
No Shirt?

*Katie smiles at Kyle, her eyes twinkling. How she loved the way he joked around she had become to enjoy it. Though knowing what they had to talk to there nre friends was magor there wasent any doubt they would understand and accept them anyways.*

"Ya know J, if we keep hanging around with these guys we might get some good smart pointers on how to talk. Might get us in trouble."

*Katie lets out a laugh.*

"Hey is there anything I can help with? I'd like to do something."

*Katie throws Jason a glance mouthing fast wait till the food. As Katie wheels to try and help with something she looks over to Kyle who is standing with his back to her. Slowly she wheels up behind him bumping into him gently.*

"EXCUSE me sir but I think your in my way. There is not enough room for you to be sanding right there you need to move."

*Katie cant help but let her eyes linger on Kyles as she grins.*

*As Jamie comes back into the living room she see Con has tossed of the blankets again and he was still burning up. Seeing his shirt is driping in sweat Jamie helps Con up and thinking takes his shirt off, in a very inocent way Jamie helps Con lay back down. Going into the kitchen Jamie grabs 2 more towles and returns back to Con placing one on his head again, his neck and his chest. Puting the rest of the blankets over Con. Siting down next to him Jamie runs her hand along His face.*

"Rest for now Con."

*Standing Jamie brings the rest of the soup into the kitchen for later.*


Mike smiles. “Well, I’m glad to have you here.”

“He’s so nice.” Kyle slings a casual arm around Mike’s shoulders, speaking to Katie. “He’s let this place become our second home.”

“Well in that case.” Mike hands him the spatula. “You’re going to help cook the burgers.”

Kyle’s jaw drops as Mike walks to the house to grab the meat. “Now how did I get roped into this?”

“It’s your mouth,” Jen retorts from the table.

Kyle tosses her a smirk. “Oh, nice.”

Jason eases down at the table, feeling so comfortable with these new friends, yet a small dread lingers for the discussion ahead. No one had questioned him yet – he was sure they were simply waiting for him to say when he wanted to talk. Should it be before or after the meal?

Jen looks over to Katie, beaming. “I’m so glad you could come today too. Jason’s great company, but…” She throws him a teasing glance.

“Hey…” Jason smirks at her. “Your brother is a bad influence on you.”

“Who said it isn’t the other way around?” She sticks her tongue out, giggling.

Jason can’t help but laugh, and shakes his head. He glances in Katie’s direction, trying to convey the question of whether they should broach the hard subject now to get it over with, or later, risking ending the evening poorly.

Con barely raises an eyebrow, hearing the female voice. “Jamie…what…” He would have resisted her help or at least have been overcome with embarrassment all over again, had he been more alert. But at this point, he was in no position to argue with anyone. He just lies lamely on the couch as the blankets are piled on, and the towel applied. The coolness feels so good…

As Jamie returns with the food, drink and pills, he hardly wants to move. When she walks away though, he makes the effort to down the pills with some water, and take about two swallows of soup. His throat feels like he’s swallowing sandpaper, and he winces, leaning back into the couch again, leaving the rest of the food untouched.

He can feel his body fighting for all its worth, but the sickness has too great a hold on him, and surges through his veins, insistent on running its course.

Con can feel his breathing start to grow slightly shallow, his pulse a little irregular. He’s so hot… He can hear Jamie’s voice…maybe…was she really even there? His mind begins to play tricks on him and he drifts further away from alertness. His eyes close again and he kicks off half the blankets. He feels as though he’s dreaming, but he’s not quite asleep…He forces his eyes open a crack, simply trying to gain a grasp on reality, but it's slipping awy.

High Temp

*Katie cant help but laugh as she catched her breath. Once Kyle is in the truck Katie smiles over at him.*

"Hey you."

*Its a long nice ride out to Mike's and once there Katie smiles to see Jen as well. Once out of the truck Katie throws her hand up almots smacking Kyle in the face.*


*Katie wheels herself over. Breathing in the nice country air. So fresh and clean and the sun felt so good on her skin.*

"It feels so good to be out of the hospetal. Thanks for the invite. This is a cute place you have here Mike. I like it. Reminds me of back home just a bit smaller."

*Katie smiles happy to once again be with her friends.*

*Jamie hears Con yell to come in and opens the door. The house is very dark and its hard to see but its not a big house and Jamie has been there so many times she knows her way around. Entering the living room she see Con laying on the coutch.*

"Hey Con. Jason got your message from Katie and was super busy at work so asked me to bring you some soup and cough drops."

