

*Angel makes her way over to Luke and sits next to him.* " You looks llike your thinking about an awfel alot. Whats on your mind hun?"

*Wes stays with Cindy to try and keep her comapny. Knowing she is worryed about Jason dosent make it easy, but understand and keeps trying anyways.*

*Wendy snuggles next to Clint reading through some files. Its nice to have someone to feel comfortable around and spend time with.*

*As Jason pulls into the ranch Katie lets out a long sigh.* "This is the best part...facing the music." *Katie rolls her eyes as they enter the mess hall. As Austin comes twords them with his questions Katie stands furm behind Jason.*

*As the kids walk in the door Rosetta is quick to get up behind Austin.* "You went to TJY, all the way to TJY. Without saying anything to anyone. What if you were killed?"

*Katie looks at her aunt.* "But we wernt!"

*Rosetta looks to Katie her own fire in her eyes.* "That dosent matter. No one new where you were, if you were killed we would have no idea where to find you. You had us all worryed sick. And you young lady should know better. Havent you learned you lesson?"

*Katie's face gets red as she knows Rosetta is talking about the past.* " The only differnt if I dident do anything wrong and dangerouse. I was helping a friend in need."

Rosetta: "YOU DIDENT DO ANYTHING WRONG? YOU BOTH STOLE SOMEONE CAR. AND FROVE HALFWAY AROUND THE COUNTRY. The Agency is everywhere. What if they saw you to and tryed something?" *Rosetta still notices Katie has her sun glass on.* " That those glasses off. Its dark out you dont need them. You look like someone bodyguard."

*Katie whispers under her breath but loud ebough to hear.* "Maybe I am."

*Rosetta snaps her gaze to Katie again taking a step twords her.* "What did you say young lady?"

*Katie takes off her sunglass.* "Nothing."

*Rosetta throws her hands up in disgust.* "I just dont get it."

Katie: "Dident you do this stuff to when you were my age? You and everyone alse here?"

Rosetta:" This is far differnt from what I did when I was your age. I was trying to keep you from this. So you dident have to deal with any of the hardships I did."

Katie: "Well I guess you dident. No disrespect Aunt Rosetta but I did what I thought was right. And making sure my friend got to his destanation alive and home again was important to me. I am 20 years old. I can make my own desitions."

*Rosetta lets out a sigh to upset to say anything more. She looks to Austin for help, and to continue.*

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