
Do you?

Knowing Katie was there…feeling her so close to him is like a healing agent in itself. Jason just lies still for several moments, trying to get over the nightmare he’d just had…trying to wash the images from his mind. It simply never got any easier no matter how many times this happened.

Jason’s hand moves to reach down, feeling Katie at his side. His fingers rest on her arm as she speaks to him, and he blinks back more tears. His grip tightens just a little without him even realizing it.

Does it hurt you when I go through this? Do you see my flashbacks too, or my dreams? Or do you only sense my emotions?

Carson stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets as he and Jess walk. “Oh…don’t thank me. I need the exercise anyway.” There was more truth in that statement than he’d like to admit. Tomorrow though, he would start tackling that area at least.

He glances up to the clear, cool sky, seeing all the stars. “I remember lying on the beach,” he muses. “…counting stars at night…hearing the surf…” He sighs a little, bringing himself back. “Glad you stopped by tonight. Guess it was a little busier than expected.”


*Kaite's eyes open though she dosn't move much. Just listing to Jason's raging emotions she knows he is ok but just waking from a dream. Gently wraping one of her arms around Jason she suddaly lets him know she is there and he is ok. After he lays back down Katie finally speaks softly though Jason had said nothing he didn't need too.*

"Sometimes crying is the best way to let you emotions out. It's not a bad thing."

*Giving his leg a squeeze again Katie stairs into the darkness, just waiting to hear Jason's quiet breathing again.*

*Jess turns around quick as she hears Carson's voice. Another smile though small slips to her lips. Giving a small nod accepting the company. It felt good to have someone to walk with, even if not many words were spoken.

The moon shown down as the two figures walked down the street. The air was cool, but it felt nice. Soon, all to soon it would get even colder and little hints of snow would fall even though it never stayed.

As they walk Jess reflects on a few things about her life. Where she came from, how she came to nevada, and how her path was paved. Why she was thinking about this stuff now she wasn't sure. She'd rather not, but it was there anyways.*

"Thank you Carson...for walking with me."


A small smile surfaces as Katie settles down next to Jason, and he yawns, giving in to his tiredness. Images of the past still floated in and out of his mind, and he knew they would probably bother him tonight. But at least the worst of it was over, and after all his energy had been spent, he was too tired to fight sleep. He’d tried to fight it too many times in the past, just to wind up realizing he couldn’t.

Kyle grins at Misty and watches until she’s left before turning back around and trudging to his room. Not even bothering to undress, he flops into bed, asleep almost before his head hits the pillow.

The bell on Mom and Pop’s rings one more time, a voice calling down the sidewalk after Jess. “Walk you back?” Carson didn’t like the thought of her walking alone in the dark just yet…not until Peter had been put away. He stands waiting for either a yes or a no.

Running…crying...screaming… Jason’s feet pound the ground as he looks over his shoulder, racing through the shadows. He wasn’t in the house. He was in dark woods with no moon to light the way. He was running…running…someone was chasing him. Glowing eyes came after him. Fear clung to Jason’s heart, terror seizing his mind. He ran further and further. He could hear Alex’s laughter behind him, getting closer….closer. Jason felt like he was running in place. He was trying to get away…trying to reach the light. Suddenly he stops. He’s at the edge of a cliff. The deep ravine was so far down that it could not be seen, shrouded in a dark fog.

Jason starts to mumble in his sleep beginning to move, writhing under the nightmare’s hold. He tosses his head back and forth, caught in a world beyond sleep.

He stops, panting…sweating. He hears Alex getting closer and closer. He hears the sharp voice, the demanding tone. He looks over his shoulder at the oncoming tormentor, then looks into the ravine that was certain death. Alex comes nearer. His hand reaches out. But Jason steps away. Time stands still. He’s caught in a strange trance, weighing options that his child’s mind should never contemplate. And he chooses. He steps off the cliff.

Jason wakes with such a start that his whole body jolts and he almost falls off the couch. It’s such a move that even Trooper jumps and gets up to make sure everything is okay.

Jason’s pulse is racing and he tries to catch his breath, staring into his dark living room. The fear was still so fresh, so real. Even if he’d known the nightmares would come, it didn’t lessen the pain.

Feeling Katie still with him, he sinks back down into the throw pillow, a tear trickling from his eye, hidden by the darkness. Why was he cursed with these memories…


*Feeling Jason's foot wrap around her and having him tug Katie moves to make it a little easyer. Resting her head on his hip Katie can't help but smile. Lifting her head she sits up for a moment reaching her hand out and gently fluffs Jason hip before laying down again. *

"Well well J."

*Watching TV for a while Katie's eyes become tired, before she lift her head to check Jason than lay it back down smiling at Trooper. Than closing her own eyes she drifts to sleep but not to deep for tonight she new Jason might need her again.*

*Misty can't help but a little laugh and shake her head as she watchs Kyle trip on his way inside. As he turns and looks at her she brings a hand to her mouth to shield her smile and muffle her laughs.*

"How about you get to your room without killing youself and than I'll decied if you can take it from there or not. Because right now I see someone who is going to hurt themself before they even get there yet."