*Looking down Jamie can tell Con is soaking wet. Bending down fast she feels Con head and removed her head almost instintly. Con was burning up.*

"Oh crap."

*Befor Con can say anything Jamie runs up his steps and grabs some more blankets also geting one of the towles wet to place on his head. Coming back down she throws the wet towle on Con's head and the blanket over top of him.*

"Keep those on Con. We need to break your feaver and keep you warm. I'm going to put this soup on.*

*Jamie heads back into the kitchen and starts the soup. Looking in Con cubard she kinds some Nightqil Gel Caps taking one she finishes up the soup and heads back out to Con handing the pill and some water to him.*

"Here take this and drink this soup please you need it to help you feel better. I'll be right back."

*Jamie heads outside leaving the door open alittle.*

"Hey Reese is Jamie. Your going to kill me....ya...I know..Con is real sick. His temp is sky rocketing and he looks like crap....ya I wanted to keep an eye on him. If I can get away I'll come back later tonight to finish up what I can.....I got it...sorry Reese....Thx...I will."

*Jamie hands up the phone and heads back inside to see how Con is.*

It's open

“Jason, she’s got a head start. Hey, Katie, no fair!” Kyle jogs after her.

Jason shakes his head, rolling his eyes and runs after them, not daring to look at the nurse lest he receive another glare.

Once outside, Kyle takes over, helping Katie into the passenger side of the truck, and putting her wheelchair in the back. “All set!”

Jason swings his leg over his bike and fastens his helmet under his chin. “Good. Lead the way, champ.”

Kyle hops in behind the steering wheel and starts the engine. He throws a grin at Katie. “Hi, by the way.” He looks over his shoulder to back out of the parking space and heads out, making sure Jason is behind them.

On the road, it takes a few minutes to get out of town, then he heads for a back road, taking it for several miles until a small acreage comes into view. It’s a cute little house with a long gravel drive, single barn, and fenced in pastures with tall grass, signaling that no farm animals are present.

“Well, here we are!” Kyle announces. “This is Mike’s place, and…it looks like he’s out back firing up the grill already.”

Mike looks up from lighting the grill in the yard behind the house, and gives a wave. Jennifer is seated in her wheelchair at the picnic table, and Phil is just coming out of the house.

Kyle parks and comes around to Katie’s side, helping her out and back into her chair, while Jason cuts the motor of his cycle.

“Hey, Katie!” Mike hollers at them. “Y’all made it!”

Con furrows his brow, barely awake. Was that a knock at the door? Hearing it again, he knows it. But who would it be? Jason would just let himself in. Nobody else ever came by. The door was unlocked though. Hoping his instincts are correct that it’s a friend and not foe, Con musters up enough strength to call out. “It’s open!” He lifts himself up on an elbow to see into the other room, but sinks back down again as the little motion makes him dizzy. His shirt is soaked with sweat from his rampant fever, and he just hopes that whoever is here doesn’t need anything from him.


*Katie cant help but shreak as the boys go running down the hall. Stairing wide eyes at Kyle as he slams into the door frame.*

" I'll go with you as long as you done slam me into any doors please. Not that I would feel it is you did."

*Katie cant help but laugh again her eyes starting to sparkle. Her windows were open and she could feel the breeze. it felt wonderful.*

"As long as I can get out of here I'll go anywhere with you guys."

*Grabing her backpack Katie puts it in her lap and than grabs on to her wheels.*

"I'll race you both."

*Katie pushes past both boy and heads down the hallway ignoring the nurses warnings.*

*As Jamie looks at her watch she relizes she hasent had anything for lunch. Still a bit worryed about Con she decieds to head over to his place now and just come back and work later tonight. Heading out of the TJY Jamie grabs the soup that she had for lunch and the extra cough drops making her way over to comes. As Jamies heads there she isent even thinking about what happend the day befor she is just worryed about Con. In no time at all Jamie makes to to his house and knocks on the door.*


Jason grins at Jamie. “You’re a gem. Thanks.” He’s quick to go back to his work, dying to get the day over with.

….Jason looks at his watch and slaps his folder shut. It was two in the afternoon and he still hadn’t been able to pull out. But he was done. He’d made a commitment and he wasn’t going to mess it up.

On his way out, he grabs his phone, talking as he walks and pulls on his leather jacket. “Hey, it’s Jason. Yeah… I know, I’m running late. Listen, I talked to Mike about half an hour ago… uh-huh…” He pushes the door open. “Right. No, can you meet me there? Yeah, then I’ll follow. Okay. Great. See you in a few minutes.”

