
Never turn

Good morning, you!

Katie laid on her back in bed. It was good to sleep in her own bed again and feel Jason's emotions.

Umm... yeah, lunch sounds good. I am going to just relax today. Then tomorrow back to work.

Finally getting out of bed, Katie throws her bathrobe on before making her way to the kitchen.

"Hmm, what smells so good?"

"You're family, Trent. I could never turn you away."

Giving his arm a pat, Rosetta smiles. "It's gonna be okay and will work out. Good luck again."

Turning, she makes her way back to the mess hall.

Lunch later

"Alright." Ryder nods to Thirteen. "Depending on whatever work Reese dishes out, I might not have to stay all day."

Morning, you.

Jason runs a quick comb through his hair, taking one last look in the mirror. Back in the hall, he whistles for Trooper, who eagerly joins him.

Heading to work. Wanna do lunch later?

Trent stops as Rosetta comes up to him, and he returns her hug. "Thanks... and yeah, I'll um... I'll let you know what happens." He wondered if he'd perhaps made a huge deal out of nothing, if the girl really wasn't Jasmine, but something in his gut told him he wasn't wrong.

He looks at Rosetta a moment, his eyes still so full. "Thanks for everything. I... even though I can say now that I worked for the Agency to keep Jasmine safe... I know I still hurt a lot of people. You've been a better sister than I ever could have asked for."

Good luck

Looking up at Ryder, Thirteen's eyes are bright. Receiving the kiss and returning one, her face turns red a little. Turning to the eggs, she mixes them as she things about the question.

"Well either way I have nothing to do so I guess I will come with."

Going to the window, Rosetta sees Trent making his way down the driveway. She turns back to the group for a moment. "I'll be right back." Exiting the dining hall, Rosetta trots up to Trent. "Hey, Trent, wait."

Coming up alongside him, she pulls her brother into a hug. "Good luck. Remember you're not alone. If you need anything, let me know, okay?"


A smile spreads on Ryder's face and he sets his spatula down so he can turn around. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure they were alone, he reaches out to run his hand down Thirteen's cheek. "Mornin', sunshine."

He leans down to plan a light kiss on her forehead, then holds out a spatula to her. "Here. Keep stirring the eggs - that way they won't burn."

He moves to the toaster after grabbing a couple slices of bread. "So... you coming to TJY with me today or staying here?"

Trent throws his bag over his shoulder and heads out of the bunkhouse, trudging down the driveway. The taxi would be here soon. He would be going to Nevada alone as he'd told Rosetta last night. He's spoken to no one else since then.

He glances to the dining hall. The others were up. But he would leave them be. He didn't want to have to repeat his story again or face everyone yet.

Breakfast smells

Feeling something land on her, Thirteen sits straight up straight, a bit startled. Looking down and seeing the cat, she runs her hand down through Henry's fur.

"You scared me there, guy!"

Hearing the dishes, Thirteen sniffs the air. It was a different smell, but it was good and made her tummy grumble.

Pulling the covers back, she stands and ambles to the kitchen. Coming up behind Ryder, she touches his shoulder. "Sure smells good in here."

A new morning...

The dishes in the kitchen rattle, and Ryder pauses, trying not to wake Thirteen or Katie. He moves about the stove, preparing the eggs and checking on the bacon. He didn't use to cook... but somehow, having someone to feed and teach had helped.

He was up a little earlier than planned, but he figured the women would be up soon, so he might as well have breakfast for them.

Henry wanders the hallway, having already checked on Katie. He headed into the living room and sniffed at the couch. Jumping up, he lands on Thirteen, checking out the company again.


Looking at her brother, Rosetta gives a nod. She could scold him more, reprimand him for what he did, but it was the past now and there was no point. He wanted to make it right and that was good.

"Trent, that alone shows you have changed. I am proud of you."

Thinking again for a long moment, Rosetta knows this will be hard for Trent. "I can come with you so you're not alone."

I have to

Trent looks at Rosetta for a long moment before he shakes his head. "No." He purses his lips then looks back to the horse. "I think we had feelings for each other... but it wasn't very deep. We wanted what we wanted and we didn't care about consequences. When she found out she was pregnant, she was braver than anything... despite the wrath of her family. I told her I'd take care of her... so... I can't tell what I would have done. But... after I saw my baby girl... I... I doubt I could have stayed away."

He shrugs, trying not to relive the hurt he'd buried so long ago. "It was too late. But I'm not making that mistake again. I'm going to confirm the girl is Jasmin and then I'll... I'll..." His voice trails off. He had no idea what he was doing. "But I have to."

Did you love her?

Rosetta continues to stand, stunned. She had another niece.

Seeing the look on Trent's face, Rosetta lets go of her own confusion. Stepping up closer to Trent, she lays a hand on his shoulder. "You know you're not alone and you have family to help you, Trent."

