

*Katie smiles back at Jason trying to help keep his attitude positive. She new he still wasent great but she wanted to at least try and help him feel better.*

"I'm doing pretty good. Things just seem to be falling into place nicely for once."

*Katie gives Jason's arm a soft pat.*

"Your you chin up eh? At least this gives a reason for Camryn to pamper you."

*As Angelica steps onto the main floor of TJY she scans the cubicles. She cant help but smile it felt good to be back. Walking weaving in and our she nods to people, and toss hellos till finally she see who she is looking. Coming up behind Reese she softly calls to him.*

"Good Afternoon Mike!"

*A smile spreads across Angelica's face proving she was happy to be here.*

*Frankie stands and walks over to a tiny map motionaing for Morgan to come over. Pointing to the corner of Misty's block.*

"The corner of St. Elm, and Burch, 11:00. Make sure your ready and don't get any stupid idea's in your head. Just stick to the plane. I don't need you messing this up for me got it."

*Frankie's crooked grin remainds on his face and the crazed look in his eye. As he heads out of the small building making his ownself ready.*

*Slowly Charlotte says nothing but moves up closer to Bret. Reaching over him she flips the coin over so it was now tails up. Slowly she moves to sit down next to Bret Charlotte's grin remains as her eyes twinkle with the flertation they never seemed to lose.*

"Every once and a while you have to bend chanse and fate so it does what you want!"

*As Cindy moves Wes' hand to where the movment was. Wes can't help but laugh as his smile spreads even more across his face. His face right now would light up the darkest of rooms.*

"I felt it kick, I really felt it. Wow...thats...words can describe it. You know the baby is there, but to actully get to feel it really brings a new feeling."

*Wes keeps his hand on Cindy's tummy for a while longer just soaking in the joy. He was so excited and happy.*

"The baby can have my energy but I bet its going to have your brains."

*Finally Wes lets go on Cindy so she can finish was she was doing but stays leaning aganst the counter in case she needs him.*

"After lunch if you dont need me, I HAVE to go to the ranch and level everyone know I felt our baby kick."

*Wes shakes his head, whispering again as he liked the sound of the words he spoke.*

"Wow...I'm gonna be a dad."


Jason pauses his route to his office as Katie approaches, At her question, he shrugs. “I’m alright…I’m here…I should be grateful for that, right?”

His gaze falls for a moment before looking back up at her. “I guess I’m fine. And you?”

Morgan grins. “I thought you were never gonna say we were going. I’m ready as I’ll ever be. You know my number. Where do we meet, and what time?”

Reese wanders from the empty office back out onto the main floor, heading for his own office. He had so many things to do today that he really shouldn’t be taking his time like he was. But for some reason, today he just couldn’t concentrate.

Bret has a pretzel halfway to his mouth when the quarter lands on the counter in front of him. Startled, he looks at it for a moment, confused, but as the voice comes from behind, a warm feeling rushes over him.

He grits his teeth, trying not to smile yet, and casually picks up the coin. “Mm, heads, huh? Rats. If it were tails, I mighta kissed the next woman who sat down next to me.”

Cindy pauses in her work of getting lunch, letting the kiss with Wes linger. She leans back against him, her face glowing. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

She suddenly jumps a little bit, then laughs. Reaching down, she moves Wes’ hand along her belly to the other side where movement can be felt. “I think this baby has your energy.”

Happy times

*Lockheart pulls her car into the TJY parking lot her car packed with boxs for her new office. Reese new she would be showing up today but he wasent sure what time. Geting out of her car she locks the door and heads into TJY to find Reese and make sure it was ok to start moving things in. Not to mention it would be nice to see him again*

*Nate looks up from his cubicle hearing the knock. Standing he offers his own hand to Carson in a strong shake. Nate really was sad to see him go.*

"You bet, dont be a stranger ok? It gonna be strange around here without you. Take care of youself and if you need anything call. You might not be here everyday but that dosent mean I still wont stick my neck out for ya."

*Nate gives a grin as he draws his hand away and gives alittle nod.*

"Keep that girl of yours out of trouble too would ya?!"

*Katie looks up and gives a wave to Jason puting some papers down at her desk and walking over to Jason.*

"Morning! You look like your geting use to those things alittle bit better now. I told you, you would in no time."