*Misty finally steps up to Kyle and lean into him giving him a quick kiss.*

"GoodNight Kyle. Get lots of rest and no work tomarrow."

*Misty smiles and turns around heading back to her car.*

*Finishing off her milkshake and seeing Mom and Pop's was closing soon Jess lays some money on the counter lets out a sigh. She didn't really want to go back to TJY but she didn't really want to go home eather. Peter could be anywhere. Giving a wave Jess turns and heads for the door stoping and looking out almost scanning the area before steping outside. Finally the small bell rings and Jess disapears outside.*


Kyle opens one eye, taking a moment to remember where on earth he was. It had only been fifteen minutes or so from Mom and Pop's to here, but it felt like he'd been asleep for an hour.

Turning his head groggily, he sees Misty and quirks a partial grin. "I guess...I better get out of your car then, hmm?"

Trying to wake up enough to function, he unbuckles his seatbelt and slides out of the car, staggering just a little. He looks over his shoulder once and stifles a laugh. "If I'm not careful somebody's gonna think I was out drinking tonight."

Still groggy, he makes his way to the apartment and fishes in his pockets for his keys, finally finding them in a lower pocket. Letting himself in, he trips over a jacket on the floor before switching on the light.

Turning to Misty, he gives a little bow. "Thankee, melady for your kind assistance." His glazed eyes and silly speech prove how tired he is. In the morning he wouldn't even remember this. "I suppose I should take it from here."

Jason raises his head and quirks an eyebrow as Katie sits down next to him. He knew she was loyal despite his harshness...but he hadn't expected her to stay with him. In reality, it made him feel all the more worse for pushing her away like he had. No, he wasn't ready for more, but he could have handled things differently.

Swallowing hard, Jason shifts his weight a little bit, making room for Katie. He just stares at the television for a few minutes, unsure what to say...what to do. He knew tonight would be hard...and he couldn't feel any better, knowing that Katie was there with him.

Finally sighing and relenting to ignore the awkwardness between them, Jason slides down further on the couch to use the armrest rest his head. Shifting onto his side, he brings his legs over and in front of Katie, hooking her waist with one, to pull her down behind him so she could use his hip as a pillow. "Keep the tv down," he mumbles, closing his eyes. "Or Trooper will complain."


*As Jess listened to the guy next to her, how in depth his words were and how is eyes reveled that he really meant and believed what he said. Strange he was maybe, but insightful and mysterious he was. Not to mention a smile that could lure even though who were steadfast. Yes, he we certainly different from anyone Jess had met before. But she wasn't sure if that fact scared her or intrigued her more.

Once Axel starts to walk away Jess eyes follow him. Thinking about his words and than shaking her head. Jess replys to herself outloud.*

"Yeah, but sometimes being alone, is safer."

*Turning back to the counter Jess looks back down at the counter and finish off her drink.*

*Katie gives Jason a hug back as he takes her in trying to keep her emotions undercontroll. Receving Jason aploigy Katie gives a small nod that she understood and exsepted them.*

"I'm sorry to J, I really shouldn't have pushed you like I did, and what I said I didn't mean eather. Sorry for bringing up painful memories."

*As Jason pulls away and heads into the other room Katie follows him and stands behind the coutch. Yes tonight she could block Jason out. But what if he had another attack, or if something alse happend. She would never know. No, Katie wasn't willing to risk that. Coming around to the front of the coutch Katie sits down next to Jason and kicks her shoes off bringing her feet up and under her. Reaching out she grabs the remote from the table and flips the tv on. Stairing at the screen Katie talks.*

"Lets see if there is anything good on tonight."

Apologies come anyway

Axel turns a little bit, one elbow still on the counter. “Mm…there are plenty of observant people…they just don’t take the time to figure out what they’re seeing. Someone could look at a rose all day long and still see just a flower. Whereas someone else can see the beautiful intricacy, smell the sweet scent, and enjoy it for the delicate treasure that it is.”

“Yo, Grease, you coming?!”

Axel ignores Max’s call as he continues to study Jess’ face, allowing her to see into his eyes. “Someone can observe a smile and simply say it’s a smile…” He pauses, a soft smile returning. “And someone else might say it reveals the mystery of one’s inner thoughts.” He gives a short nod. “One shouldn’t ever hide themselves from the world. It just makes it a lonelier place to be.”


He finally turns, but not to his friends – to Mabel instead. “Thanks for the service, Mabel. Nice to meet you, and I’ll see you in the morning for a nice hot cup of coffee around nine o’clock.”

He gives as little wave, and pushes off the counter to rejoin his friends. He hadn’t asked or invited…but anyone who wondered would know when he’d be back.

