

Scott sees Katie and stops his route to the main floor. He looks down, unwilling to look her in the eye. He didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how to act. He'd never been beaten up before this, and that it had been at the hands of someone he'd once called a friend was a gut-wrenching sensation. He knew that Jason was going to be upset that he and Katie had started seeing each other, but Scott hadn't thought Jason would go this far.

He swallows hard, trying to talk around the cotton and swelling in his mouth. "Jason found out," he replies quietly.

Jason just lies on the bathroom floor, total exhaustion taking over. He didn't understand what was happening around him...he didn't understand what was happening inside of him.
Though his stomach was now empty, he still felt sick. A wave of dizziness hits him, warning him that he needed sugar, but he ignores it. He just plain didn't care.

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