Leaning against the fence with him, she lets out a sigh. "I am sorry for your loss. It had to be hard. Did you love her?"

Rosetta looks to her brother with question, wanting to learn more about what she had missed.


"No, I can't try." Trent groans and throws himself against the fence, his arms over the top rail. A startled horse looks at him quickly, sniffing his hand. He scratches its cheek, fighting his emotions. "I don't... it's... it was a long time ago."

Glancing over his shoulder, he catches his sister's eye. "You know, I was always the one in trouble when it came to the Hensons and Pents. Oh, Sparky got in a few scrapes, but me, I was the one who couldn't say no. The rest of you were so good at staying on track... you always made the right choices... you all were always the ones with pure motives and would never make the stupid moves I did."

He sighs deeply, finally at a point where he was willing to talk about it. "Years ago, I had a woman I was seeing. None of you knew about her because... well... would you like to have come back to the gang and introduced the girl you were sleeping around with?" He shakes his head. "I was too stupid to say no to myself or to Grace, and too smart to let the rest of you know about it." Something close to a smile quirks the corner of his mouth. "Shocked?"

Pausing a moment, he looks back to the horse, stroking its face again. "Wasn't too long before Grace was gonna have the baby. But I couldn't say anything... I couldn't just walk in and say, 'Hey, guys, I'm a daddy. By the way, no, I'm not married to the mother.' That would have gone really well." The sarcasm is evident in his voice.

"None of you would have approved. As you shouldn't have. It was me at fault, not anybody else. I knew I'd get a talking to from you, Mick, Wes... anybody with brains." Trent's eyes are filled with a sadness. "I was the one with lower standards... I knew I'd never make it into the circle with the rest of you."

Taking a deep breath, it's several long moments before he goes on. "So... Jasmine was born." His face almost smiles. "It was a down time with the gang, so I was able to be there. She was the prettiest baby..." He chuckles. "Blue eyes and a head of Pent red hair. And I got to hold her." Trent's mind is so far away as he speaks.

"It wasn't long enough. She was only a month or two old and Grace was in a car accident. The Agency had instigated the accident, planning to take both hostage. But Grace died instead. They took Jasmine... and they blackmailed me."

Now that he was spilling all the details, he didn't have much choice but to just keep going. Tears fill his eyes and he looks away, trying to maintain composure. "I didn't want to help the Agency... but they said I'd never see Jasmine again. I still couldn't tell you guys about it so... I did what they wanted... for years. That's... that's why I was involved with them in the first place. I never wanted to hurt my family, least of all you. I tried to get out once, but they said they'd kill Jasmine. One more year, they said, then I could take her and go. But..."

Trent shrugs lamely. "I eventually went to prison instead. Word got to me that Jasmine had died. She would have been about twelve. They said she got sick. So... I gave up. I hadn't seen her since she was a baby - they let me have a picture once when she was about six. But that's all I ever had. And then... when it was all over and I came here... there was no point in bringing all this up. I'd still made bad decisions... first, I shouldn't have been involved like that with Grace. Second, I shouldn't have let the Agency pull me in. I figured living with my secrets was my punishment."

Talk to me

Looking to Mick and then her brother, Rosetta was still confused. "I..."

Her head felt like it was spinning beyond control. She had to figure out what was going on. "Okay, I'll see if I can talk to him." Taking Micks' arm as she passes by, Rosetta gives him the best smile she can. "I'll be okay. Watch BJ. I'll be back."

Running to catch up with Trent, she just walks beside him for a moment, finally speaking. "Trent, you can always talk to me. I want to trust and believe you but it's hard when you won't talk to me. Please, can you try?"

Safety of our family

Rosetta's questions hang in the air, all eyes on Trent. He stares at all of them, then locks eyes with Rosetta. "I... it just... I couldn't..." His voice cracks as another tear appears. Putting his hands to his head, he rakes his fingers through his hair before spinning around with a growl. "I just... I can't do this."

Eric's eyes are as wide as saucers as Trent walks away. 'What... just... happened? His daughter?!"

Mick rolls his eyes, keeping his attention on Rosetta. "I have no idea what this is about, but if anyone can get it out of him, it's you. For the safety of our family, we need to know."

The truth

It was the cold hard truth and it pained Sapphire to have to tell Gage. The look in his eyes held nothing but a longing as well.

"No, Gage, they aren't coming for you. The Agency did to you what they do best to everyone... lie."

Sapphire tried her best to show some compassion, but it was hard when the truth was harsh. "I know you don't know me, but I'd like to be your friend and when you need someone, you can call me."

Looking to the door, Sapphire knew she should be going, but for a strange reason, she didn't want to. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

Just watching Thirteen for a long moment after Jason and Ryder went into the other room, Katie almost studies her before turning away, trying not to stare.