Jason knows that he’s hurt Katie…again. And he could kick himself…again. No matter what choice he made…no matter the decision, no matter what he did…he always hurt her.

Heaving a sigh, he waits for her to return, thankful for the orange juice, letting the gratefulness out for her to feel. He didn’t know if he could have gotten through this one without her here or not…but he didn’t want to find out.

Jason gives a little nod, and after a few minutes, finally has the energy to pull himself up off the floor. The aftermath of these attacks was never any easier, but he was learning how to function once they were over, and though hard, he could at least get himself going again until he could rest.

Still soaked in sweat, he opts to head for his bedroom, leaving Katie in the hall so he can change into a dry t-shirt and more comfortable jeans. Coming back out, he leans on his bedroom doorway for just a moment, glancing down the hall to Katie. She would do just about anything for him…no matter what he said…no matter how angry or upset she was. Was it their connection that made her so loyal, or would she be that way, even if stripped of this bond?

Shaking his head a little, Jason approaches her slowly and without asking, pulls her into a hug. He was utterly exhausted and knew he needed to rest. “Thanks, Hero…for everything… and…I’m sorry I yelled at you. I didn’t really mean those things I said.”

Giving the top of her head a light kiss, he lets Katie go, turning to the living room. On nights like this, he would prefer to be closer to the front door. If anything happened, his bedroom was far enough away that he’d be clueless if he were asleep.

Easing down into a corner of the couch, he leans back, closing his eyes. “I’ll probably have nightmares tonight,” he tells Katie quietly. “So just shut me out so you can get a good night’s sleep. Take my truck…I’ll walk to work in the morning.’


*Katie lets out a long sigh as she recives Jason's verbal and mentil message. It hurt when maybe it shouldn't, and Katie wished the words were differnt, but what alse could she do.*

"You'll....always be my best friend Jason. The only one I got."

*Katie tryed to force the best smile she could and new it was pretty weak. Going a say more the only thing that comes out is a single tear only the surface of how Katie felt.

Standing a bit straghter Katie moves twords the door knowing Jason's suger was low for a moment to compose herself it was the perfect out.*

"I'm going to get you some OJ. I'll be right back."

*Exiting the bathroom Katie makes her way into the kitchen and grabs a glass. Before heading to the fridge Katie leans on the counter for a moment. Katie understood that Jason wasent ready for anything alse. He had been through alot, and Katie respected that. It's just so hard to love someone you can't have. To lock it away and keep it as a memorie so you can see brighter days. It's very so hard, but I'll try again J, for you I'll try again. Swipping a few tears from her eyes Katie opens the frige and grabs out some OJ pouring it for Jason.

Entering back into the bathroom Katie hands it to him to drink. She new he needed it.*

"When your done with that I'll help you to where you want to go."

*Katie pushed a smile on her face as she slowly started to push her feelings, and love again into the closet again readying the lock and key.*

*Jess continues to watch Axel out of the courner of her eye. Taking note that he was still watching her she tryed not to stair herself. A million things ran through Jess mind. Was he going to make a smart alick remark? Was he going to throw her a pickup line like so many in the past? Jess tryed to tell herself there was no reason for her to feel uncomfortable. This guy was just trying to be nice. but after everything that had happend Jess couldn't help it.

As Axel's comment meets Jess ears she turns her head again to look at Axel. The color in her cheeks rising just a little bit.*

"Thanks. Maybe sooner or later I won't have a reason to hide it."

*Jess looks back to the counter for a moment leting out a small sigh and than her eyes return to Axel's as they search the deepths of them.*

"Your pretty observent. Don't see many people like that anymore."


Jason latches on to Katie as they trudge down the hall, hating needing her help like this, yet at the same time, knowing he didn't have to feel that way. He knew good and well she thought no less of him.

An ever-so-slight grin upturns the corner of his mouth at her final comment. You might just get your chance. But you don't deserve it... it wasn't your fault.

Getting to the bathroom, Jason lets go of Katie to stumble the rest of the way, barely making it before everything comes up. Just sitting on the floor, he's exhausted and feels no better than crap. It was the same every time...at least now he could start thinking straighter after an attack, knowing when it would hit, then when it was really over. Tonight he would be plagued with nightmares, but the worst of it was over.

Throwing up again several times, his stomach finally empties, and he just sits, leaning back against the bathtub. Closing his eyes, he doesn't even try to get up yet, even though he knows it would be safe to now.

So many things run through his mind...the past...his childhood...the present... Katie. He tries not to let her in on much of it, but he's too weak to close it off, and just lamely lets it all go. He felt terrible...he felt low...he felt guilty.

Not opening his eyes, he speaks softly. "I really am sorry, Katie... I had no right to be as angry as I was, least of all with you."