*Katie still cant help her smile. It had been pasted on her face all last week and now this week to.*

"How are you feeling J?"

*As Bret sits down at the counter something goes flying over his shouldent and lands at the counter heads up. For a few moments everything is silent until a finally a grin spreads across the face of someone who was not exspected to be there. A flirty voice speaking hope to bring a smile to a face that needed it.*

"And what did I tell you about wallowing?"

*Charlotte stands behind Bret her hands on her hips and her deep brown eyes showing life.*

*Frankie sits at the small table that was set up. His finger taping on the table.*

"Morgan would you sit down. I cant think with you yap moving. And we were waiting because we cant exacly grab Misty while Carson was staying at her hour now could we?"

*Frankie plays over differnt scenes in his mind. Working things and trying to figure would the next moves.*

"Lastnight Carson went home. So my conclution is tonight he'll go home as well. So, tonight is when we strike. So make sure your ready, I already know she can put up a pretty good fight. She always could."

*Frankie rubs his jaw as her mouth curls into a grin and a deep laugh comes from his mouth.*

*Wes pokes his head out of the bathroom door.*

"Left overs is good. You know I like it the second time around as well as the first."

*Wes disapears back into the bathroom again for a few moment only to emerge again dress. Making his way into the kitchen she stands in the doorway watching Cindy. A smile coming to his face. Just watching Cindy she was so pretty to start with and now seeing her with her belly sticking out, knowing she had another life growing inside of her she was every prettyer.

Coming up next to her Wes wraps an arm around her shoulers and places his other hand on her belly.*

"Your so pretty, and I love you SO much."

*Wes leans down and tilts Cindy's face upward to give her a kiss. His hand going from her belly to the side of her face caressing it for a long moment as there kissed continued. Finally pulling away Wes beams.*

"How did I become so lucky?"

*Now that Cindy was farther along in her pregnincy Wes took most days as half days leaving the shop in the hands on Clint, with Wendy doing the office paper work. He made trips back to the ranch here and there to check on everything but never stayed to long after working the whole morning. He new Clint was doing well as he offten watched his nephew, and new he was making the right desitions and when he did have a problem, or wasent sure about something he never hesatated to as for help. Clint had grown so much she was so proud of him.*

A week later

Jason’s eyebrows raise at Katie’s news, and it takes him just a moment to respond. He didn’t know why…he shouldn’t feel any apprehensions.

Shaking off the awkwardness, he smiles instead. “Well congratulations, Hero.”

As she comes with the orange juice, he stops her by taking her left hand and admiring the diamond. He grins up at her and nods. “He done good.” He really was happy that Katie was happy…he was glad to see her smiling…maybe she’d found her place in life.

Taking his glass, he raises it as a toast. “To Katie and Scott – may they be forever happy.” Jason winks at her before taking a swig of orange juice, and grins. The strangeness in the back of his mind persists, but he continues to ignore it, suppressing any apprehensions so that all Katie would feel was his happiness for her.


Carson tosses another item into the small box on the chair, clearing off the rest of the desk. He glances around the cubicle one more time. He had everything. Some people had stopped by just to see what he was doing…others had actually said they’d miss him. Most just didn’t approach him. Reese had told him that he was still welcome to come and go and socialize, but he knew he probably wouldn’t be here much.

Sighing, Carson picks up his box and gives the main floor once last glance. It had been over a week since he’d been here, and this was is the last time he’d be a part of it at all. He hadn’t talked to Misty yet today…last night had been the first night that he’d gone back to his own apartment after Frankie hadn’t shown himself again. Carson didn’t know if Misty would be coming back to work or not. Last he knew, she was still undecided, though he had tried to convince her to come back…TJY needed her, and he knew that despite him not being there, it was work that she loved.

Heading toward the exit, he stops momentarily at Nate’s cubicle. Knocking on the entrance, he extends his hand to him. “Nate…I’ll see you around, eh?”

Jason makes his way across the main floor of TJY on a set of crutches, Trooper coming along behind him. He would have forced himself to hobble without the crutches, but since the week before, he’d been unable to put any weight on it – any time he’d tried to walk, it had buckled, proving there was no strength left in it.