Looking up at Katie, Thirteen could feel her eyes on her, even if they weren't now. "I know, it's strange for me too, looking at myself."

Katie gives a small chuckle. But before she can say anything more, Jason returns. Returning his hug, Katie felt the warmth and felt safe.

Awww... you have to go? Okay, I guess I can let you go.

As Ryder moves next to her again, Thirteen brushes his hand, reaching for another dish. "A movie sounds good but I don't know any good ones so I hope you do!" She gives a smile to Ryder.

Looking at Trent for a long moment, Rosetta is lost for words. Did she really just hear what she thought she did. "Trent, I... when... how... I mean why didn't you say something sooner?"


Gage's eyes follow Sapphire as she paces then squats down in front of him. In his gaze was a stare like looking into a black hole. It held so much emptiness, yet yearned for existence. He studies her own gaze as if searching for that existence in the words she spoke. She had compassion... mercy... grace.

"You're different." His speech was quiet, almost timid. He remained sitting, just looking at her. He had supplied the Elite with information, giving in to the interrogations these past weeks. But he hadn't expressed his feelings in the least... until now. Disappointment and hurt showed in his eyes.

"They always said they were my family. They always said that I was strong... that I was moving up in the ranks. They always said that we were working for a cause... that what we did would preserve us because we were rebelling against the system. They always said they would come get me if I was in trouble."

His eyes seem to almost glaze over. He'd been here over a month. Alec had almost been killed by their own. "It was... all a lie, wasn't it?"

Ryder stands back and watches Thirteen for a moment, seeing how she interacted with Katie and Jason. He could see she was a bit leery, but he was proud of her. "Well, we got leftovers for tomorrow then," he muses, going to help Thirteen clean up.

Jason gives Katie a little nod.
Be right back.
Heading into the kitchen himself, he pulls Ryder aside, out of earshot of Katie and Thirteen, also not letting his emotions reveal the content of the quiet conversation. "So... can I trust you?"

Ryder raises his eyebrows. "With what?"

"Keeping an eye on Katie without trying anything?"

Ryder's eyes roll. "I told you before - we're just friends. There's nothing there, mate."

"I just-"

"Look... you have my word. I made a mistake and I already apologized. I'll watch her for you - you've got nothing to worry about."

Jason relaxes just a little, and he nods. "Okay."

"You know..." Ryder cocks his head. "Kat's pretty lucky to have a bloke like you to love her enough not to want other guys hitting on her." He gives Jason's shoulder a pat before going back into the kitchen. "No worries... no worries."

Jason makes his way back over to Katie, pulling her into a hug.
I gotta get home. You be okay?

Ryder sidles up to Thirteen to help wash the dishes. "What do you say to a movie before bed?"

Being broken up by Rosetta, the fists stop, but the glares remain. Eyes fall to the ground as they receive her rebuke. Their shoulders drop with guilt. Eric runs his tongue over his bloody lip while Trent feels the side of his face. Neither had too much damage, but it was obvious that both had pulled some good moves.

Eric finally lifts his gaze to see Rosetta, while Mick stood behind her, his arms crossed. "Trent's holding out on us," Eric accuses. "I was just tired of all the secrecy games."

"It's none of your business," Trent counters.

"It is when it's my family!" Eric can feel the pain again from seeing the worry in Rosetta's eyes. "I just want to know the truth."

"I don't know anything about Jeff!" Trent exclaims. "Why won't you believe me?"

"Maybe it has something to do with all the lies you've told before."

"Guys, cut it out," Mick intervenes. "Now look, we're all uptight, but Rosetta is right. You shouldn't be fighting." He reaches out to give Rosetta's shoulder a squeeze. "Now what is this really about? Eric, you first."

Eric scowls, but controls his temper. "Trent knows something about that Agency girl and I think he knows about Jeff too."




Trent eyes his brother, sister and Mick. "I don't know anything about Jeff, and that's the truth."

"What about the girl?" Mick presses.

"So I know her name. So what?"

Eric pounces again. "So why won't you explain? Why are you sneaking off?"

"I'm not."

"You are too! We have a right to know what's going on. You've betrayed us too many times."

Surprisingly, tears well up in Trent's eyes. "Just let it go."


Trent looks to Rosetta. "Please... don't make me dig this up."

"Dig what up?" Eric persists. "Does this girl know something about you? Something that could expose you?"


"Then what?!"

Trent's voice wavers. "Just leave it alone, please."

Mick grits his teeth, unsure what to do. If Trent had important information, then Eric was right. Trent needed to tell them. "No more secrets," he states firmly. "What's the girl's significance, Trent?"

Trent swallows hard as a tear runs down his rough face. "She... she's my daughter."

A stunned silence follows.