

*Rosetta slowly sneeks out of the bedroom where BJ had fallen asleep again shuting the door behind her. Leting out a long sigh she lift Mick up in her prayers. Rosetta he was ok and would be coming home soon. Things were going so well, and now everything had been turned upside down again.*

*Aerith climbs into bed weary from the work she got done doing for her grandmother. Tomarrow was a day off for her and she hoped maybe her grandmother would let her sleep in but she dident count on it.

Laying in bed with her eyes open thinking for along moment about everything that was going on. Her mind moves to Wyatt. He seemed like and intresting fuy. Very caring and wanted to spend time with her, But everytime they plain something Wyatt had to run for "work". Leting out a sigh Aerith shuts her eyes. She dident plain on going anywhere at the moment she still had her grandmother to take care of and seeing as no one alse really atempted to be her friend . So If Wyatt wanted to try again she would be waiting. Worst could happen was geting ditched again.*

*Katie laughs as she forgets the movie and watching Domino and Scott interact. I was always fun to watch them. They were so funny togeter and fit will like two best friends. Katie's laughs grow with each chase Domino gives to the popcorn.

As Domino plops herself in Katie lap she smiles bringing her hand to the small fogs head and scritching her ears.*

"You two are so cute. So perfect for eachother."

*Katie turns her attachen back to the movie and reaches her hand into the popcorn for some more. Katie's mind trys to wonder to that she wished it wouldent. Trying to push them away again. Katie new sooner or later she would have to face them to work everything out. *

*Misty sits down outside the tall door. Crossing her legs Misty gets a smile on her face. For a second she rethings her actions seeing as it might be alittle late, but throws the care into the wind. Hiting the boombox she braught with her some loud music plays and Misty starts to belt.*


*Misty continues to belt out words infront of Carson's door.*

Laughter and Sorrow

Jeff watches Rosetta leave and heaves a sorry sigh. “This couldn’t have happened at the worst time.”

“And Medridge knows it,” Austin states flatly. “Somehow, he knows. If we act now, we’ll be giving him exactly what he wants. He wants to see panic. He wants us out in the open. As much as I want to go out right now guns blazing like we all used to…I don’t think it’s wise.” He paces a little. “We’ll have to do something, for sure… but for once, why don’t we let the Agency show their hand first…if they want something that badly, they’ll say so.”

The others at the ranch are informed of Mick’s disappearance and all remain in prayer for their friend, brother, uncle…

Wyatt flops into bed later than normal, and was exhausted. He and Carson and Nate had scoured files, records, and their memories for anything that would give them a clue as to why the Agency would want Mick – other than anything from the past – and where they might have taken him. But nothing was adding up…nothing made sense…and they were stuck doing nothing. Not only did they want to see if the Agency would show their hand first, but they were still waiting to see if they would all be pardoned or not, and everything hung on that one decision.

Apart from all that…Wyatt glances to his bedside phone… He’d ditched Aerith and felt absolutely horrid. It was the second time, and the look on her face, and seeing her go into the theater alone was enough to make him feel like a horrid jerk. And…there was nothing he could do about it, but hope that in two and a half week’s time, he’d be able to explain everything…that is….if they received their pardons…and if Aerith even gave him another chance.

Scott can’t help a sheepish grin for scaring Katie, but is glad when she accepts his invitation. A few minutes later, he’s slipping a DVD into his computer and getting it started before easing down on the floor next to Katie, the popcorn bowl in between them. It takes a bit of effort to get comfortable, but leaning back against the cubicle wall, he finally finds a position that he’s not hurting too badly.

A while into the movie, Domino has smelled the food long enough, and finally moves to sit at Scott’s feet, cocking her head and looking at the popcorn.

Scott eventually notices her, and rolls his eyes. “Alright. Since you’ve been a good girl…” Taking a popped kernel between his fingers, he flicks it out onto the floor. Domino leaps after it with enthusiasm. The popcorn bounces and rolls across the walkway, skidding under another cubicle’s wall. Domino pounces, her feet sliding on the tile, giving her no traction for stopping.

She slams face-first into the cubicle. Stopping for just a moment, she crouches down, trying to get to the popcorn underneath, even using her paw to dry and draw it out.

Scott starts to chuckle at her antics. “Go around, you silly goose.”

Domino finally stops trying, panting and looking around, confused. Eventually, she rounds the corner of the doorway and triumphantly finds her piece of popcorn. Taking only a moment to chew it, she comes trotting back, ready for more.