He pauses again and finally looks over to her, feeling ridiculous for sitting on the bathroom floor and having this conversation, but not having the energy for anything else. His eyes were dim, proving how destructive his own emotions were. "I just..."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, knowing he needed to get some sugar, but ignoring it for now. Maybe he wouldn't normally just come out and say this, but nothing was normal right now - it never was when he was in this state. "...I care about you too much to let you go, and too much to keep you, too. I just...don't want...to complicate things." He doesn't even know if it's coming out right, but it was the best he could do at this point.

I wish we could go back in time and I could make so many different choices than I did. I wish I never would have caused you so much pain. And right now...I don't want to head down a road of mistakes again... I know I don't want to be without you in my life... But right now...to avoid mistakes...to avoid the chance of heartache... I just... I want you as my friend, Katie. ...I do want more...you've seen that... but I'm...I'm just not ready right now.

Jason's eyes plead with Katie to understand him...to understand what he's feeling, even if he doesn't fully understand it himself. "Can we be best friends again?"

Axel hands payment over to Mabel, still looking at Jess. He cocks his head slightly, trying to read her face. "You know..." He glances away to accept his change. "That smile of yours is too pretty to keep hiding it all the time."

He glances back to her with a quick wink, though his face shows a real sincerity - not an expression of someone who threw out flippant pick-up lines.

Outwardly than Inwordly

*Katie continues to hold Jason. To her it didn't matter if it was 15 minutes or 15 hours. She would never leave Jason to do this on his own. She just couldn't no matter what had happend, what words were said, or how mad she was, Katie couldn't turn away.

As Jason's emotions and torment start to subside Katie relaxes a bit herself and the emotions she was taking in starts to slow and her down body feels heavy and tired. Receving Jason's apoligy Katie just shakes her head. She felt weak herself but musters up some more emotions.

Someday your really going to have to stop saying sorry. Anyways, I'm the one who pushed you and just wouldn't let you go. So I am sorry.

Katie leans her head back aganst the cabnet for a moment as she closes her eyes until she feels Jason move. The look on his face, and just the body langue told her all she needed to know about what was coming. Standing Katie gently helps Katie up.

I think you should of just puked on me. Would serve me right.

Katie ends her words with a bit of humor proving she was trying to get Jason to smile a little if not outwordly than inwordly. Slowly Katie continues to her Jason to the bathroom.*


The horrific images continue to bombard Jason's mind as he writhes in both the emotional and physical torture he was being put through. He'd been through this so many times before, but no matter how severe, long or brief, no attack was easy.

Jason screams as he's hit again, his throat going hoarse from his cries to anyone who might hear. He's grabbed again, and like every time, he is dragged toward that room. Kicking and screaming did no good. He hurt, he wanted his mom, he just wanted out of here. And there was no hope. There was no light. It was fading. It had been too long. No one was coming.

As Katie's hand finds his, he holds her in a vice grip, latching on to the only thing tangible that his mind registered as something real...something from reality and not his nightmare. But the attack still has to run its course, the emotions spilling over. Though the emotions had somewhere to flow...they had someone to draw them out rather than letting them torment Jason to a dangerous level.

Alone. Dark. Musty. The room was the place of torture. The room was the only world to this little boy's mind now. No hope. Pain. He just wanted it over. As a child, he wished himself dead to escape this world he'd been brutally dragged into. But suddenly there was a light. A soft glow. Far away...and a voice....a soft sweet voice, beckoning him out.

Jason had no clue that a half hour had passed. No sense of time ever remained during an attack. The shadows slowly begin to lift, like a fog dispersing before the morning sun. He was drained of all heightened emotions. They had erupted in order to settle once more until the next time. Now all that remained was a dull ache and the physical aftermath.

Jason is finally able to pry open his own eyes. He was cold, drenched in sweat. He felt arms around him...the arms that had always made him feel safe. He had Katie's hand in his, and suddenly realizes how hard he was gripping it. Almost unable to move the muscles, he flexes his fingers, loosening them, on a certain level, worried that he'd hurt her.

Swallowing hard, he just lies still, moving a little, slowly, slowly stretching out from his tight position. Every muscle in his body hurt, and he felt as though he'd been hit by a mac truck. Part of his mind wanted to think through what had just happened, and work through the reasoning as to why Katie was there, and how he felt about that, and where they stood...but it was just too much right now. I'm sorry, Katie.

His pulse finally calming down, his stomach churns, warning him of the next stage. He'd gotten upset on a full stomach, and his supper wasn't going to stay down.

He manages to get himself on his hands and knees, next to Katie, but he's still shaking too much to do anything on his own, and even talking out loud takes too much effort.

An embarrassment surfaces. It wasn't logical, but it was there. This was the time he was most vulnerable. Unless you want to be part of this mess, help me down the hall.


*As Jason goes into the kitchen Katie just watches him waiting on Trooper to come back. Once inside she shuts the door and gives he dog a gentil pat on the head leting him know it would be ok.

