his tongue. He hadn’t meant anything by his comment, and now his own fumbling around was getting him in even deeper. “I just meant…you know… seeing people after so long…they might have changed…so that can be rough.”

Jason’s eyes narrow. There was more. He begins to bristle just like he had earlier. Why couldn’t things just go back to the way they were? Why did he have to feel so far out of the loop? Why were people walking on eggshells around him? Why couldn’t they just treat him like they always had?

He looks at Ty sternly. “Are you going to tell me the truth, or do I have to force it out of you?”


*As Katie hears Scott's voice and feels the warmth of his hand Katie's lungs open up as she finally is able to gasp for air she had forgoten to breath in the last few moments. Slowly Katie pulls herself up leaning aganst Scott. Her mind still tormented by what happend,but starting to clear. As before the soft light starts to glow slowly chasing away the shadows. In a horse whisper Katie speaks.*

"Jason...I...He...It was my fault."

*Turning her werry face to Scott she can see the consern in his eyes. Feeling a bit of embaressment Katie turns her head again wondering how many people had hurd what had happend.*

"I'll...be ok Scott...thank you. Please, can...can you just help me to my desk? I dont feel so hott."

*Katie starts to try and stand but wobbles alittle still left feeling weak and exsausted from what happend. Her face slowly regaining color but under her eyes still dark.*

*Mable looks up from sweaping and shakes her head at Wyatt.*

"Its ok Hun, Dont worry about it. This hasent been the first fight and I am sure it wont be the last. Just let that girl fix ya up."

*Mable gives a wink and smiles. She couldent help but notice the way Aerith looked at Wyatt.

Seeing the look on Mable's face Herb shakes his head and cant help but smile.*

"Mable leave them alone and help me with this table."

*Aerith cant help but give a giggle at Herb and Mable before turning her attachen back to Wyatt. She liked them all ready. Puting the cloth down Aerith brings her one hand to her wrist where it was already starting to bruse and welt from where she was grabbed with force.*

"Yes I'm ok. Just a bit shaken is all. If you wernt there Wyatt I dont know what I would of done. So thank you again."

*Leaning in Aerith gives Wyatt a small thank you kiss on the cheek. Siting down on the stool across from him she lets out a sigh.*

"So I guess I owe you now. Maybe we can go to a movie, or dinner, or something. I'd say I would save you but I think think I would need to."

*Aerith gives alittle grin.*


Katie’s cry reaches Scott’s ears like an alarm going off. Immediately on his feet, he exits his cubicle to jog down between spaces until he spots Katie around the corner, lying on the floor. His heart skips a beat.

“Katie!” Approaching with haste, he slides to his knees next to her. His face pales with concern, not knowing what has happened, and he lays a hand on her arm. “Katie, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Jason’s head shoots up at the sound of Katie’s scream. Not putting two and two together yet, he’s quick to exit the breakroom and jog down the hall. Hitting the main floor though, he stops. Seeing Katie on the floor, he now knows good and well what’s just happened. He had intentionally tried to hurt her, and had succeeded.

Shame collides with his anger. He starts forward again, but stops a second time as Scott arrives on the scene first.

Scott feels someone’s eyes, and looks up in time to see Jason. Locking eyes, it suddenly hits him that something may have gone haywire with the emotional connection, and it could only mean Jason was at fault. And it doesn’t make Scott happy.

His look turns into a glare before turning his attention back to Katie, ignoring Jason altogether.

Jason receives Scott’s glare like a kick to the gut. The shame and anger increase. He wants to go to Katie and try and fix what he’d just done, but apparently she already had help. Maybe he couldn’t help anyway…maybe he just wasn’t capable of doing anything right anymore.

Frustrated, he spins on his heel and stalks back to his office.

Just a little dazed, Wyatt numbly accepts help from Aerith, wincing a little as she cleans his face. He licks the split in his lip as the bleeding slows and looks at her for just a moment, for the first time, noticing the depths of her blue eyes.

Glancing away, he ignores her comment and looks to Herb and Mabel. “Sorry…I’ll help clean up the mess as soon as I catch my breath.”

He lowers the ice from his head and looks back to Aerith. “You alright?”