Con’s eyes drift open. He doesn’t know what time it is. He thought he maybe heard the phone ring once, but hadn’t had the energy to get up and answer it. He wants to get up…but his body just feels so heavy, and he’s so…tired….

The motorcycle’s engine echoes through the hospital parking lot as its revved. Jason parks in a familiar space, a pickup pulling up next to him and turning off.

As Jason dismounts his bike, Kyle emerges from the truck. He looks up to the hospital’s second floor and lets out a whoop. “Katie! Your ride is here!!!”

Jason’s eyes widen as he laughs. “Kyle! You’re gonna have the whole staff out here.”

Kyle’s grin widens as the throws his arms in the air, still yelling. “Come on out and take me to the loony bin! I belong there!”

“You lunatic.” Jason shakes his head and starts for the door. “Are you coming, or are you gonna stand out here all day and shout to the wind?”

“I’m not shouting to the wind,” Kyle defends. “I’m shouting to the princess who awaits her carriage.”

“Yeah, some carriage. I’d be afraid with someone like you driving it.”

“Hey now.” Kyle gives Jason’s arm a punch.

They make their way up to the second floor and as the elevator door opens, Kyle points. “Race ya.” He takes off running.

“Wha…” For some reason, all sense flees, and Jason can’t deny the challenge. Without even thinking, he takes off after Kyle, his long legs giving him the advantage to overtake him just as they pass the nurse at the desk, who gives a shriek before glaring at them.

Jason winds up skidding past Katie’s open door, while Kyle slams into the doorframe to catch himself, his face red, and breathing heavily. He stares into Katie’s room, wide-eyed. “Hey, princess! You ready to go or what? Jason and I have to make a quick escape or the guys in white coats are going to catch us. What say you come with us and come out to Mike’s for a barbeque before our powwow?”


*Jamie raises an eyebrow at Jason's comment. Did he know about the kiss or was he just teasing like always. Brushing is off Jamie smiles.*

"Ya Hotshot its not a problem I can grat some stuff and bring it over to him. I wanted to head that way anyhow to see how he was. I get off at 5 if you wanna call and let him know I'll stop by than."

*Jamie smiles up at Jason.*

"Its good to have ya back Hotshot. I'm sure Katie is happy too she miss ya something awfel. Well I better let ya get back to work and do what I need to before Reese has both our tails."

*Jamie turns and starts typing on her computer again when Sapphire calls her over in intercome. Rolling her eyes she stands.*

"I'll never get anything done myself."

*Jamie laughs and walks away.*

*As is draws closer to lunch time Katie gets up out of bed and situated in her wheelchair. Going into the bathroom to push out her hair and put a bit of makeup on to get her some color. After she is finally done she heads back over to her dressed and puts her picture between 2 peaces of cardboard placing it in her backpack. After grabing a few other things she toss her walet into her bag as well. Now all she had to do was wait for Jason. Flipping on the TV she trys to find something to watch.*


Jason feels like a hamster on an exercise wheel as he’s from one end of the floor to the other all morning. They had a lead on the Jackson case. Someone had been wrongly accused of assault and Hal was going in place of Con, but Jason had to get details. They had a lead on the case in the next county regarding the sheriff’s office. …Everything was happening at once it seemed.

As Jason is once more leaving his office, he hears his cell phone ring, but he leaves it be. He’ll check it later. Getting back in just a few minutes, he grabs several stacks of paper and his phone, turning right back around to head into the hall. As he walks, he listens to Katie’s message. He felt bad for Con – Jason couldn’t remember if he’d ever seen him sick. It was pretty unusual. But Reese was breathing down his neck to get all this stuff done before he left for the afternoon, not to mention he’d called Mike to set up a meeting with the band and he’d have to get things ready for that, along with Katie…

Walking back out onto the floor, Jason spies Jamie at her desk. He raises his eyebrows. Oh, now there was a possibility. Jamie and Con always got along, and she’d probably do a better job at getting whatever Con needed than Jason anyway.

Jason leans over her cubicle wall. “Hey, Jamie…you’d do a favor for your good buddies, wouldn’t you?” He holds up his phone. “Katie called…said Con needed a few things like soup and cough drops, but I’ve got a ton of stuff going on today. You wouldn’t happen to have just enough time to swing by his place and deliver a few things would you?”