Slowly Katie enters the kitchen but stays a short distince. She new what was coming, she could feel it in Jason, but she could also feel he wanted to try by himself and that she respected. Leaning aganst the door fram Katie just waits, and watches keeping in toon with his feels so in case anything happend she was close by.

Watching Jason sink to the floor and hearing him call to her to stay Katie's heart give in and her anger is gone, all that remained was her longing to help her friend and keep him safe. Knowing the emotions he had inside and knowing they hurt, Katie could no long just stand there. Moving twords the sink Katie shuts the water off and than slides down next to Jason. Looking to Trooper Katie sees he is nervouse and gives a nod to him.*

"Lay down Trooper. He is gonna be ok."

*Gently Katie lifts Jason's head and places it in her lap as she looks down on him. Running her fingers through Jason's hair like she had so many times in the past. Soft hums come from Katie's lips as her emotions do the talking for her.

It's ok J. Your safe at home with me. I won't let anything hurt you. I never would. I'm sorry I pushed you but its ok now. It's ok, come on J...stay calm. Alex is gone, its only you, me and Trooper here with you. Both of use will protecte you. A Hero and her Sidekick.

Katie continues to run her fingers through Jason's hair as her other hand runs from his face down his neck, over his shoulder and down his arm to find his hand. Her touch soft and gentil. Prying his fingers apart Katie slips hers into his ignoring that he was still squeezing and not letting it bother her. *

*Misty watches Kyle for a long moment. A smile spreading across her face. The poor guy was tucked. Watching how peaceful Kyle was Misty gets out of the car and goes over to the passanger side opening the door. Giving Kyle a gentil shake.*

"Kyle hun, We are home. Come on, wake up so I can get you inside and to bed."

*Jamie looks back to Con a little bit of worry of her own. Things had seemed fine between Katie and Jason as of late but now tonight this. What had happend to make Katie so upset?*

"They would call if something was wrong right Con?"

*Jess catches a figure along side of her and snaps her head up. Relaxing a little as she relizes its one of the guys from the other table Jess cant help but notice he was looking at her, and what looks to be a little smile had formed on her face. Not being able to contoll it Jess mouth turns just just a little but half her shoulder hides it as she looks at Axel. A soft reply escapes her lips.*



Sliding into the passenger side of the truck, Jason relents to Katie's lead, even though he was still upset over tonight's whole episode.

Closing his eyes as they drive, he remains silent, and tries to battle back the images and memories that were invading his mind. He knew they would come and dreaded them. He knew the pain that would be here soon, and wanted to run away from it. It felt as though he were standing on a railroad track, staring at an oncoming freight train, knowing that he would be hit, but unable to move.

He just needed to hold them off for a few more minutes...

Jason knew that he'd let his emotions get too far. He was an emotional time bomb the way it was, without getting upset. Him getting so mad had simply opened the door and invited in an eruption. The volcano had been quiet, but his anger had shaken it up enough, that at the first opportunity, it had, within an instant, found the slightest foothold, and from there, the pressure was building. Jason could feel it...he knew the signs now to know that it could not be avoided. He'd tried that before and it had never worked. The only thing he could do was get to a safe environment where he couldn't hurt anyone else or himself before the attack hit full force.

A bump in the road jolts his thoughts and he looks out the window, keeping his eyes from Katie as his hands start to shake. He couldn't tell if it was starting already or if it was just low sugar. Either way, he was not looking forward to this...it was going to be a bad one.

Getting to his house, he waits until Katie has parked, and is quick to exit the truck. He didn't know what she was planning to do...walk...call for a ride...frankly, he didn't care, but he is willing to accept her help inside, his knees starting to go weak.

Opening the front door, Trooper greets him with enthusiasm, but is disappointed as his master ignores him. The dog goes out into the yard but is quick to come back, whining a little. He looks at Katie, knowing who she was, and accepting her presence here.

Jason goes by himself to the kitchen and leans over the sink, splashing some cold water on his face. He doesn't care what Katie is doing, and doesn't plan on her sticking around. Even though he knew he couldn't fight off this attack, his mind wanted to try anyway. His eyes focus on the swirling water that ran down the drain. Staring at it, he suddenly sees not his sink, but the one in Alex's house. He sees the red from blood that had run from the cut on his hand as he tried to clean it himself before Alex got back home...

No... not again... not the memories... not those ones...

But it was no use. The emotions are in control and overtake Jason's mind, as if putting a veil of deception over his eyes, clouding reality as it melts together with the past.

The pain hits hard, and Jason slides to the kitchen floor, not even able to get to his bedroom like he'd wanted to. The water in the sink remains on. "Katie..." His longing had done a 180 on him, and his voice is but a whimper. "...don't leave."

Curling up in a tight ball and scrunching his eyes shut, he starts to shake, the sweat breaking out on his forehead and running down his neck. His breathing grows shallow as his pulse rate spikes, bringing torment to his body as much as his mind.

Alex comes...he's not happy...he's shouting...he has a broom handle in his hand... Jason shouldn't have been out of the room...the kitchen was off limits... The broom handle swings and connects with the side of his face.

