

Kyle opens one eye, taking a moment to remember where on earth he was. It had only been fifteen minutes or so from Mom and Pop's to here, but it felt like he'd been asleep for an hour.

Turning his head groggily, he sees Misty and quirks a partial grin. "I guess...I better get out of your car then, hmm?"

Trying to wake up enough to function, he unbuckles his seatbelt and slides out of the car, staggering just a little. He looks over his shoulder once and stifles a laugh. "If I'm not careful somebody's gonna think I was out drinking tonight."

Still groggy, he makes his way to the apartment and fishes in his pockets for his keys, finally finding them in a lower pocket. Letting himself in, he trips over a jacket on the floor before switching on the light.

Turning to Misty, he gives a little bow. "Thankee, melady for your kind assistance." His glazed eyes and silly speech prove how tired he is. In the morning he wouldn't even remember this. "I suppose I should take it from here."

Jason raises his head and quirks an eyebrow as Katie sits down next to him. He knew she was loyal despite his harshness...but he hadn't expected her to stay with him. In reality, it made him feel all the more worse for pushing her away like he had. No, he wasn't ready for more, but he could have handled things differently.

Swallowing hard, Jason shifts his weight a little bit, making room for Katie. He just stares at the television for a few minutes, unsure what to say...what to do. He knew tonight would be hard...and he couldn't feel any better, knowing that Katie was there with him.

Finally sighing and relenting to ignore the awkwardness between them, Jason slides down further on the couch to use the armrest rest his head. Shifting onto his side, he brings his legs over and in front of Katie, hooking her waist with one, to pull her down behind him so she could use his hip as a pillow. "Keep the tv down," he mumbles, closing his eyes. "Or Trooper will complain."

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