He shakes his head. “Not only is Con built like a tank, but he’s got the immune system of a tank too, so he must’ve gotten a pretty good dose of whatever’s got him down. I’d make the time to go over there, but if you want to get out of here for a while anyway…?” He grins. “And besides that, I’m sure you know how to dote much better than me.”

Con tosses the broken glass into the trash can and stumbles back into the living room. His hand had stopped bleeding, but he didn’t bother to put anything on it, and the stain on his jeans would never come out.

He draws the curtains closed to darken the living room, and sinks back into the couch to lie down. His whole body ached, and he knew he had a fever along with the chills that were setting in. Not caring about what time it was, or anything he was supposed to get done today, he rolls onto his side and pulls a blanket up over himself. He wasn’t used to getting sick, making it all the more miserable as his worsening headache wasn’t helping matters much.

*Katie frowns at the sound of Con.*

"Ok Big brother. Please sleep, take care and rest ok. I dont want you to get any sicker. A talent show is coming up to raise money at the hospetal and I was thinking of singing in it. I would want you to miss it now. Take care of yourself."

*Katie sighs and hangs up the phone. Poor Con he wasent normaly this disorented and he did sound like crap. Katie leans her head back for a moment and says a small prayer for him. As she opend them again a nurse is standing in front of her.*

"Sorry I dident mean to startle you. I just dident want to bother you. Its time for your therpy."

*Katie nods.*

*As the hours pass Katie finally makes it to her room. Today she spent an extra hour in her therapy and was very excited. She had taken 8 more steps today that she did yesterday. She was making excilent progress even the Doc said he was saprised at How well Katie was going espicly today. Something had lifted her sperits and gave her hope. Katie couldent wait till Jason got back. Remembering Con wanted Jason to bring some soup Katie calls his phone he needed weather he had said never mind or not.*

"Hey J, figured you wouldent answer your probley busy. But can you stop and bring Con some soup and cough drops? Thx Hun. see ya later."


Con tries to chuckle, but ends up coughing instead, making his voice sound even worse. "Yeah, I'll be alright. Takes more than this to take me down." He pauses just a moment. "Tell you what, Kat...you wanna do something for me, have Jason come by here over lunchtime or something with some advil and some cough drops...maybe tell him to pick up a can of soup too...I don't have anything in the house at the moment that would do me any good."

Still lying down, he pauses, reaching over his head for a glass of water on the end table, but ends up bumping it instead, sending the whole thing to the floor. It bounces into the coffee table just right to shatter it, sending pieces of glass into the carpet. "Aw great." He coughs again, wincing as the motion scratches his throat. Twisting around, but not getting up, he reaches onto the floor in an attempt to pick up the glass while one hand is still busy holding the phone. Going for the sharp-edged pieces, he miscalculates the distance and winds up slicing his palm. "Oh, for crying out loud." He withdraws as blood trickles from the fresh wound and runs down his arm. Finally he sits up and looks around, but nothing to stop the annoying bleeding is in sight, and he ends up pressing his palm on his jeans instead.

He sighs. "No..." he shakes his head, changing his mind. "Never mind. Don't bother Jason. He usually stops by in the evening - I can wait. He's got enough to worry about." He looks down at the blood that is staining his jeans, and rolls his eyes. "I appreciate you calling though...I'll try to call you again tonight to touch base."

"Jason! It was downright stupid!"

Jason sinks lower in his chair, seeing the newspaper on Reese's desk, with the picture of JetStream from the night at the park. "Look, nothing happened, alright!"

"First off, why did you do it, and second off, why didn't you make arrangements for someone to watch your back?"

"I had my own reasons," Jason defends. "And they don't know about where I work or anything...I didn't want to scare them."

Reese sighs deeply and leans back in his chair, studying his young employee. "Jason, you're one of the best I've got....you do realize that the stunts you pull are driving me insane."

Jason almost cracks a smile, but resists. "My apologies."

Reese shakes his head and looks at the newspaper thoughtfully, his tone calming down. "Didn't know you were that into the whole music thing...says here you were quite a hit... did you have fun?"

"I had more than fun," Jason answers quickly. "Which is why...I was wondering... JetStream wants me to join them for all their events."

Reese's eyebrows raise. "You think that's wise? They don't even know about your background."

"I know...I would have to tell them and see how they react. They may not want to take the risk."

"How do you know you can trust them with the information that you work at TJY?"

"If my perception and judgment isn't good enough, Susanne has already run a background check on them, and they're clean."