Now grinning, Scott can’t help but flick another piece in the same direction, the movie going ignored for the moment.

The more times he relents, the more wound up Domino gets. With each piece of popcorn that falls under the other cubicle, she repeats the process, running, sliding, hitting the wall, then finally going around to find the prize. And with each round, Scott’s laughter increases. Holding his side, each time he laughs, he winces in pain, but can’t stop. Leaning back against the wall, his face reddens, tears from laughing filling his eyes.

Each time he thinks he’s under control, Domino quirks her head and spins around asking for more. Finally, Scott can’t take any more. “Alright, alright, Domino, that’s enough.” Another laugh causes him to cringe as his ribs take the brunt of the movement.

Domino runs up and jumps on him, wiggling with excitement. As her weight hits his stomach and side, Scott can’t help a little cry of pain, despite the humorous smile on his face. “ooh, off, the ribs, off the ribs!”

Domino scoots back to the floor, heaving a sigh of frustration. Seeming to decide Scott’s a party pooper, she trots around to Katie, plopping down in her lap instead, and looks at her master as if trying to make him jealous.

Jason wakes up yet again, unable to stay asleep. His bottled-up emotions were starting to wreak havoc on his body again, and it was even less fun than it had been…which wasn’t saying much. Tonight hadn’t helped…it should have…but it hadn’t. Staring up at the ceiling from the air mattress, he replays again what had happened earlier that evening…

The walk up the drive from the cab sent Jason’s mind reeling backward. Being at Mike’s again felt strange…nothing had seemed to change…it was as if time had stood still.

Reaching the yard, the door burst open. “Jason!” Kyle bounds out the door with enthusiasm, followed by his brother and Mike.

Jason grins a little at the happy welcome. “Hey, guys.”

The other three give hearty handshakes and rowdy hugs. “Welcome home, Jason.”

“Man, we’ve missed you!”

“Woo! We’re JetStream again!”

Jason does his best to join in, though somehow he didn’t find quite the enthusiasm the others did.

“Are you gonna come inside or what?” Jen sits in her wheelchair, propping the door open. Her eyes sparkle with excitement at seeing Jason.

Jason knows Jen will expect a hug, so he doesn’t disappoint her. He goes inside and squats down to offer and receive the light embrace.

Drawing back, Jen gives him a once-over. “Mm, you look good, Jase.” She grins, but her eyes search his face. She knew without asking…something was different. But she doesn’t react, simply holding her smile. “Welcome back.”

“…Oh man, and we really crashed and burned at that event,” Kyle groans.

“Yeah, we don’t talk about that one.” Phil stifles a laugh.

“We don’t keep that one on record.”

“And shall it be stricken from our memory!” Mike raises a drumstick. “We had a lot of good events too though.”

“Yeah,” Phil adds. “Don’t let Kyle kid ya, he’s been stealing the show.”

“But now I don’t have to anymore.” Kyle grins from his place at the keyboard. “And thank goodness, ‘cause no one can steal the show like Jason.”

Jason sits on the floor, strumming his guitar thoughtfully, just listening to the other guys. He looks up with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t think any one of us should steal the show if we’re a team.”

Kyle laughs. “Yeah, well, some guys got it and some guys don’t, and lemme tell you…you got it whether you like it or not.”

Jason lowers his eyes to the frets of his guitar as he hits a sour chord. “Well, I’m afraid this show stealer is a bit rusty.”

“Eh, you’ll be back in shape in no time. Time enough for next weekend anyway.”

“Kyle!” Phil chides. “Give the poor man time to breathe.”

Jason doesn’t know whether to be interested or not. “Got a gig next weekend?”

“Yep.” Phil pauses his random playing. “Back at the public building in town. It’s a deal for community organizations with public services or charities. They’re trying to round up volunteers and that sort of thing.”

“So you wouldn’t want to miss it,” Kyle adds.

Jason forces a small smile. “I’ll think about it, if I can get enough practice in.”

“Oh, we can get enough practice in. We can…”

“Kyle.” Mike cuts him off with a tone that warns him to stop pushing. “How about you quit talking and start us off with something to play.”

“Alright, alright.” Kyle fiddles with a few chords, but stops again. “Hey, Jase, where’s Katie? I expected her to be hanging in your shadow.” He grins a little. “If anybody needed you to come back it was her – she was in pretty bad shape when you got taken away. I bet that was one happy reunion.”

