
What to do

*Wes wraps his arms around Cindy just holding her and giving her the comfort she needs. Looking up at Mick, wes gives a nod.*

*Feeling Jason's hands on her shoulders she turns and stands. Being distraught and not even relizing what she is doing she throws her arms around Jason and rests her head on his shoulder. Finally Katie stops crying enough to talk.* " No J its not your fault. I have a mind of my own and I could of said no. We did this together. I new what would happen. If I had to choose to do it again I would. I really had a fun and exciting time. Being able to do something on my own with a friend. I just dident relize my aunts words would hurt so much is all.*

*Angel looks to Luke and softly whispers.* "I'm going to head to bed I think."

*Wendy looks to Clint her eyes going from wide to rolled as she turns back to the computer.*

*Rosetta sobs.* " I just was so scaired, and...I dont know what to do."

I'm sorry

Mick takes Rosetta in his arms and lets her cry, gently running a hand through her hair. “It’s okay,” he comforts. “It’ll be alright. She’s just upset.” He glances up to catch Wes’ eye, conveying that he only hopes he’s right.

Cindy flinches at someone’s touch and turns to see Wes. Her lower lip trembles, her eyes begging for comfort.

Austin takes a deep breath and sinks into a chair, covering his face with his hands. No one knows how to respond…no one knows how to react.

Jade continues to stand in the living room doorway, her eyes wide.

Con glances out the window to keep track of everyone, keeping his opinions to himself.

Jason heads in the direction of Katie’s bunk, not even sure why he’s following her. He can’t help the feeling of hurt that has crept into him. He can’t help feeling her pain, and it’s a miserable sensation. No one should have to suffer like that, even if the cause was unintentional.

He sees her door cracked and can hear her crying inside. Frowning, he takes the steps and impulsively lets himself in. Setting his crutches quietly aside, he limps up behind her, laying both hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Katie…this is all my fault.”


*Rosetta turns and burys her face into Mick's shoulder.* "What have I done?"

*Katie heads to ger bunk. Not hearing Jason she enters. The door open just a crack not aware it open still. Siting down at her little table she sobs softly to herself. She knows Rosetta dident mean her words but it still stung.*

*Wes turns and puts a hand on Cindy's arm.*

Harsh words

Mick gets on his feet as Wes stands, and he moves closer to Rosetta, knowing that in the morning words will be regretted.

Jason’s eyes narrow at Rosetta’s words. He understands what she’s really saying, but is appalled at their impact. As Katie’s eyes fill with tears, a pain hits him like a kick to the gut. The feeling is so severe that he almost cringes.

He turns to watch Katie leave, helpless. Swinging back around, he glares at Rosetta, then Austin, then back to Rosetta. “You two think you’ve got it all figured out…you think that harsh words will keep us under control and put us in our place. But all you manage to do is push us away. Hang this case for corrupting what was good. You used to know how to love, but you all have your heads stuck in the ground, pretending that if you keep us locked up, the Agency can’t touch us.” Jason shakes his head in disgust. “You keep going down this road. Go ahead. It’s exactly what the Agency wants – to tear us apart.” He fixes his gaze on Rosetta. “And you better pray that what you just said to your niece doesn’t push her away for good, because you would have lost something far more precious than you could imagine.”

Spinning around, he takes himself to the door, managing to get himself outside, despite the hindrance of his crutches. He lets the door slam shut behind him and hobbles off t he porch. Squinting in the dark, he looks around and calls out. “Katie?”

Austin stands stunned, staring at the door. He doesn’t know what to feel. He’s angry, hurt, embarrassed, sad…

Mick reaches out to lay a hand on Rosetta’s shoulder.

A tear trickles down Cindy’s cheek.

Gone Tomarrow

*As the shouting in the mess hall continues, most everyone is now watching what is going on as the yelling continues. Everyones nerves uptight now.*

*Rosetta's blood boils now now than ever.* "Maybe it was wrong for me to have to come here Katie. Into this all. Maybe you never were ment to be here."

*As Katie listens to Rosetta her eyes begin to get fuzzy.* "Your right Aunt Rosetta maybe I shouldent have. Maybe I should just leave. And you always tryed to say you were my friend. Now I see what you think of me."

*After hearing enough of everything going on and relizing words are being mistaken Wes stands up.* "Ok guys, we are all tired and upset. How about we cool down and get some sleep. Than we can talk more tomarrow."

*Katie glances at Wes.* "Sorry Wes, but I dont think I can ever forget the words I just hurd here. I'm going to bed. Maybe when you wake up Rosetta your burden will be gone." *Katie turns and walks out of the bunk house. Her eyes still fuzzy with tears.*

*Rosetta eyes widen.* "Katie thats not what I...." *Rosetta is greeted by the slam of the door. Looking at Jason than Mick and back to Jason Rosetta finishes her sentince.* "thats not what I ment. It came out wrong."


Luke throws his arms around Angel, drawing her close to give her a peck on the head. “Nothing.” He grins at her. “Just thinking…”

Cindy is grateful for Wes’ company, though when Jason arrives, her attention is quickly diverted.