Reese chuckles and shakes his head. "So what are you asking? You want to quit TJY?"

"I couldn't do that," Jason states quickly. "It's not like the band is on the road all the time or anything - they stick to local events, and they all have other jobs they hold down too. I would just need...maybe not so many hours here."

Reese grows solemn. "You're the best, Jase...I don't want to lose you."

"I'll tell the guys that work here is priority. If I'm on a case and can't make a gig, they'll just have to go on without me. If they don't want to do it, they may turn me down anyway. Either way, TJY stays my priority. It has to."

Reese leans forward to rest his arms on his desk and taps a pen on some papers while he thinks. "You really want to do this, don't you?"


Reese sighs again. "I guess I'd rather have you here most of the time happy, then all the time and miserable." He shrugs. "See what the band says. If you sign on with them though, I'm going to insist that someone be at all your events to keep an eye out."

Jason leaves Reese's office, feeling much more positive than when he'd gone in. Maybe there really was a chance this could work...

Are you ok?

*Katie cringes as Con sounds like crap.*

"Hey Con its Kat. I hurd that you were sick and I just wanted to call to see how everything was and if you were gonna be ok. I was worryed about my Big Brother."

*Jamie is a bit saprised to hear that Con would be in today. He seems ok other than shocked yesterday.*

"Ok, if ya need me just yell. I'll be here all day. Than after work I'll stop by Con's to make sure he is ok for ya."

*As Jamie leaves Reese office doubt fills her mind. Maybe she did make a mistake yesterday. Maybe she shouldent have been so forword. Well it was to late now and if there was a price to pay for it so be it. At least Con new now. Jamie sits down at her desk and starts to type some stuff up trying to get her mind off Con.*


Con hears his phone ringing, and almost doesn't answer. Finally though, he rolls over on the couch to pick it up. He'd thrown on a t-shirt and jeans, and gotten all the way into the living room that morning before realizing it was useless to go to work. His head spun just from the effort to answer the phone, and it takes some doing to get his voice to work, as it comes out even lower than normal, causing his throat to burn. "Yeah, hello..."

Reese looks up from his paperwork, obviously frazzled. "Uh, thanks, Jamie. Nothing you can do unless you can get Con over here. I was banking on him being here today, but he sounded like crap when he called in a while ago. Otherwise, I guess just keep an eye on things. Jason's supposed to be here, but not all day, so I might need you to go over a few things he was going to do." He rolls his eyes. "Why on a day like today does everyone bail?"

The Morning

*Finally after a peaceful night sleep Katie's eyes can stay closed no longer. The sun was blasting in the window yelling at her to wake up. As she slowly opens her eyes she can see Jason shuffling about, giving alittle laugh.*

"No rest for the weary huh? Not even you Hotshot."

*Katie cant help but smile as she watches Jason get his stuff together. Though a bit of worry lingers in the back of Katie's mind about Con. He never was sick and if he was he never showed it. Something must really have to be wrong with Con to have him call off.*

"Well even though there is no rest have a good day ok, and I'll be waiting for you when you get out of work dressed and ready so if you want to go talk to Jetstream we can."

*Katie smiles at Jason the sunlight filling the room. Once Jason is gone Katie reaches over and picks up her cell phone dialing Con's number. She wanted to make sure he was ok. This wasent like him at all.*

*As Jamie pulls into TJY she is a bit nervouse about seeing Con but knows the day must go on at a normal day. As she enters TJY she scans the floor but dosent see Con. That was strange he was always there before there. Maybe he was just late today. Jamie heads to Reese office smiling as she walks though. Knocking on the door than entering*

"Hey Reese I just wanted to let you know I was here now and ask if there was anything important you needed me to do."

It Starts

Jason smiles from ear to ear, enjoying Katie's own enjoyment. "Of course I'm gonna give you a ride." He nods to the back of the bike where two helmets are locked in place. "Why do you think I got an extra helmet?"

Slowly he takes Katie's chair again to head back inside, though he wishes they could just stay outside and enjoy the night. It was warm and clear, with just a slight breeze.

Getting back to her room, Jason helps Katie back into bed, and he himself settles on the other bed after popping in a movie. Long before the movie is over though, his eyes have gotten too heavy, and he drifts off to sleep, unable to fight his exhaustion any longer.

