

*As Jason goes into the kitchen Katie just watches him waiting on Trooper to come back. Once inside she shuts the door and gives he dog a gentil pat on the head leting him know it would be ok.

Slowly Katie enters the kitchen but stays a short distince. She new what was coming, she could feel it in Jason, but she could also feel he wanted to try by himself and that she respected. Leaning aganst the door fram Katie just waits, and watches keeping in toon with his feels so in case anything happend she was close by.

Watching Jason sink to the floor and hearing him call to her to stay Katie's heart give in and her anger is gone, all that remained was her longing to help her friend and keep him safe. Knowing the emotions he had inside and knowing they hurt, Katie could no long just stand there. Moving twords the sink Katie shuts the water off and than slides down next to Jason. Looking to Trooper Katie sees he is nervouse and gives a nod to him.*

"Lay down Trooper. He is gonna be ok."

*Gently Katie lifts Jason's head and places it in her lap as she looks down on him. Running her fingers through Jason's hair like she had so many times in the past. Soft hums come from Katie's lips as her emotions do the talking for her.

It's ok J. Your safe at home with me. I won't let anything hurt you. I never would. I'm sorry I pushed you but its ok now. It's ok, come on J...stay calm. Alex is gone, its only you, me and Trooper here with you. Both of use will protecte you. A Hero and her Sidekick.

Katie continues to run her fingers through Jason's hair as her other hand runs from his face down his neck, over his shoulder and down his arm to find his hand. Her touch soft and gentil. Prying his fingers apart Katie slips hers into his ignoring that he was still squeezing and not letting it bother her. *

*Misty watches Kyle for a long moment. A smile spreading across her face. The poor guy was tucked. Watching how peaceful Kyle was Misty gets out of the car and goes over to the passanger side opening the door. Giving Kyle a gentil shake.*

"Kyle hun, We are home. Come on, wake up so I can get you inside and to bed."

*Jamie looks back to Con a little bit of worry of her own. Things had seemed fine between Katie and Jason as of late but now tonight this. What had happend to make Katie so upset?*

"They would call if something was wrong right Con?"

*Jess catches a figure along side of her and snaps her head up. Relaxing a little as she relizes its one of the guys from the other table Jess cant help but notice he was looking at her, and what looks to be a little smile had formed on her face. Not being able to contoll it Jess mouth turns just just a little but half her shoulder hides it as she looks at Axel. A soft reply escapes her lips.*


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