Clint remains seated as the raised voices resonate through the mess hall. He glances at Wendy, an eyebrow raised, but keeps quiet.

Jade comes in from the living room, her eyes wide as she hears the shouting. She stops in the doorway, watching, and unsure how to react.

Jason grits his teeth as Katie gets yelled at, and he can feel his irritation rising.

When Rosetta stops, Austin opens his mouth to speak, but Jason cuts him off. He looks at Rosetta, trying to maintain an element of respect, but not taking kindly to what had been said. “Look, if you want to blame someone, blame me, alright? I’m the one who made the decision to take off, and I’m the one that dragged Katie along. I take full responsibility for any and all of this. DON’T give her a hard time.”

“You’re certainly right you’re to blame!” Austin exclaims, jumping in. “And Rosetta’s right! What if the Agency had spotted you? Both of you out there on your own! You would have been no match for them.”

“That’s not true.” Jason shifts his glare to his grandfather. “You know me better than to think I’d walk into something blind, and besides that, four eyes are better than two, and Katie is dang good at sensing danger.” His face reddens as his anger grows. “Don’t pretend that we’re little kids who ran off for the fun of it.”

Austin’s jaw tightens, and he crosses his arms on his chest. “So why, pray tell, DID you run off?”

Jason swallows hard, knowing that he had crossed a line by going to see Carter himself. “I went to have my suspension lifted.”

“You WHAT?”

Jason stands a little straighter. “I spoke to Carter.”

Austin’s eyes can’t get any wider. “You spoke to Carter…you went over MY head? You completely ignored all the charges against you and DARED to show your face in Carter’s office?!”

“Yes.” Jason stares him dead in the eye. “And I succeeded.”

Silence. Austin can’t believe it. “You’re suspension is lifted?”


Anger flashes in Austin’s eyes. “I can’t believe your nerve! And I can’t believe Carter did that! After all those charges, after everything that happened, and the shape you’re in… WHAT is going on in that head of yours??!”

Despite Jason’s ire for the verbal exchange, a tongue-lashing from his grandfather still evokes an element of childlike shame. He drops his gaze to the floor as the blood rushes to his face. “I did what I needed to do,” he defends in a lower tone. “I knew that if I told you where I was going that you would have stopped me, and had I called you on the way, you would have called Carter and warned him I was coming. I didn’t want that.”

“Of course not! If you would have had a clear conscience, you wouldn’t have tried to sneak around. You knew you were wrong!”

“I didn’t think I was wrong, and I still don’t. If Carter didn’t want me to stay on the case, he would have said so. It was his decision, not mine.”

“But you instigated it!” Austin throws his hands up in the air. “You have so many more issues here than just one, Jason! Apart from the fact that you went over my head and were stupid, you stole Pete’s car! You had us worried to death! You went off gallivanting around, with a girl no less, overnight – how do you think THAT will look on your record?”

Jason’s eyes shoot back up, his anger taking over. He lifts a finger to Austin in warning, his tone the most intense it’s been. “I’ll warn you for the last time, Austin. We are NOT having this conversation again. You get your mind out of the gutter and back where it belongs, or so help me, I’ll knock your block off for any implications against Katie’s integrity.” He glares into Austin’s eyes, his caution gone. “This has absolutely nothing to do with that and you know it. You’re just mad that I did something you didn’t want me to do. Get over yourself and deal with it.”

Their staredown intensifies, the unspoken words hanging thickly in the air.


*Angel makes her way over to Luke and sits next to him.* " You looks llike your thinking about an awfel alot. Whats on your mind hun?"

*Wes stays with Cindy to try and keep her comapny. Knowing she is worryed about Jason dosent make it easy, but understand and keeps trying anyways.*

*Wendy snuggles next to Clint reading through some files. Its nice to have someone to feel comfortable around and spend time with.*

*As Jason pulls into the ranch Katie lets out a long sigh.* "This is the best part...facing the music." *Katie rolls her eyes as they enter the mess hall. As Austin comes twords them with his questions Katie stands furm behind Jason.*

*As the kids walk in the door Rosetta is quick to get up behind Austin.* "You went to TJY, all the way to TJY. Without saying anything to anyone. What if you were killed?"

*Katie looks at her aunt.* "But we wernt!"

*Rosetta looks to Katie her own fire in her eyes.* "That dosent matter. No one new where you were, if you were killed we would have no idea where to find you. You had us all worryed sick. And you young lady should know better. Havent you learned you lesson?"

*Katie's face gets red as she knows Rosetta is talking about the past.* " The only differnt if I dident do anything wrong and dangerouse. I was helping a friend in need."

Rosetta: "YOU DIDENT DO ANYTHING WRONG? YOU BOTH STOLE SOMEONE CAR. AND FROVE HALFWAY AROUND THE COUNTRY. The Agency is everywhere. What if they saw you to and tryed something?" *Rosetta still notices Katie has her sun glass on.* " That those glasses off. Its dark out you dont need them. You look like someone bodyguard."