Jason's ringing phone wakes him with a start. He's surprised to see the sun coming through the window, and he realizes that he's slept a lot longer than planned. Groaning, he rolls off the bed to stumble to his bag and grabs his phone. "Yeah?" He yawns and rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Reese? Huh?" He glances at his watch. "Oh, yeah, I'm back in town..." He forces a short laugh. "Alright, throw that resignation away and I'll come in. Yeah. No...it's all okay, though there is something I need to talk over with you." Jason moves the curtains with a finger to look out onto the morning, but lets them drop, his eyebrows lifting slightly. "Ah, yes...I figured Wyatt would tell you about that...that's actually what we need to discuss." He cringes. "I know, I know, just... wait, okay? Let me explain when I come in before you get all bent out of shape." He sighs as the subject changes. "You want me to come in for those case files because Con called in sick?" Jason gives a funny look. "I don't think I've known him to have a sick day in his life, but okay...I can do that. Yeah, just give me time to clean up and change my clothes. I'm gonna need the afternoon off though.... No, I'm coming back here to be with Katie and I'll probably have a meeting with some other friends. ...Yeah, okay. Later."

Jason flips his phone shut and gives a little moan, mumbling to himself. "Welcome back, Jason." He goes through his bag pulling out a clean shirt and pair of jeans, still mumbling. "Gotta get to work, talk to Reese, call Con, get a hold of JetStream... there just aren't enough hours in a day."


*Laying in bed Jamie cant help but replay tonights events in her mind. Everytime she thought of the kiss a smile spread across her face. It had been along time since Jamie had felt this way. Tomarrow was work for the both and as much as Jamie dident want to she new she would have to compose herself as to not embaress Con. Thats the last thing she wanted to do. Finally Jamie is able to fall asleep with a smile on her face unable to dream of anything but Con.*

*As Katie sits and make small talk with Jason a new wave washes over her. The feeling of a close friend and it felt good. Katie new that she could always tell Jason anything but now, now it felt like it was just easyer and now he would be able tot alk to her about anything as well.*

"Hey this food isent half bad. Its better than they stuff they semd up to the rooms anyways."

*After finishing and heading outside the night air is warm and feels good. Katie sighs contently. Coming up to Jason's bike Kaite's jaw drops. Wheeling herself alittle closer she runs her hand along the details and the metal.*

"Oh J."

*Katie looks from the bike to Jason back at the bike. A wave hit her that Jason probley looked pritty hott on the bike but as soon as the though came Katie tryed to push it out of her mind. Friend....only friends Kate.*

"I bet you look good on it J. It fits you well. I love it. I approve. Just be safe on it, and ya when I can I want a ride."

*Katie beams at Jason.*


Con turns to watch Jamie head to her car. He opens his mouth to say something, but realizes that he has nothing in mind that he could even verbalize. His stomach is in knots and his palms are sweaty. What was happening to him?

As the headlights of the tow truck come into view, Con has to force himself to push aside this evening's events in order to take care of the matter at hand.

Several hours later...

Con tosses his keys onto the table and wanders into the living room, flopping down in his easy chair. His habit was to go for the television remote, but tonight he just lets the darkness settle in. He reaches over to the answering machine and presses the button. He's surprised but relieved to hear Jason's voice. "Yo, Conrad. I'm heading back your way. I, um...well, thanks for your call. We'll talk more later. For now I'll head for Katie...if I don't show up at your place tonight, it means I stayed at the hospital. Talk to you soon."
Con assumes that by now Jason was probably back in town, and apparently he was at the hospital...which hopefully meant his head was on straight and he and Katie were okay. Good for him.

Too quickly, Con's mind is propelled back to Jamie. He didn't think he'd ever had a women tell him they loved him before... He'd had a girlfriend only once in his life, but they'd both been young without much sense of anything, and it had ended quickly. This...with Jamie...it was something he'd never encountered before. What was he supposed to do?

Con knew that Jamie had just poured her heart out to him. She hadn't been lying, and her feelings were obviously real. But...he hadn't even known... he felt more awkward than anything, and he certainly didn't feel what he would consider to be a romantic love towards her. She'd just always been like a sister... His mind replays the scene in the restaurant, then at the side of the road. Con couldn't deny that all of a sudden something had stirred inside of him. He could assume that it was silly surface emotions that boiled over in the heat of the moment, due to his lack of better judgment. But at the same time...it had all been meant to tease...he'd had no further intentions when he'd kissed Jamie. There should have been no feelings at all, no matter her reaction or not. But...there had been. Something had happened. Something electrical.