Jason can feel his gut twisting again and he avoids looking up. Instead, he forces a dry, short chuckle to the surface. “She’s working late,” he responds vaguely.

The next hour was spent fooling around with old and new songs. Jason joins in some, though lets Kyle do most of the singing, and hangs back with his guitar. Why he felt out of place with this close circle of friends, he didn’t know. It was as if he was a puzzle piece that had been warped and reshaped so that he no longer fit into the space where he’d been.

…Jason rolls over on his side to curl up in a ball in an attempt to force himself to sleep. He’d seen the band…he’d gotten his motorcycle back…his fingers were a bit sore from playing his guitar… he should be happier than this. But something was missing…his passion was gone.


*Rosetta's eyes well up even more. She couldent believe this was happing and Austin wanted her to do nothing. As if knowing something was wrong BJ aprears next to Rosetta sleepyness in his eyes. Wraping his arms around Rosetta's leg BJ talks softly.*

"Dont cry Rosey!"

*Rosetta looks down at BJ pulling him into her lap.*

"What are you doing awake bud?

*BJ looks up at Rosetta with his big blue eyes.*

"I couldent sleep, I wanted to comfart you."

*Rosetta wraps her arms around BJ laying her head on his. How she had become so attached to the small boy in such a short time.*

"Rosey? Ish Mick, toming back or will he shtay away like Sham did?"

*Rosetta cant help but hug BJ alittle tighter.*

"No BJ, he will come back. He promised you that horse ride remember."

*Standing BJ slides off Rosetta's lap as she stands.*

"Come on BJ, I'll read you a book and lay down with ya for a bit."

*Looking at the others Rosetta nods to the others.*

"Let me know if anything happens."

*Aerith lets out a sigh disapointment flashing in her eyes. She had been looking forward to her night out and now Wyatt was ditching her not even giving a reason or explanation. Areth was use to being let down with out reson it had been happing all her life since her dad had passed away. In her heart she new Wyatt must have a good reson but her brain just dident want to comprehend. In a soft semi sad tone Aerith replys to Wyatt.*

"Ok Wyatt. Your work is important. You know where to find me when You want to go out again. I'm here I might as well see a movie anyways. Be safe Wyatt."

*Aerith stuffs her keys in her purse and slowly makes her way inside.*

*Katie jumps 5 feet in the air as Scott knocks on her cubicle wall. She had been deep in though looking like she was working but really running through stuff in he own mind.*

"SCOTT...are you trying to kill me. You just scaired the crap out of me."

*As Katie's heart making it way to a slow beat again Katie cant help but smile standing and streaching.*

"Mmmm...Ok why not. I could use a distraction right about now. I'll go get the popcorn and meet ya back at your desk."

*Walking to the breakroom the smell of popcorn enters her nose as she opens the bag and dumps it in a bowl. Walking back to Scott's desk Katie clamed her stop and cross her legs waiting.*


Jeff moves quickly to Rosetta, putting an arm around her shoulder. “Hey, hey, it’ll be okay, alright?”

Austin sets his jaw grimly, answering Rosetta. “We do nothing.”

“What?” Sparky looks at him as if he were crazy. “We have no idea what happened to Mick, and you want us to do nothing?!”

“What would you do?” Austin shoots back. “We know good and well that this is the Agency. What else could it be? And how many times have our own actions done any good? Not many. We don’t know where they took Mick..we don’t even know if he’s still in the state. Going out and looking for him will only split us up into prime targets. No… I will call back to headquarters and an inside investigation will start. But there’s nothing more we can do from here.”

Scott gives Katie a weary grin as she hands him some magazines. “You’re a lifesaver. I can only count ceiling tiles so many times in a row before I lose my mind.”

He sighs a little at the news of the missing files. “Yeah, that’s what I figured. They won’t be back then – they got what they wanted.”

“Oh, no.” Reese’s shoulders drop as he speaks to Austin on the phone. “You’ve got to be kidding me….. No, alright… yeah…. Well keep your eyes open, but I agree you can’t do much from there…I don’t know what you could do. I’ll get some men on high alert and we’ll just have to see this one through as it comes. If the Agency wants something out of this, they’ll be contacting us.”

Wyatt gets out of his car as he sees Aerith pull in, and smiles as she approaches. “Hey. Not a problem. I haven’t been here long.”