Jason cries out, uncontrolled tears seeping from his eyes. His muscles begin to cramp as he holds himself in such a tight ball.

Trooper whines and paces the kitchen floor, looking to Jason, looking to Katie, then pacing some more.

As Misty and Kyle pull up to his apartment, he doesn't even notice. As soon as he'd gotten into the car with her, his body had given out, and sleep had taken over. Now home, he didn't even wake.

Con fidgets with his cell phone, wondering about calling Jason or Katie. Something didn't feel right...neither had come back...he'd though he'd seen Jason's truck drive away, but no one knew anything about it. What had happened? Why had Katie been so upset?

He looks to Jamie, the worry in his eyes.

As the chatter and laughing around the table keeps up, Axel remains on the outskirts, mingling once in a while, but spending most of his time observing. Once things start to get wrapped up, he's given the tab and money to pay, and heads up to the front counter. Waiting for Mabel, he leans his elbows on the counter, and glances to his right at Jess. A small smile moves the corner of his mouth. "Hi."


*Katie continues to to follow Jason. She could feel his emotions and she new they were raging and her being stubern wernt helping.*

"I don't care if you want my company or not, I'm making sure you get home ok now."

*As the car pass Katie can feel the emotional change once again from Jason. A wave of guilt hits Katie as Jason tell her to get him home. She had done this, she'd started it. Turning Katie walks back with Jason keeping an eye on him to make sure he is ok. Getting to the car they get in and head back for Jason's house.

Once getting there Katie gets out and trys to help him inside slinnging his one arm over her shoulder.*


“Aw Katie, bug off,” Jason growls. He trudges forward, at a loss as to where to throw his anger. He knew well enough not to hurt Katie with it, but it was just sitting and boiling.

“Just…go somewhere else and leave me alone for once. I don’t want your company.”

Suddenly a car comes flying around the corner of the block, the headlights blinding Jason for a moment before it speeds down the street. Blinking, Jason scowls.

But suddenly, without warning, his raging emotions have something to latch onto. One single memory – one that had the power to start the all-too familiar avalanche. Headlights…blinding headlights of that car…

Like a parasite, Jason’s emotions attack with force, working on his mind to play tricks an form flashbacks that are temporarily held at bay.

Stopping in his tracks, Jason spins around, almost knocking into Katie. His voice comes out stern. Less angry, but cold. A fear has surfaced. “Get he home. Now.”

3:34am, do you know what our kid is doing?

*Having the key's slapped in her hand Katie shows no change yet on the inside there is an emotional change as the keys dig into her palm.

Turning and watching Jason start to walk away Katie quickly follows still holding the keys.*

"Fat chanse if you think your getting away that easy Jason Stevenson. I said your not going home unless I go with you. So if you walk, than I walk along side."

*Katie continues to follow Jason. Drawing silent though her mind still raged.*


Jason stares at Katie for several long moments, sensing her ire and stubbornness.

“Alright, fine.” He slaps the keys into her hand harder than necessary. “Be my guest.”

Spinning on his heel, he starts for the sidewalk, aiming towards home with a limp. “Have fun,” he mutters.


*As the lights behind her shatter and break, the glass flying Katie dosn't even flinch. As if not even fazing her. Her own eyes blaze, and her emotions continues to shoot in all directions. As if in her own transe nothing alse matters, nothing alse exsists.*

"Your going to have to make me because your not leaving here without me. "

*Katie steps closer to Jason keeping her palm up still waiting for Jason to give her the keys.*

"Give..me...the keys."

*Katie emotions still fly, and the thoughts, the words, and the compunication all mixed up. Some sentinces screaming to stop while other hold more hate. Neather willing to back down.*

"Don't be stupid and just do it before you hurt youself. Because your not the only one who is not in the mood."


Jason’s anger is only heightened by Katie’s return of harsh words. He deserved them, but they did nothing but stir his emotions more.

Her mention of him beating someone up creates an all-too familiar guilt that drives him to become more upset. Just glaring at her, then glancing at her outstretched hand, he moves to open the driver’s side door, shut off the truck engine and pull out the keys. But he doesn’t give them to her.

“Beating someone into non existence?” he hisses. He holds the keys out of her reach. “I think I’ve moved beyond that, don’t you?”

Pure and driven anger, like a lightning bolt is used with force. Suddenly the street light by the parking lot bursts, sending a shower of sparks and shattered glass onto the nearby sidewalk.

Jason’s angry eyes lock with Katie’s. “Tonight is not the night to push me, Katie. For the last time, let me go.”


*Katie shakes her head still looking Jason in the eyes with defiance. His words stung, they stung a lot and hit home all to hard. But in retaileation Katie's own words slips from her mouth like butter on bread.*

"At least I don't lock people out, and push them away knowing good and well its hurting them. Only to return and think everything is ok."