Rick had wanted him in a wheelchair, but Jason had refused, taking the crutches instead, and forcing himself to get to and from work on his own. Camryn had been over almost every night to his place to help him with supper, and at work, he spent most of his time sitting in his office. Jason had tried to keep a good outlook, and was doing a good job at hiding his disappointment and misery. Reese had told him several times that he wanted to talk to him, but Jason had avoided it, afraid it would have to do with his job.

Headed toward the hall, he spots Katie down a ways and gives her a nod, hollering to her. “Mornin’!”

Scott throws another empty box out into the hall and sets his hands on his hips, looking around the office. Finally, it was empty. After a week’s worth of work, he could finally move his desk in here and start setting up. It was a good feeling.

“Hey, Laura, did you get that paperwork for me from Reese?”

Laura looks up from her desk to see Wyatt, and nods. “Yep.” She hands him a folder. “Here you go. It’ll take you all night to get through this stuff.”

Wyatt chuckles. “I hope not. I got a date tonight.”


“Well who else?”

Laura grins. “You’ve been hanging out with her a lot lately.”

“Can you blame me?” Wyatt returns the grin, a bit sheepishly. “Or have you totally overlooked the fact that I like her?”

Laura laughs. “I don’t think anybody’s overlooked that fact. But you deserve it. I’d definitely choose a date over work any day.” She thumbs towards Nate’s cubicle across the room. “’Course I can’t convince Mr. Workaholic of that lately.”

Wyatt shakes his head. “Oh, throw him that smile he loves so much, and he won’t be able to resist.”

Reese switches on the light in the empty office and takes a glance around. He wasn’t sure anyone had even been in here since Con had left. It seemed strange now that it wouldn’t be him occupying it. But he was excited to know that Lockheart was coming, and it would be well-worth using up this space rather than letting it sit dormant.

Moving into the office he takes a look around, making mental notes of the things he should tell Ty to pay particular attention to while cleaning.

“Bret….earth to Bret!”

Bret turns his head from the blueprints on the table. “What?”

Erin rolls his eyes. “What is with you? You been in another world all week!”

“Sorry. What did you want?”

“Wondered when Con was coming back.”

“Tomorrow…least that’s what I heard. He got the doc’s okay to get out of the sling and start using his arm again. Dean wants him doing most foreman duties though, to keep him out of hard labor.” As the whistle blows, Bret looks at his watch. “I’m taking off for a while on my lunch. If Gary calls, tell him the answer is yes.”

Heading off the site and tossing his hardhat to the side, Bret aims for his car, digging his keys out of his pocket. It doesn’t take him long to get across town and park at the edge of the curb.

Glancing to his rearview mirror, he sees the necklace that still hung there. Maybe it was self-torture to leave it there, but for some reason, he just didn’t want to take it off.

Giving a sigh, he gets out of his car and heads inside the bar.

To: Katie, Jason, Scott, Camryn, Con, Jamie, Wyatt, Aerith, Nate, Laura, Misty, Carson
From: Kyle
Subject: Party
I know I didn’t get everybody I needed to with this email, so it’s up to y’all to pass this on to anyone else who might be interested in our end-of-summer bash. Yeehaw!
We’ve been talking about it for weeks, and it’s finally coming up. Next weekend is almost here, and we’re expecting to see you at the park by three in the afternoon on Saturday. Swimming…hamburgers…hotdogs…frisbee…music… Mmmm, my mouth is watering already. If you decline just because you don’t think it’ll be any fun, then I highly suggest you immediately go to your doctor to have your head examined.
That said…see you there!

“So why can’t we do it right away?!” Morgan paces the small dim room to the back of the factory. He looks at Frankie with distaste. “I said I’d help ya just ‘cause I owe you one… But since I found out that dirtbag Carson is gonna suffer, I wanna get in there now to see him squirm.” A wicked grin creases his mouth. “I owe him for the time he turned me in to Tony. And if taking that little girl will do it, I’m all for it. But I don’t understand why we’re waiting!”

Cindy eases down in the computer chair, one hand on her tummy. She was starting to show more and more and it was getting just as bit uncomfortable to move around now. Scrolling through her email, a smile spreads. She’d heard from Jason again. He was getting better at keeping in touch.

Reading that he was up and moving again made her feel glad. She’d heard about his knee injury through Austin, and was glad to hear that he was recovering quickly. Jason mentioned he’d be back on both feet in no time and as good as new soon after.