*Katie whispers under her breath but loud ebough to hear.* "Maybe I am."

*Rosetta snaps her gaze to Katie again taking a step twords her.* "What did you say young lady?"

*Katie takes off her sunglass.* "Nothing."

*Rosetta throws her hands up in disgust.* "I just dont get it."

Katie: "Dident you do this stuff to when you were my age? You and everyone alse here?"

Rosetta:" This is far differnt from what I did when I was your age. I was trying to keep you from this. So you dident have to deal with any of the hardships I did."

Katie: "Well I guess you dident. No disrespect Aunt Rosetta but I did what I thought was right. And making sure my friend got to his destanation alive and home again was important to me. I am 20 years old. I can make my own desitions."

*Rosetta lets out a sigh to upset to say anything more. She looks to Austin for help, and to continue.*


Evening comes. The gang gathers for supper once again and conversations are kept light, despite the tension that has set in. There has been no sign of Jason and Katie yet. As the hours drag slowly by, Eric opts to go to bed, and his pattern is soon followed by several others.

Jade yawns and curls up on the couch in the adjoining room, tired, but wanting to stay up until Jason and Katie arrive.

Cindy tries to keep herself occupied and stress-free, though Austin's pacing doesn't help any. She attempts helping go through some files, but soon gives up, her attention too far removed.

Clint stays mostly out of curiosity, wanting to know both if Jason and Katie's absence had anything to do with the case, and how Austin and Rosetta were going to react.

Sensing Rosetta's worry, Mick stays in the mess hall to be of support if needed, and remains quiet, observing the others from a table by himself.

Luke stretches out his legs on a second chair in front of the fireplace, yet another who is interested to see what has really happened. He keeps one eye on Angel, his mind split between two different worlds.

Midnight. Jason slowly pulls into the driveway, the headlight sweeping the yard. Seeing the lights still on in the mess hall, he sighs deeply and parks near the door. Shutting of the engine, he sees a figure come to the window. He glances to Katie with a look that says, 'I really don't want to go in there.' "Well...I guess we don't have much of a choice." He gets out of the car and grabs his crutches to make his way to the door with Katie. Pausing for just a moment, he enters.

Cindy looks up quickly from the book she had been reading, and immediately stands. Her relief of seeing her son overrides her anger for the moment, and she goes to him quickly, giving him a motherly hug. "You had us worried sick!" She backs up, looking at him with concern. "What ever possessed you to run off like that?"

Jason gives Katie a sidelong glance as he tries to formulate an answer. He sees Austin only feet away, wearing a look on his face that proves he is quite unhappy. "Well, I guess it was my desire to do what I thought was right." He hesitates. "...We went to TJY."

Austin's eyes widen as a strange silence lingers for several moments.

coming to a close

*Angel finally makes her way to the mess hall. Looking around but not seeing Luke she makes her way over to Wendy. Siting down Wendy and Angel look through catalogs of wedding dress, bridemades dress' flowers and more.*

*As Rosetta sits in her chair by the fireplace she looks up from her paper work every now and than wondering where the kids could be and when they will be home. Rosetta trys to consintrat on her paper work but it just seems impossable. So many things running through Rosetta's mind.*

*Katie nods* "I dont fear much, but I cant help what Austin and my aunt are going to say to us when we get home." *katie lets out a long sigh as she looks out the winsow.* "Its was work it though." * No matter how much she tells herself it will be ok she cant help but be worryed anyways. Katie has never seen her Aunt upset befor but there was a first for everything.*


Clint laughs and goes to the kitchen to grab some coffee both for himself and Wendy.

The morning seems to go quickly, as plans are made for more research and investigation throughout the day. Clint heads to Wes’ shop to work, while several others set up work stations in the mess hall as usual.

Becky and Rosalynn take a trip into town for some groceries, while Jade remains in the background, still feeling somewhat out of place, and ends up with a book near the fireplace.

Mick winds up in the barn to groom some of the horses, all computers taken up by the others. He lets his mind wander, thinking through everything he knows and trying to remember anything that might help the case.

Austin paces by the window, wondering when Jason and Katie will get back.

Jason laughs. “If you drink a whole pot, we’re never going to make it back home.” He doesn’t even have to look at the menu. “Mrs. Owens makes awesome pancakes….eggs are good….honestly, everything on the menu is good.”

All too soon, breakfast is over, and it’s time to hit the road again. Jason takes back over driving, feeling more alert and mobile by this time.

The drive seems longer than it did coming, and the hours drag by. Making few stops, and grabbing lunch on the way, the miles are left behind, one by one, and soon the sun begins to set.

Jason yawns and straightens in his seat. “Well, at this rate we’ll be back pretty late, but I’m sure there will be a welcoming committee waiting.”

Austin looks at his watch for the umpteenth time. The aroma from the kitchen signals that supper will be ready soon, and the gang begins to filter back into the mess hall. Where was Jason? Shouldn’t he have been back by now? Where on earth had they gone to be that far away?