
Laughter and Sorrow

Jeff watches Rosetta leave and heaves a sorry sigh. “This couldn’t have happened at the worst time.”

“And Medridge knows it,” Austin states flatly. “Somehow, he knows. If we act now, we’ll be giving him exactly what he wants. He wants to see panic. He wants us out in the open. As much as I want to go out right now guns blazing like we all used to…I don’t think it’s wise.” He paces a little. “We’ll have to do something, for sure… but for once, why don’t we let the Agency show their hand first…if they want something that badly, they’ll say so.”

The others at the ranch are informed of Mick’s disappearance and all remain in prayer for their friend, brother, uncle…

Wyatt flops into bed later than normal, and was exhausted. He and Carson and Nate had scoured files, records, and their memories for anything that would give them a clue as to why the Agency would want Mick – other than anything from the past – and where they might have taken him. But nothing was adding up…nothing made sense…and they were stuck doing nothing. Not only did they want to see if the Agency would show their hand first, but they were still waiting to see if they would all be pardoned or not, and everything hung on that one decision.

Apart from all that…Wyatt glances to his bedside phone… He’d ditched Aerith and felt absolutely horrid. It was the second time, and the look on her face, and seeing her go into the theater alone was enough to make him feel like a horrid jerk. And…there was nothing he could do about it, but hope that in two and a half week’s time, he’d be able to explain everything…that is….if they received their pardons…and if Aerith even gave him another chance.

Scott can’t help a sheepish grin for scaring Katie, but is glad when she accepts his invitation. A few minutes later, he’s slipping a DVD into his computer and getting it started before easing down on the floor next to Katie, the popcorn bowl in between them. It takes a bit of effort to get comfortable, but leaning back against the cubicle wall, he finally finds a position that he’s not hurting too badly.

A while into the movie, Domino has smelled the food long enough, and finally moves to sit at Scott’s feet, cocking her head and looking at the popcorn.

Scott eventually notices her, and rolls his eyes. “Alright. Since you’ve been a good girl…” Taking a popped kernel between his fingers, he flicks it out onto the floor. Domino leaps after it with enthusiasm. The popcorn bounces and rolls across the walkway, skidding under another cubicle’s wall. Domino pounces, her feet sliding on the tile, giving her no traction for stopping.

She slams face-first into the cubicle. Stopping for just a moment, she crouches down, trying to get to the popcorn underneath, even using her paw to dry and draw it out.

Scott starts to chuckle at her antics. “Go around, you silly goose.”

Domino finally stops trying, panting and looking around, confused. Eventually, she rounds the corner of the doorway and triumphantly finds her piece of popcorn. Taking only a moment to chew it, she comes trotting back, ready for more.

Now grinning, Scott can’t help but flick another piece in the same direction, the movie going ignored for the moment.

The more times he relents, the more wound up Domino gets. With each piece of popcorn that falls under the other cubicle, she repeats the process, running, sliding, hitting the wall, then finally going around to find the prize. And with each round, Scott’s laughter increases. Holding his side, each time he laughs, he winces in pain, but can’t stop. Leaning back against the wall, his face reddens, tears from laughing filling his eyes.

Each time he thinks he’s under control, Domino quirks her head and spins around asking for more. Finally, Scott can’t take any more. “Alright, alright, Domino, that’s enough.” Another laugh causes him to cringe as his ribs take the brunt of the movement.

Domino runs up and jumps on him, wiggling with excitement. As her weight hits his stomach and side, Scott can’t help a little cry of pain, despite the humorous smile on his face. “ooh, off, the ribs, off the ribs!”

Domino scoots back to the floor, heaving a sigh of frustration. Seeming to decide Scott’s a party pooper, she trots around to Katie, plopping down in her lap instead, and looks at her master as if trying to make him jealous.