Satisfied, Cindy rises again, making her way slowly to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Wes. She could hear him cleaning up in the bathroom down the hall, and calls to him. “Did you want that leftover chicken casserole or a sandwich, hun?”

Impashent and Runed

*Misty cant help the grin the pass over her face and she found a bit of humor in what Carson said.*

"I think I will for a little bit. After the last couple of days, I just want to actually relax with you. How about eating that breakfast first though it smells really good."

*Misty smiles and get up wrapping her arms around Carson's waist and directing him to the kitchen.*

*Katie follows Jason's eyes and than looks back at him seeing the question in his eyes. A grin stays on Katies lips.*

"I was going to tell you this morning, but since your to impashent and runed my saprise in telling you.."

*Katie sticks out her toung at Jason.*

"..Scott ended up not going to Az yesterday and showed up, saprised me and asked me to marrie him....and....I said...YEs."

*Katie beams and turns grabing a cup from the cabnet and pouring some OJ for Jason. She couldent help but feel a tad bit strange on telling Jason about her engagement, but the feeling soon passes. Jason had a right to know he was her friend after all and her best one at that.*

*As Mick wraps his arm around Rosetta her free hand comes up and holds to Micks arm as she leans back into him flipping the hasbrowns.*

"Mmmm....Good morning Sweety. I was hoping not to wake you guys. I was going to let you sleep in alittle bit till dinner was done.*

*Rosetta cant help the smile the curled on her lips. Finally setting the spatula down Rosetta turns wraping her arms around Mick's neck and gives him a kiss.*

*Suddenly tow tiny arms can be felt one around Mick's leg and one around Rosetta's. Looking down BJ smiles up at them both with his toothy grin.*

"I worked up because I smell something. Good Morning."

*Rosetta cant help but giggle as she runs a hand through BJ's hair.*

"Good Morning Little Man."


Carson gives Misty a little smile and puts an arm around her. “Well I reckon with all the stupid things I’ve done, you deserve a little spoiling.”

He stands up to head for the hall. “I need to go home in a while…clean some things up…go do laundry.” He pauses and turns back around, realizing Misty is probably leery of that reasoning. He winks at her. “You can come keep me company if you want.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow at Katie and pauses his route. “Help isn’t always going to be around,” he counters. “I better learn to get around on my own, hadn’t I?” He shakes his head. “I almost got away with it this time, eh?”

Sighing, he relents, and puts some of his weight on Katie, gingerly limping to the break room. “Just don’t tell Rick…he’d have a cow. With him all it’s been is ‘do these exercises, do this do that, but don’t get out of bed!’” Jason rolls his eyes. “He ought to lay there for a couple days then he’d know what a torture it is.”

Reaching the break room, Jason eases down in a chair, too weary to get his orange juice yet. “Oh well…as long as I get back in bed within half an…” Suddenly his voice trails off as his eye catches Katie’s left hand. Before he can stop it, he knows his face shows surprise and he glances up to Katie’s face with question.

Mick takes a deep breath and stretches, feeling the bed move and Rosetta’s kiss, but not awake enough yet to open his eyes. Rolling over onto his back, he yawns and finally looks groggily around the room, blinking in the dim morning light.

Getting his bearings, he realizes Rosetta is up, and BJ is still sleeping. Reaching over, he runs a hand through BJ’s hair for a moment before sliding out from under the covers to get up. Throwing on a pair of jeans, he takes just a moment to brush his teeth and run some water over his face before heading to the kitchen.

Seeing Rosetta fixing breakfast, he just watches her for a few minutes, a small smile at the corners of his mouth. Finally he comes up behind her at the stove and puts his arms around her under her chin and kisses her head. “Morning, you.”

Hashbrowns, Eggs and Bacon

*As Misty lays sleeping a sudden voice enters her dreams. Her head snuggled into the pillow it felt so soft, the covers wrapped around her up to her chin, she bed felt so nice. A voice she new well and was welcomed there, till finally she realized it wasn't a dream and slowly opens her eyes. Seeing Carson look down at her she smiles lifting a hand out of the blanket and bringing a hand to his face.* "If you keep making me breakfast in the morning I'm going to get spoiled, but I guess I should take advantage of it while I can huh." *Misty slowly pulls the covers back and slips to the side of the bed next to Carson. Leaning over she smiles and gives him a small kiss as a thank you.