*As Katie makes her way across the floor the emotions she feels come at her with such force it sends her to her hands and knees on the floor give a suddon scream along with it. The feels Jason were feeling all mixed into one. Katie had felt them before but this time they gave her a certin sence of fear. Darkness romed with these feelings. Trying to calm herself and take them in this time for some reson Katie couldent. They came so fast and hard. All Katie can do is stay till on the ground, gasping for air unable to find her breath as the tears slowly fall from her eyes. This was Jason's doing, but Katie couldent understand why.*

*Aerith find Herb in the stock room with Mable as she trys to catch her breath Mable looks at her knowing something was wrong.*

"Whats wrong dear?"

*Aerith continuse to gasp.*

"There...is a fight..Wyatt...he tryed to help...and now...he's fighting...with three...guys."

*Hearing this Herb drops what he is doing and hurrys from the stockroom and out into the restront grabing a shotgun from behind the counter. Going over to where Wyatt and the three attackers were Herb points the gun at Stan and shouts.*

"Get out of my restront now and dont come back or I wont hesatate to shoot you."

*Herb talks with such a voice it could shake even the roughest of people.*


*Stan slowly stands holding his now broken nose and nods to the other two to head for the door. With in minutes they are out the door and driving away. Herb walks back over to the counter and uncocks the gun puting it away.

Aerith hurrys over to Wyatt helping him up to the counter.*

"Oh Wyatt are you ok?"

*Before he has a chanse to answer Aerith walks behind the counter and gets some water than puts some ice in a towel. Walking back over to Wyatt Aerith puts the ice on his head than takes his hand and brings it up to the towel for him to hold it in place. Taking another towel she dips it in the water and slowly and gently cleans the cuts on his face. Locking eyes with him for a moment.*

"For someone who works in a wairhouse you fight pretty good. Thank you."

*Herb and Mable go over to the door and lock it turning the sign to closed. There was alot of cleaning up to do before they could open again.*


Jason starts to feel worse as Katie talks, and begins to tense even more. He really didn’t want to argue, but he’d lived for fighting and now he’d almost forgotten how to back down.

He’d wanted to be back here for so long that he’d been able to taste it. Yet now, all he wanted was to be left alone. The shock he was going through confused and angered him. He didn’t know how to respond to it.

As Katie leaves, Jason lets his fist fall onto the table. Angry, he closes his eyes for a moment, tearing down his own barrier, and hurling his raw emotions out with force. He knows it’s a rash move that causes more pain than need be, like ripping duct-tape off of skin instead of treating it with care. But if Katie wanted to feel his confusion, hurt, loneliness and anger, she’d get it.

Though always a release in pressure when allowing his emotions to surface, too much anger clouds his mind, making him feel anything but good. His emotional pool empty, he folds his arms on the table to lean forward and bury his face, once again exhausted.

Wyatt goes down hard, the back of his head slamming into the floor. Wincing, he barely has enough time to brace himself as he’s attacked. Shifting his weight, he draws up his leg to jam his knee into one guy’s stomach.

Receiving a blow to his jaw, he tries to gain any upper hand by throwing his own fist, nailing Stan square on the nose. Rolling over to get to his feet, he feels a kick to his gut and doubles over in pain. His eye catches movement, and he uses his bent frame to ram one of his opponents, lifting him up as he straightens, sending him up and over Wyatt’s shoulders and back down, slamming into the table.

Spinning around, Wyatt can feel the blood running from his lip as he tries to fend off his adversaries. Something in his brain reminds him that three to one odds aren’t in his favor, but he doesn’t have much of a choice right now but to try and fight his way out. He was trained for this, but never did like a brawl.

Grabbed from behind, Wyatt feels both arms pinned behind his back as Stan comes at him from the front. Absorbing several more hits to the face and ribs, Wyatt finally manages to shift his weight enough to use the men behind him as balance, lifting both his feet off the floor and kicking with force, directly into Stan’s gut.

The backward movement shoves the other two men back into a table and Wyatt crashes back to the floor with both of them. Though holding his own, he knows he’s gonna need some help here pretty quick or he’s going to take a hit that will knock him out for sure. A chair is swung in his direction and he ducks, witnessing one of their own getting hit hard with the furniture. It would have been funny if Wyatt hadn’t been in this position.