He leans further back in his chair with a sigh. If someone would have asked him that very morning if he'd ever been attracted to Jamie, he would have told them they were out of their mind. But he'd seen something different tonight...she wasn't the same... or was it him who wasn't the same? Was what he was feeling a genuine attraction? And if so...was it meant to be laid aside as a fleeting surface emotion that needed to be doused with cold water, or was it meant to be pursued...tested?

Jason becomes just a little thoughtful as he takes Katie down the hall. "Yeah...well...it wasn't quite the same without you around either." He helps her into the cafeteria and through the line, carrying her food and getting settled at a little round table.

Tired of the seriousness in the air, Jason attempts small talk, speaking about his time with Clint, seeing some of the other people at the ranch, and what he saw on his way back to Nevada.

Once the meal is over, Jason wheels Katie back down the hall, but instead of heading for her room, he takes to the door. "Now...I'll introduce you to my new baby." He grins as they go through the doors and out to the parking lot. Many cars are parked in the spaces, and from their angle, as he's heading down the row, it appears to simply be all old vehicles. But as they come around a parked van, the space next to it isn't empty as it had seemed to be. Instead, it's taken by a shiny black motorcycle, the chrome glinting in the beams of the parking lot lights. Faint wisps of sapphire blue accent the paint job. It's not a large bike, though its height is adequate for Jason's long legs, and there is enough room for a second rider.

Jason stops, a smile spreading across his face. "Clint took me to his favorite shop last night and helped me pick her out." He laughs. "He wanted to test drive it too, but it was almost too tall for him." He cocks his head at Katie, realizing his want for her approval. "So...what do you think?"

Wasent the same

*Jamie continues to smile at Con. She is happy that she finally let Con know how she felt. Even if he dident shair her feels. Her heart it felt, free. It was strange how she felt so comfortable with Con. Maybe it was because she new him for so long. Her eyes linger gazing deep into Con's.*

"Its ok Con, You had no idea cuz I dident want you to know till now. You dont need to say anything. Not now I understand."

* Jamies eye truly express she understands how Con feels at the moment and is willing to give him as much time as he needs. Turning Jamie heads back to her car alittle bounce in her step as she is still lightheaded from there kiss and the moment she just shaired with Con. Turning she calls back to him.*

"If ya need anything or just wanna hang out, let me know. You have my number Con."

*Jamie beams her eyes filled with light like the battle with her feels was gone and all that remaind was the love.*

*Katie cant help but beam as Jason helper her into her chair. She though looking at Jason as just a friend would be hard and feel strange but it dident at all. Katie was content with Jason desition.*

" I wonder whats for dinner tonight, my tummy is really growling now."

*Happyness, contentment, peace. All her new feelings she found and Jason was back, things were good. Truly this was part of God's bigger plane and the peace she was looking for. Katie feels a bit nervouse but excited to hear about Jason's new ride.*

"Oh...some new wheels huh? I'd like to see it when we are done."

*Katie lets a sad sigh escape as for a moment Katie thinks of her car. But as fast as it came it went again and she felt happy for Jason.*

" I cant wait to see it J. I'm glad your back. It wasent the same without you."


Con can hear Jamie come up behind him, and tenses just a little, unsure of what she will do or say. She’d seemed less than upset back at the restaurant, but if it had simply been in the heat of the moment after the stunt he’d pulled, there was no telling what her opinion was of him now.

As she comes around in front of him, he sees her eyes…so clear, so bright on this dark evening. How had he never noticed their beauty?

Her hand on his face sends a chill down his spine, and he swallows hard, feeling incredibly awkward and so alive at the same time. He’d felt her touch how many times before? He’d stood before her how many times since he’d known her? And not once had he felt like this.

In a single instant, everything had changed.

Con stands still, stunned by the soft words being spoken. Awkwardness is replaced by pure shock. Jamie had had feelings for him for a long time. Had he been that blind never to have noticed? He’d hung out with her, he’d been a friend…maybe a shoulder a time or two. But…love?

For but a moment, he’s not even sure if he can believe Jamie… but her tone…her eyes…they didn’t lie. She meant every word. Reality tries to convince him that whatever Jamie is feeling is just surface and will pass – his impulsiveness had simply driven it over the top. But…he can’t deny the depth of the emotion in her eyes. He can’t deny the resounding truth in her words.

Right before Con’s eyes, a transformation takes place. Jamie…the young girl…the ‘little sister’…the buddy coworker… they fade away, replaced by a woman who was laying her heart bare before him. She’s not the Jamie he has known these last few years…somehow…somewhere along the way, she had changed into someone that he had simply been blind to. This woman before him was not the same girl he’d met when she’d started working at TJY. There was so much more to her…so much more depth than he’d ever seen before, and it left him lingering in the same state of shock.