Despite everything that had happened the night before, and the uncertainties that loomed in the air Misty felt pretty content. Though her might was restless, as her head continued to throb.*

*As Katie steps into the elevator heading down to TJY a sudden surge of pain shoot through her leg. Leaning back against the elevator wall Katie wonders whats wrong. She cant feel much but the point. But than the feeling of determination breaks through and she new what was going on. Stepping off the elevator her suspicions are confirmed as she see Jason making his way to the break room. Coming up along side him she smiles and lets out a sigh.* "You just cant ask for help can you?" *Katie steps forward and offers her shoulders for Jason to sling an arm around to help him to the break room.*

*Rosetta slowly opens her eyes as she feels a little form next to her. Turning her head she smiles as she looks apone the two sleeping faces next to her. Mick on the far left and than BJ in the middle. It had been thundering and lighting that morning and BJ had gotten scared. During the middle of the night she had felt his shaking little hands as she climbed up the middle of them and quietly slipped under the covers. Rosetta remembers wrapping her arms around him offering him comfort from the storm that raged outside.

Just watching the two boys sleep for a long while Rosetta cant thank God enough for her family. This was everything she wanted, this was perfect. Quietly Rosetta finally pulls the covers back placing a kiss on BJ's head and than one of Mick softly before slipping out of bed. Throwing her bathrobe on she moves quietly to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and make hash browns, eggs and bacon for the boys.*

Wise or unwise

“Hey, hey.” Carson sees Misty’s tears and moves to put his arm around her, speaking softly. “Your uncle loves you, and people at TJY will know the whole story so they can’t whisper, alright? And Nate’s right…think about this. You love TJY and they need you. If you leave and throw all that away, I’ll blame myself and be miserable for it.”

He gives her a little squeeze. “Come on…let’s get out of here before they start asking us to pay rent.”

Moving out of the cell, Carson catches Nate’s eye for a moment to convey a message of thanks. Under the surface though, lies an uncertainty, almost a fear, of his own future, despite his calming words to Misty. He was taking his own fate very well, while on the inside it was killing him.

Making their way outside, they get into Misty’s car, and Carson drives back to her place. They eat a light supper, both exhausted, and Carson claims the couch for the night, still leery about Frankie being around.

Morning. That time in which we want to save our dreams…just keep our eyes shut for a little while longer, if only to prolong the coming of a day marked with unknowns. But even the most powerful of wills can’t stop the sun.

Scott strolls down the hall at TJY, whistling as he goes. Clear at the end was the door he was looking for. Unlocking it, he peers inside and flips on the light to discover a mountain of boxes, furniture, technical equipment and anything else one could think of. Yes, it was a catch-all storage room. But…he’d talked to Reese a little bit more, and Reese had been serious about giving it to Scott if it could be cleaned out. Scott grins…it was funny…he’d been looking forward to an office in Arizona, but had forfeited it for what was so much better here…and now he was still getting an office.

Moving inside, Scott starts to sift through a few things. Today and for several day after probably, he’d be in here cleaning things out. To some it might seem a chore. But to him, nothing could make him down. He was on top of the world, and he knew it showed on his face. He was engaged to the prettiest girl he knew, she had a ring on her finger they’d bought last night, and in five months, he’d be married to that same beautiful girl. What more could he ask for?

Jason stirs restlessly, writhing in pain but unable to wake fully until Trooper nudges him. As his eyes fly open, he winces. So much for ignoring the pain killers again. He knew he’d have to relent today. It was just too much.

Trying to relax, he pulls himself up in bed a little, getting his mind functioning again. He’d thought a lot last night. A lot about himself, his knee, his work here. And he wasn’t about ready to give any of his life up because of this stupid injury. But Rick had said mobility in his knee would probably be limited. Strength would be limited. It would take time to even be able to move or walk at all, as the muscles had been torn and moved around – they would need to be retrained.

It was all a depressing thought…but he had to make it through…he had to. There wasn’t anywhere else he belonged….anywhere else he fit in.

Looking around the infirmary, Jason knows Rick will show up in about half an hour. Biting his lip and thinking, he finally gets his legs swung over the side of the bed and stands on his good leg. He was hungry, he wanted some orange juice, and he was going to do it on his own whether Rick had told him to stay in bed or not.