*As Jason's anger flairs more Katie feeds off the emotion, intaking it and grow more and more irratated.*

"Temper temper temper Jason. I'd had to see you bet another person to non exsistiance. Now if your leaving, I am going with you. I came with you, I leave with you! So shut up, give me the keys because your in no shape and lets go!"

*Katie holds out her hand for the truck keys.*

Harsh words

Jason receives Katie’s sharp words, his own anger simply feeding off of them. Her statement of love only serves to create more turmoil as the battle within his one mind rages once more. “And did you ever think that maybe it just never would work between us?”

He stares down into Katie’s eye as she steps closer, gritting his teeth. Her previous comment about fighting like old times brought back memories he’d just as soon not think about. Though at this point in time, he wouldn’t dare raise a hand to her, no matter how angry he was.

Her question causes him to roll his eyes. “I don’t know, you tell me.” He cocks his head in utter defiance. “Or let me guess. Now you’re gonna stab Scott in the back just like you did me.”

As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he regrets them. He knows good and well that it was an incredibly unfair statement. The past had been his fault, not hers. But at the same time, his underlying motive was to get her upset enough that she’d leave him alone.

step down..

*Katie folds her arms across her chest as she looks back at Jason. She new he wasn't feeling well, and that in itself told her not to let him drive off alone. Not to mention him raising his voice at her.*

"I thought you learned along time ago Jason not to yell at me. It's funny how you always blame me J. Come on...lets fight like old times."

*Katie takes a few steps forward her own emotions and anger flaired along with Jason's and clashed in the middle head on. It made Katie's head hurt but she didn't pay any mind to it though it caused her to say things before she thought about it.*

"Your so scaired that if you love me your going to hurt me, but did you even think not loving me is hurting me more?"

*Katie steps a bit closer to Jason coming eye to eye head on. Her arms still crossed as she didn't step down from him.*

"Well, now what..."


Con eyes Katie a moment, seeing something on her face that said all was not right. But…what was it?

Suddenly as Katie slams her fist into the table, all eyes shoot up in her direction, the chatter coming to a screeching halt.

Con instinctively gets to his feet, the concern in his eyes. “Kat, what’s…” Too late, she was already gone.

Those around the table exchange glances. “What on earth was that about?” Phil questions.

Jen shakes her head with worry. “I don’t know.”

“Where’s Jason?” Mike asks.

Con looks around. “Still outside.”

Jen looks around at the others for a moment, then forces a smile to the surface. She didn’t know what was going on, but it was obviously not their business, nor should it be discussed here. “So are we just leaving the rest of this pizza here or what?”

“No way!” Max grabs another slice. “This is too good to waste!”

Axel returns to the table, feeling eyes on him, but doesn’t turn around. Grabbing his chair again, he sinks down, eyeing the front door. Interesting.

“Yo, what took you so long?”

Axel looks up to Logan without missing a beat. “You don’t want to know.”

Logan points at him. “I told you you shouldn’t have had that chilidog at the airport.”

Axel rolls his eyes and leans back, tilting his chair on its back legs. “And you have no sense of table manners.”

Carson glances to Jess and shrugs, giving a little sigh. "I have no idea what that was all about. Strange bloke..."

Jason tries to ignore Katie’s feelings he receives, and is just ready to pull out of the parking lot, when suddenly he spots Katie blocking the path. Slamming on the brakes, anger surfaces for her move, not only because she came after him, but because she’d startled him.

Throwing the truck in park but leaving it running, Jason gets out, slamming the driver’s side door. His head hurt, his sugar was low, his knee was throbbing, his gut was in knots and his emotions were running rampant, trying to get the best of him while in this vulnerable position.

Dang it, Katie!

He sets his hands on his hips. “I’ll run if I darn well please. Now I let you in because you pushed me. I let you see more than I should have because you wouldn’t let it go. Why can’t you just leave well enough alone and see that I’m trying not to get both of us hurt?!”

Jason’s eyes blaze with an anger brought on by so much more than what his emotions were telling him. He wasn’t feeling well, and that just added to it. Words slipped out without him thinking.

“Now quit trying to get yourself run over and let me go!”


*As Katie receves Con's words she trys to muster up her best smile.*

"Yeah, I worked my magic and there they were."

*Katie lets out a sigh as she moved to the table and sets the flowers down. If anyone new something was wrong it would be Con. Katie didn't call him her big brother for nothing.

Glancing twords the door Katie looks for Jason but dosn't see him. Searching emotions she looks for Jason. Hearing his emotions Katie trys not to listen or pry but its hard when they are right there registering in her own mind. As she keeps listing and relizing he was geting into his truck Katie becomes a little more angry.

Why do you always have to run away.

The anger she new could show on her face as she tryed to calm herself. No one alse could hear her thought or understand why she was mad. But as she stood and listened her anger and hurt increased. Till finally without controll Katie slams her fist onto the table.