After a long pause, he finally reaches to take her hand in his. For the first time in his life, his fingers tremble slightly. A thousand emotions pool behind his eyes, and his voice returns softer and gentler than ever before. “I had no idea, Jamie.” He pauses again, his mind so busy that he simply doesn’t know where to go from here. He can’t even decipher his own feelings as they bounce in all directions. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

Jason grins and stands up from the bed, beginning to relax around Katie again. “Alright then. Lets get you out of this dang room.” He gets her wheelchair in place, and doesn’t even give her enough time to do anything herself, but reaches down to pick her up and set her in the chair. “…And maybe after supper we can slip on outside so you can see my new set of wheels too.”
He aims for the door, a feeling of contentment settling over him. There was so much he was thinking of…but Katie always seemed to make it easier.

A Single Whisper Of Love

*As Jamie listens to Con say sorry a feeling comes over her. No...Con couldent think he had done something wrong. These feeling inside her, they had been let free and could not be put back now. It was all or nothing. She had grown to love Con and there was no if and or but about it. He's been there for her though the past. He was her shoulder to cry on and they grew as friends from there till one day Jamie relized she did love him. There was no turning that back now. Slowly Jamie gets out of her car and comes upbehind Con. Strafing around him so she is in front to meet his eyes. It was dark out now and the only light on the darkroad was the moon and stars. They were there, now in the glory of god and his wonderful sky. Gently Jamie rubs her hand on the side of Con's face and down his neck till resting it on his shoulder. Looking Con dead in the eyes Jamie brings her lips close to Con's ear at she stands on her tip toes softly speeking.*

"Don't be sorry Con. I'm not. I cant turn back now and hold my feeling in. Its been to long I have. Its time to let them free, and its time for you to know. Con, I love you. I've loved you for a very long time now but opted to keep that feeling hidden away. I know you probley dont know what to say or what to feel, and thats ok. I wouldent exspect you to right away. But Con...I wanted you to know how I feel."

*Jamie breaths softly for a moment her lips lingering close to Con ear. Than slowly Jamie pulls herself away, her eyes never leaving Con's.*

*Katie smiles at Jason. It was a nice feeling for him to addmit he wanted her with him to tell the band. It would be nice to shair there story together. KAtie tummy grumbles making her relize she hasent eaten dinner. Katie laughs.*

"I guess I havent. Dident think about it till now. Thats also a silly question to ask Jason. OF corse I want you to eat with me. I couldent think of anyone better than my best bud J to eat with."

*Kaite beams at Jason.*

"If you can help me into my chair I'd like to go to the Cafe with you. I'm geting very sick and antcy of being in bed and this room."


Con almost jumps as Jamie touches her shoulder. But it’s not the startled feeling that lingers, but rather one as if she’d had an electrical current running through her fingers.

He sighs and walks lamely to the car, sliding into the passenger seat, his long legs taking up all the room available. His hands are set on his lap, and he stares out the windshield, unable to even dare look over to Jamie. He opens his mouth once to say something, but then changes his mind, and simply remains silent until they reach his car by the side of the road.

After Jamie’s vehicle is stopped, Con is quick to exit. He goes to his car, but reaching it, he leans up against it, his back still to Jamie, but within earshot. He couldn’t just let this go. “Jamie…I’m sorry.” Though not even seeing her, his face grows hot all over again. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow at Katie’s suggestion of security. He almost questions her as she still can’t walk, but he decides to let it go for now.

He looks at her, his eyes narrowing slightly as she mentions letting people make their own decisions. Maybe he did try to second guess or even dictate people... He knew he’d done that with Katie… But he was only trying to protect those he cared about…

A slight chuckle escapes in reference to Kyle. “Yeah, he was razzing me before I left about that. I have a feeling he knows I’m into something heavy, and has probably figured as much out about you, but would rather tease than ask directly.”

Jason sighs deeply, lost in thought for a moment. “I’d like it if we told them together…they need to know about both of us. And if I crash and burn, at least I won’t be alone.” He grins a little. “But…I’ll call them about meeting sometime tomorrow. For now…have you eaten supper? I haven’t had a bite since lunch, and you know I’ll be great company if I wait any longer.” He rolls his eyes. “That is…if you don’t mind me eating here…with you.”