He starts towards the entrance, scanning the signs outside. “I don’t have a clue what we’re seeing,” he admits ruefully. “There’s several things playing though, so I just thought I’d let you choose.”

Wyatt is just reaching for the door to open it for Aerith when his cell phone rings. “Aw, man…” He grimaces. “Hang on just a sec, will ya?” He turns to walk a couple feet away before answering the phone. It was Reese. He was wanted back at TJY. He needed to start investigating with Nate and Carson about why the Agency would want Mick. Great….just great…

Irritation floods Wyatt’s veins, but there was nothing he could do. Going back to Aerith, he has no idea how to tell her this.

“Aerith…” He sighs deeply. “I am so sorry…that was work…I can’t tell you how much I hate to do this to you, but I’m gonna have to leave.”

He looks at her with all the apology he can muster. All he wanted was one evening, and he hadn’t even gotten that. How many more would be like that? And she couldn’t even know why.

Searching her eyes, he decides that despite his desire to see her more, he needed to continue… “Look…I know there are things about me that you don’t know and are wondering about…” The court date was two and a half weeks away. “But right now I can’t tell you about them. And…this is going to keep happening, and I don’t want to keep disappointing you.”

Wyatt pauses, knowing he sounds like a complete idiot. “In a little over two weeks, I’ll be able to tell you if I can keep seeing you or not. I know this sounds crazy, and if you want to forget this whole thing I won’t blame you. But if you decide to trust me…this really is the truth. Can you hold on for a while before I ask you out again?”

Though a team works late at TJY, by nightfall, most have headed to their homes for the night, the main floor quiet except for Katie’s cubicle where she was working late. Hal and Ty make their cleaning rounds, though soon are gone as well, to the lower level.

Scott runs his hand over Domin’s fur absentmindedly, boredom taking over. He’d gone through his magazines already and was now back to where he’d been. He’d had a light supper, as much as he could manage eating, but he was left wide awake with no desire to go to sleep, yet what else could he do?

Rick was gone for the night, Katie was apparently working….there was no one else around…

Getting an idea, Scott mulls it over for several minutes. Did he dare? He looks down at Domino. “Should I?”

She looks up at him and licks his hand, wiggling with enthusiasm.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Come on.”

Domino gets up and jumps off the bed, waiting for further instructions.

Scott slowly sits up, wincing as he goes. It had been several hours since he’d even moved, and he’d grown stiff again. Taking a moment to let a little dizziness pass, he stands up, a bit unsteadily, his bare feet finding the tiled floor cold.

His injured wrist tucked to his side to hold his ribs, he slowly walks to the door, pulling the blanket off the bed as he goes. His first stop is the break room, though it takes him a lot longer than anticipated, as reaching up into a cupboard proves to be a more painful task than expected.

Finally satisfied though, he heads out into the hall again, aiming for the main floor. The end of the blanket drags a little on the floor, and suddenly seems to have become quiet heavy. Turning around, Scott sees that Domino has caught a ride, sitting on the end of the blanket to be dragged down the hall.

Grinning and rolling his eyes, Scott lets her, and continues his route. Once on the main floor, he goes to his cubicle. He can see a light on in Katie’s and is glad she’s still there, otherwise he’d already be in big trouble. He keeps his own light off, but turns on his computer and reaches for a small stack of DVDs he kept there, getting them out to put on his desk. Moving his chair out of the way, he spreads the blanket on the floor and aims his computer screen downward.

Taking a breather for a moment, he tells Domino to stay put, then heads for Katie’s desk. His walk is almost silent as his bare feet and slow pace make little sound. Reaching Katie, he knocks on the wall. “Don’t you know it’s unhealthy to work so late?”

He musters up a smile. “Before you yell at me for being out of bed let me at least ask you to the movies.” His eyes show their mischief. “Though I’m not walking all the way back to the break room to get the popcorn that should be done by now. You can do that. But the theater is a few cubicles down…that is…if you feel like joining me.”

Now what

*Katie exits TJY and heads to Scotts. Arriving Katie takes caution even though she and everyone alse figured it would be safe. Opening the door Katie steps inside and just listens for along while. Finally making sure everything is safe Katie goes to the desk and looks for Scotts folders, and than to the stacks of magazeans. Coming up empty handed Katie grabs some stuff for Scott and heads out again making her way back to TJY. Once in the parking lot Katie sits for a long while. Her mind was so full she just wanted to let it all out and think through things. But right now she couldent. Katie grew frustrated but tryed to keep her cool soon this all would end and she could get back to straghting her own thoughts out. Geting out of the car Katie heads inside to TJY and to the infermary knocking and entering alittle.*

"Hey Scotty. I got you some stuff to read."

