
R & R

Entering the small room Thirteen folds her old clothing neatly showing that even if she hadnt had much, and she had been treated like crap she still new how to be neat when given the opportunity.

As the smell of the chicken hit Thirteen's nose she couldnt help the growl of the tummy. Never had she smelled something like this before.

"It smells good, but I hope it tasts just as good."

Absentmindedly she pets Troopers head before sitting down on the ground and cross her legs in front of her waiting for Ryder to server her. Not because she was being rude and wanted him to wait on her, or because she though he should do everything but because she was so use to be given the portions of what she was to eat and if she daired look, ask or try to get more it would be a punishment.

Looking up at Ryder again as she gently continued to pet Trooper Thirteen studded him for a moment before asking in a quiet voice.

"Some time will you cook? I never had a home cook meal before besides a whole lot of nothing."

Angelica gives a laugh as she stands her eyes giving a sparkle as they often did when she was in the presence of Reese.

"Didnt your mother ever tell you not to eat your dessert before dinner?"

Exiting Reese office she turns around but dosnt stop giving a few walking steps backwards. It had been a long few days and she herself was ready for some much R & R.

"But...I think just this once I wont be a stick in the mud and will let us havie the ice cream first."

Giving Reese arm a little shove she cant help the small laugh.

"Tag your it."