Darn it Jason, NO! You can't keep running.

Turning around Katie heads outside Mom and Pop's again Katie see Jason's car pulling out of the parking space and heading to the entrince. Moving quickly Katie makes her way across the parking lot and than breaks into a run getting to the entrince and right befor Jason's truck does she stands in the way blocking the exit. Putting her hands on the hood she leans on the truck stairing at Jason through the window eye to eye.

No! Not this time J, I won't let you go.*


As Jason receives Katie’s words, it almost hurts. He can feel her confusion…he knows he just hurt her. But it had to be…it was the only way.

He turns slightly, taking a swipe at his eyes with the back of his arm. His emotions were still high, his pulse not calmed yet. He shakes his head slightly. “Go on, Katie… I’m right behind you.”

“Hey, Kat!” Con hollers at Kate as she reenters Mom and Pop’s. “What took you so long? Did you have to grow those flowers first or what?” He throws her a teasing smile.

Watching Katie go, Jason steps around to the sidewalk again, his hands on his hips, his head down as the takes a deep breath and tries to regain whatever it was he had lost. Leaning onto the hood of his truck, he rests his elbows on it, putting a hand to his forehead where a headache was quickly forming from the stress.

How did I let you into my heart…how did I let you take it piece by piece until you owned it in whole?

Jason swallows hard, as his body starts to recover from the shock. He felt stupid…he felt foolish. How could he have let this get this far? He’d made up his mind a long time ago that he’d never do this again…not to himself…not to Katie. It was too complicated…there was too much risk of pain. But he’d done it…he’d allowed her to see his love.

Could he now just swallow it and go on again as if nothing had happened? There was still so much being unsaid and he knew it. Katie still loved him…he still had a love for her… Then there was Scott. It was a mess and Jason had just made it worse by instigating more interaction than he should have, then letting his and Katie’s communication go too far.

What do I do…how do I tame this longing for a hero that I can’t own? How do I tell you I can’t, and how do I break it to my heart?

Jason’s eyes roam to the door of Mom and Pop’s. Through the window, he could see everyone still there, laughing and talking. He could walk right in as Katie had, throw on a mask and prove to everyone that absolutely nothing was wrong. But right about now, he just didn’t have the stomach for it.

Instead, he takes a rare route for himself. One he knew he’d regret, but right now he just couldn’t stand this turmoil within himself. He digs his truck keys out of his pocket. Katie would get a ride home…no one there would let her go uncared for, that much he knew and trusted. Right now he just needed to think…he needed to put distance between himself and Katie so he could think alone for a while.

Carson fills another pitcher of pop and talks with Herb about tomorrow's schedule before turning around to go back to the busy table. He almost jumps, not having realized that one of the group had returned from the restroom and instead of rejoining the others, he'd taken up the corner stool at the counter, several down from Jess.

Shifting into waiter mode, Carson wipes his hands on a towel. "Can I help you?"

Axel swivels around and eyes him for a moment. "Just taking a good look at the chaos."

Carson can't help a wry grin. "As long as they don't start throwing chairs around, it's not really chaos."

Axel laughs, his eyes dancing. "You've got a point. You seem to know most of them."

"Yeah..." Carson gives a little sigh, the humor subsiding. "I do."

Axel cocks his head. "Long stories are the hardest ones to deal with aren't they."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. This guy was incredibly insightful. "I guess they are."

Axel turns back around, scanning the group. "You know Jason?"

"Yeah, we...we worked together at one point."

"Oh? So is he from around here?"

"I think so. We weren't the best of buddies so we never talked a whole lot. But yeah...as far as I know, he grew up here."

"And his parents?"

Carson is put just a little on edge with all the questions. He'd had too many experiences with nosy people with criminal motives. "Why do you ask?"

Axel turns back around and looks Carson in the eye. "Curious."

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Because I've seen enough of him to know that asking him personal questions isn't the best thing to do right off, if I want to be his friend."

"Smart." Carson picks up some garbage and tosses it into the trashcan. Anyone from the Agency already knew everyone's history and where they all were. Especially now that TJY was public. This guy could find out about Jason many other ways if he wanted to. "His mom's in Texas."

"Ah." Axel nods with interest. "And his dad?"

"Don't know much about that. I think his mom had him while she was still in highschool and her boyfriend ditched her. Don't quote me though."

"I see. That's rough."


Axel thinks for several moments, looking back to his own friends, and the new acquaintances. "Any idea where his dad is?"

Carson stops cleaning again and leans on the counter. "You've about reached your limit."

Axel turns his head to give him a grin. "I figured."

"You have other reasons for asking than just curiosity."

"I do."

"But you're not going to share."

"I don't think so." Axel slides off the stool, putting his hands back in his hoodie pockets. "Thanks, Carson." He walks away, throwing a glance in Jess' direction and giving her a nod as he passes.

Carson looks after him, his eyes narrowing slightly. He'd never told him his name. How did he know?