*Katie holds her hand up for Scott to see.*

"And...the files were gone."

*Rosetta flops down in one of the chairs having already put BJ to bed. A cry caught in her throt as the tears start in her eyes.*

"No this cant be happing. Please..."

*Rosetta puts her face in her hands not being able to think. Everything seemed so perfect and now it was geting messed up once again. Lifting her head her eyes blood shot she asks.*

"So now what?"

*Aerith pulls into the movie theater parking lot hoping she was in the right place. Seeing Wyatt she smiles as she gets out. Throwing a wave to Wyatt.*

"Hey Wyatt. Sorry I am alittle late. Grandmother wanted me to do some last minute stuff for her. How are you tonight? and what are we going to see anyways..hah"

*Aerith walks up along side of Wyatt beaming.*

Into evening

Reese gives Katie a little smirk. “When will you learn that I know good and well what your capabilities are? Don’t forget I’m the one who hired you on as a bodyguard. And were I to insist that someone accompany you, it would have nothing whatsoever to do with how much I trust you. If I thought Jason – one of my best men – needed a bodyguard, what’s stopping me from wanting someone to watch your back at Scott’s?”

He pauses and shakes his head. “But I won’t insist that, because I’m pretty sure it’s safe. So go at it. But be quick about it.”

Jason sighs deeply and finally picks up his phone. He knew it would be good for him, and he couldn’t leave the guys hanging in limbo indefinitely. “Hey, Mike.”

Jason? …Jason!”

Jason can’t help a grin. “Yeah.”

Well, I’ll be. This is awesome! Phil said you were out. How you doing?

“Oh…just…trying to settle back in I guess.”

I bet. Well hey, Kyle’s ancy about getting everyone together for a little shindig or something, so when you’re feeling up to it, let us know.”

Jason wishes he felt up to it now. “Sure. Um…Con said you had my bike.”

Yep. She’s just fine. Kyle’s been out a few times to fire her up and keep the motor cleaned out. She’s in the garage just waiting for ya.”

“Well thanks for holding it for me.” Jason really was grateful. “If I get a ride, I might swing on by tonight if that’s alright.”

Sure! Kyle and Phil will be here for practice if you wanna stick around for a while too.”

Jason wasn’t convinced he’d want to, but he wasn’t going to start off by turning them down right off the bat. “Okay. We’ll see what happens.”

Great. See you later then.

“Yep. Thanks, Mike.” Jason hangs up. He didn’t know how he’d get out to Mike’s, but getting his bike back would at least give him more freedom than he had now.

Jeff grows a little grim. “Mick can take care of himself, but there’s something said for being safe than sorry, so I’m gonna grab Sparky and he and I will just take a quick jaunt over to Jerry’s, okay?” He turns to leave, calling over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about a thing. I’m sure it’s nothing. We’ll be back in a jiffy.”

…And hour later, Rosetta’s phone rings. “Hey, Sis, listen…” his voice is strained. “Sparky and I found Mick’s truck and trailer about halfway to Jerry’s. There’s a car in the ditch too. I don’t know if the two are related or not, but Mick’s no where to be seen. His phone is in his truck. We’ve looked all around and there’s no trace of him. He hadn’t been to Jerry’s yet either.”

Not allowing too much time for speculation, he keeps going. “We’re heading into town to check things out, and are gonna scan some of these roads out here before we go jumping to conclusions. So for now, just sit tight.”

Scott wakes up from yet another nap, wanting to just get up and walk around for anything other than lying here, but it still hurt too much to even sit up, let alone get all the way out of bed. It was starting to get about supper time…Domino was getting restless…if only he could just go home. He hadn’t heard from Katie yet, and hoped she was alright as well.

Wyatt leaves work a little early to go home and get ready for the evening. He had just enough time to shower, get changed and make it to the theater at seven to meet Aerith.

He ends up arriving just a little early, and waits in his car.

Jeff and Sparky pull into the drive, much later than planned. Both head straight for Rosetta’s, grabbing Austin on their way. Arriving, they break the grim news. “We couldn’t find him.” Sparky look between Austin and Rosetta. “I think it’s foul play.”