
Dont be

*Katie takes her eyes off the road for a moment to look at Scott before returning them. Reaching out Katie gives Scott good hand a gentil pat.*

"Dont go blaming yourself Scott. I'm glad you did get involved with me. I needed a friend, and someone who cared. Thats what I got. I needed to know someone cared before I went crazy in my own mind, and for you being there I wont be sorry Scotty. Neather should you."

*Katie lets out a long sigh tear escape from Katie's eyes not many but a few.*

"If anyone should be sorry its me Scott that Jason did this to you. I just cant believe it. I should of talked to him sooner. I just wanted him to steal in before I said anything cuz I new he had been through so much. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle."

*Katie keeps driving makeing the turns to get to Scott place. Pulling into the driveway Katie can see Scott hates to ask her for help. Not making him ask again Katie shuts the call off and gets out going over to Scott's side. Throwing his arm over her shoulder once again and her other arm around his back trying to be as gental as she can she lifts Scott and helps him up the step and opens the door to be greeted by a bouncing Domino. Puting out her foot Katie shoos Domino out of the way.*

"Go on baby get inside."

*Once inside Katie shuts the door and heads into the living room helping Scott sit down on the coutch. Siting down next to him but not to close to make him feel uncomfortable Katie tummy still does flip flops till she feels like she is going to be sick herself. Holding it down though Katie gives alittle smile at Scott.*

"Need me to get or do anything for you? Tea, ice, or anything. I'm here now might as well ask so I can do what I can to make ya comfortable."

*Aerith's day pass and befor she knows it, its noon. Exspecting Wyatt to stop by like he said lunch pass and nothing. Felling alittle disapointed Aerith keeps working hoping maybe later he would stop by. Aerith dident know why she was to disapointed she hardly new Wyatt but there was something about him she liked. Just thinking about seeing him again braught a smile to Aerith's face.*

*As Jamie leaves TJY and heads for her car on lunch break. She had see Scott leave earlyer with Katie. Seeing how messed up he was Jamie could tell that everything was not well. Picking up her phone she dial Con to see if he is going to still meet her for lunch.*

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