The trip to the door was excruciating and slow, and Jason has to stop and lean on the doorway for several moments before turning and leaning up against the hall wall to slowly make his way down to the break room.

Carson slips the spatula under the eggs in the frying pan as they sizzle, scooping them out onto two places along with bacon. Setting them down at the kitchen table, he wanders to Misty’s bedroom.

Opening the door a crack, he sees her snuggled under her blankets, and he enters quietly. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, he reaches over to run a hand along her face. “Morning, Sassy. Want some breakfast?”

Not the same

*A few tears fill Misty's eyes something not seen offtent.*

"Go back to a place where my uncle it upset with me and everyone is going to whisper. Some place to go back to. It wont be the same there without you there with me."

*Misty shakes her head.*

"Its not fair."

*Nate just watches Misty and Carson for a long while before speaking. He did feel sorry for his two friends. In there hearts what they did was right even though they new it was wrong. The did the wrong thing for the right reason.*

"Misty, at least take you week saspention and spend some time with Carson. Think over you desition before making it. Than next week if you still feel like leaving, than do so, but at least thing on it before acting."

*Nate lets out a small sigh.*

"Now come on. Get out of that cell. I've seen both of you in it long enough. Go relax get something to eat. Just take it easy alright?"

Don't accuse

Reese pauses on his route as Misty speaks, and turns around one more time, looking through the bars at her. His voice is stern.

“If you want to leave TJY, I cannot stop you, even though I would sorely disappointed to see you go. But don’t you ever accuse me of giving anyone special treatment. You may be my niece, but your punishment was what I deemed appropriate. As for Carson, he was the one involved in illegal activities before breaking jail, not you.” He looks Misty in the eye. “And that was his decision, not yours. Special treatment? If anyone is receiving it, it’s him, not you, just remember that.”

Without waiting for a response, Reese turns on his heel and walks out.

Carson glances out to Nate, then back to Misty. “He’s right,” he comments quietly. “Don’t throw your job away. Don’t punish me more by making me watch you turn your back on what you got going.”

Special Treatment

*Misty stays close to Carson once in the cell. She had been in trouble before but never behind bars. This was something she dident like, and for the second time in her life in the same day non the less she was scaired. Listing to her uncle, hearing her punishment and than Carson's she knows its not fair as she stands to leave she stands as well.*

"With all due respect Uncle, what happens to Carson should happen to me as well. I acted on my own free will. Carson dident convince me, threaten me, cokes me, or manipulate me. I got him out of jail from my free will. I new it was wrong and I did it anyways because I believed in helping his sister. I should be treated just like he is. If he no longer has a job than neather do I...."

*Nate's eye widen slightly. Such lolty from someone so young was amazing. Misty was an amazing woman indeed and Carson was luck. Nate still talks though leting Misty truly know what she was doing, and forcing her to think first.*

"Misty, think about what your say your giving up your job!"

*Misty looks past Reese at Nate.*

"So be it than, I can find a another job somepleace asle. I would rather do that than to know I was being treated differntly because my Uncle runs TJY."

*Misty turns her gaze back to Reese. She was sorry, she was hurt but she new it was right. She shouldent get special treatment. Sitting back down next to Carson she takes his hand in her.*

*Nate lets out a sigh and nods to Reese. After Misty was done talking.*

"Sure thing Boss."


Carson chuckles softly and keeps his eyes on the road. “Nothing like being in trouble with the prettiest woman I know.”

The hours tick by, and soon, the lights of the city come into view. Carson maneuvers the streets to arrive at the police station, parking in front out on the street. Before he and Misty can even get out of the car, several policemen are already present, no guns drawn, but threatening to do so, should anyone make a sudden move.

Carson gives Misty’s hand a squeeze and leans over to give her a kiss. “Time to face the music.”

Getting out of the car, they’re escorted inside without many words. Misty is taken by the arm and led to the front door. Carson is grabbed, his arms forced behind his back and shoved ahead of the others, manhandled inside as if they’re getting him back for making them look foolish when he’d escaped.

Reese stands off to the side, out of the way of the officers as they walk past with Carson and Misty. He gives Nate a sidelong glance, his eyes proving that he’s not happy, but he is sorry to see these two in this position. He’d already spent an hour talking with Brown, sharing everything from Nate, while Carson and Misty’s fate had been decided. It was up to him now to talk to them.

