

*As Katie makes her way across the floor the emotions she feels come at her with such force it sends her to her hands and knees on the floor give a suddon scream along with it. The feels Jason were feeling all mixed into one. Katie had felt them before but this time they gave her a certin sence of fear. Darkness romed with these feelings. Trying to calm herself and take them in this time for some reson Katie couldent. They came so fast and hard. All Katie can do is stay till on the ground, gasping for air unable to find her breath as the tears slowly fall from her eyes. This was Jason's doing, but Katie couldent understand why.*

*Aerith find Herb in the stock room with Mable as she trys to catch her breath Mable looks at her knowing something was wrong.*

"Whats wrong dear?"

*Aerith continuse to gasp.*

"There...is a fight..Wyatt...he tryed to help...and now...he's fighting...with three...guys."

*Hearing this Herb drops what he is doing and hurrys from the stockroom and out into the restront grabing a shotgun from behind the counter. Going over to where Wyatt and the three attackers were Herb points the gun at Stan and shouts.*

"Get out of my restront now and dont come back or I wont hesatate to shoot you."

*Herb talks with such a voice it could shake even the roughest of people.*


*Stan slowly stands holding his now broken nose and nods to the other two to head for the door. With in minutes they are out the door and driving away. Herb walks back over to the counter and uncocks the gun puting it away.

Aerith hurrys over to Wyatt helping him up to the counter.*

"Oh Wyatt are you ok?"

*Before he has a chanse to answer Aerith walks behind the counter and gets some water than puts some ice in a towel. Walking back over to Wyatt Aerith puts the ice on his head than takes his hand and brings it up to the towel for him to hold it in place. Taking another towel she dips it in the water and slowly and gently cleans the cuts on his face. Locking eyes with him for a moment.*

"For someone who works in a wairhouse you fight pretty good. Thank you."

*Herb and Mable go over to the door and lock it turning the sign to closed. There was alot of cleaning up to do before they could open again.*

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