

*The ride home is quiet as Katie leans her head aganst the car window. Silence is what she needed. Her mind was tired and almost blank. Except for the dull feeling something was wrong with Jason. He was upset about something but Katie couldent tell to what exstent or about what as there is a wall blocking the path. Katie figured it was about what happend at work and though maybe it was good he did have one up or who knows what would happen. Pulling up to the house Katie lifts her head and grabs her bag opening the passanger side door.*

"I think I'm ok to make it inside."

*Katie reaches out and gives Scott's hand a gental pat.*

"Thanks again Scotty. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Slowly Katie gets out of the car and enters the house a greeting Henry at her feet. Reaching down Katie gives him a soft pat and heads for her room. Forgeting about her tea Katie lays down on her bed and closes her eyes. Feeling Henry's cold noise on her cheek she reaches out to give him a pet than brings her arm down around him falling fast asleep.*

*A bit of disapointment show on Aerith's face at the note of not going out tonight buts its soon chased away about tomarrow. Smiling she gives a nod.*

"Ok, that sounds good to me. Well I better help clean up before I have to go home. Thank again Wyatt."

*As the night pushes on Aerith soon heads home thing time not having much trouble at all. After trying to convince and alittle bit of arguing with her grandmother Aerith is done with her chorse and ran her grandmothers bath Aerith was whooped. Crawling under her covers Aerith is fast asleep in minutes.*

*Katie sleeps sound through the night Henry never leaving her side as if knowing something was wrong.*

*The Night is long and rain rolls in, thunder crashes, and lighting flashes. The sky is angry, than all is quiet as the morning sun peaks. The calm before the storm, the clouds in the sky saying the sun would only stay for so long, and so another day starts with a fear of whats to come.*

*Katie slowly makes her way into TJY. Giving a nod of thanks to Laura for bring her in today Katie makes her way for her desk. She was still a bit tired this morning from the events of yesterday and the cloudy day dident help much. Giving a sigh Katie turns on her computer and thumbs though some paper work left for her. Keeping her mind busy right now so it, itself dident shut down was probley the best thing.*

*Aerith hurrys out of the house. She awas unable to get out of the house this morning without her grandmothering seeing her and asking where she was going. Apone telling her they got into a fight and now Aerith was going to be late for work. As she pulls out of her drive way she called Mable apolizing for being late on her second day and she was on her way. Finally a while Later Aerith arrived and enters. After puting some of her stuff in the back she starts her opening work for the day than is ready to go. A bit of excitment builds in her as the time pass slowly and she awaits to see Wyatt again in the afternoon.*

*Jamie makes her way to her desk giving a yawn. She was pretty tired this morning. She spend most of her night on the phone with Con, and was now paying for it. But the lak of sleep was worth it, Something had been upseting Con last night and just needed someone to talk too. Jamie felt bad for him, he explained alittle of what was going on and how he was caught between two friends.

Jamie writes herself a little note reminding her to bring lunch to Con today and sticks it to her computer screen.*

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