As Carson and Misty are taking down the hall to a cell, Reese gestures with his head for Nate to follow him.

Carson is forced into the cell behind Misty, the door shutting hard behind them. Heaving a sigh, Carson leans ataingst the wall to wait, his nerves shot.

Within minutes Reese appears. He just stands for what seems an eternity, looking at the two, studying them. Nodding to an officer, the cell is unlocked.

Reese approaches and goes inside, heading for Misty first to hug her. “I’m so upset with you, and so glad to see you safe.” Sighing, he withdraws to see her face, his eyes weary.

Backing off, he looks to Carson and just shakes his head. Finally he sits down and motions for the other two to do the same.

Carson glances out at Nate, wondering what will happen now, but turns his attention back to Reese.

Reese thinks for several moments. “There’s no point in talking any more about what happened. Nate has filled me in quite adequately. I’m sorry things have turned out like this…I understand the reasoning and commend you two for saving a life and taking down a crook, however I think you both know what you did was wrong.”

He pauses for another moment. “Misty, you are suspended from the Elite for one week. No more, because I convinced Brown that you were following Carson’s lead and wouldn’t have sprung him from jail otherwise. Your job is safe, and you’re not going to jail.”

Carson’s body relaxes with relief. Misty was safe and that was something to be relieved about.

“And Carson…” Reese shifts his attention. “You’re not going to jail either. Though I must tell you it took some doing. Brown has little tolerance for the kinds of stunts you pulled. I’m sorry to inform you though, that as of now, you are no longer an employee of the Elite.”

Carson’s eyes widen slightly. Though knowing he deserved jail, the news of losing his job seemed a bigger blow.

Reese shrugs. “That’s it. What’s done is done, and I can’t change it. If I were in charge, I might put you on probation instead, but…it’s no longer my call. Both of you are free to leave now and go home.”

Rising, it is obvious that Reese does not want to discuss things any more, and he exits the cell. “Nate, would you make sure they get out of here alright?”

I cant think

*Nate runs a weary hand over his face as he answers his phone picking it up and become more alert at Carson's voice Nate listens.*

"Sure thing Carson. I can't do anymore damage I already got a week suspension, but that's ok it was worth it. Midnight, ok. I'll call Reese and head there with him. You guys drive back safe ya hear? Ok, see ya later."

*Nate hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair. In a way he was happy they were coming back. If they hadn't he sure would of missed having them around. Nate dials Reese's number and wait for him to answer before filling him in.*

*Misty sits with Carson she just looks out the window for a long while. It seemed strange to actually be scared to go back. The fear of not knowing what was going to happen to them was worse than actually knowing. Misty gives Carson's hand a gentile squeeze. But withdraws it fast as a surge of pain shoots through her head. Misty didn't know what was going on with these migraines but if they didn't stop soon she was going to have to get them checked out. Grabbing her bag Misty opens it up taking out some Advil and downing a few. Than she slowly replaces her hand in Carson's.*

"This stress is killing me."

*Leaning her head back Misty turns it to look at Carson as a smile cross her face.*

"Though I cant think of who I would rather get in trouble with!"

*Katie beams at Scott again the smile seeming to be permanently burned on her face.*

"Why dont we just drive, and where ever we land is where we are and what we do."

*Katie takes Scott's hand and leads him to the door with Domino close behind.*

"As long as I am with you Scotty I don't care what we do."

*Katie's laughter rings out through the hall, and those ears it lands on proves she is happy. There was no denying it was a laugh of pure joy.*


Scott grins. “I don’t care. We could go to the lake…go to Mom and Pop’s…get ice cream…or we could go get that ring that’s going to look oh so nice on that finger of yours.” His eyes dance with that thought, his smile not fading.

On the road again. Carson taps his finger on the steering wheel, his thoughts going a hundred miles an hour. No one knew what would happen. No one knew the consequences he and Misty would have to endure. But they had to return. It was right.

The ride is quiet. Carson’s thumb runs over Misty’s hand as the miles pass, but not many words are spoken, almost as if vocalizing thoughts will make the time go by too quickly.

Towards dark, Carson pulls over to the side of the road and finally calls Nate. “Hey, Nate…it’s Carson. Misty and I are coming back. We’ll be in town around midnight. We’re…heading straight for the station. I’d appreciate it if you told Reese and came with him. We might need your testimony you promised.”