Jason wakes up yet again, unable to stay asleep. His bottled-up emotions were starting to wreak havoc on his body again, and it was even less fun than it had been…which wasn’t saying much. Tonight hadn’t helped…it should have…but it hadn’t. Staring up at the ceiling from the air mattress, he replays again what had happened earlier that evening…

The walk up the drive from the cab sent Jason’s mind reeling backward. Being at Mike’s again felt strange…nothing had seemed to change…it was as if time had stood still.

Reaching the yard, the door burst open. “Jason!” Kyle bounds out the door with enthusiasm, followed by his brother and Mike.

Jason grins a little at the happy welcome. “Hey, guys.”

The other three give hearty handshakes and rowdy hugs. “Welcome home, Jason.”

“Man, we’ve missed you!”

“Woo! We’re JetStream again!”

Jason does his best to join in, though somehow he didn’t find quite the enthusiasm the others did.

“Are you gonna come inside or what?” Jen sits in her wheelchair, propping the door open. Her eyes sparkle with excitement at seeing Jason.

Jason knows Jen will expect a hug, so he doesn’t disappoint her. He goes inside and squats down to offer and receive the light embrace.

Drawing back, Jen gives him a once-over. “Mm, you look good, Jase.” She grins, but her eyes search his face. She knew without asking…something was different. But she doesn’t react, simply holding her smile. “Welcome back.”

“…Oh man, and we really crashed and burned at that event,” Kyle groans.

“Yeah, we don’t talk about that one.” Phil stifles a laugh.

“We don’t keep that one on record.”

“And shall it be stricken from our memory!” Mike raises a drumstick. “We had a lot of good events too though.”

“Yeah,” Phil adds. “Don’t let Kyle kid ya, he’s been stealing the show.”

“But now I don’t have to anymore.” Kyle grins from his place at the keyboard. “And thank goodness, ‘cause no one can steal the show like Jason.”

Jason sits on the floor, strumming his guitar thoughtfully, just listening to the other guys. He looks up with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t think any one of us should steal the show if we’re a team.”

Kyle laughs. “Yeah, well, some guys got it and some guys don’t, and lemme tell you…you got it whether you like it or not.”

Jason lowers his eyes to the frets of his guitar as he hits a sour chord. “Well, I’m afraid this show stealer is a bit rusty.”

“Eh, you’ll be back in shape in no time. Time enough for next weekend anyway.”

“Kyle!” Phil chides. “Give the poor man time to breathe.”

Jason doesn’t know whether to be interested or not. “Got a gig next weekend?”

“Yep.” Phil pauses his random playing. “Back at the public building in town. It’s a deal for community organizations with public services or charities. They’re trying to round up volunteers and that sort of thing.”

“So you wouldn’t want to miss it,” Kyle adds.

Jason forces a small smile. “I’ll think about it, if I can get enough practice in.”

“Oh, we can get enough practice in. We can…”

“Kyle.” Mike cuts him off with a tone that warns him to stop pushing. “How about you quit talking and start us off with something to play.”

“Alright, alright.” Kyle fiddles with a few chords, but stops again. “Hey, Jase, where’s Katie? I expected her to be hanging in your shadow.” He grins a little. “If anybody needed you to come back it was her – she was in pretty bad shape when you got taken away. I bet that was one happy reunion.”

Jason can feel his gut twisting again and he avoids looking up. Instead, he forces a dry, short chuckle to the surface. “She’s working late,” he responds vaguely.

The next hour was spent fooling around with old and new songs. Jason joins in some, though lets Kyle do most of the singing, and hangs back with his guitar. Why he felt out of place with this close circle of friends, he didn’t know. It was as if he was a puzzle piece that had been warped and reshaped so that he no longer fit into the space where he’d been.

…Jason rolls over on his side to curl up in a ball in an attempt to force himself to sleep. He’d seen the band…he’d gotten his motorcycle back…his fingers were a bit sore from playing his guitar… he should be happier than this. But something was missing…his passion was gone.

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