

*Katie smiles back at Jason trying to help keep his attitude positive. She new he still wasent great but she wanted to at least try and help him feel better.*

"I'm doing pretty good. Things just seem to be falling into place nicely for once."

*Katie gives Jason's arm a soft pat.*

"Your you chin up eh? At least this gives a reason for Camryn to pamper you."

*As Angelica steps onto the main floor of TJY she scans the cubicles. She cant help but smile it felt good to be back. Walking weaving in and our she nods to people, and toss hellos till finally she see who she is looking. Coming up behind Reese she softly calls to him.*

"Good Afternoon Mike!"

*A smile spreads across Angelica's face proving she was happy to be here.*

*Frankie stands and walks over to a tiny map motionaing for Morgan to come over. Pointing to the corner of Misty's block.*

"The corner of St. Elm, and Burch, 11:00. Make sure your ready and don't get any stupid idea's in your head. Just stick to the plane. I don't need you messing this up for me got it."

*Frankie's crooked grin remainds on his face and the crazed look in his eye. As he heads out of the small building making his ownself ready.*

*Slowly Charlotte says nothing but moves up closer to Bret. Reaching over him she flips the coin over so it was now tails up. Slowly she moves to sit down next to Bret Charlotte's grin remains as her eyes twinkle with the flertation they never seemed to lose.*

"Every once and a while you have to bend chanse and fate so it does what you want!"

*As Cindy moves Wes' hand to where the movment was. Wes can't help but laugh as his smile spreads even more across his face. His face right now would light up the darkest of rooms.*

"I felt it kick, I really felt it. Wow...thats...words can describe it. You know the baby is there, but to actully get to feel it really brings a new feeling."

*Wes keeps his hand on Cindy's tummy for a while longer just soaking in the joy. He was so excited and happy.*

"The baby can have my energy but I bet its going to have your brains."

*Finally Wes lets go on Cindy so she can finish was she was doing but stays leaning aganst the counter in case she needs him.*

"After lunch if you dont need me, I HAVE to go to the ranch and level everyone know I felt our baby kick."

*Wes shakes his head, whispering again as he liked the sound of the words he spoke.*

"Wow...I'm gonna be a dad."

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